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using System;
namespace MessagePack.Internal
internal sealed class BufferPool : ArrayPool<byte>
public static readonly BufferPool Default = new BufferPool(65535);
public BufferPool(int bufferLength)
: base(bufferLength)
internal class ArrayPool<T>
readonly int bufferLength;
readonly object gate;
int index;
T[][] buffers;
public ArrayPool(int bufferLength)
this.bufferLength = bufferLength;
this.buffers = new T[4][];
this.gate = new object();
public T[] Rent()
lock (gate)
if (index >= buffers.Length)
Array.Resize(ref buffers, buffers.Length * 2);
if (buffers[index] == null)
buffers[index] = new T[bufferLength];
var buffer = buffers[index];
buffers[index] = null;
return buffer;
public void Return(T[] array)
if (array.Length != bufferLength)
throw new InvalidOperationException("return buffer is not from pool");
lock (gate)
if (index != 0)
buffers[--index] = array;