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4 years ago
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CloneSplash : CloneSingleObj
private GameObject ClonedObj;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
protected override void Clone()
var hitPoint = data.hitPos;
Vector3 clonedObjPos = new Vector3(hitPoint.x, hitPoint.y + Height, hitPoint.z);
ClonedObj = EntitiesManager.Instance.CreateObj(clonePrefab, clonedObjPos, transform, gameObjID);
//ClonedObj.name = cloneObjType.ToString() + number++;
ClonedObj.name = gameObjID.ToString();//名字即ID
//clonedObj.name = CloneObjectTool.Instance().getCloneObjectName(cloneObjType);
//string topname = CloneObjName.Instance.GetCloneNameByType(cloneObjType);
var hitObj = EntitiesManager.Instance.GetEntityByID(data.gameObjID);
CloneGameObjInfo floorMsg = hitObj.GetComponent<CloneGameObjInfo>();
CloneGameObjInfo objMsg = ClonedObj.GetComponent<CloneGameObjInfo>();
objMsg.gameObjType = cloneObjType;
objMsg.buildNum = floorMsg.buildNum;
objMsg.floorNum = floorMsg.floorNum;
objMsg.interlayerNum = floorMsg.interlayerNum;
//float dis = 0;
//RaycastHit[] AllHit = Physics.RaycastAll(hitPoint, Vector3.down, 100f, LayerMask.NameToLayer("SoliderRoad"));
//foreach (RaycastHit hit in AllHit)
// Debug.Log(hit.transform.name + "down");
// if (hit.transform.name.ToUpper().Contains("DIMIAN"))
// {
// dis = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, hitPoint);
// Debug.Log(dis);
// }
//ClonedObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, dis / 9.2f, 1);
//ClonedObj.transform.Translate(Vector3.down * (dis / 2 - 0.4f));
Vector3 hitobjVec = hitObj.transform/*.parent*/.position;
ClonedObj.transform.LookAt(new Vector3(hitobjVec.x, ClonedObj.transform.position.y, hitobjVec.z));
ClonedObj.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, -180, 0));
public override void SetCloneGameObject(GameObject obj)