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"sideShape" -p "side"; setAttr -k off ".v" no; setAttr ".rnd" no; setAttr ".coi" 100.1; setAttr ".ow" 30; setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "side"; setAttr ".den" -type "string" "side_depth"; setAttr ".man" -type "string" "side_mask"; setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -s %camera"; setAttr ".o" yes; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:back"; setAttr ".v" no; setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 0 0 -100.1 ; setAttr ".r" -type "double3" 0 180 0 ; createNode camera -n "MHZZJT:backShape" -p "MHZZJT:back"; setAttr -k off ".v"; setAttr ".rnd" no; setAttr ".coi" 100.1; setAttr ".ow" 49.561015220997184; setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "back1"; setAttr ".den" -type "string" "back1_depth"; setAttr ".man" -type "string" "back1_mask"; setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -b %camera"; setAttr ".o" yes; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:bottom"; setAttr ".v" no; setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 0 -100.1 0 ; setAttr ".r" -type "double3" 89.999999999999986 0 0 ; createNode camera -n "MHZZJT:bottomShape" -p "MHZZJT:bottom"; setAttr -k off ".v"; setAttr ".rnd" no; setAttr ".coi" 100.1; setAttr ".ow" 30; setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "bottom1"; setAttr ".den" -type "string" "bottom1_depth"; setAttr ".man" -type "string" "bottom1_mask"; setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -bo %camera"; setAttr ".o" yes; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:left"; setAttr ".v" no; setAttr ".t" -type "double3" -100.1 16.993920409182767 6.1037274237456041 ; setAttr ".r" -type "double3" 0 -89.999999999999986 0 ; createNode camera -n "MHZZJT:leftShape" -p "MHZZJT:left"; setAttr -k off ".v"; setAttr ".rnd" no; setAttr ".coi" 100.1; setAttr ".ow" 12.275687170154626; setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "left1"; setAttr ".den" -type "string" "left1_depth"; setAttr ".man" -type "string" "left1_mask"; setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -ls %camera"; setAttr ".o" yes; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT"; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT1_TT2" -p "MHZZJT:MHZZJT"; createNode mesh -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT1_TTShape2" -p "MHZZJT:MHZZJT1_TT2"; setAttr -k off ".v"; setAttr ".vir" yes; setAttr ".vif" yes; setAttr ".pv" -type "double2" 0.71273036517289745 0.84954345226287842 ; setAttr ".uvst[0].uvsn" -type "string" "map1"; setAttr ".cuvs" -type "string" "map1"; setAttr ".dcc" -type "string" "Ambient+Diffuse"; setAttr ".covm[0]" 0 1 1; setAttr ".cdvm[0]" 0 1 1; setAttr ".dr" 1; createNode mesh -n "MHZZJT:polySurfaceShape1" -p "MHZZJT:MHZZJT1_TT2"; setAttr -k off ".v"; setAttr ".io" yes; setAttr ".vir" yes; setAttr ".vif" yes; setAttr ".pv" -type "double2" 0.02007173088147346 0.51283854246139526 ; setAttr ".uvst[0].uvsn" -type "string" "map1"; setAttr -s 44 ".uvst[0].uvsp[0:43]" -type "float2" 0.031242691 0.51283854 0.031242691 0.12904197 0.22540712 0.12904197 0.22540712 0.51283854 0.045244932 0.9476254 0.045244932 0.57000476 0.30937088 0.57000476 0.30937088 0.9476254 0.30707896 0.57063425 0.045244932 0.57063425 0.045244932 0.9476254 0.30707896 0.9476254 0.42070311 0.9476254 0.42070311 0.57063425 0.42070311 0.57000476 0.42070311 0.9476254 0.030420482 0.57063425 0.030420482 0.9476254 0.029223775 0.57063425 0.02566951 0.12904197 0.02566951 0.51283854 0.029223775 0.9476254 0.029223775 0.57000476 0.030420482 0.57000476 0.030420482 0.9476254 0.029223775 0.9476254 0.44637996 0.9476254 0.43552762 0.9476254 0.42533842 0.9476254 0.42533842 0.57063425 0.031242691 0.51283854 0.43619075 0.9476254 0.031242691 0.12904197 0.43552762 0.57000476 0.44637996 0.57000476 0.2396881 0.12904197 0.2396881 0.51283854 0.43619075 0.57063425 0.22540712 0.12904197 0.22540712 0.51283854 0.029657586 0.12904197 0.02007173 0.51283854 0.2396881 0.12904197 0.2396881 0.51283854; setAttr ".cuvs" -type "string" "map1"; setAttr ".dcc" -type "string" "Ambient+Diffuse"; setAttr ".covm[0]" 0 1 1; setAttr ".cdvm[0]" 0 1 1; setAttr -s 36 ".vt[0:35]" -4.49999952 16.30000114 -2.55677652 -4.49999952 0 -2.55677652 4.49999952 0 -2.55677652 4.49999952 16.30000114 -2.55677652 -4.49999952 0 6.47704744 -3.47704577 0 7.50000095 -3.98852253 0 7.36295128 -4.36294985 0 6.98852444 -4.49999952 16.30000114 6.47704744 -4.36294985 16.30000114 6.98852444 -3.98852253 16.30000114 7.36295128 -3.47704577 16.30000114 7.50000095 4.49999952 0 6.47704744 4.36294985 0 6.98852444 3.98852253 0 7.36295128 3.47704577 0 7.50000095 4.49999952 16.30000114 6.47704744 3.47704577 16.30000114 7.50000095 3.98852253 16.30000114 7.36295128 4.36294985 16.30000114 6.98852444 -4.36294985 16.30000114 -6.98852444 -3.98852253 16.30000114 -7.36295128 -3.47704577 16.30000114 -7.50000095 -4.49999952 16.30000114 -6.47704744 -4.49999952 0 -6.47704744 -4.36294985 0 -6.98852444 -3.98852253 0 -7.36295128 -3.47704577 0 -7.50000095 3.98852253 16.30000114 -7.36295128 4.36294985 16.30000114 -6.98852444 4.49999952 16.30000114 -6.47704744 3.47704577 16.30000114 -7.50000095 4.49999952 0 -6.47704744 3.47704577 0 -7.50000095 3.98852253 0 -7.36295128 4.36294985 0 -6.98852444; setAttr -s 54 ".ed[0:53]" 0 23 0 1 4 0 0 1 1 2 12 0 3 30 0 2 3 1 5 15 0 8 0 0 11 17 0 16 3 0 22 31 0 24 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4 3 0 5 4 0 5 6 0 7 6 0 8 7 0 9 8 0 9 0 0 10 11 0 12 11 0 13 12 0 14 13 0 15 14 0 16 15 0 17 16 0 18 17 0 19 18 0 10 19 0 1 19 0 0 10 0; setAttr -s 3 -ch 24 ".fc[0:2]" -type "polyFaces" f 10 0 -2 -3 -4 -5 5 -7 -8 -9 9 mu 0 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 21 f 10 10 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 mu 0 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 f 4 19 -21 -1 21 mu 0 4 0 1 10 11; setAttr ".cd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Edge 0 ; setAttr ".cvd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Vertex 0 ; setAttr ".hfd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Face 0 ; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT3" -p "MHZZJT:MHZZJT"; setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 0 0 -0.44181762365494137 ; createNode mesh -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJTShape3" -p "MHZZJT:MHZZJT3"; setAttr -k off ".v"; setAttr ".vir" yes; setAttr ".vif" yes; setAttr ".pv" -type "double2" 0.85283835814118092 0.15803172176918096 ; setAttr ".uvst[0].uvsn" -type "string" "map1"; setAttr -s 208 ".uvst[0].uvsp[0:207]" -type "float2" 0.82604551 0.074965812 0.80940813 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0.80940813 0.21966833 0.80940813 0.23771238 0.92065758 0.087764628 0.92065758 0.059605312 0.94002408 0.059605312 0.94002408 0.087764628 0.91773528 0.059605312 0.91758639 0.086871929 0.94294649 0.059605312 0.94309527 0.086871929 0.92065758 0.097477771 0.94002408 0.097477771 0.91772348 0.096770532 0.9429583 0.096770532 0.92065758 0.10532279 0.94002408 0.10532279 0.91770822 0.1045946 0.94297355 0.1045946 0.89905715 0.19933653 0.89905715 0.18540663 0.91842359 0.18540663 0.91842359 0.19933641 0.89613479 0.18540663 0.89600706 0.20020103 0.92134601 0.18540663 0.92147368 0.20020086 0.89905715 0.20904958 0.91842359 0.20904952 0.89612299 0.20975685 0.92135781 0.20975685 0.89905715 0.21689469 0.91842359 0.21689463 0.89610767 0.21762288 0.92137307 0.21762288 0.87241626 0.23817182 0.87241626 0.22424203 0.8917827 0.22424203 0.8917827 0.23817182 0.86949396 0.22424203 0.86936629 0.2390362 0.89470512 0.22424203 0.89483279 0.2390362 0.8917827 0.24788487 0.87241626 0.24788487 0.86948216 0.24859208 0.89471686 0.24859208 0.8917827 0.25572985 0.87241626 0.25572985 0.86946678 0.2564581 0.89473218 0.2564581 0.9257192 0.13424613 0.9257192 0.10608681 0.9450857 0.10608681 0.9450857 0.13424613 0.92279679 0.10608681 0.92264801 0.13335343 0.948008 0.10608681 0.94815683 0.13335343 0.9450857 0.14395922 0.9257192 0.14395922 0.9227851 0.14325202 0.94801974 0.14325202 0.9450857 0.15180427 0.9257192 0.15180427 0.92276973 0.15107605 0.94803506 0.15107605 0.80822045 0.074726947 0.79158312 0.074965812 0.78282565 0.062370792 0.80822045 0.062527671 0.80822045 0.077649303 0.79342622 0.07761652 0.77273971 0.064083226 0.78218579 0.077668674 0.80822045 0.059605312 0.78095388 0.059678774 0.78387028 0.080091335 0.77105522 0.061660599 0.76493675 0.070222743 0.77429873 0.083687194 0.7760042 0.086140104 0.76323122 0.067769803 0.76049846 0.079494067 0.76892513 0.09161336 0.77086598 0.094404705 0.75855756 0.076702721 0.76005089 0.090876497 0.76617759 0.099687971 0.76869458 0.10330794 0.7575199 0.087236412 0.76005089 0.20644122 0.76617765 0.19762963 0.7686947 0.19400966 0.7575199 0.21008128 0.76049846 0.21782362 0.76892519 0.20570427 0.77086604 0.20291293 0.75855756 0.22061497 0.7649368 0.22709495 0.77429873 0.2136305 0.77600431 0.21117747 0.76323122 0.2295478 0.77273971 0.23323447 0.78218585 0.21964902 0.78387034 0.21722639 0.77105522 0.2356571 0.78282571 0.23494685 0.79158318 0.22235185 0.79342628 0.21970111 0.78095388 0.23763889 0.80822045 0.23479003 0.80822045 0.22259074 0.80822045 0.21966839 0.80822045 0.23771232 0.89316916 0.16528791 0.89316916 0.078960098 0.91253561 0.078960098 0.91253561 0.16528785 0.88960928 0.076773115 0.88960928 0.16747487 0.89316916 0.069251366 0.91253561 0.069251366 0.91609555 0.076773115 0.91609555 0.16747487 0.89316916 0.17499661 0.91253561 0.17499661 0.89004683 0.067869887 0.89004683 0.17637807 0.89316916 0.060652625 0.91253561 0.060652625 0.91565794 0.067869887 0.91565794 0.17637807 0.89316916 0.18359536 0.91253561 0.18359536 0.89021969 0.059605312 0.89021969 0.18464267 0.91548508 0.059605312 0.91548508 0.18464267 0.86520284 0.20517057 0.86520284 0.077912755 0.88456935 0.077912755 0.88456935 0.20517057 0.86163217 0.080119208 0.86163217 0.20296413 0.86520284 0.06820406 0.88456935 0.06820406 0.88814008 0.080119237 0.88814008 0.20296413 0.86520284 0.21487927 0.88456935 0.21487927 0.86208057 0.06958551 0.86208057 0.21349776 0.86520284 0.059605312 0.88456935 0.059605312 0.88769162 0.069585517 0.88769162 0.21349776 0.86520284 0.22347802 0.88456935 0.22347802 0.86225343 0.060652625 0.86225343 0.22243071 0.88751876 0.060652625 0.88751876 0.22243071; setAttr ".cuvs" -type "string" "map1"; setAttr ".dcc" -type "string" "Ambient+Diffuse"; setAttr ".covm[0]" 0 1 1; setAttr ".cdvm[0]" 0 1 1; setAttr -s 144 ".vt[0:143]" 3.35135579 16.30000114 7.15715027 3.55330324 16.30000114 7.35909796 3.41050482 16.30000114 7.29994869 3.41210699 17.02290535 7.30618763 3.35135603 16.98066521 7.15715027 3.54163194 17.11296654 7.35909796 4.35135603 16.30000114 7.15715027 4.29220676 16.30000114 7.29994869 4.14940834 16.30000114 7.35909796 4.28861761 17.63235474 7.30722141 4.15707397 17.54089165 7.35909796 4.35135651 17.67597771 7.15715027 -4.46995878 16.30000114 7.15715027 -4.26801109 16.30000114 7.35909796 -4.41080952 16.30000114 7.29994869 -4.40721941 17.63235474 7.30722141 -4.46995831 17.67597771 7.15715027 -4.27567577 17.54088974 7.35909796 -3.46995878 16.30000114 7.15715027 -3.52910781 16.30000114 7.29994869 -3.67190623 16.30000114 7.35909796 -3.53070951 17.02290535 7.30618763 -3.66023421 17.11296654 7.35909796 -3.46995854 16.98066521 7.15715027 2.94204283 18.77743149 7.33163023 3.04985857 18.85239792 7.15715027 2.76417351 18.6537571 7.35909796 -3.060644865 18.77743149 7.33163023 -2.88277555 18.6537571 7.35909796 -3.16846061 18.85239792 7.15715027 2.94204211 18.77743149 6.036346912 2.76417255 18.6537571 6.0088796616 3.049858332 18.85239792 6.21082735 -3.060644865 18.77743149 6.036347389 -3.16846061 18.85239792 6.21082735 -2.88277578 18.6537571 6.0088796616 4.29220676 16.30000114 6.06802845 4.35135603 16.30000114 6.21082687 4.14940834 16.30000114 6.0088791847 4.28861761 17.63235474 6.060756207 4.35135651 17.67597771 6.21082735 4.15707397 17.54089165 6.0088796616 2.15672255 18.23139191 6.036877632 2.049858093 18.15708733 6.21082687 2.33360887 18.35438156 6.0088791847 -2.27532458 18.23138809 6.036877632 -2.45221043 18.35437965 6.0088791847 -2.16846085 18.15708542 6.21082687 3.41050482 16.30000114 6.06802845 3.55330324 16.30000114 6.0088791847 3.35135579 16.30000114 6.21082687 3.41210675 17.022907257 6.061789513 3.5416317 17.11296844 6.0088791847 3.35135579 16.98066711 6.21082687 -4.41080952 16.30000114 6.06802845 -4.26801109 16.30000114 6.0088791847 -4.46995878 16.30000114 6.21082687 -4.40721941 17.63235474 6.060756207 -4.27567577 17.54088974 6.0088796616 -4.46995831 17.67597771 6.21082735 -3.52910781 16.30000114 6.06802845 -3.46995878 16.30000114 6.21082687 -3.67190623 16.30000114 6.0088791847 -3.53070974 17.02290535 6.061789513 -3.46995878 16.98066521 6.21082687 -3.66023469 17.11296654 6.0088791847 2.15672207 18.23138809 7.33109999 2.33360791 18.35437965 7.35909843 2.049858093 18.15708542 7.15715075 -2.27532434 18.23138809 7.33109999 -2.16846061 18.15708542 7.15715075 -2.45221019 18.35437965 7.35909843 4.24147844 18.15059853 7.15715027 4.19177818 18.11604118 7.30052328 4.073397636 18.033729553 7.35909796 3.94443369 18.53393745 7.15715027 3.89325714 18.49835396 7.30127144 3.77339649 18.41501236 7.35909796 3.52426529 18.77366257 7.15715027 3.45676041 18.72672653 7.30971766 3.32036376 18.63188744 7.35909796 3.32036328 18.63188744 6.0088796616 3.45676017 18.72672653 6.058259964 3.52426505 18.77366257 6.21082735 3.77339625 18.41501427 6.0088796616 3.89325714 18.49835396 6.066706181 3.94443369 18.53393745 6.21082735 4.073397636 18.033729553 6.0088796616 4.19177818 18.11604118 6.067454338 4.24147844 18.15059853 6.21082735 2.52426481 18.078351974 6.21082687 2.5917697 18.12528801 6.058259487 2.72816658 18.22012711 6.0088791847 2.94443321 17.83862686 6.21082687 2.99560976 17.87421036 6.066705704 3.11547065 17.95755005 6.0088791847 3.24147797 17.45528793 6.21082687 3.29117823 17.48984528 6.067453861 3.40955877 17.57215691 6.0088791847 2.5917697 18.1252861 7.30971813 2.72816634 18.2201252 7.35909843 2.52426481 18.078350067 7.15715075 2.99560976 17.87420845 7.30127192 3.11547041 17.95755005 7.35909843 2.94443321 17.83862495 7.15715075 3.29117846 17.48984337 7.30052328 3.40955901 17.572155 7.35909796 3.2414782 17.45528603 7.15715027 -4.19199991 18.033729553 7.35909796 -4.31038046 18.11604118 7.30052328 -4.36008072 18.15059853 7.15715027 -3.89199829 18.41501236 7.35909796 -4.01185894 18.49835396 7.30127144 -4.063035488 18.53393745 7.15715027 -3.43896604 18.63188744 7.35909796 -3.57536268 18.72672653 7.30971766 -3.64286733 18.77366257 7.15715027 -2.64286733 18.078350067 7.15715075 -2.71037221 18.1252861 7.30971813 -2.84676886 18.2201252 7.35909843 -3.063035727 17.83862495 7.15715075 -3.11421227 17.87420845 7.30127192 -3.23407292 17.95755005 7.35909843 -3.36008072 17.45528603 7.15715027 -3.40978098 17.48984337 7.30052328 -3.52816153 17.572155 7.35909796 -4.31038046 18.11604118 6.067454338 -4.19199991 18.033729553 6.0088796616 -4.36008072 18.15059853 6.21082735 -4.01185894 18.49835396 6.066706181 -3.89199829 18.41501236 6.0088796616 -4.063035488 18.53393745 6.21082735 -3.57536268 18.72672653 6.058259964 -3.43896604 18.63188744 6.0088796616 -3.64286733 18.77366257 6.21082735 -3.40978122 17.48984337 6.067453861 -3.36008096 17.45528603 6.21082687 -3.52816176 17.572155 6.0088791847 -3.11421251 17.87420845 6.066705704 -3.063035965 17.83862495 6.21082687 -3.23407316 17.95755005 6.0088791847 -2.71037221 18.1252861 6.058259487 -2.64286757 18.078350067 6.21082687 -2.84676886 18.2201252 6.0088791847; setAttr -s 276 ".ed"; setAttr ".ed[0:165]" 1 8 0 4 53 1 10 5 1 13 20 0 16 59 1 22 17 1 25 32 1 28 71 1 31 44 1 34 29 1 37 6 0 40 11 1 43 68 1 46 35 1 49 38 0 50 0 0 52 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139 142 1 140 137 1 142 47 1 143 140 1 0 2 0 2 3 1 2 1 0 4 3 1 3 105 1 105 107 1 3 5 1 106 105 1 8 7 0 7 9 1 7 6 0 10 9 1 9 73 1 9 11 1 12 14 0 14 15 1 14 13 0 16 15 1 15 109 1 15 17 1 20 19 0 19 21 1 19 18 0 22 21 1 21 124 1 21 23 1 25 24 1 24 79 1 79 78 1 24 26 1; setAttr ".ed[166:275]" 80 79 1 24 27 1 28 27 1 27 115 1 115 114 1 27 29 1 116 115 1 31 30 1 30 82 1 82 81 1 30 32 1 83 82 1 30 33 1 34 33 1 33 132 1 132 134 1 33 35 1 133 132 1 37 36 0 36 39 1 36 38 0 40 39 1 39 88 1 39 41 1 43 42 1 42 91 1 91 90 1 42 44 1 92 91 1 42 45 1 46 45 1 45 141 1 141 143 1 45 47 1 142 141 1 49 48 0 48 51 1 48 50 0 52 51 1 51 97 1 51 53 1 55 54 0 54 57 1 54 56 0 58 57 1 57 126 1 57 59 1 61 60 0 60 63 1 60 62 0 64 63 1 63 135 1 63 65 1 67 66 1 66 99 1 66 68 1 66 69 1 70 69 1 69 118 1 118 117 1 69 71 1 119 118 1 74 73 1 73 76 1 73 72 1 77 76 1 76 79 1 76 75 1 82 85 1 85 84 1 86 85 1 85 88 1 88 87 1 89 88 1 91 94 1 94 93 1 95 94 1 94 97 1 97 96 1 98 97 1 100 99 1 99 102 1 99 101 1 103 102 1 102 105 1 102 104 1 110 109 1 109 112 1 109 108 1 113 112 1 112 115 1 112 111 1 118 121 1 121 120 1 122 121 1 121 124 1 124 123 1 125 124 1 127 126 1 126 129 1 126 128 1 130 129 1 129 132 1 129 131 1 136 135 1 135 138 1 135 137 1 139 138 1 138 141 1 138 140 1; setAttr -s 132 -ch 528 ".fc[0:131]" -type "polyFaces" f 4 50 0 51 2 mu 0 4 0 1 2 3 f 4 53 -11 68 11 mu 0 4 48 49 50 51 f 4 77 15 48 1 mu 0 4 64 65 66 67 f 4 56 3 57 5 mu 0 4 40 44 45 41 f 4 59 -21 81 21 mu 0 4 80 81 82 83 f 4 80 18 54 4 mu 0 4 96 97 98 99 f 4 75 16 70 -15 mu 0 4 112 113 114 115 f 4 78 19 83 -18 mu 0 4 156 152 153 157 f 4 74 12 85 23 mu 0 4 160 161 162 163 f 4 87 22 61 7 mu 0 4 24 21 20 25 f 4 63 6 65 9 mu 0 4 184 185 186 187 f 4 67 8 72 13 mu 0 4 136 132 133 137 f 4 52 25 110 -3 mu 0 4 3 8 9 0 f 4 88 27 108 -26 mu 0 4 8 12 13 9 f 4 90 29 106 -28 mu 0 4 12 16 17 13 f 4 92 -23 84 -30 mu 0 4 16 20 21 17 f 4 60 28 94 -7 mu 0 4 185 190 191 186 f 4 93 26 96 -29 mu 0 4 190 198 199 191 f 4 91 24 98 -27 mu 0 4 60 56 57 61 f 4 89 -12 69 -25 mu 0 4 56 48 51 57 f 4 64 30 100 -9 mu 0 4 132 128 129 133 f 4 95 31 102 -31 mu 0 4 128 124 125 129 f 4 97 32 104 -32 mu 0 4 124 118 119 125 f 4 99 -17 76 -33 mu 0 4 118 114 113 119 f 4 71 33 107 -13 mu 0 4 161 166 167 162 f 4 101 34 109 -34 mu 0 4 166 174 175 167 f 4 103 35 111 -35 mu 0 4 76 72 73 77 f 4 105 -2 49 -36 mu 0 4 72 64 67 73 f 4 55 37 125 -5 mu 0 4 99 104 105 96 f 4 112 39 127 -38 mu 0 4 104 108 109 105 f 4 114 41 129 -40 mu 0 4 202 194 195 203 f 4 116 -10 66 -42 mu 0 4 194 184 187 195 f 4 62 40 118 -8 mu 0 4 25 28 29 24 f 4 117 38 120 -41 mu 0 4 28 32 33 29 f 4 115 36 122 -39 mu 0 4 32 36 37 33 f 4 113 -6 58 -37 mu 0 4 36 40 41 37 f 4 79 42 131 -20 mu 0 4 152 148 149 153 f 4 124 43 133 -43 mu 0 4 148 144 145 149 f 4 126 44 135 -44 mu 0 4 144 140 141 145 f 4 128 -14 73 -45 mu 0 4 140 136 137 141 f 4 82 45 123 -22 mu 0 4 83 88 89 80 f 4 130 46 121 -46 mu 0 4 88 92 93 89 f 4 132 47 119 -47 mu 0 4 178 170 171 179 f 4 134 -24 86 -48 mu 0 4 170 160 163 171 f 4 136 137 -140 -49 mu 0 4 66 70 71 67 f 4 138 -51 -143 -138 mu 0 4 4 1 0 5 f 4 139 140 141 -50 mu 0 4 67 71 75 73 f 4 142 -111 143 -141 mu 0 4 5 0 9 10 f 4 144 145 -148 -52 mu 0 4 2 6 7 3 f 4 146 -54 -150 -146 mu 0 4 52 49 48 53 f 4 147 148 -229 -53 mu 0 4 3 7 11 8 f 4 149 -90 -231 -149 mu 0 4 53 48 56 58 f 4 150 151 -154 -55 mu 0 4 98 102 103 99 f 4 152 -57 -156 -152 mu 0 4 47 44 40 43 f 4 153 154 -253 -56 mu 0 4 99 103 107 104 f 4 155 -114 -255 -155 mu 0 4 43 40 36 39 f 4 156 157 -160 -58 mu 0 4 45 46 42 41 f 4 158 -60 -162 -158 mu 0 4 84 81 80 85 f 4 159 160 -264 -59 mu 0 4 41 42 38 37 f 4 161 -124 -263 -161 mu 0 4 85 80 89 90 f 4 162 163 164 -61 mu 0 4 185 188 196 190 f 4 165 -93 166 -164 mu 0 4 23 20 16 19 f 4 -166 167 -169 -62 mu 0 4 20 23 27 25 f 4 -163 -64 -172 -168 mu 0 4 188 185 184 189 f 4 168 169 170 -63 mu 0 4 25 27 31 28 f 4 171 -117 172 -170 mu 0 4 189 184 194 197 f 4 173 174 175 -65 mu 0 4 132 135 131 128 f 4 176 -95 177 -175 mu 0 4 192 186 191 200 f 4 -177 178 -180 -66 mu 0 4 186 192 193 187 f 4 -174 -68 -183 -179 mu 0 4 135 132 136 139 f 4 179 180 181 -67 mu 0 4 187 193 201 195 f 4 182 -129 183 -181 mu 0 4 139 136 140 143 f 4 184 185 -188 -69 mu 0 4 50 54 55 51 f 4 186 -71 -190 -186 mu 0 4 120 115 114 121 f 4 187 188 -240 -70 mu 0 4 51 55 59 57 f 4 189 -100 -239 -189 mu 0 4 121 114 118 123 f 4 190 191 192 -72 mu 0 4 161 164 172 166 f 4 193 -101 194 -192 mu 0 4 134 133 129 130 f 4 -194 195 -197 -73 mu 0 4 133 134 138 137 f 4 -191 -75 -200 -196 mu 0 4 164 161 160 165 f 4 196 197 198 -74 mu 0 4 137 138 142 141 f 4 199 -135 200 -198 mu 0 4 165 160 170 173 f 4 201 202 -205 -76 mu 0 4 112 116 117 113 f 4 203 -78 -207 -203 mu 0 4 68 65 64 69 f 4 204 205 -246 -77 mu 0 4 113 117 122 119 f 4 206 -106 -245 -206 mu 0 4 69 64 72 74 f 4 207 208 -211 -79 mu 0 4 156 159 155 152 f 4 209 -81 -213 -209 mu 0 4 100 97 96 101 f 4 210 211 -265 -80 mu 0 4 152 155 151 148 f 4 212 -126 -267 -212 mu 0 4 101 96 105 106 f 4 213 214 -217 -82 mu 0 4 82 86 87 83 f 4 215 -84 -219 -215 mu 0 4 158 157 153 154 f 4 216 217 -271 -83 mu 0 4 83 87 91 88 f 4 218 -132 -273 -218 mu 0 4 154 153 149 150 f 4 219 220 -247 -85 mu 0 4 21 22 18 17 f 4 221 -108 -249 -221 mu 0 4 168 162 167 176 f 4 -222 222 -224 -86 mu 0 4 162 168 169 163 f 4 -220 -88 -227 -223 mu 0 4 22 21 24 26 f 4 223 224 225 -87 mu 0 4 163 169 177 171 f 4 226 -119 227 -225 mu 0 4 26 24 29 30 f 4 228 229 -232 -89 mu 0 4 8 11 15 12 f 4 230 -92 -234 -230 mu 0 4 58 56 60 62 f 4 231 232 -167 -91 mu 0 4 12 15 19 16 f 4 233 -94 -165 -233 mu 0 4 204 198 190 196 f 4 -176 234 235 -96 mu 0 4 128 131 127 124 f 4 -178 -97 236 -235 mu 0 4 200 191 199 206 f 4 -236 237 238 -98 mu 0 4 124 127 123 118 f 4 -237 -99 239 -238 mu 0 4 63 61 57 59 f 4 -193 240 241 -102 mu 0 4 166 172 180 174 f 4 -195 -103 242 -241 mu 0 4 130 129 125 126 f 4 -242 243 244 -104 mu 0 4 76 78 74 72 f 4 -243 -105 245 -244 mu 0 4 126 125 119 122 f 4 246 247 -250 -107 mu 0 4 17 18 14 13 f 4 248 -110 -252 -248 mu 0 4 176 167 175 182 f 4 249 250 -144 -109 mu 0 4 13 14 10 9 f 4 251 -112 -142 -251 mu 0 4 79 77 73 75 f 4 252 253 -256 -113 mu 0 4 104 107 111 108 f 4 254 -116 -258 -254 mu 0 4 39 36 32 35 f 4 255 256 -173 -115 mu 0 4 202 205 197 194 f 4 257 -118 -171 -257 mu 0 4 35 32 28 31 f 4 -226 258 259 -120 mu 0 4 171 177 183 179 f 4 -228 -121 260 -259 mu 0 4 30 29 33 34 f 4 -260 261 262 -122 mu 0 4 93 94 90 89 f 4 -261 -123 263 -262 mu 0 4 34 33 37 38 f 4 264 265 -268 -125 mu 0 4 148 151 147 144 f 4 266 -128 -270 -266 mu 0 4 106 105 109 110 f 4 267 268 -184 -127 mu 0 4 144 147 143 140 f 4 269 -130 -182 -269 mu 0 4 207 203 195 201 f 4 270 271 -274 -131 mu 0 4 88 91 95 92 f 4 272 -134 -276 -272 mu 0 4 150 149 145 146 f 4 273 274 -201 -133 mu 0 4 178 181 173 170 f 4 275 -136 -199 -275 mu 0 4 146 145 141 142; setAttr ".cd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Edge 0 ; setAttr ".cvd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Vertex 0 ; setAttr ".hfd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Face 0 ; setAttr ".dr" 1; createNode transform -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT4" 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0 4 56 57 58 59 f 4 188 190 192 193 mu 0 4 92 93 94 95 f 4 195 197 198 -191 mu 0 4 93 96 97 94 f 4 200 202 203 -198 mu 0 4 96 100 101 97 f 4 205 -208 208 -203 mu 0 4 106 107 108 109 f 4 210 207 212 213 mu 0 4 110 108 107 111 f 4 215 217 218 -214 mu 0 4 111 112 113 110 f 4 220 222 223 -218 mu 0 4 112 114 115 113 f 4 225 -228 228 -223 mu 0 4 116 117 118 119 f 4 230 227 -233 233 mu 0 4 120 118 117 121 f 4 235 -234 -238 238 mu 0 4 122 120 121 123 f 4 240 -239 242 -244 mu 0 4 124 122 123 125 f 4 245 243 247 -249 mu 0 4 126 124 125 127 f 4 250 248 252 -254 mu 0 4 128 129 130 131 f 4 256 257 253 -259 mu 0 4 132 133 128 131 f 4 260 -257 262 -264 mu 0 4 134 133 132 135 f 4 265 263 267 -269 mu 0 4 102 104 105 103 f 4 270 268 272 -274 mu 0 4 98 102 103 99 f 4 274 273 275 -194 mu 0 4 95 98 99 92 f 4 47 78 -80 -77 mu 0 4 136 137 138 139 f 4 -9 75 82 -81 mu 0 4 172 173 174 175 f 4 65 84 -86 -84 mu 0 4 168 170 171 169 f 4 55 92 -94 -91 mu 0 4 148 152 153 149 f 4 -11 89 96 -95 mu 0 4 190 186 187 191 f 4 40 98 -100 -98 mu 0 4 154 150 151 155 f 4 7 102 -104 -101 mu 0 4 184 188 189 185 f 4 73 97 -108 -106 mu 0 4 158 154 155 159 f 4 57 109 -111 -93 mu 0 4 152 156 157 153 f 4 -5 115 116 -114 mu 0 4 198 194 195 199 f 4 -3 94 117 -116 mu 0 4 194 190 191 195 f 4 14 118 -123 -121 mu 0 4 208 210 211 209 f 4 3 125 -127 -103 mu 0 4 188 192 193 189 f 4 5 123 -128 -126 mu 0 4 192 196 197 193 f 4 41 128 -130 -99 mu 0 4 150 146 147 151 f 4 16 100 -133 -131 mu 0 4 180 184 185 181 f 4 43 133 -135 -129 mu 0 4 146 142 143 147 f 4 18 130 -138 -136 mu 0 4 176 180 181 177 f 4 45 76 -139 -134 mu 0 4 142 136 139 143 f 4 20 135 -140 -76 mu 0 4 173 176 177 174 f 4 49 140 -142 -79 mu 0 4 137 140 141 138 f 4 22 80 -145 -143 mu 0 4 178 172 175 179 f 4 51 145 -147 -141 mu 0 4 140 144 145 141 f 4 24 142 -150 -148 mu 0 4 182 178 179 183 f 4 53 90 -151 -146 mu 0 4 144 148 149 145 f 4 26 147 -152 -90 mu 0 4 186 182 183 187 f 4 27 120 -156 -154 mu 0 4 204 208 209 205 f 4 28 153 -160 -158 mu 0 4 200 204 205 201 f 4 29 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50 1 34 33 0 33 53 1 53 55 0 33 32 0 54 53 0 33 36 1 36 35 0 37 36 0 36 66 1 66 65 0 67 66 0 40 39 0 39 42 1 39 38 0 39 60 1 60 59 0 61 60 0 43 42 0 42 63 1 42 41 0 45 44 0 44 47 1 44 46 0 51 50 0 50 53 1 50 52 0 58 57 0 57 60 1 57 56 0 64 63 0 63 66 1 63 62 0 69 75 0 76 68 0 79 81 0 80 72 0 68 90 1 75 99 1 79 108 1 80 105 1 68 71 0 71 114 0 71 70 0 70 117 1 70 69 0 75 74 0 74 120 1 74 73 0 73 123 0 73 72 0 77 76 0 78 77 0 79 78 0 82 81 0 83 82 0 80 83 0 84 87 0 84 85 0 85 100 0 85 86 0 86 109 0 87 106 0 86 87 0 87 91 0 88 84 0 93 76 1 94 84 0 96 69 1 97 85 0 102 72 1 103 86 0 111 81 1 126 77 1 129 78 0; setAttr ".ed[166:247]" 132 82 0 135 83 1 90 93 1 88 113 1 113 116 1 116 94 1 93 126 1 91 88 1 96 117 1 94 97 1 99 96 1 97 119 1 119 122 1 122 100 1 102 123 1 100 103 1 105 102 1 103 133 1 133 130 1 130 109 1 108 111 1 106 127 1 127 124 1 124 91 1 111 132 1 109 106 1 114 90 1 117 114 1 120 99 1 123 120 1 126 129 1 129 108 1 132 135 1 135 105 1 90 89 0 89 92 1 89 88 0 89 112 1 93 92 0 92 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-219 -241 mu 0 4 210 129 131 211 f 4 242 243 -233 -197 mu 0 4 132 212 213 134 f 4 244 -189 -232 -244 mu 0 4 171 159 158 201 f 4 245 246 -227 -199 mu 0 4 136 214 215 138 f 4 247 -185 -226 -247 mu 0 4 207 155 154 193; setAttr ".cd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Edge 0 ; setAttr ".cvd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Vertex 0 ; setAttr ".hfd" -type "dataPolyComponent" Index_Data Face 0 ; createNode lightLinker -s -n "lightLinker1"; setAttr -s 5 ".lnk"; setAttr -s 5 ".slnk"; createNode displayLayerManager -n "layerManager"; createNode displayLayer -n "defaultLayer"; createNode renderLayerManager -n "renderLayerManager"; createNode renderLayer -n "defaultRenderLayer"; setAttr ".g" yes; createNode lambert -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT1_TT3"; createNode shadingEngine -n "MHZZJT:lambert4SG"; setAttr ".ihi" 0; setAttr ".ro" yes; createNode materialInfo -n "MHZZJT:materialInfo5"; createNode file -n "MHZZJT:file3"; setAttr ".ftn" -type "string" "G:/MGJ/MOXING/350MHZÖмĮ̀/JSLS.jpg"; createNode place2dTexture -n "MHZZJT:place2dTexture3"; createNode script -n "MHZZJT:uiConfigurationScriptNode"; setAttr ".b" -type "string" ( "// Maya Mel UI Configuration File.\n//\n// This script is machine generated. Edit at your own risk.\n//\n//\n\nglobal string $gMainPane;\nif (`paneLayout -exists $gMainPane`) {\n\n\tglobal int $gUseScenePanelConfig;\n\tint $useSceneConfig = $gUseScenePanelConfig;\n\tint $menusOkayInPanels = `optionVar -q allowMenusInPanels`;\tint $nVisPanes = `paneLayout -q -nvp $gMainPane`;\n\tint $nPanes = 0;\n\tstring $editorName;\n\tstring $panelName;\n\tstring $itemFilterName;\n\tstring $panelConfig;\n\n\t//\n\t// get current state of the UI\n\t//\n\tsceneUIReplacement -update $gMainPane;\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Top View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `modelPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Top View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"top\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n" + " -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n" + " -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n" + " -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Top View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n" + "\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"top\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n" + " -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n" + " -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `modelPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n" + "\t\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"side\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n" + " -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n" + " -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n" + " $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"side\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n" + " -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n" + " -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) `;\n" + "\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `modelPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"front\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n" + " -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n" + " -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n" + " -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"front\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n" + " -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n" + " -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n" + " modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `modelPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"persp\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n" + " -displayTextures 1\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n" + " -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 0\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n" + " -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -camera \"persp\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n" + " -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 1\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 16384\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"base_OpenGL_Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n" + " -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 0\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n" + " -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"outlinerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `outlinerPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 0\n -showReferenceNodes 1\n -showReferenceMembers 1\n -showAttributes 0\n -showConnected 0\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 0\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n" + " -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 1\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 1\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showContainerContents 1\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 0\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 0\n -highlightActive 1\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"defaultSetFilter\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n" + " -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 0\n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\toutlinerPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 0\n -showReferenceNodes 1\n -showReferenceMembers 1\n -showAttributes 0\n -showConnected 0\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 0\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 1\n -showAssets 1\n" + " -showContainedOnly 1\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showContainerContents 1\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 0\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 0\n -highlightActive 1\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"defaultSetFilter\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n" + " -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\toutlinerPanel -e -to $panelName;\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"graphEditor\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"graphEditor\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n" + " -autoExpand 1\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 0\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 1\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 1\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n" + " -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 1\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"GraphEd\");\n animCurveEditor -e \n -displayKeys 1\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 1\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -showResults \"off\" \n -showBufferCurves \"off\" \n -smoothness \"fine\" \n -resultSamples 1\n -resultScreenSamples 0\n -resultUpdate \"delayed\" \n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n" + " -stackedCurves 0\n -stackedCurvesMin -1\n -stackedCurvesMax 1\n -stackedCurvesSpace 0.2\n -displayNormalized 0\n -preSelectionHighlight 0\n -constrainDrag 0\n -classicMode 1\n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 1\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n" + " -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 0\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 1\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 1\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n" + " -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 1\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"GraphEd\");\n animCurveEditor -e \n -displayKeys 1\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 1\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -showResults \"off\" \n -showBufferCurves \"off\" \n -smoothness \"fine\" \n -resultSamples 1\n -resultScreenSamples 0\n -resultUpdate \"delayed\" \n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -stackedCurves 0\n -stackedCurvesMin -1\n -stackedCurvesMax 1\n -stackedCurvesSpace 0.2\n" + " -displayNormalized 0\n -preSelectionHighlight 0\n -constrainDrag 0\n -classicMode 1\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dopeSheetPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"dopeSheetPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n" + " -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 0\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 1\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n" + " -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"DopeSheetEd\");\n dopeSheetEditor -e \n -displayKeys 1\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -outliner \"dopeSheetPanel1OutlineEd\" \n -showSummary 1\n -showScene 0\n -hierarchyBelow 0\n -showTicks 1\n -selectionWindow 0 0 0 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n" + "\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 0\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 1\n -dropIsParent 1\n" + " -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"DopeSheetEd\");\n dopeSheetEditor -e \n -displayKeys 1\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n" + " -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -outliner \"dopeSheetPanel1OutlineEd\" \n -showSummary 1\n -showScene 0\n -hierarchyBelow 0\n -showTicks 1\n -selectionWindow 0 0 0 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"clipEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"clipEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = clipEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayKeys 0\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n" + " -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -manageSequencer 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = clipEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayKeys 0\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -manageSequencer 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"sequenceEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"sequenceEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n" + "\t\t\t$editorName = sequenceEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayKeys 0\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -manageSequencer 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = sequenceEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayKeys 0\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -autoFit 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -manageSequencer 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n" + "\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"hyperGraphPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"hyperGraphPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"HyperGraphEd\");\n hyperGraph -e \n -graphLayoutStyle \"hierarchicalLayout\" \n -orientation \"horiz\" \n -mergeConnections 0\n -zoom 1\n -animateTransition 0\n -showRelationships 1\n -showShapes 0\n -showDeformers 0\n -showExpressions 0\n -showConstraints 0\n -showConnectionFromSelected 0\n -showConnectionToSelected 0\n -showUnderworld 0\n -showInvisible 0\n -transitionFrames 1\n -opaqueContainers 0\n -freeform 0\n" + " -imagePosition 0 0 \n -imageScale 1\n -imageEnabled 0\n -graphType \"DAG\" \n -heatMapDisplay 0\n -updateSelection 1\n -updateNodeAdded 1\n -useDrawOverrideColor 0\n -limitGraphTraversal -1\n -range 0 0 \n -iconSize \"smallIcons\" \n -showCachedConnections 0\n $editorName;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"HyperGraphEd\");\n hyperGraph -e \n -graphLayoutStyle \"hierarchicalLayout\" \n -orientation \"horiz\" \n -mergeConnections 0\n -zoom 1\n -animateTransition 0\n -showRelationships 1\n -showShapes 0\n -showDeformers 0\n -showExpressions 0\n -showConstraints 0\n" + " -showConnectionFromSelected 0\n -showConnectionToSelected 0\n -showUnderworld 0\n -showInvisible 0\n -transitionFrames 1\n -opaqueContainers 0\n -freeform 0\n -imagePosition 0 0 \n -imageScale 1\n -imageEnabled 0\n -graphType \"DAG\" \n -heatMapDisplay 0\n -updateSelection 1\n -updateNodeAdded 1\n -useDrawOverrideColor 0\n -limitGraphTraversal -1\n -range 0 0 \n -iconSize \"smallIcons\" \n -showCachedConnections 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"hyperShadePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"hyperShadePanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n" + "\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"visorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"visorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"nodeEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"nodeEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"NodeEditorEd\");\n" + " nodeEditor -e \n -allAttributes 0\n -allNodes 0\n -autoSizeNodes 1\n -createNodeCommand \"nodeEdCreateNodeCommand\" \n -defaultPinnedState 0\n -ignoreAssets 1\n -additiveGraphingMode 0\n -settingsChangedCallback \"nodeEdSyncControls\" \n -traversalDepthLimit -1\n -keyPressCommand \"nodeEdKeyPressCommand\" \n -keyReleaseCommand \"nodeEdKeyReleaseCommand\" \n -nodeTitleMode \"name\" \n -gridSnap 0\n -gridVisibility 1\n -popupMenuScript \"nodeEdBuildPanelMenus\" \n -island 0\n -showNamespace 1\n -showShapes 1\n -showSGShapes 0\n -showTransforms 1\n -syncedSelection 1\n -extendToShapes 1\n $editorName;;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n" + "\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"NodeEditorEd\");\n nodeEditor -e \n -allAttributes 0\n -allNodes 0\n -autoSizeNodes 1\n -createNodeCommand \"nodeEdCreateNodeCommand\" \n -defaultPinnedState 0\n -ignoreAssets 1\n -additiveGraphingMode 0\n -settingsChangedCallback \"nodeEdSyncControls\" \n -traversalDepthLimit -1\n -keyPressCommand \"nodeEdKeyPressCommand\" \n -keyReleaseCommand \"nodeEdKeyReleaseCommand\" \n -nodeTitleMode \"name\" \n -gridSnap 0\n -gridVisibility 1\n -popupMenuScript \"nodeEdBuildPanelMenus\" \n -island 0\n -showNamespace 1\n -showShapes 1\n -showSGShapes 0\n -showTransforms 1\n -syncedSelection 1\n -extendToShapes 1\n $editorName;;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n" + "\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"createNodePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"createNodePanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"polyTexturePlacementPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Texture Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"polyTexturePlacementPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Texture Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Texture Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n" + "\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"renderWindowPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"renderWindowPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"blendShapePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Blend Shape\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tblendShapePanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Blend Shape\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels ;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tblendShapePanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Blend Shape\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n" + "\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dynRelEdPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"dynRelEdPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"relationshipPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"relationshipPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n" + "\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"referenceEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"referenceEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"componentEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Component Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"componentEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Component Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Component Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n" + "\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dynPaintScriptedPanelType\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"dynPaintScriptedPanelType\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"scriptEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"scriptEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n" + "\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n string $configName = `getPanel -cwl (localizedPanelLabel(\"Current Layout\"))`;\n if (\"\" != $configName) {\n\t\t\tpanelConfiguration -edit -label (localizedPanelLabel(\"Current Layout\")) \n\t\t\t\t-defaultImage \"\"\n\t\t\t\t-image \"\"\n\t\t\t\t-sc false\n\t\t\t\t-configString \"global string $gMainPane; paneLayout -e -cn \\\"single\\\" -ps 1 100 100 $gMainPane;\"\n\t\t\t\t-removeAllPanels\n\t\t\t\t-ap false\n\t\t\t\t\t(localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) \n\t\t\t\t\t\"modelPanel\"\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\"$panelName = `modelPanel -unParent -l (localizedPanelLabel(\\\"Persp View\\\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\\n$editorName = $panelName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -cam `findStartUpCamera persp` \\n -useInteractiveMode 0\\n -displayLights \\\"default\\\" \\n -displayAppearance \\\"smoothShaded\\\" \\n -activeOnly 0\\n -ignorePanZoom 0\\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\\n -headsUpDisplay 1\\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\\n -bufferMode \\\"double\\\" \\n -twoSidedLighting 1\\n -backfaceCulling 0\\n -xray 0\\n -jointXray 0\\n -activeComponentsXray 0\\n -displayTextures 1\\n -smoothWireframe 0\\n -lineWidth 1\\n -textureAnisotropic 0\\n -textureHilight 1\\n -textureSampling 2\\n -textureDisplay \\\"modulate\\\" \\n -textureMaxSize 16384\\n -fogging 0\\n -fogSource \\\"fragment\\\" \\n -fogMode \\\"linear\\\" \\n -fogStart 0\\n -fogEnd 100\\n -fogDensity 0.1\\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\\n -rendererName \\\"base_OpenGL_Renderer\\\" \\n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\\n -isFiltered 0\\n -colorResolution 256 256 \\n -bumpResolution 512 512 \\n -textureCompression 0\\n -transparencyAlgorithm \\\"frontAndBackCull\\\" \\n -transpInShadows 0\\n -cullingOverride \\\"none\\\" \\n -lowQualityLighting 0\\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\\n -occlusionCulling 0\\n -shadingModel 0\\n -useBaseRenderer 0\\n -useReducedRenderer 0\\n -smallObjectCulling 0\\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \\n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\\n -sortTransparent 1\\n -nurbsCurves 1\\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\\n -polymeshes 1\\n -subdivSurfaces 1\\n -planes 1\\n -lights 1\\n -cameras 1\\n -controlVertices 1\\n -hulls 1\\n -grid 0\\n -imagePlane 1\\n -joints 1\\n -ikHandles 1\\n -deformers 1\\n -dynamics 1\\n -fluids 1\\n -hairSystems 1\\n -follicles 1\\n -nCloths 1\\n -nParticles 1\\n -nRigids 1\\n -dynamicConstraints 1\\n -locators 1\\n -manipulators 1\\n -pluginShapes 1\\n -dimensions 1\\n -handles 1\\n -pivots 1\\n -textures 1\\n -strokes 1\\n -motionTrails 1\\n -clipGhosts 1\\n -greasePencils 1\\n -shadows 0\\n $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -pluginObjects \\\"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\\\" 1 \\n $editorName\"\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\"modelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\\\"Persp View\\\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\\n$editorName = $panelName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -cam `findStartUpCamera persp` \\n -useInteractiveMode 0\\n -displayLights \\\"default\\\" \\n -displayAppearance \\\"smoothShaded\\\" \\n -activeOnly 0\\n -ignorePanZoom 0\\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\\n -headsUpDisplay 1\\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\\n -bufferMode \\\"double\\\" \\n -twoSidedLighting 1\\n -backfaceCulling 0\\n -xray 0\\n -jointXray 0\\n -activeComponentsXray 0\\n -displayTextures 1\\n -smoothWireframe 0\\n -lineWidth 1\\n -textureAnisotropic 0\\n -textureHilight 1\\n -textureSampling 2\\n -textureDisplay \\\"modulate\\\" \\n -textureMaxSize 16384\\n -fogging 0\\n -fogSource \\\"fragment\\\" \\n -fogMode \\\"linear\\\" \\n -fogStart 0\\n -fogEnd 100\\n -fogDensity 0.1\\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\\n -rendererName \\\"base_OpenGL_Renderer\\\" \\n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\\n -isFiltered 0\\n -colorResolution 256 256 \\n -bumpResolution 512 512 \\n -textureCompression 0\\n -transparencyAlgorithm \\\"frontAndBackCull\\\" \\n -transpInShadows 0\\n -cullingOverride \\\"none\\\" \\n -lowQualityLighting 0\\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\\n -occlusionCulling 0\\n -shadingModel 0\\n -useBaseRenderer 0\\n -useReducedRenderer 0\\n -smallObjectCulling 0\\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \\n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\\n -sortTransparent 1\\n -nurbsCurves 1\\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\\n -polymeshes 1\\n -subdivSurfaces 1\\n -planes 1\\n -lights 1\\n -cameras 1\\n -controlVertices 1\\n -hulls 1\\n -grid 0\\n -imagePlane 1\\n -joints 1\\n -ikHandles 1\\n -deformers 1\\n -dynamics 1\\n -fluids 1\\n -hairSystems 1\\n -follicles 1\\n -nCloths 1\\n -nParticles 1\\n -nRigids 1\\n -dynamicConstraints 1\\n -locators 1\\n -manipulators 1\\n -pluginShapes 1\\n -dimensions 1\\n -handles 1\\n -pivots 1\\n -textures 1\\n -strokes 1\\n -motionTrails 1\\n -clipGhosts 1\\n -greasePencils 1\\n -shadows 0\\n $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\\nmodelEditor -e \\n -pluginObjects \\\"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\\\" 1 \\n $editorName\"\n" + "\t\t\t\t$configName;\n\n setNamedPanelLayout (localizedPanelLabel(\"Current Layout\"));\n }\n\n panelHistory -e -clear mainPanelHistory;\n setFocus `paneLayout -q -p1 $gMainPane`;\n sceneUIReplacement -deleteRemaining;\n sceneUIReplacement -clear;\n\t}\n\n\ngrid -spacing 5 -size 12 -divisions 5 -displayAxes yes -displayGridLines yes -displayDivisionLines yes -displayPerspectiveLabels no -displayOrthographicLabels no -displayAxesBold yes -perspectiveLabelPosition axis -orthographicLabelPosition edge;\nviewManip -drawCompass 0 -compassAngle 0 -frontParameters \"\" -homeParameters \"\" -selectionLockParameters \"\";\n}\n"); setAttr ".st" 3; createNode script -n "MHZZJT:sceneConfigurationScriptNode"; setAttr ".b" -type "string" "playbackOptions -min 1 -max 24 -ast 1 -aet 48 "; setAttr ".st" 6; createNode objectSet -n "MHZZJT:modelPanel4ViewSelectedSet"; setAttr ".ihi" 0; setAttr -s 2 ".dsm"; createNode groupId -n "MHZZJT:groupId3"; setAttr ".ihi" 0; createNode lambert -n "MHZZJT:MHZZJT_TT"; createNode shadingEngine -n "MHZZJT:lambert5SG"; setAttr ".ihi" 0; setAttr -s 2 ".dsm"; setAttr ".ro" yes; createNode materialInfo -n "MHZZJT:materialInfo6"; createNode file -n "MHZZJT:file4"; setAttr ".ftn" -type "string" "G:/MGJ/MOXING/350MHZÖмĮ̀/ZJT2.jpg"; createNode place2dTexture -n "MHZZJT:place2dTexture4"; createNode blinn 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