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10 months ago
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public enum FireDesignMode
public enum WaterMode { ,}
public enum EvacuationMode { ,,}
namespace AX.PlaneTools
using HighlightPlus;
using System;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor.Animations;
public class PlanToolsEditor : Editor
public static bool isPlayerSetting = true;//是否显示UI;
public static string _productName;//单位名称
public static bool isShowStroe = true;
public static bool isInitAngele = true;
public static float InitAngele;
public static bool isSetCamera = true;//是否显示UI;
public static GameObject MainCamera;//摄影机
public static Vector3 CamPostion;
public static Vector3 CamRotation;
public static float CamDistance;
public static Vector2 CamXY;
public static Vector3 TargetPosition;
public static bool isCommonNames = true;
public static bool isFireControlRoom=true;
public static GameObject XKSLocation;
public static int XKSFloorNumber=1;
public static bool isFireDesign = true;
public static FireDesignMode fireDesignMode;
public static Color FireDoorDefaultColor = new Color(0.5f, 0, 0, 1);
public static Color FireDoorActiveColor = new Color(0, 0, 1, 1);
public static Color FireShutterDefaultColor = new Color(0.5f, 0, 0, 1);
public static Color FireShutterActiveColor = new Color(0, 0, 1, 1);
public static bool isWaterSupply=true;
public static WaterMode waterMode;
public static GameObject BFLocation;
public static int BFFloorNumber = -1;
public static int SXFloorNumber = 12;
public static AnimatorController HydrantController;
public static float SBJHQDistanceY = 0.75f;
public static float SWXHSDistanceY = 0.8f;
public static string SWXHSIconName = "DSXHSIcon";
public static Color PumpDefaultColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
public static Color PumpActiveColor = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1);
public static bool isEvacuation = true;
public static EvacuationMode evacuationMode;
#region 模型初始角度
public static void GetInitAngele()
var url = $"{Application.streamingAssetsPath}/Data/InitialAngle.json";
GetInfo<InitialAngele>(url, data =>
InitAngele = data.Angle;
public static void SetInitAngele()
var url = $"{Application.streamingAssetsPath}/Data/InitialAngle.json";
var data = new InitialAngele
Angle = InitAngele
PostInfo(url, data);
#region 摄影机设置
public static void GetCameraParameter()
CamPostion = MainCamera.transform.position;
CamRotation = MainCamera.transform.eulerAngles;
CamDistance = MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().distance;
CamXY = new Vector2(MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().x, MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().y);
TargetPosition = MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().target.position;
public static void SetInitializationCamera()
MainCamera.transform.position = CamPostion;
MainCamera.transform.eulerAngles = CamRotation;
MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().distance = CamDistance;
MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().x = CamXY.x;
MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().y = CamXY.y;
MainCamera.GetComponent<CameraOrbit>().target.position = TargetPosition;
public static void SetHeightCamera()
var Data = new CameraLocationDataReactive();
string fullpath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Data/HeightLocation.json";
CameraLocationData tempData = new CameraLocationData
Position = CamPostion,
Rotation = CamRotation,
Distance = CamDistance,
Xy = CamXY,
Pivot = TargetPosition,
PostInfo(fullpath, tempData);
public static void SetAdjacentCamera()
var Data = new CameraLocationDataReactive();
string fullpath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Data/AdjacentLocation.json";
CameraLocationData tempData = new CameraLocationData
Position = CamPostion,
Rotation = CamRotation,
Distance = CamDistance,
Xy = CamXY,
Pivot = TargetPosition,
PostInfo(fullpath, tempData);
#region 常用名称
public static void CommonNames(string name)
foreach(GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
go.name = name;
#region 防火设计
public static void SetRefugeFloor()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
public static void SetFireZones()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
public static void SetFireDoors()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<Lumos>() == null) { go.AddComponent<Lumos>(); }
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().NormalColor = FireDoorDefaultColor;
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().TargetColor = FireDoorActiveColor;
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().enabled = false;
public static void SetFireShutters()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<Lumos>() == null) { go.AddComponent<Lumos>(); }
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().NormalColor = FireShutterDefaultColor;
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().TargetColor = FireShutterActiveColor;
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().enabled = false;
#region 供水系统
public static void OnIndoorHydrants()
foreach(GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>())
go.GetComponent<Animator>().runtimeAnimatorController = HydrantController;
public static void OnFirePump()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<BoxCollider>() == null) { go.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<HighlightEffect>() == null) { go.AddComponent<HighlightEffect>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentController>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<Lumos>() == null) { go.AddComponent<Lumos>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentDataListening>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentDataListening>(); }
go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>().equipmentType = EquipmentType.Pump;
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().NormalColor = PumpDefaultColor;
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().TargetColor = PumpActiveColor;
#region 疏散系统
public static void OnFireEscape()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<BoxCollider>() == null) { go.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<Lumos>() == null) { go.AddComponent<Lumos>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<UIFollowTarget>() == null) { go.AddComponent<UIFollowTarget>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentController>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<HighlightEffect>() == null) { go.AddComponent<HighlightEffect>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentDataListening>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentDataListening>(); }
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().NormalColor = new Color(0f, 0.6f, 0f, 1f);
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().TargetColor = new Color(0.6f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().enabled = false;
go.GetComponent<UIFollowTarget>().IconName = "FireEscapeIcon";
go.GetComponent<UIFollowTarget>().DistanceY = 0.1f;
go.GetComponent<UIFollowTarget>().ZoomIn = true;
go.GetComponent<UIFollowTarget>().Distance = 5f;
go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>().equipmentType = EquipmentType.FireEscape;
public static void OnEscapeStair()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<BoxCollider>() == null) { go.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<Lumos>() == null) { go.AddComponent<Lumos>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentController>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<HighlightEffect>() == null) { go.AddComponent<HighlightEffect>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentDataListening>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentDataListening>(); }
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().NormalColor = new Color(0f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f);
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().TargetColor = new Color(0, 0.6f, 0, 1);
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().enabled = false;
go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>().equipmentType = EquipmentType.EscapeStair;
public static void OnFireElevator()
foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
if (go.GetComponent<BoxCollider>() == null) { go.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<Lumos>() == null) { go.AddComponent<Lumos>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentController>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<HighlightEffect>() == null) { go.AddComponent<HighlightEffect>(); }
if (go.GetComponent<EquipmentDataListening>() == null) { go.AddComponent<EquipmentDataListening>(); }
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().NormalColor = new Color(0.6f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().TargetColor = new Color(0, 0.6f, 0, 1);
go.GetComponent<Lumos>().enabled = false;
go.GetComponent<EquipmentController>().equipmentType = EquipmentType.FireElevator;
public static void PostInfo<T>(string url, T obj)
var jsonParam = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented);
File.WriteAllText(url, jsonParam);
public static void GetInfo<T>(string url, Action<T> action)
string json = File.ReadAllText(url);
T obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);