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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ShowPanel : MonoBehaviour {
public Toggle AllScreen;
public Toggle Window;
public Dropdown DropDown;
public int ResolutionX;
public int ResolutionY;
public bool IsFullScreen;
private string OriResolution;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
int[] orires = GetResolution(OriResolution);
ResolutionX = orires[0];
ResolutionY = orires[1];
IsFullScreen = AllScreen.isOn;
private void DropDownChange(int arg0)
int[]res= GetResolution(DropDown.options[arg0].text);
ResolutionX = res[0];
ResolutionY = res[1];
private void WindowChange(bool arg0)
DropDown.interactable = arg0;
IsFullScreen = !arg0;
private void AllScreenChange(bool arg0)
int[] GetResolution(string str)
int[] res=new int[2];
string[] array = str.Split('*');
res[0] = int.Parse(array[0]);
res[1]= int.Parse(array[1]);
return res;