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using AX.InputSystem;
using AX.MessageSystem;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CloneRanging : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject clonePrefab;//绑定的预制体
public CloneObjType cloneObjType;//克隆类型
protected int number = 0;//计数
public string ResourcesName;
public GameObject cloneObj;//克隆出的物体
void OnEnable()
MessageDispatcher.AddListener("CLONE_COMMAND", Execute);
void OnDisable()
MessageDispatcher.RemoveListener("CLONE_COMMAND", Execute);
void OnDestroy()
MessageDispatcher.RemoveListener("CLONE_COMMAND", Execute);
private void Execute(IMessage obj)
var gameObjID = (long)obj.Sender;
var data = ((CloneCmdArgs)obj.Data);
if (data.cloneObjType == cloneObjType)
var hitPoint = data.hitPos;
var HitID = data.gameObjID;
this.GetComponent<RangingLineType>().DrawLineOperation(hitPoint, HitID, gameObjID);