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288 lines
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288 lines
12 KiB
Shader "Azure[Sky]/Vertex Dynamic Cloud" |
{ |
Properties |
{ |
} |
SubShader |
{ |
Tags { "Queue"="Background" "RenderType"="Background" "PreviewType"="Skybox" "IgnoreProjector"="True" } |
Cull [_Azure_CullMode] // Render side |
Fog{Mode Off} // Don't use fog |
ZWrite Off // Don't draw to bepth buffer |
Pass |
{ |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#pragma target 3.0 |
uniform int _Azure_SunsetColorMode; |
uniform float _Azure_Pi316, _Azure_Pi14, _Azure_Scattering, _Azure_SunDiskIntensity, _Azure_Pi, _Azure_Exposure, _Azure_NightIntensity, _Azure_LightSpeed, _Azure_SunSize, _Azure_MoonSize, |
_Azure_MoonBrightRange, _Azure_MoonEmission, _Azure_StarfieldIntensity, _Azure_MilkyWayIntensity, _Azure_Kr, _Azure_Km, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Altitude, |
_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Direction, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Speed, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Density; |
uniform float3 _Azure_SunDirection, _Azure_MoonDirection, _Azure_Br, _Azure_Bm, _Azure_MieG, _Azure_StarfieldColorBalance; |
uniform float4 _Azure_RayleighColor, _Azure_MieColor, _Azure_SunDiskColor, _Azure_MoonColor, _Azure_MoonBrightColor, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color1, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color2; |
uniform float4x4 _Azure_SunMatrix, _Azure_MoonMatrix, _Azure_StarMatrix, _Azure_NoiseMatrix, _Azure_RelativeSunMatrix, _Azure_UpMatrix; |
uniform sampler2D _Azure_SunTexture, _Azure_MoonTexture, _Azure_CloudNoise; |
uniform samplerCUBE _Azure_StarfieldTexture, _Azure_StarNoiseTexture; |
struct appdata |
{ |
float4 vertex : POSITION; |
}; |
struct v2f |
{ |
float4 Position : SV_POSITION; |
float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD0; |
float3 SunPos : TEXCOORD1; |
float3 MoonPos : TEXCOORD2; |
float3 StarPos : TEXCOORD3; |
float3 NoiseRot : TEXCOORD4; |
float3 CloudPos : TEXCOORD5; |
float4 CloudUV : TEXCOORD6; |
float4 OutColor : COLOR; |
float4 Fex : COLOR1; |
}; |
v2f vert (appdata v) |
{ |
v2f Output; |
Output.Position = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
Output.WorldPos = normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_WorldToObject,; |
Output.WorldPos = normalize(mul((float3x3)_Azure_UpMatrix, Output.WorldPos)); |
//Dynamic Clouds Position. |
//-------------------------------- |
Output.CloudPos = normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_WorldToObject,; |
Output.CloudPos = normalize(mul((float3x3)_Azure_UpMatrix, Output.CloudPos)); |
//Direction. |
float s = sin (_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Direction); |
float c = cos (_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Direction); |
float2x2 rotationMatrix = float2x2( c, -s, s, c); |
Output.CloudPos.y *= _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Altitude; |
//float3 viewDir = normalize(Output.WorldPos + float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); |
//Output.CloudPos.y *= dot(float3(0.0, viewDir.y + 50.0, 0), float3(0.0, -0.15, 0.0)) * -1.0; |
Output.CloudPos.xz = mul(Output.CloudPos.xz, rotationMatrix ); |
//Uv. |
float cloudSpeed = _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Speed * _Time; |
Output.CloudPos = normalize(Output.CloudPos); |
Output.CloudUV.xy = Output.CloudPos.xz * 0.25 - 0.005 + float2(cloudSpeed/20, cloudSpeed); |
| = Output.CloudPos.xz * 0.35 -0.0065 + float2(cloudSpeed/20, cloudSpeed); |
//Matrix. |
//-------------------------------- |
Output.SunPos = mul((float3x3)_Azure_SunMatrix, * 2.0 * _Azure_SunSize; |
Output.StarPos = mul((float3x3)_Azure_RelativeSunMatrix, Output.WorldPos); |
Output.StarPos = mul((float3x3)_Azure_StarMatrix, Output.StarPos); |
Output.NoiseRot = mul((float3x3)_Azure_NoiseMatrix,; |
Output.MoonPos = mul((float3x3)_Azure_MoonMatrix, * 1.5 * _Azure_MoonSize; |
Output.MoonPos.x *= -1.0; |
//Initializations. |
//-------------------------------- |
float3 inScatter = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 nightSky = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 fex = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float r = length(float3(0.0, _Azure_LightSpeed, 0.0)); |
//Directions. |
//-------------------------------- |
float3 viewDir = normalize(Output.WorldPos); |
float sunCosTheta = dot(viewDir, _Azure_SunDirection); |
float sunRise = saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 500.0, 0.0), _Azure_SunDirection) / r); |
if(_Azure_SunsetColorMode == 0) |
{ |
//Optical Depth. |
//-------------------------------- |
float zenith = acos(saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), viewDir))); |
float z = cos(zenith) + 0.15 * pow(93.885 - ((zenith * 180.0) / _Azure_Pi), -1.253); |
float SR = _Azure_Kr / z; |
float SM = _Azure_Km / z; |
//Total Extinction. |
//-------------------------------- |
fex = exp(-(_Azure_Br*SR + _Azure_Bm*SM)); |
float sunset = clamp(dot(float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), _Azure_SunDirection), 0.0, 0.5); |
float3 extinction = lerp(fex, (1.0 - fex), sunset); |
//Scattering. |
//-------------------------------- |
//float rayPhase = 1.0 + pow(sunCosTheta, 2.0); //Preetham rayleigh phase function. |
float rayPhase = 2.0 + 0.5 * pow(sunCosTheta, 2.0); //Rayleigh phase function based on the Nielsen's paper. |
float miePhase = _Azure_MieG.x / pow(_Azure_MieG.y - _Azure_MieG.z * sunCosTheta, 1.5); //The Henyey-Greenstein phase function. |
float3 BrTheta = _Azure_Pi316 * _Azure_Br * rayPhase * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb * extinction; |
float3 BmTheta = _Azure_Pi14 * _Azure_Bm * miePhase * _Azure_MieColor.rgb * extinction * sunRise; |
float3 BrmTheta = (BrTheta + BmTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm); |
inScatter = BrmTheta * _Azure_Scattering * (1.0 - fex); |
inScatter *= sunRise; |
//Night Sky. |
//-------------------------------- |
BrTheta = _Azure_Pi316 * _Azure_Br * rayPhase * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb; |
BrmTheta = (BrTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm); |
nightSky = BrmTheta * _Azure_NightIntensity * (1.0 - fex); |
} |
else |
{ |
//Optical Depth |
//-------------------------------- |
float zenith = acos(length(viewDir.y)); |
//float zenith = acos(saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), viewDir))); |
float z = cos(zenith) + 0.15 * pow(93.885 - ((zenith * 180.0) / _Azure_Pi), -1.253); |
float SR = _Azure_Kr / z; |
float SM = _Azure_Km / z; |
//Total Extinction. |
//-------------------------------- |
fex = exp(-(_Azure_Br*SR + _Azure_Bm*SM)); |
//Scattering. |
//-------------------------------- |
float rayPhase = 2.0 + 0.5 * pow(sunCosTheta, 2.0); |
float miePhase = _Azure_MieG.x / pow(_Azure_MieG.y - _Azure_MieG.z * sunCosTheta, 1.5); |
float3 BrTheta = _Azure_Pi316 * _Azure_Br * rayPhase * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb; |
float3 BmTheta = _Azure_Pi14 * _Azure_Bm * miePhase * _Azure_MieColor.rgb * sunRise; |
float3 BrmTheta = (BrTheta + BmTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm); |
inScatter = BrmTheta * _Azure_Scattering * (1.0 - fex); |
inScatter *= sunRise; |
//inScatter *= pow(max(0.5, viewDir.y + 0.5), 2.0); |
//Night Sky. |
//-------------------------------- |
//nightSky = (1.0 - fex) * _Azure_RayleighColor.rgb * _Azure_NightIntensity; |
BrmTheta = (BrTheta) / (_Azure_Br + _Azure_Bm); |
nightSky = BrmTheta * _Azure_NightIntensity * (1.0 - fex); |
} |
float horizonExtinction = saturate((viewDir.y) * 1000.0) * fex.b; |
//Moon Bright. |
//-------------------------------- |
float moonRise = saturate(dot(float3(0.0, 500.0, 0.0), _Azure_MoonDirection) / r); |
float bright = 1.0 + dot(viewDir, -_Azure_MoonDirection); |
float3 moonBright = 1.0 / (1.0 + bright * _Azure_MoonBrightRange) * _Azure_MoonBrightColor.rgb; |
moonBright += 1.0 / (_Azure_MoonEmission + bright * 200.0) * _Azure_MoonColor.rgb; |
moonBright = moonBright * moonRise; |
float4 OutputColor = float4(inScatter + nightSky + moonBright, horizonExtinction); |
//Outputs. |
//-------------------------------- |
Output.OutColor = OutputColor; |
Output.Fex = float4(fex, sunCosTheta); |
return Output; |
} |
bool iSphere(in float3 origin, in float3 direction, in float3 position, in float radius, out float3 normalDirection) |
{ |
float3 rc = origin - position; |
float c = dot(rc, rc) - (radius * radius); |
float b = dot(direction, rc); |
float d = b * b - c; |
float t = -b - sqrt(abs(d)); |
float st = step(0.0, min(t, d)); |
normalDirection = normalize(-position + (origin + direction * t)); |
if (st > 0.0) { return true; } |
return false; |
} |
float4 frag (v2f IN) : SV_Target |
{ |
//Dynamic Clouds Layer1. |
//-------------------------------- |
float4 tex1 = tex2D(_Azure_CloudNoise, IN.CloudUV.xy ); |
float4 tex2 = tex2D(_Azure_CloudNoise, ); |
float3 cloud = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float cloudAlpha = 1.0; |
float noise1 = 1.0; |
float noise2 = 1.0; |
float mixCloud = 0.0; |
if(_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Density<25) |
{ |
_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color1 = pow(_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color1, 2.2); |
_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color2 = pow(_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color2, 2.2); |
#endif |
noise1 = pow(tex1.g + tex2.g, 0.1); |
noise2 = pow(tex2.b * tex1.r, 0.25); |
cloudAlpha = saturate(pow(noise1 * noise2, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Density)); |
float3 cloud1 = lerp(_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color1.rgb, float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), noise1); |
float3 cloud2 = lerp(_Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color1.rgb, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Color2.rgb, noise2) * 2.5; |
cloud = lerp(cloud1, cloud2, noise1 * noise2); |
cloudAlpha = 1.0 - cloudAlpha; |
mixCloud = saturate(pow(IN.CloudPos.y, 5.0) * pow(noise1 * noise2, _Azure_DynamicCloudLayer1Density)); |
} |
//Sun Disk. |
//-------------------------------- |
float3 sunTex = tex2D( _Azure_SunTexture, IN.SunPos + 0.5).rgb * _Azure_SunDiskColor * _Azure_SunDiskIntensity; |
sunTex = pow(sunTex, 2.0); |
sunTex *= IN.Fex.b * saturate(IN.Fex.a) * cloudAlpha; |
//Moon Sphere. |
//-------------------------------- |
float3 rayOrigin = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);//_WorldSpaceCameraPos; |
float3 rayDirection = normalize(IN.WorldPos); |
float moonCosTheta = saturate(dot(rayDirection, _Azure_MoonDirection)); |
float3 moonPosition = _Azure_MoonDirection * 38400.0 * _Azure_MoonSize; |
float3 normalDirection = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float3 moonColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
float4 moonTex = tex2D( _Azure_MoonTexture, IN.MoonPos.xy + 0.5) * moonCosTheta; |
float moonMask = 1.0 - moonTex.a; |
if(iSphere(rayOrigin, rayDirection, moonPosition, 17370.0, normalDirection)) |
{ |
float moonSphere = max(dot(normalDirection, _Azure_SunDirection), 0.0) * moonTex.a * 2.0; |
moonColor = moonTex.rgb * moonSphere * _Azure_MoonColor.rgb * IN.OutColor.a; |
moonColor *= cloudAlpha; |
} |
//Starfield. |
//-------------------------------- |
float scintillation = texCUBE(_Azure_StarNoiseTexture, IN.NoiseRot) * 2.0; |
float4 starTex = texCUBE(_Azure_StarfieldTexture, IN.StarPos); |
float3 stars = starTex.rgb * starTex.a * scintillation; |
float3 milkyWay = pow(starTex.rgb, 1.5) * _Azure_MilkyWayIntensity; |
float3 starfield = (stars + milkyWay) * _Azure_StarfieldColorBalance * moonMask * IN.OutColor.a * _Azure_StarfieldIntensity; |
starfield *= cloudAlpha; |
//Output. |
//-------------------------------- |
float3 OutputColor = IN.OutColor.rgb + sunTex + starfield + moonColor; |
//Tonemapping. |
OutputColor = saturate(1.0 - exp(-_Azure_Exposure * OutputColor)); |
//Color Correction. |
OutputColor = pow(OutputColor, 2.2); |
OutputColor = pow(OutputColor, 0.4545); |
#else |
OutputColor = OutputColor; |
#endif |
//Apply Clouds. |
OutputColor = lerp(OutputColor, cloud, mixCloud); |
return float4(OutputColor, 1.0); |
} |
} |
} |
} |