You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class UIViewAnalyze : UIView {
public CommonButton ButtonEnter;
// 表现最好的中队
public Text ZhongDuiBest;
// 表现最好的指挥员
public Text ZhiHuiBest;
// 表现最好的环节,得分
public Text HuanJieBest;
// 表现最差的环节,得分
public Text HuanJieBad;
// 控火环节表现最好的中队
public Text FireScoreBest;
// 救人环节表现最好的中队
public Text SaveScoreBest;
// 侦察环节表现最好的中队
public Text LookAtScoreBest;
// 冷却环节表现最好的中队
public Text CoolScoreBest;
// 供水环节表现最好的中队
public Text WaterScoreBest;
// 优势
public Text StrengthScore;
// 劣势
public Text WeaknessesScore;
// 紧缺的车辆
public Text NeedScore;
// 胜利或失败的最大原因
public Text WinOrLostScore;
// 改进建议
public Text LevelUpScore;
private void Start()
ZhongDuiBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetZhongDuiBest();
ZhiHuiBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetZhiHuiBest();
HuanJieBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetHuanJieBest();
HuanJieBad.text = ReportDataMgr.GetHuanJieBad();
FireScoreBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetFireScoreBest();
SaveScoreBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetSaveScoreBest();
LookAtScoreBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetLookAtScoreBest();
CoolScoreBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetCoolScoreBest();
WaterScoreBest.text = ReportDataMgr.GetWaterScoreBest();
StrengthScore.text = ReportDataMgr.GetStrengthScore();
WeaknessesScore.text = ReportDataMgr.GetWeaknessesScore();
NeedScore.text = ReportDataMgr.GetNeedScore();
WinOrLostScore.text = ReportDataMgr.GetWinOrLostScore();
LevelUpScore.text = ReportDataMgr.GetLevelUpScore();
public override UIViewType ViewType
return UIViewType.Normal;
private void OnEnable()
ButtonEnter.OnClicked += ButtonEnter_OnClicked;
private void OnDisable()
ButtonEnter.OnClicked -= ButtonEnter_OnClicked;
private void ButtonEnter_OnClicked(CommonButton obj)