You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
4.2 KiB

using System;
using BestHTTP.Examples.Helpers;
using BestHTTP.ServerSentEvents;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace BestHTTP.Examples.ServerSentEvents
public class SimpleSample : BestHTTP.Examples.Helpers.SampleBase
#pragma warning disable 0649
[Tooltip("The url of the resource to use.")]
private string _path = "/sse";
private ScrollRect _scrollRect;
private RectTransform _contentRoot;
private TextListItem _listItemPrefab;
private int _maxListItemEntries = 100;
private Button _startButton;
private Button _closeButton;
#pragma warning restore
private EventSource eventSource;
protected override void Start()
SetButtons(true, false);
void OnDestroy()
if (this.eventSource != null)
this.eventSource = null;
public void OnStartButton()
GUIHelper.RemoveChildren(this._contentRoot, 0);
// Create the EventSource instance
this.eventSource = new EventSource(new Uri(base.sampleSelector.BaseURL + this._path));
// Subscribe to generic events
this.eventSource.OnOpen += OnOpen;
this.eventSource.OnClosed += OnClosed;
this.eventSource.OnError += OnError;
this.eventSource.OnStateChanged += this.OnStateChanged;
this.eventSource.OnMessage += OnMessage;
// Subscribe to an application specific event
this.eventSource.On("datetime", OnDateTime);
// Start to connect to the server
AddText("Opening Server-Sent Events...");
SetButtons(false, true);
public void OnCloseButton()
SetButtons(false, false);
private void OnOpen(EventSource eventSource)
private void OnClosed(EventSource eventSource)
this.eventSource = null;
SetButtons(true, false);
private void OnError(EventSource eventSource, string error)
AddText(string.Format("Error: <color=red>{0}</color>", error));
private void OnStateChanged(EventSource eventSource, States oldState, States newState)
AddText(string.Format("State Changed {0} => {1}", oldState, newState));
private void OnMessage(EventSource eventSource, Message message)
AddText(string.Format("Message: <color=yellow>{0}</color>", message));
private void OnDateTime(EventSource eventSource, Message message)
DateTimeData dtData = BestHTTP.JSON.LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject<DateTimeData>(message.Data);
AddText(string.Format("OnDateTime: <color=yellow>{0}</color>", dtData.ToString()));
private void SetButtons(bool start, bool close)
if (this._startButton != null)
this._startButton.interactable = start;
if (this._closeButton != null)
this._closeButton.interactable = close;
private void AddText(string text)
GUIHelper.AddText(this._listItemPrefab, this._contentRoot, text, this._maxListItemEntries, this._scrollRect);
sealed class DateTimeData
#pragma warning disable 0649
public int eventid;
public string datetime;
#pragma warning restore
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("[DateTimeData EventId: {0}, DateTime: {1}]", this.eventid, this.datetime);