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using AX.MessageSystem;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class WaterCurtainAttribute : ToolAttribute
private CurtainData data = new CurtainData();
private long gameObjID;
protected override void Awake()
gameObjID = GetComponent<CloneGameObjInfo>().gameObjID;
data.id = gameObjID;
gameObjType = CloneObjType.CurtainLine;
Tasklist = new string[2];
Tasklist[0] = "待命";
Tasklist[1] = "出水";
typeName = "水幕水带";
protected override void Execute(string TaskName)
task = TaskName;
if (TaskName.Contains("出水"))
data.on = true;
MessageDispatcher.SendMessage("ControlWaterCurtain", data);
data.on = false;
MessageDispatcher.SendMessage("ControlWaterCurtain", data);
protected override void OnMouseDown() { }
public void OpenAttributePanel()
ToolAttributePanel.Instance.SetAttribute(this.gameObject, typeName);