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90 lines
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3 years ago
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects
[RequireComponent (typeof (Camera))]
[AddComponentMenu ("Image Effects/Edge Detection/Edge Detection")]
public class EdgeDetection : PostEffectsBase
public enum EdgeDetectMode
TriangleDepthNormals = 0,
RobertsCrossDepthNormals = 1,
SobelDepth = 2,
SobelDepthThin = 3,
TriangleLuminance = 4,
public EdgeDetectMode mode = EdgeDetectMode.SobelDepthThin;
public float sensitivityDepth = 1.0f;
public float sensitivityNormals = 1.0f;
public float lumThreshold = 0.2f;
public float edgeExp = 1.0f;
public float sampleDist = 1.0f;
public float edgesOnly = 0.0f;
public Color edgesOnlyBgColor = Color.white;
public Shader edgeDetectShader;
private Material edgeDetectMaterial = null;
private EdgeDetectMode oldMode = EdgeDetectMode.SobelDepthThin;
public override bool CheckResources ()
CheckSupport (true);
edgeDetectMaterial = CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial (edgeDetectShader,edgeDetectMaterial);
if (mode != oldMode)
SetCameraFlag ();
oldMode = mode;
if (!isSupported)
ReportAutoDisable ();
return isSupported;
new void Start ()
oldMode = mode;
void SetCameraFlag ()
if (mode == EdgeDetectMode.SobelDepth || mode == EdgeDetectMode.SobelDepthThin)
GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
else if (mode == EdgeDetectMode.TriangleDepthNormals || mode == EdgeDetectMode.RobertsCrossDepthNormals)
GetComponent<Camera>().depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.DepthNormals;
void OnEnable ()
void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (CheckResources () == false)
Graphics.Blit (source, destination);
Vector2 sensitivity = new Vector2 (sensitivityDepth, sensitivityNormals);
edgeDetectMaterial.SetVector ("_Sensitivity", new Vector4 (sensitivity.x, sensitivity.y, 1.0f, sensitivity.y));
edgeDetectMaterial.SetFloat ("_BgFade", edgesOnly);
edgeDetectMaterial.SetFloat ("_SampleDistance", sampleDist);
edgeDetectMaterial.SetVector ("_BgColor", edgesOnlyBgColor);
edgeDetectMaterial.SetFloat ("_Exponent", edgeExp);
edgeDetectMaterial.SetFloat ("_Threshold", lumThreshold);
Graphics.Blit (source, destination, edgeDetectMaterial, (int) mode);