using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace MessagePack.Internal { // like ArraySegment hashtable. // Add is safe for construction phase only and requires capacity(does not do rehash) // and specialized for internal use(nongenerics, TValue is int) // internal, but code generator requires this class public class ByteArrayStringHashTable : IEnumerable> { readonly Entry[][] buckets; // immutable array(faster than linkedlist) readonly ulong indexFor; public ByteArrayStringHashTable(int capacity) : this(capacity, 0.42f) // default: 0.75f -> 0.42f { } public ByteArrayStringHashTable(int capacity, float loadFactor) { var tableSize = CalculateCapacity(capacity, loadFactor); this.buckets = new Entry[tableSize][]; this.indexFor = (ulong)buckets.Length - 1; } public void Add(string key, int value) { if (!TryAddInternal(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key), value)) { throw new ArgumentException("Key was already exists. Key:" + key); } } public void Add(byte[] key, int value) { if (!TryAddInternal(key, value)) { throw new ArgumentException("Key was already exists. Key:" + key); } } bool TryAddInternal(byte[] key, int value) { var h = ByteArrayGetHashCode(key, 0, key.Length); var entry = new Entry { Key = key, Value = value }; var array = buckets[h & (indexFor)]; if (array == null) { buckets[h & (indexFor)] = new[] { entry }; } else { // check duplicate for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { var e = array[i].Key; if (ByteArrayComparer.Equals(key, 0, key.Length, e)) { return false; } } var newArray = new Entry[array.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(array, newArray, array.Length); array = newArray; array[array.Length - 1] = entry; buckets[h & (indexFor)] = array; } return true; } public bool TryGetValue(ArraySegment key, out int value) { var table = buckets; var hash = ByteArrayGetHashCode(key.Array, key.Offset, key.Count); var entry = table[hash & indexFor]; if (entry == null) goto NOT_FOUND; { #if NETSTANDARD1_4 ref var v = ref entry[0]; #else var v = entry[0]; #endif if (ByteArrayComparer.Equals(key.Array, key.Offset, key.Count, v.Key)) { value = v.Value; return true; } } for (int i = 1; i < entry.Length; i++) { #if NETSTANDARD1_4 ref var v = ref entry[i]; #else var v = entry[i]; #endif if (ByteArrayComparer.Equals(key.Array, key.Offset, key.Count, v.Key)) { value = v.Value; return true; } } NOT_FOUND: value = default(int); return false; } #if NETSTANDARD1_4 static readonly bool Is32Bit = (IntPtr.Size == 4); #endif #if NETSTANDARD1_4 [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] #endif static ulong ByteArrayGetHashCode(byte[] x, int offset, int count) { #if NETSTANDARD1_4 // FarmHash if (x == null) return 0; if (Is32Bit) { return (ulong)FarmHash.Hash32(x, offset, count); } else { return FarmHash.Hash64(x, offset, count); } #else // FNV1-1a 32bit uint hash = 0; if (x != null) { var max = offset + count; hash = 2166136261; for (int i = offset; i < max; i++) { hash = unchecked((x[i] ^ hash) * 16777619); } } return (ulong)hash; #endif } static int CalculateCapacity(int collectionSize, float loadFactor) { var initialCapacity = (int)(((float)collectionSize) / loadFactor); var capacity = 1; while (capacity < initialCapacity) { capacity <<= 1; } if (capacity < 8) { return 8; } return capacity; } // only for Debug use public IEnumerator> GetEnumerator() { var b = this.buckets; foreach (var item in b) { if (item == null) continue; foreach (var item2 in item) { yield return new KeyValuePair(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(item2.Key), item2.Value); } } } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } struct Entry { public byte[] Key; public int Value; // for debugging public override string ToString() { return "(" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Key) + ", " + Value + ")"; } } } }