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using MessagePack.Formatters;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MessagePack
public interface IFormatterResolver
IMessagePackFormatter<T> GetFormatter<T>();
public static class FormatterResolverExtensions
public static IMessagePackFormatter<T> GetFormatterWithVerify<T>(this IFormatterResolver resolver)
IMessagePackFormatter<T> formatter;
formatter = resolver.GetFormatter<T>();
catch (TypeInitializationException ex)
Exception inner = ex;
while (inner.InnerException != null)
inner = inner.InnerException;
throw inner;
if (formatter == null)
throw new FormatterNotRegisteredException(typeof(T).FullName + " is not registered in this resolver. resolver:" + resolver.GetType().Name);
return formatter;
public static object GetFormatterDynamic(this IFormatterResolver resolver, Type type)
var methodInfo = typeof(IFormatterResolver).GetRuntimeMethod("GetFormatter", Type.EmptyTypes);
var formatter = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(type).Invoke(resolver, null);
return formatter;
public class FormatterNotRegisteredException : Exception
public FormatterNotRegisteredException(string message) : base(message)