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520 lines
31 KiB
520 lines
31 KiB
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced '_Object2World' with 'unity_ObjectToWorld' |
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced '_World2Object' with 'unity_WorldToObject' |
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' |
Shader "AQUAS/Desktop and Web/Double-Sided/Double-Textured" { |
Properties { |
[NoScaleOffset]_SmallWavesTexture ("Small Waves Texture", 2D) = "white" {} |
[NoScaleOffset]_LargeWavesTexture ("Large Waves Texture", 2D) = "white" {} |
_SmallWavesTiling ("Small Waves Tiling", Float ) = 0.5 |
_LargeWavesTiling ("Large Waves Tiling", Float ) = 0.2 |
_OffsetSmallBigSmall ("Offset (Small/Big+Small)", Range(0, 1)) = 1 |
_OffsetSmallBigSmallBig ("Offset (Small/Big+Small/Big)", Range(0, 1)) = 0 |
_MainColor ("Main Color", Color) = (0,0.4627451,1,1) |
_DeepWaterColor ("Deep Water Color", Color) = (0,0.3411765,0.6235294,1) |
_Fade ("Fade", Float ) = 1.45 |
_Density ("Density", Range(0, 10)) = 1.74 |
_DepthTransparency ("Depth Transparency", Float ) = 1.5 |
_ShoreFade ("Shore Fade", Float ) = 0.3 |
_ShoreTransparency ("Shore Transparency", Float ) = 0.04 |
[HideInInspector]_ReflectionTex ("Reflection Tex", 2D) = "white" {} |
[MaterialToggle] _EnableReflections ("Enable Reflections", Float ) = 0.6 |
_ReflectionIntensity ("Reflection Intensity", Range(0, 1)) = 0.6 |
_Distortion ("Distortion", Range(0, 2)) = 0.3 |
_Specular ("Specular", Float ) = 1 |
_SpecularColor ("Specular Color", Color) = (0.75,0.7665441,0.7665441,1) |
_Gloss ("Gloss", Float ) = 0.7 |
_LightWrapping ("Light Wrapping", Float ) = 1 |
_Refraction ("Refraction", Range(0, 1)) = 0.67 |
_SmallWavesSpeed ("Small Waves Speed", Float ) = 20 |
_LargeWavesSpeed ("Large Waves Speed", Float ) = 40 |
[NoScaleOffset]_FoamTexture ("Foam Texture", 2D) = "white" {} |
_FoamTiling ("Foam Tiling", Float ) = 3 |
_FoamBlend ("Foam Blend", Float ) = 0.15 |
_FoamVisibility ("Foam Visibility", Range(0, 1)) = 0.3 |
_FoamIntensity ("Foam Intensity", Float ) = 10 |
_FoamContrast ("Foam Contrast", Range(0, 0.5)) = 0.25 |
_FoamColor ("Foam Color", Color) = (0.3602941,0.3602941,0.3602941,1) |
_FoamSpeed ("Foam Speed", Float ) = 120 |
_FoamDistFade ("Foam Dist. Fade", Float ) = 14.7 |
_FoamDistFalloff ("Foam Dist. Falloff", Float ) = 4.7 |
[MaterialToggle] _UnderwaterMode ("Underwater Mode", Float ) = 0 |
[MaterialToggle] _EnableCustomFog ("Enable Custom Fog", Float ) = 1.393589 |
_FogDistance ("Fog Distance", Float ) = 1000 |
_FogFade ("Fog Fade", Float ) = 1 |
_FogColor ("Fog Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) |
_LongTilingDistance ("Long Tiling Distance", Float ) = 200 |
_DistanceTilingFade ("Distance Tiling Fade", Float ) = 1 |
[HideInInspector]_Cutoff ("Alpha cutoff", Range(0,1)) = 0.5 |
} |
SubShader { |
Tags { |
"IgnoreProjector"="True" |
"Queue"="Transparent" |
"RenderType"="Transparent" |
} |
GrabPass{ "Refraction" } |
Pass { |
Name "FORWARD" |
Tags { |
"LightMode"="ForwardBase" |
} |
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha |
Cull Off |
ZWrite Off |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#include "UnityCG.cginc" |
#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase |
#pragma multi_compile_fog |
#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x |
#pragma target 3.0 |
uniform float4 _LightColor0; |
uniform sampler2D Refraction; |
uniform sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture; |
uniform float4 _TimeEditor; |
uniform float _Fade; |
uniform float4 _MainColor; |
uniform float _Density; |
uniform float4 _DeepWaterColor; |
uniform float _ReflectionIntensity; |
uniform fixed _EnableReflections; |
uniform sampler2D _ReflectionTex; uniform float4 _ReflectionTex_ST; |
uniform float _FoamBlend; |
uniform float _FoamIntensity; |
uniform float4 _FoamColor; |
uniform float _FoamVisibility; |
uniform float _FoamContrast; |
uniform sampler2D _FoamTexture; uniform float4 _FoamTexture_ST; |
uniform float _FoamTiling; |
uniform float _FoamSpeed; |
uniform float _Specular; |
uniform float _Gloss; |
uniform float _Refraction; |
uniform sampler2D _SmallWavesTexture; uniform float4 _SmallWavesTexture_ST; |
uniform float _LightWrapping; |
uniform float _SmallWavesTiling; |
uniform float _SmallWavesSpeed; |
uniform sampler2D _LargeWavesTexture; uniform float4 _LargeWavesTexture_ST; |
uniform float _LargeWavesSpeed; |
uniform float _LargeWavesTiling; |
uniform float _OffsetSmallBigSmallBig; |
uniform float _OffsetSmallBigSmall; |
uniform float _FoamDistFade; |
uniform float _FoamDistFalloff; |
uniform float _DepthTransparency; |
uniform float4 _SpecularColor; |
uniform fixed _UnderwaterMode; |
uniform float _ShoreFade; |
uniform float _ShoreTransparency; |
uniform float _Distortion; |
uniform fixed _EnableCustomFog; |
uniform float _FogDistance; |
uniform float _FogFade; |
uniform float4 _FogColor; |
uniform float _LongTilingDistance; |
uniform float _DistanceTilingFade; |
struct VertexInput { |
float4 vertex : POSITION; |
float3 normal : NORMAL; |
float4 tangent : TANGENT; |
float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
struct VertexOutput { |
float4 pos : SV_POSITION; |
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0; |
float4 posWorld : TEXCOORD1; |
float3 normalDir : TEXCOORD2; |
float3 tangentDir : TEXCOORD3; |
float3 bitangentDir : TEXCOORD4; |
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD5; |
float4 projPos : TEXCOORD6; |
}; |
VertexOutput vert (VertexInput v) { |
VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0; |
o.uv0 = v.texcoord0; |
o.normalDir = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal); |
o.tangentDir = normalize( mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(, 0.0 ) ).xyz ); |
o.bitangentDir = normalize(cross(o.normalDir, o.tangentDir) * v.tangent.w); |
float3 recipObjScale = float3( length(unity_WorldToObject[0].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[1].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[2].xyz) ); |
float3 objScale = 1.0/recipObjScale; |
o.posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); |
float3 lightColor = _LightColor0.rgb; |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex ); |
o.projPos = ComputeScreenPos (o.pos); |
COMPUTE_EYEDEPTH(o.projPos.z); |
o.screenPos = o.pos; |
return o; |
} |
float4 frag(VertexOutput i, float facing : VFACE) : COLOR { |
float isFrontFace = ( facing >= 0 ? 1 : 0 ); |
float faceSign = ( facing >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ); |
float3 recipObjScale = float3( length(unity_WorldToObject[0].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[1].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[2].xyz) ); |
float3 objScale = 1.0/recipObjScale; |
float grabSign = -_ProjectionParams.x; |
#else |
float grabSign = _ProjectionParams.x; |
#endif |
i.screenPos = float4( i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w, 0, 0 ); |
i.screenPos.y *= _ProjectionParams.x; |
float sceneZ = max(0,LinearEyeDepth (UNITY_SAMPLE_DEPTH(tex2Dproj(_CameraDepthTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(i.projPos)))) - _ProjectionParams.g); |
float partZ = max(0,i.projPos.z - _ProjectionParams.g); |
float _rotator2_ang = 1.5708; |
float _rotator2_spd = 1.0; |
float _rotator2_cos = cos(_rotator2_spd*_rotator2_ang); |
float _rotator2_sin = sin(_rotator2_spd*_rotator2_ang); |
float2 _rotator2_piv = float2(0.5,0.5); |
float2 _rotator2 = (mul(i.uv0-_rotator2_piv,float2x2( _rotator2_cos, -_rotator2_sin, _rotator2_sin, _rotator2_cos))+_rotator2_piv); |
float _value1 = 1000.0; |
float2 _division2 = ((objScale.rb*_SmallWavesTiling)/_value1); |
float4 _timer2 = _Time + _TimeEditor; |
float3 _multiplier5 = (float3((_SmallWavesSpeed/_division2),0.0)*(_timer2.r/100.0)); |
float2 node_1797 = (_rotator2+_multiplier5); |
float2 _multiplier6 = (node_1797*_division2); |
float4 _texture3 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier6, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float2 node_4985 = (i.uv0+_multiplier5); |
float2 _multiplier7 = (node_4985*_division2); |
float4 _texture4 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier7, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float node_2111 = 20.0; |
float2 node_6643 = (_division2/node_2111); |
float2 node_2096 = (node_1797*node_6643); |
float4 node_3923 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_2096, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float2 node_4891 = (node_4985*node_6643); |
float4 node_1775 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_4891, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float node_6936 = saturate(pow((distance(i.posWorld.rgb,_WorldSpaceCameraPos)/_LongTilingDistance),_DistanceTilingFade)); |
float3 node_4872 = lerp((_texture3.rgb-_texture4.rgb),(node_3923.rgb-node_1775.rgb),node_6936); |
float node_4995 = lerp(_Refraction,(_Refraction/4.0),node_6936); |
float _multiplier1 = (pow(saturate((sceneZ-partZ)/_DepthTransparency),_ShoreFade)*saturate((sceneZ-partZ)/_ShoreTransparency)); |
float2 sceneUVs = float2(1,grabSign)*i.screenPos.xy*0.5+0.5 + ((node_4872.rg*(node_4995*0.2))*_multiplier1); |
float4 sceneColor = tex2D(Refraction, sceneUVs); |
float3x3 tangentTransform = float3x3( i.tangentDir, i.bitangentDir, i.normalDir); |
/////// Vectors: |
float3 viewDirection = normalize( -; |
float2 _division1 = ((objScale.rb*_LargeWavesTiling)/_value1); |
float4 _timer1 = _Time + _TimeEditor; |
float3 _multiplier4 = (float3((_LargeWavesSpeed/_division1),0.0)*(_timer1.r/100.0)); |
float3 node_3119 = (float3(i.uv0,0.0)+_multiplier4); |
float3 _texture2 = (node_3119*float3(_division1,0.0)); |
float4 _multiplier2 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_texture2, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float _rotator1_ang = 1.5708; |
float _rotator1_spd = 1.0; |
float _rotator1_cos = cos(_rotator1_spd*_rotator1_ang); |
float _rotator1_sin = sin(_rotator1_spd*_rotator1_ang); |
float2 _rotator1_piv = float2(0.5,0.5); |
float2 _rotator1 = (mul(i.uv0-_rotator1_piv,float2x2( _rotator1_cos, -_rotator1_sin, _rotator1_sin, _rotator1_cos))+_rotator1_piv); |
float3 node_9762 = (float3(_rotator1,0.0)+_multiplier4); |
float3 _texture1 = (node_9762*float3(_division1,0.0)); |
float4 _multiplier3 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_texture1, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float2 node_2708 = (_division1/node_2111); |
float3 node_9082 = (node_9762*float3(node_2708,0.0)); |
float4 node_317 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_9082, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float3 node_8519 = (node_3119*float3(node_2708,0.0)); |
float4 node_9838 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_8519, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float3 node_4894 = lerp((_multiplier2.rgb-_multiplier3.rgb),(node_317.rgb-node_9838.rgb),node_6936); |
float3 _lerp1 = lerp(lerp(node_4872,(node_4872+node_4894),_OffsetSmallBigSmall),node_4894,_OffsetSmallBigSmallBig); |
float3 normalLocal = lerp(float3(0,0,1),_lerp1,node_4995); |
float3 normalDirection = normalize(mul( normalLocal, tangentTransform )); // Perturbed normals |
float3 lightDirection = normalize(; |
float3 lightColor = _LightColor0.rgb; |
float3 halfDirection = normalize(viewDirection+lightDirection); |
////// Lighting: |
float attenuation = 1; |
float3 attenColor = attenuation *; |
///////// Gloss: |
float gloss = _Gloss; |
float specPow = exp2( gloss * 10.0+1.0); |
////// Specular: |
float NdotL = max(0, dot( normalDirection, lightDirection )); |
float3 specularColor = (_Specular*_SpecularColor.rgb); |
float3 directSpecular = (floor(attenuation) * * pow(max(0,dot(halfDirection,normalDirection)),specPow)*specularColor; |
float3 specular = directSpecular; |
/////// Diffuse: |
NdotL = dot( normalDirection, lightDirection ); |
float3 w = float3(_LightWrapping,_LightWrapping,_LightWrapping)*0.5; // Light wrapping |
float3 NdotLWrap = NdotL * ( 1.0 - w ); |
float3 forwardLight = max(float3(0.0,0.0,0.0), NdotLWrap + w ); |
NdotL = max(0.0,dot( normalDirection, lightDirection )); |
float3 directDiffuse = forwardLight * attenColor; |
float3 indirectDiffuse = float3(0,0,0); |
indirectDiffuse += UNITY_LIGHTMODEL_AMBIENT.rgb; // Ambient Light |
float3 _vector31 = float3(0,0,0); |
float _value2 = 1.0; |
float3 _blend1 = saturate((_DeepWaterColor.rgb+(sceneColor.rgb*pow(saturate((_value2 + ( ((sceneZ-partZ) - _vector31) * (0.5 - _value2) ) / (((_MainColor.rgb*(10.0/_Density))+0.0) - _vector31))),_Fade)))); |
float2 _mask1 = _lerp1.rg; |
float2 _remap = ((i.screenPos.rg+(float2(_mask1.r,_mask1.g)*_Distortion))*0.5+0.5); |
float4 _ReflectionTex_var = tex2D(_ReflectionTex,TRANSFORM_TEX(_remap, _ReflectionTex)); |
float _rotator3_ang = 1.5708; |
float _rotator3_spd = 1.0; |
float _rotator3_cos = cos(_rotator3_spd*_rotator3_ang); |
float _rotator3_sin = sin(_rotator3_spd*_rotator3_ang); |
float2 _rotator3_piv = float2(0.5,0.5); |
float2 _rotator3 = (mul(i.uv0-_rotator3_piv,float2x2( _rotator3_cos, -_rotator3_sin, _rotator3_sin, _rotator3_cos))+_rotator3_piv); |
float2 _mask2 = objScale.rb; |
float _value4 = 1000.0; |
float2 _division3 = ((_mask2*_FoamTiling)/_value4); |
float4 _timer3 = _Time + _TimeEditor; |
float3 _multiplier12 = (float3((_FoamSpeed/_division3),0.0)*(_timer3.r/100.0)); |
float2 _add2 = (_rotator3+_multiplier12); |
float2 _multiplier8 = (_add2*_division3); |
float4 _texture5 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier8, _FoamTexture)); |
float2 _add1 = (i.uv0+_multiplier12); |
float2 _multiplier9 = (_add1*_division3); |
float4 _texture6 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier9, _FoamTexture)); |
float2 _division4 = ((_mask2*(_FoamTiling/3.0))/_value4); |
float2 _multiplier10 = (_add2*_division4); |
float4 _texture7 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier10, _FoamTexture)); |
float2 _multiplier11 = (_add1*_division4); |
float4 _texture8 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier11, _FoamTexture)); |
float _value3 = 0.0; |
float3 _multiplier13 = ((saturate((sceneZ-partZ)/_FoamBlend)*-1.0+1.0)*(((_value3 + ( (dot(lerp((_texture5.rgb-_texture6.rgb),(_texture7.rgb-_texture8.rgb),saturate(pow((distance(i.posWorld.rgb,_WorldSpaceCameraPos)/_FoamDistFade),_FoamDistFalloff))),float3(0.3,0.59,0.11)) - _FoamContrast) * (1.0 - _value3) ) / ((1.0 - _FoamContrast) - _FoamContrast))*_FoamColor.rgb)*(_FoamIntensity*(-1.0)))); |
float3 _lerp2 = lerp(lerp( _blend1, lerp(_ReflectionTex_var.rgb,_blend1,(1.0 - _ReflectionIntensity)), _EnableReflections ),(_multiplier13*_multiplier13),_FoamVisibility); |
float3 diffuseColor = lerp( _lerp2, lerp(_lerp2,_FogColor.rgb,saturate(pow((distance(i.posWorld.rgb,_WorldSpaceCameraPos)/_FogDistance),_FogFade))), _EnableCustomFog ); |
float3 diffuse = (directDiffuse + indirectDiffuse) * diffuseColor; |
/// Final Color: |
float3 finalColor = diffuse + specular; |
fixed4 finalRGBA = fixed4(lerp(sceneColor.rgb, finalColor,lerp( _multiplier1, 0.2, _UnderwaterMode )),1); |
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, finalRGBA); |
return finalRGBA; |
} |
} |
Pass { |
Tags { |
"LightMode"="ForwardAdd" |
} |
Blend One One |
Cull Off |
ZWrite Off |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#include "UnityCG.cginc" |
#include "AutoLight.cginc" |
#pragma multi_compile_fwdadd |
#pragma multi_compile_fog |
#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x |
#pragma target 3.0 |
uniform float4 _LightColor0; |
uniform sampler2D Refraction; |
uniform sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture; |
uniform float4 _TimeEditor; |
uniform float _Fade; |
uniform float4 _MainColor; |
uniform float _Density; |
uniform float4 _DeepWaterColor; |
uniform float _ReflectionIntensity; |
uniform fixed _EnableReflections; |
uniform sampler2D _ReflectionTex; uniform float4 _ReflectionTex_ST; |
uniform float _FoamBlend; |
uniform float _FoamIntensity; |
uniform float4 _FoamColor; |
uniform float _FoamVisibility; |
uniform float _FoamContrast; |
uniform sampler2D _FoamTexture; uniform float4 _FoamTexture_ST; |
uniform float _FoamTiling; |
uniform float _FoamSpeed; |
uniform float _Specular; |
uniform float _Gloss; |
uniform float _Refraction; |
uniform sampler2D _SmallWavesTexture; uniform float4 _SmallWavesTexture_ST; |
uniform float _LightWrapping; |
uniform float _SmallWavesTiling; |
uniform float _SmallWavesSpeed; |
uniform sampler2D _LargeWavesTexture; uniform float4 _LargeWavesTexture_ST; |
uniform float _LargeWavesSpeed; |
uniform float _LargeWavesTiling; |
uniform float _OffsetSmallBigSmallBig; |
uniform float _OffsetSmallBigSmall; |
uniform float _FoamDistFade; |
uniform float _FoamDistFalloff; |
uniform float _DepthTransparency; |
uniform float4 _SpecularColor; |
uniform fixed _UnderwaterMode; |
uniform float _ShoreFade; |
uniform float _ShoreTransparency; |
uniform float _Distortion; |
uniform fixed _EnableCustomFog; |
uniform float _FogDistance; |
uniform float _FogFade; |
uniform float4 _FogColor; |
uniform float _LongTilingDistance; |
uniform float _DistanceTilingFade; |
struct VertexInput { |
float4 vertex : POSITION; |
float3 normal : NORMAL; |
float4 tangent : TANGENT; |
float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
struct VertexOutput { |
float4 pos : SV_POSITION; |
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0; |
float4 posWorld : TEXCOORD1; |
float3 normalDir : TEXCOORD2; |
float3 tangentDir : TEXCOORD3; |
float3 bitangentDir : TEXCOORD4; |
float4 screenPos : TEXCOORD5; |
float4 projPos : TEXCOORD6; |
}; |
VertexOutput vert (VertexInput v) { |
VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0; |
o.uv0 = v.texcoord0; |
o.normalDir = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal); |
o.tangentDir = normalize( mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(, 0.0 ) ).xyz ); |
o.bitangentDir = normalize(cross(o.normalDir, o.tangentDir) * v.tangent.w); |
float3 recipObjScale = float3( length(unity_WorldToObject[0].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[1].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[2].xyz) ); |
float3 objScale = 1.0/recipObjScale; |
o.posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); |
float3 lightColor = _LightColor0.rgb; |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex ); |
o.projPos = ComputeScreenPos (o.pos); |
COMPUTE_EYEDEPTH(o.projPos.z); |
o.screenPos = o.pos; |
return o; |
} |
float4 frag(VertexOutput i, float facing : VFACE) : COLOR { |
float isFrontFace = ( facing >= 0 ? 1 : 0 ); |
float faceSign = ( facing >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ); |
float3 recipObjScale = float3( length(unity_WorldToObject[0].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[1].xyz), length(unity_WorldToObject[2].xyz) ); |
float3 objScale = 1.0/recipObjScale; |
float grabSign = -_ProjectionParams.x; |
#else |
float grabSign = _ProjectionParams.x; |
#endif |
i.screenPos = float4( i.screenPos.xy / i.screenPos.w, 0, 0 ); |
i.screenPos.y *= _ProjectionParams.x; |
float sceneZ = max(0,LinearEyeDepth (UNITY_SAMPLE_DEPTH(tex2Dproj(_CameraDepthTexture, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(i.projPos)))) - _ProjectionParams.g); |
float partZ = max(0,i.projPos.z - _ProjectionParams.g); |
float _rotator2_ang = 1.5708; |
float _rotator2_spd = 1.0; |
float _rotator2_cos = cos(_rotator2_spd*_rotator2_ang); |
float _rotator2_sin = sin(_rotator2_spd*_rotator2_ang); |
float2 _rotator2_piv = float2(0.5,0.5); |
float2 _rotator2 = (mul(i.uv0-_rotator2_piv,float2x2( _rotator2_cos, -_rotator2_sin, _rotator2_sin, _rotator2_cos))+_rotator2_piv); |
float _value1 = 1000.0; |
float2 _division2 = ((objScale.rb*_SmallWavesTiling)/_value1); |
float4 _timer2 = _Time + _TimeEditor; |
float3 _multiplier5 = (float3((_SmallWavesSpeed/_division2),0.0)*(_timer2.r/100.0)); |
float2 node_1797 = (_rotator2+_multiplier5); |
float2 _multiplier6 = (node_1797*_division2); |
float4 _texture3 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier6, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float2 node_4985 = (i.uv0+_multiplier5); |
float2 _multiplier7 = (node_4985*_division2); |
float4 _texture4 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier7, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float node_2111 = 20.0; |
float2 node_6643 = (_division2/node_2111); |
float2 node_2096 = (node_1797*node_6643); |
float4 node_3923 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_2096, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float2 node_4891 = (node_4985*node_6643); |
float4 node_1775 = tex2D(_SmallWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_4891, _SmallWavesTexture)); |
float node_6936 = saturate(pow((distance(i.posWorld.rgb,_WorldSpaceCameraPos)/_LongTilingDistance),_DistanceTilingFade)); |
float3 node_4872 = lerp((_texture3.rgb-_texture4.rgb),(node_3923.rgb-node_1775.rgb),node_6936); |
float node_4995 = lerp(_Refraction,(_Refraction/4.0),node_6936); |
float _multiplier1 = (pow(saturate((sceneZ-partZ)/_DepthTransparency),_ShoreFade)*saturate((sceneZ-partZ)/_ShoreTransparency)); |
float2 sceneUVs = float2(1,grabSign)*i.screenPos.xy*0.5+0.5 + ((node_4872.rg*(node_4995*0.2))*_multiplier1); |
float4 sceneColor = tex2D(Refraction, sceneUVs); |
float3x3 tangentTransform = float3x3( i.tangentDir, i.bitangentDir, i.normalDir); |
/////// Vectors: |
float3 viewDirection = normalize( -; |
float2 _division1 = ((objScale.rb*_LargeWavesTiling)/_value1); |
float4 _timer1 = _Time + _TimeEditor; |
float3 _multiplier4 = (float3((_LargeWavesSpeed/_division1),0.0)*(_timer1.r/100.0)); |
float3 node_3119 = (float3(i.uv0,0.0)+_multiplier4); |
float3 _texture2 = (node_3119*float3(_division1,0.0)); |
float4 _multiplier2 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_texture2, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float _rotator1_ang = 1.5708; |
float _rotator1_spd = 1.0; |
float _rotator1_cos = cos(_rotator1_spd*_rotator1_ang); |
float _rotator1_sin = sin(_rotator1_spd*_rotator1_ang); |
float2 _rotator1_piv = float2(0.5,0.5); |
float2 _rotator1 = (mul(i.uv0-_rotator1_piv,float2x2( _rotator1_cos, -_rotator1_sin, _rotator1_sin, _rotator1_cos))+_rotator1_piv); |
float3 node_9762 = (float3(_rotator1,0.0)+_multiplier4); |
float3 _texture1 = (node_9762*float3(_division1,0.0)); |
float4 _multiplier3 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_texture1, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float2 node_2708 = (_division1/node_2111); |
float3 node_9082 = (node_9762*float3(node_2708,0.0)); |
float4 node_317 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_9082, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float3 node_8519 = (node_3119*float3(node_2708,0.0)); |
float4 node_9838 = tex2D(_LargeWavesTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(node_8519, _LargeWavesTexture)); |
float3 node_4894 = lerp((_multiplier2.rgb-_multiplier3.rgb),(node_317.rgb-node_9838.rgb),node_6936); |
float3 _lerp1 = lerp(lerp(node_4872,(node_4872+node_4894),_OffsetSmallBigSmall),node_4894,_OffsetSmallBigSmallBig); |
float3 normalLocal = lerp(float3(0,0,1),_lerp1,node_4995); |
float3 normalDirection = normalize(mul( normalLocal, tangentTransform )); // Perturbed normals |
float3 lightDirection = normalize(lerp(, -,_WorldSpaceLightPos0.w)); |
float3 lightColor = _LightColor0.rgb; |
float3 halfDirection = normalize(viewDirection+lightDirection); |
////// Lighting: |
float attenuation = LIGHT_ATTENUATION(i); |
float3 attenColor = attenuation *; |
///////// Gloss: |
float gloss = _Gloss; |
float specPow = exp2( gloss * 10.0+1.0); |
////// Specular: |
float NdotL = max(0, dot( normalDirection, lightDirection )); |
float3 specularColor = (_Specular*_SpecularColor.rgb); |
float3 directSpecular = attenColor * pow(max(0,dot(halfDirection,normalDirection)),specPow)*specularColor; |
float3 specular = directSpecular; |
/////// Diffuse: |
NdotL = dot( normalDirection, lightDirection ); |
float3 w = float3(_LightWrapping,_LightWrapping,_LightWrapping)*0.5; // Light wrapping |
float3 NdotLWrap = NdotL * ( 1.0 - w ); |
float3 forwardLight = max(float3(0.0,0.0,0.0), NdotLWrap + w ); |
NdotL = max(0.0,dot( normalDirection, lightDirection )); |
float3 directDiffuse = forwardLight * attenColor; |
float3 _vector31 = float3(0,0,0); |
float _value2 = 1.0; |
float3 _blend1 = saturate((_DeepWaterColor.rgb+(sceneColor.rgb*pow(saturate((_value2 + ( ((sceneZ-partZ) - _vector31) * (0.5 - _value2) ) / (((_MainColor.rgb*(10.0/_Density))+0.0) - _vector31))),_Fade)))); |
float2 _mask1 = _lerp1.rg; |
float2 _remap = ((i.screenPos.rg+(float2(_mask1.r,_mask1.g)*_Distortion))*0.5+0.5); |
float4 _ReflectionTex_var = tex2D(_ReflectionTex,TRANSFORM_TEX(_remap, _ReflectionTex)); |
float _rotator3_ang = 1.5708; |
float _rotator3_spd = 1.0; |
float _rotator3_cos = cos(_rotator3_spd*_rotator3_ang); |
float _rotator3_sin = sin(_rotator3_spd*_rotator3_ang); |
float2 _rotator3_piv = float2(0.5,0.5); |
float2 _rotator3 = (mul(i.uv0-_rotator3_piv,float2x2( _rotator3_cos, -_rotator3_sin, _rotator3_sin, _rotator3_cos))+_rotator3_piv); |
float2 _mask2 = objScale.rb; |
float _value4 = 1000.0; |
float2 _division3 = ((_mask2*_FoamTiling)/_value4); |
float4 _timer3 = _Time + _TimeEditor; |
float3 _multiplier12 = (float3((_FoamSpeed/_division3),0.0)*(_timer3.r/100.0)); |
float2 _add2 = (_rotator3+_multiplier12); |
float2 _multiplier8 = (_add2*_division3); |
float4 _texture5 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier8, _FoamTexture)); |
float2 _add1 = (i.uv0+_multiplier12); |
float2 _multiplier9 = (_add1*_division3); |
float4 _texture6 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier9, _FoamTexture)); |
float2 _division4 = ((_mask2*(_FoamTiling/3.0))/_value4); |
float2 _multiplier10 = (_add2*_division4); |
float4 _texture7 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier10, _FoamTexture)); |
float2 _multiplier11 = (_add1*_division4); |
float4 _texture8 = tex2D(_FoamTexture,TRANSFORM_TEX(_multiplier11, _FoamTexture)); |
float _value3 = 0.0; |
float3 _multiplier13 = ((saturate((sceneZ-partZ)/_FoamBlend)*-1.0+1.0)*(((_value3 + ( (dot(lerp((_texture5.rgb-_texture6.rgb),(_texture7.rgb-_texture8.rgb),saturate(pow((distance(i.posWorld.rgb,_WorldSpaceCameraPos)/_FoamDistFade),_FoamDistFalloff))),float3(0.3,0.59,0.11)) - _FoamContrast) * (1.0 - _value3) ) / ((1.0 - _FoamContrast) - _FoamContrast))*_FoamColor.rgb)*(_FoamIntensity*(-1.0)))); |
float3 _lerp2 = lerp(lerp( _blend1, lerp(_ReflectionTex_var.rgb,_blend1,(1.0 - _ReflectionIntensity)), _EnableReflections ),(_multiplier13*_multiplier13),_FoamVisibility); |
float3 diffuseColor = lerp( _lerp2, lerp(_lerp2,_FogColor.rgb,saturate(pow((distance(i.posWorld.rgb,_WorldSpaceCameraPos)/_FogDistance),_FogFade))), _EnableCustomFog ); |
float3 diffuse = directDiffuse * diffuseColor; |
/// Final Color: |
float3 finalColor = diffuse + specular; |
fixed4 finalRGBA = fixed4(finalColor * lerp( _multiplier1, 0.2, _UnderwaterMode ),0); |
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, finalRGBA); |
return finalRGBA; |
} |
} |
} |
FallBack "Diffuse" |