using UnityEngine; namespace HighlightPlus { [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Highlight Plus Profile", fileName = "Highlight Plus Profile", order = 100)] [HelpURL("")] public class HighlightProfile : ScriptableObject { [Tooltip("Different options to specify which objects are affected by this Highlight Effect component.")] public TargetOptions effectGroup = TargetOptions.Children; [Tooltip("The layer that contains the affected objects by this effect when effectGroup is set to LayerMask.")] public LayerMask effectGroupLayer = -1; [Tooltip("Only include objects whose names contains this text.")] public string effectNameFilter; [Tooltip("Use RegEx to determine if an object name matches the effectNameFilter.")] public bool effectNameUseRegEx; [Tooltip("Combine meshes of all objects in this group affected by Highlight Effect reducing draw calls.")] public bool combineMeshes; [Tooltip("The alpha threshold for transparent cutout objects. Pixels with alpha below this value will be discarded.")] [Range(0, 1)] public float alphaCutOff; [Tooltip("If back facing triangles are ignored.Backfaces triangles are not visible but you may set this property to false to force highlight effects to act on those triangles as well.")] public bool cullBackFaces = true; [Tooltip("Normals handling option:\nPreserve original: use original mesh normals.\nSmooth: average normals to produce a smoother outline/glow mesh based effect.\nReorient: recomputes normals based on vertex direction to centroid.")] public NormalsOption normalsOption; public float fadeInDuration; public float fadeOutDuration; [Tooltip("Fades out effects based on distance to camera")] public bool cameraDistanceFade; [Tooltip("The closest distance particles can get to the camera before they fade from the camera’s view.")] public float cameraDistanceFadeNear; [Tooltip("The farthest distance particles can get away from the camera before they fade from the camera’s view.")] public float cameraDistanceFadeFar = 1000; [Tooltip("Keeps the outline/glow size unaffected by object distance.")] public bool constantWidth = true; [Range(0, 1)] [Tooltip("Intensity of the overlay effect. A value of 0 disables the overlay completely.")] public float overlay; public OverlayMode overlayMode = OverlayMode.WhenHighlighted; [ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color overlayColor = Color.yellow; public float overlayAnimationSpeed = 1f; [Range(0, 1)] public float overlayMinIntensity = 0.5f; [Range(0, 1)] [Tooltip("Controls the blending or mix of the overlay color with the natural colors of the object.")] public float overlayBlending = 1.0f; [Tooltip("Optional overlay texture.")] public Texture2D overlayTexture; public TextureUVSpace overlayTextureUVSpace; public float overlayTextureScale = 1f; public Vector2 overlayTextureScrolling; public Visibility overlayVisibility = Visibility.Normal; [Range(0, 1)] [Tooltip("Intensity of the outline. A value of 0 disables the outline completely.")] public float outline = 1f; [ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color outlineColor =; public ColorStyle outlineColorStyle = ColorStyle.SingleColor; [GradientUsage(hdr: true, ColorSpace.Linear)] public Gradient outlineGradient; public bool outlineGradientInLocalSpace; [Range(1, 3)] public int outlineBlurPasses = 2; public float outlineWidth = 0.45f; public QualityLevel outlineQuality = QualityLevel.High; public OutlineEdgeMode outlineEdgeMode = OutlineEdgeMode.Exterior; public float outlineEdgeThreshold = 0.995f; public float outlineSharpness = 1f; [Range(1, 8)] [Tooltip("Reduces the quality of the outline but improves performance a bit.")] public int outlineDownsampling = 1; public ContourStyle outlineContourStyle = ContourStyle.AroundVisibleParts; public Visibility outlineVisibility = Visibility.Normal; [Tooltip("If enabled, this object won't combine the outline with other objects.")] public bool outlineIndependent; [Tooltip("Select the mask mode used with this effect.")] public MaskMode outlineMaskMode = MaskMode.Stencil; [Range(0, 5)] [Tooltip("The intensity of the outer glow effect. A value of 0 disables the glow completely.")] public float glow; public float glowWidth = 0.4f; public QualityLevel glowQuality = QualityLevel.High; public BlurMethod glowBlurMethod = BlurMethod.Gaussian; [Range(1, 8)] [Tooltip("Reduces the quality of the glow but improves performance a bit.")] public int glowDownsampling = 2; [ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color glowHQColor = new Color(0.64f, 1f, 0f, 1f); [Tooltip("When enabled, outer glow renders with dithering. When disabled, glow appears as a solid color.")] [Range(0, 1)] public float glowDithering = 1; public GlowDitheringStyle glowDitheringStyle = GlowDitheringStyle.Pattern; [Tooltip("Seed for the dithering effect")] public float glowMagicNumber1 = 0.75f; [Tooltip("Another seed for the dithering effect that combines with first seed to create different patterns")] public float glowMagicNumber2 = 0.5f; public float glowAnimationSpeed = 1f; public Visibility glowVisibility = Visibility.Normal; public GlowBlendMode glowBlendMode = GlowBlendMode.Additive; [Tooltip("Blends glow passes one after another. If this option is disabled, glow passes won't overlap (in this case, make sure the glow pass 1 has a smaller offset than pass 2, etc.)")] public bool glowBlendPasses = true; public GlowPassData[] glowPasses; [Tooltip("Select the mask mode used with this effect.")] public MaskMode glowMaskMode = MaskMode.Stencil; [Range(0, 5f)] [Tooltip("The intensity of the inner glow effect. A value of 0 disables the glow completely.")] public float innerGlow; [Range(0, 2)] public float innerGlowWidth = 1f; public InnerGlowBlendMode innerGlowBlendMode = InnerGlowBlendMode.Additive; [ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color innerGlowColor = Color.white; public Visibility innerGlowVisibility = Visibility.Normal; [Tooltip("Enables the targetFX effect. This effect draws an animated sprite over the object.")] public bool targetFX; public Texture2D targetFXTexture; [ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color targetFXColor = Color.white; public float targetFXRotationSpeed = 50f; public float targetFXInitialScale = 4f; public float targetFXEndScale = 1.5f; [Tooltip("Makes target scale relative to object renderer bounds.")] public bool targetFXScaleToRenderBounds; [Tooltip("Places target FX sprite at the bottom of the highlighted object.")] public bool targetFXAlignToGround; [Tooltip("Max distance from the center of the highlighted object to the ground.")] public float targetFXGroundMaxDistance = 15f; public LayerMask targetFXGroundLayerMask = -1; [Tooltip("Fade out effect with altitude")] public float targetFXFadePower = 32; [Tooltip("Enable to render a single target FX effect at the center of the enclosing bounds")] public bool targetFXUseEnclosingBounds; [Tooltip("Optional worlds space offset for the position of the targetFX effect")] public Vector3 targetFXOffset; public float targetFXTransitionDuration = 0.5f; public float targetFXStayDuration = 1.5f; public Visibility targetFXVisibility = Visibility.AlwaysOnTop; [Tooltip("See-through mode for this Highlight Effect component.")] public SeeThroughMode seeThrough = SeeThroughMode.Never; [Tooltip("This mask setting let you specify which objects will be considered as occluders and cause the see-through effect for this Highlight Effect component. For example, you assign your walls to a different layer and specify that layer here, so only walls and not other objects, like ground or ceiling, will trigger the see-through effect.")] public LayerMask seeThroughOccluderMask = -1; [Tooltip("Uses stencil buffers to ensure pixel-accurate occlusion test. If this option is disabled, only physics raycasting is used to test for occlusion.")] public bool seeThroughOccluderMaskAccurate; [Tooltip("A multiplier for the occluder volume size which can be used to reduce the actual size of occluders when Highlight Effect checks if they're occluding this object.")] [Range(0.01f, 0.9f)] public float seeThroughOccluderThreshold = 0.4f; [Tooltip("The interval of time between occlusion tests.")] public float seeThroughOccluderCheckInterval = 1f; [Tooltip("If enabled, occlusion test is performed for each children element. If disabled, the bounds of all children is combined and a single occlusion test is performed for the combined bounds.")] public bool seeThroughOccluderCheckIndividualObjects; [Tooltip("Shows the see-through effect only if the occluder if at this 'offset' distance from the object.")] public float seeThroughDepthOffset; [Tooltip("Hides the see-through effect if the occluder is further than this distance from the object (0 = infinite)")] public float seeThroughMaxDepth; [Range(0, 5f)] public float seeThroughIntensity = 0.8f; [Range(0, 1)] public float seeThroughTintAlpha = 0.5f; public Color seeThroughTintColor =; [Range(0, 1)] public float seeThroughNoise = 1f; [Range(0, 1)] public float seeThroughBorder; public Color seeThroughBorderColor =; public float seeThroughBorderWidth = 0.45f; [Tooltip("Only display the border instead of the full see-through effect.")] public bool seeThroughBorderOnly; [Tooltip("This option clears the stencil buffer after rendering the see-through effect which results in correct rendering order and supports other stencil-based effects that render afterwards.")] public bool seeThroughOrdered; [Tooltip("Optional see-through mask effect texture.")] public Texture2D seeThroughTexture; public TextureUVSpace seeThroughTextureUVSpace; public float seeThroughTextureScale = 1f; [Tooltip("The order by which children objects are rendered by the see-through effect")] public SeeThroughSortingMode seeThroughChildrenSortingMode = SeeThroughSortingMode.Default; [Range(0, 1)] public float hitFxInitialIntensity; public HitFxMode hitFxMode = HitFxMode.Overlay; public float hitFxFadeOutDuration = 0.25f; [ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color hitFxColor = Color.white; public float hitFxRadius = 0.5f; public void Load(HighlightEffect effect) { effect.effectGroup = effectGroup; effect.effectGroupLayer = effectGroupLayer; effect.effectNameFilter = effectNameFilter; effect.effectNameUseRegEx = effectNameUseRegEx; effect.combineMeshes = combineMeshes; effect.alphaCutOff = alphaCutOff; effect.cullBackFaces = cullBackFaces; effect.normalsOption = normalsOption; effect.fadeInDuration = fadeInDuration; effect.fadeOutDuration = fadeOutDuration; effect.cameraDistanceFade = cameraDistanceFade; effect.cameraDistanceFadeFar = cameraDistanceFadeFar; effect.cameraDistanceFadeNear = cameraDistanceFadeNear; effect.constantWidth = constantWidth; effect.overlay = overlay; effect.overlayMode = overlayMode; effect.overlayColor = overlayColor; effect.overlayAnimationSpeed = overlayAnimationSpeed; effect.overlayMinIntensity = overlayMinIntensity; effect.overlayBlending = overlayBlending; effect.overlayTexture = overlayTexture; effect.overlayTextureUVSpace = overlayTextureUVSpace; effect.overlayTextureScale = overlayTextureScale; effect.overlayTextureScrolling = overlayTextureScrolling; effect.overlayVisibility = overlayVisibility; effect.outline = outline; effect.outlineColor = outlineColor; effect.outlineColorStyle = outlineColorStyle; effect.outlineGradient = outlineGradient; effect.outlineGradientInLocalSpace = outlineGradientInLocalSpace; effect.outlineWidth = outlineWidth; effect.outlineBlurPasses = outlineBlurPasses; effect.outlineQuality = outlineQuality; effect.outlineEdgeMode = outlineEdgeMode; effect.outlineEdgeThreshold = outlineEdgeThreshold; effect.outlineSharpness = outlineSharpness; effect.outlineDownsampling = outlineDownsampling; effect.outlineVisibility = outlineVisibility; effect.outlineIndependent = outlineIndependent; effect.outlineContourStyle = outlineContourStyle; effect.outlineMaskMode = outlineMaskMode; effect.glow = glow; effect.glowWidth = glowWidth; effect.glowQuality = glowQuality; effect.glowBlurMethod = glowBlurMethod; effect.glowDownsampling = glowDownsampling; effect.glowHQColor = glowHQColor; effect.glowDithering = glowDithering; effect.glowDitheringStyle = glowDitheringStyle; effect.glowMagicNumber1 = glowMagicNumber1; effect.glowMagicNumber2 = glowMagicNumber2; effect.glowAnimationSpeed = glowAnimationSpeed; effect.glowVisibility = glowVisibility; effect.glowBlendMode = glowBlendMode; effect.glowBlendPasses = glowBlendPasses; effect.glowPasses = GetGlowPassesCopy(glowPasses); effect.glowMaskMode = glowMaskMode; effect.innerGlow = innerGlow; effect.innerGlowWidth = innerGlowWidth; effect.innerGlowColor = innerGlowColor; effect.innerGlowBlendMode = innerGlowBlendMode; effect.innerGlowVisibility = innerGlowVisibility; effect.targetFX = targetFX; effect.targetFXColor = targetFXColor; effect.targetFXInitialScale = targetFXInitialScale; effect.targetFXEndScale = targetFXEndScale; effect.targetFXScaleToRenderBounds = targetFXScaleToRenderBounds; effect.targetFXAlignToGround = targetFXAlignToGround; effect.targetFXGroundMaxDistance = targetFXGroundMaxDistance; effect.targetFXGroundLayerMask = targetFXGroundLayerMask; effect.targetFXFadePower = targetFXFadePower; effect.targetFXRotationSpeed = targetFXRotationSpeed; effect.targetFXStayDuration = targetFXStayDuration; effect.targetFXTexture = targetFXTexture; effect.targetFXTransitionDuration = targetFXTransitionDuration; effect.targetFXVisibility = targetFXVisibility; effect.targetFXUseEnclosingBounds = targetFXUseEnclosingBounds; effect.targetFXOffset = targetFXOffset; effect.seeThrough = seeThrough; effect.seeThroughOccluderMask = seeThroughOccluderMask; effect.seeThroughOccluderMaskAccurate = seeThroughOccluderMaskAccurate; effect.seeThroughOccluderThreshold = seeThroughOccluderThreshold; effect.seeThroughOccluderCheckInterval = seeThroughOccluderCheckInterval; effect.seeThroughOccluderCheckIndividualObjects = seeThroughOccluderCheckIndividualObjects; effect.seeThroughIntensity = seeThroughIntensity; effect.seeThroughTintAlpha = seeThroughTintAlpha; effect.seeThroughTintColor = seeThroughTintColor; effect.seeThroughNoise = seeThroughNoise; effect.seeThroughBorder = seeThroughBorder; effect.seeThroughBorderColor = seeThroughBorderColor; effect.seeThroughBorderWidth = seeThroughBorderWidth; effect.seeThroughBorderOnly = seeThroughBorderOnly; effect.seeThroughDepthOffset = seeThroughDepthOffset; effect.seeThroughMaxDepth = seeThroughMaxDepth; effect.seeThroughOrdered = seeThroughOrdered; effect.seeThroughTexture = seeThroughTexture; effect.seeThroughTextureScale = seeThroughTextureScale; effect.seeThroughTextureUVSpace = seeThroughTextureUVSpace; effect.seeThroughChildrenSortingMode = seeThroughChildrenSortingMode; effect.hitFxInitialIntensity = hitFxInitialIntensity; effect.hitFxMode = hitFxMode; effect.hitFxFadeOutDuration = hitFxFadeOutDuration; effect.hitFxColor = hitFxColor; effect.hitFxRadius = hitFxRadius; effect.UpdateMaterialProperties(); } public void Save(HighlightEffect effect) { effectGroup = effect.effectGroup; effectGroupLayer = effect.effectGroupLayer; effectNameFilter = effect.effectNameFilter; effectNameUseRegEx = effect.effectNameUseRegEx; combineMeshes = effect.combineMeshes; alphaCutOff = effect.alphaCutOff; cullBackFaces = effect.cullBackFaces; normalsOption = effect.normalsOption; fadeInDuration = effect.fadeInDuration; fadeOutDuration = effect.fadeOutDuration; cameraDistanceFade = effect.cameraDistanceFade; cameraDistanceFadeFar = effect.cameraDistanceFadeFar; cameraDistanceFadeNear = effect.cameraDistanceFadeNear; constantWidth = effect.constantWidth; overlay = effect.overlay; overlayMode = effect.overlayMode; overlayColor = effect.overlayColor; overlayAnimationSpeed = effect.overlayAnimationSpeed; overlayMinIntensity = effect.overlayMinIntensity; overlayBlending = effect.overlayBlending; overlayTexture = effect.overlayTexture; overlayTextureUVSpace = effect.overlayTextureUVSpace; overlayTextureScale = effect.overlayTextureScale; overlayTextureScrolling = effect.overlayTextureScrolling; overlayVisibility = effect.overlayVisibility; outline = effect.outline; outlineColor = effect.outlineColor; outlineColorStyle = effect.outlineColorStyle; outlineGradient = effect.outlineGradient; outlineGradientInLocalSpace = effect.outlineGradientInLocalSpace; outlineWidth = effect.outlineWidth; outlineBlurPasses = effect.outlineBlurPasses; outlineQuality = effect.outlineQuality; outlineEdgeMode = effect.outlineEdgeMode; outlineEdgeThreshold = effect.outlineEdgeThreshold; outlineSharpness = effect.outlineSharpness; outlineDownsampling = effect.outlineDownsampling; outlineVisibility = effect.outlineVisibility; outlineIndependent = effect.outlineIndependent; outlineContourStyle = effect.outlineContourStyle; outlineMaskMode = effect.outlineMaskMode; glow = effect.glow; glowWidth = effect.glowWidth; glowQuality = effect.glowQuality; glowBlurMethod = effect.glowBlurMethod; glowDownsampling = effect.glowDownsampling; glowHQColor = effect.glowHQColor; glowDithering = effect.glowDithering; glowDitheringStyle = effect.glowDitheringStyle; glowMagicNumber1 = effect.glowMagicNumber1; glowMagicNumber2 = effect.glowMagicNumber2; glowAnimationSpeed = effect.glowAnimationSpeed; glowVisibility = effect.glowVisibility; glowBlendMode = effect.glowBlendMode; glowBlendPasses = effect.glowBlendPasses; glowPasses = GetGlowPassesCopy(effect.glowPasses); glowMaskMode = effect.glowMaskMode; innerGlow = effect.innerGlow; innerGlowWidth = effect.innerGlowWidth; innerGlowColor = effect.innerGlowColor; innerGlowBlendMode = effect.innerGlowBlendMode; innerGlowVisibility = effect.innerGlowVisibility; targetFX = effect.targetFX; targetFXColor = effect.targetFXColor; targetFXInitialScale = effect.targetFXInitialScale; targetFXEndScale = effect.targetFXEndScale; targetFXScaleToRenderBounds = effect.targetFXScaleToRenderBounds; targetFXAlignToGround = effect.targetFXAlignToGround; targetFXGroundMaxDistance = effect.targetFXGroundMaxDistance; targetFXGroundLayerMask = effect.targetFXGroundLayerMask; targetFXFadePower = effect.targetFXFadePower; targetFXRotationSpeed = effect.targetFXRotationSpeed; targetFXStayDuration = effect.targetFXStayDuration; targetFXTexture = effect.targetFXTexture; targetFXTransitionDuration = effect.targetFXTransitionDuration; targetFXVisibility = effect.targetFXVisibility; targetFXUseEnclosingBounds = effect.targetFXUseEnclosingBounds; targetFXOffset = effect.targetFXOffset; seeThrough = effect.seeThrough; seeThroughOccluderMask = effect.seeThroughOccluderMask; seeThroughOccluderMaskAccurate = effect.seeThroughOccluderMaskAccurate; seeThroughOccluderThreshold = effect.seeThroughOccluderThreshold; seeThroughOccluderCheckInterval = effect.seeThroughOccluderCheckInterval; seeThroughOccluderCheckIndividualObjects = effect.seeThroughOccluderCheckIndividualObjects; seeThroughIntensity = effect.seeThroughIntensity; seeThroughTintAlpha = effect.seeThroughTintAlpha; seeThroughTintColor = effect.seeThroughTintColor; seeThroughNoise = effect.seeThroughNoise; seeThroughBorder = effect.seeThroughBorder; seeThroughBorderColor = effect.seeThroughBorderColor; seeThroughBorderWidth = effect.seeThroughBorderWidth; seeThroughDepthOffset = effect.seeThroughDepthOffset; seeThroughBorderOnly = effect.seeThroughBorderOnly; seeThroughMaxDepth = effect.seeThroughMaxDepth; seeThroughOrdered = effect.seeThroughOrdered; seeThroughTexture = effect.seeThroughTexture; seeThroughTextureScale = effect.seeThroughTextureScale; seeThroughTextureUVSpace = effect.seeThroughTextureUVSpace; seeThroughChildrenSortingMode = effect.seeThroughChildrenSortingMode; hitFxInitialIntensity = effect.hitFxInitialIntensity; hitFxMode = effect.hitFxMode; hitFxFadeOutDuration = effect.hitFxFadeOutDuration; hitFxColor = effect.hitFxColor; hitFxRadius = effect.hitFxRadius; } GlowPassData[] GetGlowPassesCopy(GlowPassData[] glowPasses) { if (glowPasses == null) { return new GlowPassData[0]; } GlowPassData[] pd = new GlowPassData[glowPasses.Length]; for (int k = 0; k < glowPasses.Length; k++) { pd[k].alpha = glowPasses[k].alpha; pd[k].color = glowPasses[k].color; pd[k].offset = glowPasses[k].offset; } return pd; } private void OnValidate() { outlineEdgeThreshold = Mathf.Clamp01(outlineEdgeThreshold); outlineSharpness = Mathf.Max(outlineSharpness, 1f); seeThroughDepthOffset = Mathf.Max(0, seeThroughDepthOffset); seeThroughMaxDepth = Mathf.Max(0, seeThroughMaxDepth); seeThroughBorderWidth = Mathf.Max(0, seeThroughBorderWidth); targetFXFadePower = Mathf.Max(0, targetFXFadePower); cameraDistanceFadeNear = Mathf.Max(0, cameraDistanceFadeNear); cameraDistanceFadeFar = Mathf.Max(0, cameraDistanceFadeFar); if (glowPasses == null || glowPasses.Length == 0) { glowPasses = new GlowPassData[4]; glowPasses[0] = new GlowPassData() { offset = 4, alpha = 0.1f, color = new Color(0.64f, 1f, 0f, 1f) }; glowPasses[1] = new GlowPassData() { offset = 3, alpha = 0.2f, color = new Color(0.64f, 1f, 0f, 1f) }; glowPasses[2] = new GlowPassData() { offset = 2, alpha = 0.3f, color = new Color(0.64f, 1f, 0f, 1f) }; glowPasses[3] = new GlowPassData() { offset = 1, alpha = 0.4f, color = new Color(0.64f, 1f, 0f, 1f) }; } } } }