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244 lines
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11 months ago
Shader "Azure[Sky]/Fog Scattering"
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
// No culling or depth
Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#pragma target 3.0
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
// Start: LuxWater
#pragma multi_compile __ LUXWATER_DEFERREDFOG
sampler2D _UnderWaterMask;
float4 _LuxUnderWaterDeferredFogParams; // x: IsInsideWatervolume?, y: BelowWaterSurface shift, z: EdgeBlend
// End: LuxWater
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
uniform sampler2D_float _CameraDepthTexture;
uniform float4x4 _FrustumCorners;
uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
uniform int _Azure_SunsetColorMode;
uniform float _Azure_Pi316, _Azure_Pi14, _Azure_Scattering, _Azure_Pi, _Azure_Exposure, _Azure_NightIntensity, _Azure_LightSpeed, _Azure_MoonBrightRange, _Azure_MoonEmission,
_Azure_FogBlend, _Azure_FogDensity, _Azure_FogDistance, _Azure_FogScale, _Azure_HeightFogBlend, _Azure_HeightFogDensity, _Azure_HeightFogDistance, _Azure_HeightFogStart,
_Azure_HeightFogEnd, _Azure_MieDepth, _Azure_Kr, _Azure_Km;
uniform float3 _Azure_SunDirection, _Azure_MoonDirection, _Azure_Br, _Azure_Bm, _Azure_MieG;
uniform float4 _Azure_RayleighColor, _Azure_MieColor, _Azure_MoonColor, _Azure_MoonBrightColor;
uniform float4x4 _Azure_SunMatrix, _Azure_MoonMatrix, _Azure_StarMatrix, _Azure_NoiseMatrix, _Azure_UpMatrix;
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float4 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f
float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 interpolatedRay : TEXCOORD1;
float2 uv_depth : TEXCOORD2;
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f Output;
v.vertex.z = 0.1;
Output.Position = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
Output.uv = v.texcoord.xy;
Output.uv_depth = v.texcoord.xy;
if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0)
Output.uv.y = 1 - Output.uv.y;
//Based on Unity5.6 GlobalFog.
int index = v.texcoord.x + (2.0 * Output.uv.y);
Output.interpolatedRay = _FrustumCorners[index];
| = mul((float3x3)_Azure_UpMatrix,;
Output.interpolatedRay.w = index;
return Output;
float4 frag (v2f IN) : SV_Target
float3 inScatter = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 nightSky = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float3 fex = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float r = length(float3(0.0, _Azure_LightSpeed, 0.0));
//Original scene.
float3 screen = tex2D(_MainTex, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(IN.uv)).rgb;
//Reconstruct world space position and direction towards this screen pixel.
float depth = Linear01Depth(UNITY_SAMPLE_DEPTH(tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture,UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(IN.uv_depth))));
if(depth == 1.0) return float4(screen, 1.0);
float3 viewDir = normalize(depth *;
//float3 viewDir = normalize(mul((float3x3)_Azure_UpMatrix, depth *;
float sunCosTheta = dot(viewDir, _Azure_SunDirection);
float mieDepth = saturate(lerp(1.0, depth * 4, _Azure_MieDepth));
if(_Azure_SunsetColorMode == 0)
//Optical Depth.
//float zenith = acos(saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), viewDir)));
float zenith = acos(saturate(dot(float3(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0), depth))) * _Azure_FogScale;
float z = cos(zenith) + 0.15 * pow(93.885 - ((zenith * 180.0) / _Azure_Pi), -1.253);
float SR = _Azure_Kr / z;
float SM = _Azure_Km / z;
//Total Extinction.
fex = exp(-(_Azure_Br*SR + _Azure_Bm*SM));
float sunset = clamp(dot(float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), _Azure_SunDirection), 0.0, 0.5);
float3 extinction = lerp(fex, (1.0 - fex), sunset);
//float rayPhase = 1.0 + pow(sunCosTheta, 2.0); //Preetham rayleigh phase function.
float rayPhase = 2.0 + 0.5 * pow(sunCosTheta, 2.0); //Rayleigh phase function based on the Nielsen's paper.
float miePhase = _Azure_MieG.x / pow(_Azure_MieG.y - _Azure_MieG.z * sunCosTheta, 1.5); //The Henyey-Greenstein phase function.
float sunRise = saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 500.0, 0.0), _Azure_SunDirection) / r);
float3 BrTheta = _Azure_Pi316 * _Azure_Br * rayPhase * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb * extinction;
float3 BmTheta = _Azure_Pi14 * _Azure_Bm * miePhase * _Azure_MieColor.rgb * extinction * sunRise;
BmTheta *= mieDepth;
float3 BrmTheta = (BrTheta + BmTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm);
inScatter = BrmTheta * _Azure_Scattering * (1.0 - fex);
inScatter *= sunRise;
//Night Sky.
BrTheta = _Azure_Pi316 * _Azure_Br * rayPhase * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb;
BrmTheta = (BrTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm);
nightSky = BrmTheta * _Azure_NightIntensity * (1.0 - fex);
//Optical Depth
float zenith = acos(length(viewDir.y));
//float zenith = acos(saturate(dot(float3(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0), depth))) * _Azure_FogScale;
float z = cos(zenith) + 0.15 * pow(93.885 - ((zenith * 180.0) / _Azure_Pi), -1.253);
float SR = _Azure_Kr / z;
float SM = _Azure_Km / z;
//Total Extinction.
fex = exp(-(_Azure_Br*SR + _Azure_Bm*SM));
float rayPhase = 2.0 + 0.5 * pow(sunCosTheta, 2.0);
float miePhase = _Azure_MieG.x / pow(_Azure_MieG.y - _Azure_MieG.z * sunCosTheta, 1.5);
float sunRise = saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 500.0, 0.0), _Azure_SunDirection) / r);
float3 BrTheta = _Azure_Pi316 * _Azure_Br * rayPhase * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb;
float3 BmTheta = _Azure_Pi14 * _Azure_Bm * miePhase * _Azure_MieColor.rgb * sunRise;
BmTheta *= mieDepth;
float3 BrmTheta = (BrTheta + BmTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm);
inScatter = BrmTheta * _Azure_Scattering * (1.0 - fex);
inScatter *= sunRise;
//inScatter *= pow(max(0.5, depth-0.5), 2.0);
//Night Sky.
BrmTheta = (BrTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm);
nightSky = BrmTheta * _Azure_NightIntensity * (1.0 - fex);
//Moon Bright.
float moonRise = saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 500.0, 0.0), _Azure_MoonDirection) / r);
float bright = 1.0 + dot(viewDir, -_Azure_MoonDirection);
float3 moonBright = 1.0 / (1.0 + bright * _Azure_MoonBrightRange) * _Azure_MoonBrightColor.rgb;
moonBright += 1.0 / (_Azure_MoonEmission + bright * 200.0) * _Azure_MoonColor.rgb;
moonBright = moonBright * moonRise * mieDepth;
float3 OutputColor = inScatter + nightSky + moonBright;
OutputColor = saturate(1.0 - exp(-_Azure_Exposure * OutputColor));
//Color Correction.
OutputColor = pow(OutputColor, 2.2);
OutputColor = pow(OutputColor, 0.4545);
OutputColor = OutputColor;
//return float4(OutputColor.rgb, 1.0);
//Calcule Fog Distance.
//float dpt = saturate(depth * (_ProjectionParams.z / 5000.0));
float fog = smoothstep(-_Azure_FogBlend, 1.25, depth * _ProjectionParams.z / _Azure_FogDistance) * _Azure_FogDensity;
float heightFogDistance = smoothstep(-_Azure_HeightFogBlend, 1.25, depth * _ProjectionParams.z / _Azure_HeightFogDistance);
//Calcule Height Fog.
float3 worldSpaceDirection = mul((float3x3)_Azure_UpMatrix, _WorldSpaceCameraPos) + depth *;
float heightFog = saturate((worldSpaceDirection.y - _Azure_HeightFogStart) / (_Azure_HeightFogEnd + _Azure_HeightFogStart));
heightFog = 1.0 - heightFog;
heightFog *= heightFog;
heightFog *= heightFogDistance;
fog = saturate(fog + heightFog * _Azure_HeightFogDensity);
// Start: LuxWater
half4 fogMask = tex2D(_UnderWaterMask, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(IN.uv));
float watersurfacefrombelow = DecodeFloatRG(;
// Get distance and lower it a bit in order to handle edge blending artifacts (edge blended parts would not get ANY fog)
float dist = (watersurfacefrombelow - depth) + _LuxUnderWaterDeferredFogParams.y * _ProjectionParams.w;
// Fade fog from above water to below water
float fogFactor = saturate ( 1.0 + _ProjectionParams.z * _LuxUnderWaterDeferredFogParams.z * dist ); // 0.125
// Clamp above result to where water is actually rendered
fogFactor = (fogMask.r == 1) ? fogFactor : 1.0;
// Mask fog on underwarter parts - only if we are inside a volume (bool... :( )
if(_LuxUnderWaterDeferredFogParams.x) {
fogFactor *= saturate( 1.0 - fogMask.g * 8.0);
if (dist < -_ProjectionParams.w * 4 && fogMask.r == 0 && fogMask.g < 1.0) {
fogFactor = 1.0;
// Tweak fog factor
fog *= fogFactor;
// End: LuxWater
OutputColor.rgb = lerp(screen.rgb, OutputColor.rgb, fog);
return float4(OutputColor.rgb, 1.0);