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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using AX.MessageSystem;
using System;
using AX.InputSystem;
using AX.NetworkSystem;
/// <summary>
/// 全液面火的控制
/// </summary>
public class FireLiquidLevelCtrl : MonoBehaviour
private ParticleSystem lg1PS;
private ParticleSystem lg2PS;
private ParticleSystem smokePS;
private BoxCollider boxCollider;
public float fireScale = 1.0f;
public float FireScale
get { return fireScale; }
set { fireScale = value; ChangeFireState(); }
public string showTime = "00:00:00";//多少时间以后显示出来
private float minScale = 0.2f;
private float maxScale = 2.0f;
private float scaleSpeed = 2.0f;
private Vector3 boxCol_fire;//x,z:4.7-47
private Vector3 box_smoke;//(1,1,0.5)-(20,20,10)
private Vector3 pos_smoke;//Y:20-28.4
public long TargetNormalID;
// Use this for initialization
private void Awake()
lg1PS = transform.Find("GroundFire_LG1").GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
lg2PS = transform.Find("GroundFire_LG2").GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
smokePS = transform.Find("Fire_Smoke_LG").GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
boxCol_fire = boxCollider.size;
box_smoke = smokePS.shape.scale;
pos_smoke = smokePS.transform.localPosition;
FireScale = fireScale;
void Start()
MessageDispatcher.AddListener("FIRE_LIQUID_LEVEL_SCALE_COMMAND", Equals);
//MessageDispatcher.AddListener("FIRE_LIQUID_LEVEL_SCALE_COMMAND", Minus);
FireScaleValue.GetAllFireScales += addMyFireScale;
BurnTimer.isBurning = true;
private void Update()
//if (Input.GetButton("Plus"))
// if (fireScale <= maxScale)
// {
// fireScale += Time.deltaTime * scaleSpeed;
// ChangeFireState();
// }
// else
// {
// fireScale = maxScale;
// }
// ChangeFireState();
//if (Input.GetButton("Reduce"))
// if (fireScale >= minScale)
// {
// fireScale -= Time.deltaTime * scaleSpeed;
// }
// else
// {
// fireScale = minScale;
// }
// ChangeFireState();
private void OnDestroy()
MessageDispatcher.RemoveListener("FIRE_LIQUID_LEVEL_SCALE_COMMAND", Equals);
//MessageDispatcher.RemoveListener("FIRE_LIQUID_LEVEL_SCALE_COMMAND", Minus);
FireScaleValue.GetAllFireScales -= addMyFireScale;
MessageDispatcher.SendMessage("BurnTimeSet"); //BurnTimer.BurnTimeSet()
private void Equals(IMessage msg)
if (!GameSettings.othersSettings.isStartDrill)
var data = ((FireLiquidLevelCmdArgs)msg.Data);
if (GetComponent<BaseGameObjInfo>().gameObjID == data.SelectgameObjID)
//fireScale = data.FireScale;
FireScale = data.FireScale;
if (GameSettings.othersSettings.mode != Mode.DisasterManagement)
FireLiquidScaleSyncData arg = new FireLiquidScaleSyncData();
arg.gameObjID = GetComponent<CloneGameObjInfo>().gameObjID;
arg.SendUserID = CurrentUserInfo.mySelf.Id;
arg.firescale = FireScale;
arg.oilTankID = TargetNormalID;
NetworkManager.Default.SendAsync("SET_FIRE_LIQUID_SYNC", arg);
// ChangeFireState();
//private void Minus(IMessage msg)
// if (gameObject.name == (string)msg.Data)
// {
// if (fireScale >= minScale)
// {
// fireScale -= Time.deltaTime * scaleSpeed;
// }
// else
// {
// fireScale = minScale;
// }
// ChangeFireState();
// }
/// <summary>
/// 改变火的状态
/// </summary>
private void ChangeFireState()
var box_xz = GetValueAccordingStandardValue(4.7f, 47f);
boxCollider.size = new Vector3(box_xz, boxCol_fire.y, box_xz);
SetRate(lg1PS, 25f, 250f);
var radius_lg1 = lg1PS.shape;
radius_lg1.radius = GetValueAccordingStandardValue(2.2f, 22f);
SetRate(lg2PS, 10f, 100f);
var radius_lg2 = lg2PS.shape;
radius_lg2.radius = GetValueAccordingStandardValue(1f, 10f);
SetRate(smokePS, 1f, 5f);
SetStartSize(smokePS, 10f, 20f, 50f, 100f);
var box_Smoke = smokePS.shape;
box_Smoke.scale = new Vector3(GetValueAccordingStandardValue(1f, 20f),
GetValueAccordingStandardValue(1f, 20f),
GetValueAccordingStandardValue(0.5f, 10f));
smokePS.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(pos_smoke.x, GetValueAccordingStandardValue(20f, 28.4f), pos_smoke.z);
private float GetValueAccordingStandardValue(float min, float max)
return (fireScale - minScale) / (maxScale - minScale) * (max - min) + min;
private void SetRate(ParticleSystem ps, float min, float max)
var emission = ps.emission;
var rate = emission.rateOverTime;
rate.constant = GetValueAccordingStandardValue(min, max);
emission.rateOverTime = rate;
private void SetStartSize(ParticleSystem ps, float min_min, float min_max, float max_min, float max_max)
var main = ps.main;
var startSize = main.startSize;
startSize.constantMin = GetValueAccordingStandardValue(min_min, max_min);
startSize.constantMax = GetValueAccordingStandardValue(min_max, max_max);
main.startSize = startSize;
private FloatData addMyFireScale(FloatData area)
GameObject mytank = EntitiesManager.Instance.GetEntityByID(TargetNormalID);
//float r = mytank.GetComponent<OilTankMessage>().Tank_D / 2;
//float myscale = Mathf.PI * (r * r);
float myscale = Mathf.RoundToInt(GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size.x)
* Mathf.RoundToInt(GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size.z);
area.value += myscale;
return area;