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4 years ago
using AX.InputSystem;
using AX.NetworkSystem;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// 油罐爆炸
/// </summary>
public class OilTanksExplode : MonoBehaviour
// 是否发生爆炸
public bool IsExplode = false;
// 罐体是否受热,冷却强度是否足够
public bool IsHeating = false;
//// 热负荷,需要的冷却强度-千焦/小时 /3600千焦/秒
//public float HeatLoad = 3600f;
// 爆炸音效-音效
public AudioClip ExplodeAudio;
// 正常罐模型
public GameObject NomalModel;
// 爆炸罐模型
public GameObject ExplodeModel;
// 受到的爆炸力
private float power = 2000f;
private Vector3 explosionPos;
private float radius = 20f;
public GameObject particle;
// 冷却组件
public List<OilTanksCooling> Coolings;
// 罐体信息
public OilTankMessage OilData;
private void Awake()
OilTanksExplodeManager.AddOilTanksExplode(gameObject.name, this);
private void OnDestroy()
public void Explode(Vector3 point)
//Vector3 point = transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-6, 6), 6, Random.Range(-6, 6));
Instantiate(particle, point, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0)));
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(point, radius);
foreach (Collider hits in colliders) //遍历碰撞器数组
if (hits.GetComponent<Rigidbody>())
hits.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddExplosionForce(power, point, radius);
// 如果是导调组,创建
if (CurrentUserInfo.role == Role.)
// 如果没有生成全页面火
if (!CheckHaveLiquidLevel())
CloneLiquidLevelFire(NomalModel.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 10, 0));
// 对伤员造成伤害
private void HurtOnMan()
// 获取所有重伤员
BaseHaemalController[] wounded = GameObject.Find("P_AllParent/P_Disasters/P_Wounded").GetComponentsInChildren<BaseHaemalController>();
// 获取所有轻伤员
BaseHaemalController[] trappedPerson = GameObject.Find("P_AllParent/P_Disasters/P_TrappedPerson").GetComponentsInChildren<BaseHaemalController>();
// 获取所有伤员
List<BaseHaemalController> allPerson = new List<BaseHaemalController>();
// 检测伤员与爆炸的距离
foreach (var item in allPerson)
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, item.transform.position);
if (distance <= OilData.ExplodeDeadRange)
item.Haemal = 0;
else if (distance <= OilData.ExplodeHurtRange)
if (item.Haemal > 50)
item.Haemal = 50;
public void CloneLiquidLevelFire(Vector3 pos)
var arg = new CloneCmdArgs();
if (NomalModel.transform.GetComponent<BaseGameObjInfo>())
arg.gameObjID = NomalModel.transform.GetComponent<BaseGameObjInfo>().GameObjID;
arg.cloneObjType = CloneObjType.LiquidLevel;
arg.hitPos = pos;
CloneCommand.Instance.Execute(EntitiesManager.Instance.CreateObjID(CurrentUserInfo.mySelf.Id), arg);
private float time = 0;
void Update()
// 导调组,非灾情库模式,未爆炸
if (GameSettings.othersSettings.mode != Mode.DisasterManagement
&& CurrentUserInfo.role == Role.
&& !IsExplode
&& GameSettings.othersSettings.isStartDrill
// 检查周围是否有火源
// 检查罐体是否正在受热
if (IsHeating)
time += Time.deltaTime;
if (time >= OilData.ExplodeTime * 60)
// 罐体可以发生爆炸
if (OilData.IsCanExplode)
IsExplode = true;
foreach (var item in Coolings)
item.IsOver = true;
Vector3 point = transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-6, 6), 6, Random.Range(-6, 6));
ExplodeData data = new ExplodeData() { Name = gameObject.name, Point = point };
NetworkManager.Default.SendAsync("OLITANKS_EXPLODE_SYNC", data);
private void CheckIsHeating()
IsHeating = false;
foreach (var item in Coolings)
if (item.IsHeating)
if (item.IsCooling == false)
IsHeating = true;
// 查询附近火源
public void SearchNearUnits()
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, 20f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Thermal"));
if (colliders.Length > 0)
//IsHeating = true;
foreach (var item in Coolings)
item.IsHeating = true;
foreach (var item in Coolings)
item.IsHeating = false;
//IsHeating = false;
// 检测是否存在全液面火
public bool CheckHaveLiquidLevel()
Vector3 position = transform.position + new Vector3(0, 10, 0);
Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 5f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Thermal"));
if (colliders.Length > 0)
// 远近由索引限定
for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
if (colliders[i].GetComponent<CloneGameObjInfo>().gameObjType == CloneObjType.LiquidLevel)
return true;
return false;
public class OilTanksExplodeManager
static Dictionary<string, OilTanksExplode> OilTanksExplodes = new Dictionary<string, OilTanksExplode>();
public static void AddOilTanksExplode(string name, OilTanksExplode oilTanksExplode)
if (!OilTanksExplodes.ContainsKey(name))
OilTanksExplodes.Add(name, oilTanksExplode);
public static void RemoveOilTanksExplode(string name)
if (OilTanksExplodes.ContainsKey(name))
public static void OilTanksExplodeByName(string name, Vector3 point)
if (OilTanksExplodes.ContainsKey(name))
public class ExplodeData
public string Name;
public Vector3 Point;