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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UltraReal;
namespace UltraReal
public class AnimationCurveProperty
public AnimationCurve flickerCurve;
public float timeLength = 1f;
public bool randomStartTime = false;
float _startTime = 0;
float _currentTime = 0;
public float EvaluateStep(float delta)
if(_startTime==0 && randomStartTime)
_startTime = Random.Range(0.01f,1f);
_currentTime += delta;
return flickerCurve.Evaluate(((_currentTime/timeLength) + _startTime)%1f);
public class flicker : MonoBehaviour {
public float lightIntensity = 1f;
public AnimationCurveProperty flickerCurve;
void Update () {
GetComponent<Light>().intensity = lightIntensity * flickerCurve.EvaluateStep(Time.deltaTime);