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4 years ago
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// 油罐灾情库数据类
/// </summary>
public class OilTankDisaster : Disaster
public string MatterContainer;//储物
public float Reserves;//储量
public float TakeTime;//承受多少时间发生爆炸或变形
public float DurationTime;//承受多少时间发生喷溅沸溢
public float FlowRate;//泄漏流速(㎥/s)
public float BoilProb;//喷溅沸溢发生几率
public bool HasLeakeSet;//此罐是否发生泄漏:若为true,则不能再修改储量设置
// 是否会爆炸
public bool IsCanExplode = false;
// 是否可以爆炸
public bool isBoilOver = false;
// 受热发生爆炸时间
public int ExplodeTime = 0;
// 爆炸致死范围
public int ExplodeDeadRange = 0;
// 爆炸致伤范围
public int ExplodeHurtRange = 0;
// 喷溅时间
public int SplashTime = 0;
// 发生喷溅几率
public int SplashProbability = 0;
// 沸溢几率
public int BoilOverTime = 0;
// 发生沸溢几率
public int BoilOverProbability = 0;
// 喷溅死亡范围
public int BoilOverDeadRange = 0;