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using AX.Network.Common;
using AX.Network.Protocols;
using AX.Serialization;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace AX.Serialization
public static partial class SerializationExtensions
public static T Deserialize<T>(this BufferSegment segment)
using (var stream = new BufferStream(segment))
return Deserialize<T>(stream);
namespace AX.NetworkSystem
public enum MessageType : byte
Sync = 0,
Request = 1,
Reply = 2
public static class BinaryProtocolExtensions
private const int MessageLength = 4;
private const int IDLength = 8;
private const int MessageTypeLength = 1;
private const int HeaderLength = 1;
private static byte[] StringBuffer = new byte[256];
public static void Write(this BinaryProtocol protocol, Stream stream, long id, MessageType messageType, string header)
var encoding = BinaryProtocol.TextEncoding;
int messageLength;
int headerLength;
headerLength = encoding.GetByteCount(header);
if (headerLength > byte.MaxValue)
throw new InvalidOperationException("不同编码格式的字符串转换后的字节数组长度不能大于" + byte.MaxValue + "!");
messageLength = MessageLength + IDLength + MessageTypeLength + HeaderLength + headerLength;
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
messageLength = Endian.SwapInt32(messageLength);
id = Endian.SwapInt64(id);
encoding.GetBytes(header, 0, header.Length, StringBuffer, 0);
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream, encoding, true))
writer.Write(StringBuffer, 0, headerLength);
public static void Write<T>(this BinaryProtocol protocol, Stream stream, long id, MessageType messageType, string header, T body)
var encoding = BinaryProtocol.TextEncoding;
int messageLength;
int headerLength;
headerLength = encoding.GetByteCount(header);
if (headerLength > byte.MaxValue)
throw new InvalidOperationException("不同编码格式的字符串转换后的字节数组长度不能大于" + byte.MaxValue + "!");
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
id = Endian.SwapInt64(id);
encoding.GetBytes(header, 0, header.Length, StringBuffer, 0);
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream, encoding, true))
writer.Write(StringBuffer, 0, headerLength);
messageLength = (int)stream.Length;
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
messageLength = Endian.SwapInt32(messageLength);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
public static class SessionExtensions
private static MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(8192);
public static bool SendAsync(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, string header)
return SendAsync(session, -1, MessageType.Sync, header);
public static bool SendAsync<T>(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, string header, T body)
return SendAsync<T>(session, -1, MessageType.Sync, header, body);
public static bool SendAsync(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, MessageType messageType, string header)
return SendAsync(session, -1, messageType, header);
public static bool SendAsync<T>(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, MessageType messageType, string header, T body)
return SendAsync<T>(session, -1, messageType, header, body);
public static bool SendAsync(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, long id, string header)
return SendAsync(session, id, MessageType.Sync, header);
public static bool SendAsync<T>(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, long id, string header, T body)
return SendAsync<T>(session, id, MessageType.Sync, header, body);
public static bool SendAsync(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, long id, MessageType messageType, string header)
stream.Position = 0;
var protocol = session.Protocol;
protocol.Write(stream, id, messageType, header);
var buffer = stream.GetBuffer();
return session.SendAsync(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);
public static bool SendAsync<T>(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, long id, MessageType messageType, string header, T body)
stream.Position = 0;
var protocol = session.Protocol;
protocol.Write(stream, id, messageType, header, body);
var buffer = stream.GetBuffer();
return session.SendAsync(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);
public static bool SendRequestAsync(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, string header)
return SendAsync(session, -1, MessageType.Request, header);
public static bool SendRequestAsync<T>(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, string header, T body)
return SendAsync<T>(session, -1, MessageType.Request, header, body);
public static bool SendRequestAsync(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, long id, string header)
return SendAsync(session, id, MessageType.Request, header);
public static bool SendRequestAsync<T>(this IAppSession<BinaryProtocol, BinaryMessage> session, long id, string header, T body)
return SendAsync<T>(session, id, MessageType.Request, header, body);