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using System;
namespace MessagePack
public struct Nil : IEquatable<Nil>
public static readonly Nil Default = new Nil();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is Nil;
public bool Equals(Nil other)
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
return 0;
public override string ToString()
return "()";
namespace MessagePack.Formatters
public class NilFormatter : IMessagePackFormatter<Nil>
public static readonly IMessagePackFormatter<Nil> Instance = new NilFormatter();
public int Serialize(ref byte[] bytes, int offset, Nil value, IFormatterResolver typeResolver)
return MessagePackBinary.WriteNil(ref bytes, offset);
public Nil Deserialize(byte[] bytes, int offset, IFormatterResolver typeResolver, out int readSize)
return MessagePackBinary.ReadNil(bytes, offset, out readSize);
// NullableNil is same as Nil.
public class NullableNilFormatter : IMessagePackFormatter<Nil?>
public static readonly IMessagePackFormatter<Nil?> Instance = new NullableNilFormatter();
public int Serialize(ref byte[] bytes, int offset, Nil? value, IFormatterResolver typeResolver)
return MessagePackBinary.WriteNil(ref bytes, offset);
public Nil? Deserialize(byte[] bytes, int offset, IFormatterResolver typeResolver, out int readSize)
return MessagePackBinary.ReadNil(bytes, offset, out readSize);