using System; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects { [CustomEditor (typeof(Tonemapping))] class TonemappingEditor : Editor { SerializedObject serObj; SerializedProperty type; // CURVE specific parameter SerializedProperty remapCurve; SerializedProperty exposureAdjustment; // REINHARD specific parameter SerializedProperty middleGrey; SerializedProperty white; SerializedProperty adaptionSpeed; SerializedProperty adaptiveTextureSize; void OnEnable () { serObj = new SerializedObject (target); type = serObj.FindProperty ("type"); remapCurve = serObj.FindProperty ("remapCurve"); exposureAdjustment = serObj.FindProperty ("exposureAdjustment"); middleGrey = serObj.FindProperty ("middleGrey"); white = serObj.FindProperty ("white"); adaptionSpeed = serObj.FindProperty ("adaptionSpeed"); adaptiveTextureSize = serObj.FindProperty("adaptiveTextureSize"); } public override void OnInspectorGUI () { serObj.Update (); GUILayout.Label("Mapping HDR to LDR ranges since 1982", EditorStyles.miniLabel); Camera cam = (target as Tonemapping).GetComponent(); if (cam != null) { if (!cam.hdr) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The camera is not HDR enabled. This will likely break the Tonemapper.", UnityEditor.MessageType.Warning); } else if (!(target as Tonemapping).validRenderTextureFormat) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The input to Tonemapper is not in HDR. Make sure that all effects prior to this are executed in HDR.", UnityEditor.MessageType.Warning); } } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (type, new GUIContent ("Technique")); if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.UserCurve) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (remapCurve, new GUIContent ("Remap curve", "Specify the mapping of luminances yourself")); } else if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.SimpleReinhard) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (exposureAdjustment, new GUIContent ("Exposure", "Exposure adjustment")); } else if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.Hable) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (exposureAdjustment, new GUIContent ("Exposure", "Exposure adjustment")); } else if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.Photographic) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (exposureAdjustment, new GUIContent ("Exposure", "Exposure adjustment")); } else if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.OptimizedHejiDawson) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (exposureAdjustment, new GUIContent ("Exposure", "Exposure adjustment")); } else if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.AdaptiveReinhard) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (middleGrey, new GUIContent ("Middle grey", "Middle grey defines the average luminance thus brightening or darkening the entire image.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (white, new GUIContent ("White", "Smallest luminance value that will be mapped to white")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (adaptionSpeed, new GUIContent ("Adaption Speed", "Speed modifier for the automatic adaption")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (adaptiveTextureSize, new GUIContent ("Texture size", "Defines the amount of downsamples needed.")); } else if (type.enumValueIndex == (int) Tonemapping.TonemapperType.AdaptiveReinhardAutoWhite) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (middleGrey, new GUIContent ("Middle grey", "Middle grey defines the average luminance thus brightening or darkening the entire image.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (adaptionSpeed, new GUIContent ("Adaption Speed", "Speed modifier for the automatic adaption")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (adaptiveTextureSize, new GUIContent ("Texture size", "Defines the amount of downsamples needed.")); } GUILayout.Label("All following effects will use LDR color buffers", EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel); serObj.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } }