You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class FireCarEngine
public int Id;
* 0:水罐车
* 1:泡沫车
* 2:干粉车
* 3:登高车/举高车
* 4:高喷车
* 5:云梯车
* 6:排烟车
* 7:抢险车
* 8:器材车
* 9:照明车
* 10:洗消车
* 11:远程供水车
* 12:供气车
* 13:抢修车
* 14:加油车
* 15:运兵车
* 16:保障车
* 17:涡旋车
* 18:化学事故救援车
* 19:破拆车
* 20:装备抢险车
* 21:泡沫干粉连用车
* 22:饮食保障车
* 23:通信指挥车
* 24:超高层供水车
* 25:空气呼吸充气车
* 26:救护车
* 27:警车
* 28:电力抢修车
* 29:燃气抢修车
* 30:供水抢修车
* */
public int Type;
public string TypeName;
public string DisplayName;
public int? PassengerCapacity;/*选填*/
public int? WaterAmount;
public int? FoamAmount;
public int? DryPowderAmount;
public int? Height;
public int IsActive;
public int OrganizationId;
public string OrganizationName;