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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class OilTankMessage : CloneGameObjInfo
#region 罐体信息
public string MatterContainer = "原油";//储物
[Range(0, 1f)]
public float Reserves = 0.5f;//储量
public TankType MyType;
public float TakeTime;
public float DurationTime;
public float FlowRate;
[Range(0, 1f), Rename("沸溢机率")]
public float BoilProb;
public float OutShowHeight;
public float Tank_D;
public float TankHeight;
public bool HasLeakeSet;
public string GuanQuName;
public OilTankBase MyBaseMessage;
//public float MyHeight = 1f;//自身罐体高度(本场景是Z)
public float MyHeight = 1f;//自身罐体高度(本场景是Y)
private Transform OilStandard;
public float ReservesMeshHeight;//表示储量的绿色模型高度(Z轴上的)
public float OilStandardAxis = 1f;//调整储量液面高度的参数
#region 爆炸参数
// 是否爆炸
public bool IsCanExplode = false;
// 冷却爆炸时间
public int ExplodeTime = 0;
// 爆炸死亡范围
public int ExplodeDeadRange = 0;
// 爆炸受伤范围
public int ExplodeHurtRange = 0;
// 是否可以喷溅沸溢
public bool IsCanBoilOver = false;
// 喷溅时间
public int SplashTime = 0;
// 发生喷溅几率
public int SplashProbability = 0;
// 沸溢几率
public int BoilOverTime = 0;
// 发生沸溢几率
public int BoilOverProbability = 0;
// 喷溅死亡范围
public int BoilOverDeadRange = 0;
// 罐体半径 11-20
public float OilTankRadius = 20f;
void Awake()
MyBaseMessage = GetComponent<OilTankBase>();
//if (MyType==TankType.外浮顶罐)
// ReservesMeshHeight = transform.Find("OilStandard").GetChild(0).GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.size.y;
//if (MyType==TankType.固定拱顶罐)
// ReservesMeshHeight = transform.Find("OilStandard").GetChild(0).GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.size.z;
//MatterContainer = "原油";
OilStandard = transform.Find("OilStandard");
//MyHeight = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.size.z * 0.85f;
MyHeight = 1f;
Reserves = 0.5f;
OutShowHeight = MyHeight * Reserves;
//MyBaseMessage = GetComponent<OilTankBase>();
//Tank_D = MyBaseMessage.Tank_D;
//TankHeight = MyBaseMessage.TankHeight;
//GuanQuName = MyBaseMessage.GuanQuName;
if (OilStandard)
// 设置爆炸数据
public void SetExplodeData(int explodeTime,int explodeDeadRange,int explodeHurtRange,bool isExplode)
ExplodeTime = explodeTime;
ExplodeDeadRange = explodeDeadRange;
ExplodeHurtRange = explodeHurtRange;
IsCanExplode = isExplode;
// 设置喷溅沸溢
public void SetBoilOverData(int splashTime, int splashProbability, int boilOverTime, int boilOverProbability, int boilOverDeadRange,bool isBoilOver)
SplashTime = splashTime;
SplashProbability = splashProbability;
BoilOverTime = boilOverTime;
BoilOverProbability = boilOverProbability;
BoilOverDeadRange = boilOverDeadRange;
IsCanBoilOver = isBoilOver;
public void SetOilTank(string chuwu, float chuliang)
MatterContainer = chuwu;
Reserves = chuliang;
OutShowHeight = MyHeight * chuliang;
public override void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void SetOilStandard()
if (OilStandard)
//OilStandard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(OilStandard.transform.localScale.x, OutShowHeight / 2, OilStandard.transform.localScale.z);
//float offset = -(MyHeight - OutShowHeight) / 2;
//OilStandard.localPosition = new Vector3(OilStandard.localPosition.x, OilStandard.localPosition
// .y, offset - 1);
if (CurrentUserInfo.role != Role. && CurrentUserInfo.mySelf.Roles[0].DisplayName != "灾情库管理员")
OilStandard.transform.localScale = new Vector3(OilStandard.transform.localScale.x, OutShowHeight* OilStandardAxis, OilStandard.transform.localScale.z);
float offset = -(MyHeight - OutShowHeight) / 2;
//OilStandard.localPosition = new Vector3(OilStandard.localPosition.x, OilStandard.localPosition
// .y, offset - 1);
public enum TankType