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using System;
namespace AX.AudioSystem
public enum OpusEncoderGetRequest
Application = 4001,
Bitrate = 4003,
MaxBandwidth = 4005,
VBR = 4007,
Bandwidth = 4009,
Complexity = 4011,
InbandFec = 4013,
PacketLossPercentage = 4015,
Dtx = 4017,
VBRConstraint = 4021,
ForceChannels = 4023,
Signal = 4025,
LookAhead = 4027,
SampleRate = 4029,
FinalRange = 4031,
LsbDepth = 4037,
ExpertFrameDuration = 4041,
PredictionDisabled = 4043
public enum OpusEncoderSetRequest
Application = 4000,
Bitrate = 4002,
MaxBandwidth = 4004,
VBR = 4006,
Bandwidth = 4008,
Complexity = 4010,
InbandFec = 4012,
PacketLossPercentage = 4014,
Dtx = 4016,
VBRConstraint = 4020,
ForceChannels = 4022,
Signal = 4024,
LsbDepth = 4036,
ExpertFrameDuration = 4040,
PredictionDisabled = 4042,
public enum OpusDecoderGetRequest
Bandwidth = 4009,
SampleRate = 4029,
FinalRange = 4031,
Gain = 4045,
Pitch = 4033,
LastPacketDuration = 4039
public enum OpusDecoderSetRequest
Gain = 4034