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277 lines
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5 years ago
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MessagePack
// NonGeneric API
public static partial class MessagePackSerializer
public static class NonGeneric
static readonly Func<Type, CompiledMethods> CreateCompiledMethods;
static readonly MessagePack.Internal.ThreadsafeTypeKeyHashTable<CompiledMethods> serializes = new MessagePack.Internal.ThreadsafeTypeKeyHashTable<CompiledMethods>(capacity: 64);
static NonGeneric()
CreateCompiledMethods = t => new CompiledMethods(t);
public static byte[] Serialize(Type type, object obj)
return GetOrAdd(type).serialize1.Invoke(obj);
public static byte[] Serialize(Type type, object obj, IFormatterResolver resolver)
return GetOrAdd(type).serialize2.Invoke(obj, resolver);
public static void Serialize(Type type, Stream stream, object obj)
GetOrAdd(type).serialize3.Invoke(stream, obj);
public static void Serialize(Type type, Stream stream, object obj, IFormatterResolver resolver)
GetOrAdd(type).serialize4.Invoke(stream, obj, resolver);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, byte[] bytes)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize1.Invoke(bytes);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, byte[] bytes, IFormatterResolver resolver)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize2.Invoke(bytes, resolver);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, Stream stream)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize3.Invoke(stream);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, Stream stream, IFormatterResolver resolver)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize4.Invoke(stream, resolver);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, Stream stream, bool readStrict)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize5.Invoke(stream, readStrict);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, Stream stream, IFormatterResolver resolver, bool readStrict)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize6.Invoke(stream, resolver, readStrict);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, ArraySegment<byte> bytes)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize7.Invoke(bytes);
public static object Deserialize(Type type, ArraySegment<byte> bytes, IFormatterResolver resolver)
return GetOrAdd(type).deserialize8.Invoke(bytes, resolver);
static CompiledMethods GetOrAdd(Type type)
return serializes.GetOrAdd(type, CreateCompiledMethods);
class CompiledMethods
public readonly Func<object, byte[]> serialize1;
public readonly Func<object, IFormatterResolver, byte[]> serialize2;
public readonly Action<Stream, object> serialize3;
public readonly Action<Stream, object, IFormatterResolver> serialize4;
public readonly Func<byte[], object> deserialize1;
public readonly Func<byte[], IFormatterResolver, object> deserialize2;
public readonly Func<Stream, object> deserialize3;
public readonly Func<Stream, IFormatterResolver, object> deserialize4;
public readonly Func<Stream, bool, object> deserialize5;
public readonly Func<Stream, IFormatterResolver, bool, object> deserialize6;
public readonly Func<ArraySegment<byte>, object> deserialize7;
public readonly Func<ArraySegment<byte>, IFormatterResolver, object> deserialize8;
public CompiledMethods(Type type)
var ti = type.GetTypeInfo();
// public static byte[] Serialize<T>(T obj)
var serialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { null });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "obj");
var body = Expression.Call(serialize, ti.IsValueType
? Expression.Unbox(param1, type)
: Expression.Convert(param1, type));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, byte[]>>(body, param1).Compile();
this.serialize1 = lambda;
// public static byte[] Serialize<T>(T obj, IFormatterResolver resolver)
var serialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { null, typeof(IFormatterResolver) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "obj");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFormatterResolver), "formatterResolver");
var body = Expression.Call(serialize, ti.IsValueType
? Expression.Unbox(param1, type)
: Expression.Convert(param1, type), param2);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, IFormatterResolver, byte[]>>(body, param1, param2).Compile();
this.serialize2 = lambda;
// public static void Serialize<T>(Stream stream, T obj)
var serialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), null });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "stream");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "obj");
var body = Expression.Call(serialize, param1, ti.IsValueType
? Expression.Unbox(param2, type)
: Expression.Convert(param2, type));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<Stream, object>>(body, param1, param2).Compile();
this.serialize3 = lambda;
// public static void Serialize<T>(Stream stream, T obj, IFormatterResolver resolver)
var serialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), null, typeof(IFormatterResolver) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "stream");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "obj");
var param3 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFormatterResolver), "formatterResolver");
var body = Expression.Call(serialize, param1, ti.IsValueType
? Expression.Unbox(param2, type)
: Expression.Convert(param2, type), param3);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<Stream, object, IFormatterResolver>>(body, param1, param2, param3).Compile();
this.serialize4 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(byte[] bytes)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(byte[]) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(byte[]), "bytes");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<byte[], object>>(body, param1).Compile();
this.deserialize1 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(byte[] bytes, IFormatterResolver resolver)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(IFormatterResolver) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(byte[]), "bytes");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFormatterResolver), "resolver");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1, param2), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<byte[], IFormatterResolver, object>>(body, param1, param2).Compile();
this.deserialize2 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(Stream) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "stream");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Stream, object>>(body, param1).Compile();
this.deserialize3 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream, IFormatterResolver resolver)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(IFormatterResolver) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "stream");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFormatterResolver), "resolver");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1, param2), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Stream, IFormatterResolver, object>>(body, param1, param2).Compile();
this.deserialize4 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream, bool readStrict)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(bool) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "stream");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool), "readStrict");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1, param2), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Stream, bool, object>>(body, param1, param2).Compile();
this.deserialize5 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream, IFormatterResolver resolver, bool readStrict)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(IFormatterResolver), typeof(bool) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Stream), "stream");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFormatterResolver), "resolver");
var param3 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool), "readStrict");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1, param2, param3), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Stream, IFormatterResolver, bool, object>>(body, param1, param2, param3).Compile();
this.deserialize6 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(ArraySegment<byte> bytes)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(ArraySegment<byte>) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ArraySegment<byte>), "bytes");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<ArraySegment<byte>, object>>(body, param1).Compile();
this.deserialize7 = lambda;
// public static T Deserialize<T>(ArraySegment<byte> bytes, IFormatterResolver resolver)
var deserialize = GetMethod(type, new Type[] { typeof(ArraySegment<byte>), typeof(IFormatterResolver) });
var param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ArraySegment<byte>), "bytes");
var param2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IFormatterResolver), "resolver");
var body = Expression.Convert(Expression.Call(deserialize, param1, param2), typeof(object));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<ArraySegment<byte>, IFormatterResolver, object>>(body, param1, param2).Compile();
this.deserialize8 = lambda;
// null is generic type marker.
static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type type, Type[] parameters)
return typeof(MessagePackSerializer).GetRuntimeMethods().Where(x =>
if (!(x.Name == "Serialize" || x.Name == "Deserialize")) return false;
var ps = x.GetParameters();
if (ps.Length != parameters.Length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++)
if (parameters[i] == null && ps[i].ParameterType.IsGenericParameter) continue;
if (ps[i].ParameterType != parameters[i]) return false;
return true;