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using System;
using System.IO;
using BestHTTP.Extensions;
namespace BestHTTP.Connections
public sealed class BufferedReadNetworkStream : Stream
#region Network Stats
public static long TotalNetworkBytesReceived { get => _totalNetworkBytesReceived; }
private static long _totalNetworkBytesReceived;
internal static void IncrementTotalNetworkBytesReceived(int amount) => System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(ref _totalNetworkBytesReceived, amount);
public static long TotalNetworkBytesSent { get => _totalNetworkBytesSent; }
private static long _totalNetworkBytesSent;
internal static void IncrementTotalNetworkBytesSent(int amount) => System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(ref _totalNetworkBytesSent, amount);
public static int TotalConnections { get => _totalConnections; }
private static int _totalConnections;
public static int OpenConnections { get => _openConnections; }
private static int _openConnections;
internal static void IncrementCurrentConnections()
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _totalConnections);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _openConnections);
internal static void DecrementCurrentConnections() => System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref _openConnections);
internal static void ResetNetworkStats()
System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _totalNetworkBytesReceived, 0);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _totalNetworkBytesSent, 0);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _totalConnections, 0);
System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref _openConnections, 0);
public override bool CanRead { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override bool CanSeek { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override bool CanWrite { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override long Length { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override long Position { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
private ReadOnlyBufferedStream readStream;
private Stream innerStream;
public BufferedReadNetworkStream(Stream stream, int bufferSize)
this.innerStream = stream;
this.readStream = new ReadOnlyBufferedStream(stream, bufferSize);
public override void Flush()
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
int read = this.readStream.Read(buffer, offset, count);
return read;
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void SetLength(long value)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
this.innerStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);
public override void Close()
if (this.innerStream != null)
lock (this)
if (this.innerStream != Null)
this.innerStream = null;
// Non-used experimental stream. Reading from the inner stream is done parallel and Read is blocked if no data is buffered.
// Additionally BC reads 5 bytes for the TLS header, than the payload. Buffering data from the network could save at least one context switch per TLS message.
// In theory it, could help as reading from the network could be done parallel with TLS decryption.
// However, if decrypting data is done faster than data is coming on the network, waiting for data longer and letting SpinWait to go deep-sleep it's going to
// resume the thread milliseconds after new data is available. Those little afters are adding up and actually slowing down the download.
// Not using locking just calling TryDequeue until there's data would solve the slow-down, but with the price of using 100% CPU of a core.
// The whole struggle might worth it if Unity would implement SocketAsyncEventArgs properly.
//sealed class BufferedReadNetworkStream : Stream
// public override bool CanRead => throw new NotImplementedException();
// public override bool CanSeek => throw new NotImplementedException();
// public override bool CanWrite => throw new NotImplementedException();
// public override long Length => throw new NotImplementedException();
// public override long Position { get => throw new NotImplementedException(); set => throw new NotImplementedException(); }
// byte[] buf;
// int available = 0;
// int pos = 0;
// private System.Net.Sockets.Socket client;
// int readBufferSize;
// int bufferSize;
// private System.Threading.SpinWait spinWait = new System.Threading.SpinWait();
// System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue<BufferSegment> downloadedData = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue<BufferSegment>();
// private int downloadedBytes;
// private System.Threading.SpinWait downWait = new System.Threading.SpinWait();
// private int closed = 0;
// //System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs socketAsyncEventArgs = new System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs();
// //DateTime started;
// public BufferedReadNetworkStream(System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket, int readBufferSize, int bufferSize)
// {
// this.client = socket;
// this.readBufferSize = readBufferSize;
// this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
// //this.socketAsyncEventArgs.AcceptSocket = this.client;
// //
// //var buffer = BufferPool.Get(this.readBufferSize, true);
// //this.socketAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// //
// ////var bufferList = new List<ArraySegment<byte>>();
// ////for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
// ////{
// //// var buffer = BufferPool.Get(this.readBufferSize, true);
// //// bufferList.Add(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer));
// ////}
// ////this.socketAsyncEventArgs.BufferList = bufferList;
// //
// //this.socketAsyncEventArgs.Completed += SocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed;
// //
// //this.started = DateTime.Now;
// //if (!this.client.ReceiveAsync(this.socketAsyncEventArgs))
// // SocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed(null, this.socketAsyncEventArgs);
// BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Threading.ThreadedRunner.RunShortLiving(() =>
// {
// DateTime started = DateTime.Now;
// try
// {
// while (closed == 0)
// {
// var buffer = BufferPool.Get(this.readBufferSize, true);
// int count = this.client.Receive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None);
// //int count = 0;
// //unsafe {
// // fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer)
// // {
// // int zero = 0;
// // count = recvfrom(this.client.Handle, pBuffer, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, null, ref zero);
// // }
// //}
// this.downloadedData.Enqueue(new BufferSegment(buffer, 0, count));
// System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(ref downloadedBytes, count);
// if (HTTPManager.Logger.Level <= Logger.Loglevels.Warning)
// HTTPManager.Logger.Warning(nameof(BufferedReadNetworkStream), $"read count: {count:N0} downloadedBytes: {downloadedBytes:N0} / {this.bufferSize:N0}");
// if (count <= 0)
// {
// System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref closed, 1);
// return;
// }
// while (downloadedBytes >= this.bufferSize)
// {
// downWait.SpinOnce();
// }
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// UnityEngine.Debug.LogException(ex);
// }
// finally
// {
// UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Reading finished in {(DateTime.Now - started)}");
// }
// });
// }
// //private void SocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed(object sender, System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
// //{
// // this.downloadedData.Enqueue(new BufferSegment(e.Buffer, 0, e.BytesTransferred));
// //
// // if (e.BytesTransferred == 0)
// // {
// // UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Reading finished in {(DateTime.Now - started)}");
// // return;
// // }
// //
// // int down = System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(ref downloadedBytes, e.BytesTransferred);
// //
// // if (HTTPManager.Logger.Level <= Logger.Loglevels.Warning)
// // HTTPManager.Logger.Warning(nameof(BufferedReadNetworkStream), $"SocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed - read count: {e.BytesTransferred:N0} downloadedBytes: {down:N0} / {this.bufferSize:N0}");
// //
// // var buffer = BufferPool.Get(this.readBufferSize, true);
// // this.socketAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// //
// // if (!this.client.ReceiveAsync(this.socketAsyncEventArgs))
// // SocketAsyncEventArgs_Completed(null, this.socketAsyncEventArgs);
// //}
// private void SwitchBuffers(bool waitForData)
// {
// //HTTPManager.Logger.Error("Read", $"{this.downloadedData.Count}");
// BufferSegment segment;
// while (!this.downloadedData.TryDequeue(out segment))
// {
// if (waitForData && closed == 0)
// {
// if (HTTPManager.Logger.Level <= Logger.Loglevels.Error)
// HTTPManager.Logger.Error(nameof(BufferedReadNetworkStream), $"SpinOnce");
// this.spinWait.SpinOnce();
// }
// else
// return;
// }
// //if (segment.Count <= 0)
// // throw new Exception("Connection closed!");
// if (buf != null)
// BufferPool.Release(buf);
// System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(ref downloadedBytes, -segment.Count);
// buf = segment.Data;
// available = segment.Count;
// pos = 0;
// }
// public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
// {
// if (this.buf == null)
// {
// SwitchBuffers(true);
// }
// if (size <= available)
// {
// Array.Copy(buf, pos, buffer, offset, size);
// available -= size;
// pos += size;
// if (available == 0)
// {
// SwitchBuffers(false);
// }
// return size;
// }
// else
// {
// int readcount = 0;
// if (available > 0)
// {
// Array.Copy(buf, pos, buffer, offset, available);
// offset += available;
// readcount += available;
// available = 0;
// pos = 0;
// }
// while (true)
// {
// try
// {
// SwitchBuffers(true);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// if (readcount > 0)
// {
// return readcount;
// }
// throw (ex);
// }
// if (available < 1)
// {
// if (readcount > 0)
// {
// return readcount;
// }
// return available;
// }
// else
// {
// int toread = size - readcount;
// if (toread <= available)
// {
// Array.Copy(buf, pos, buffer, offset, toread);
// available -= toread;
// pos += toread;
// readcount += toread;
// return readcount;
// }
// else
// {
// Array.Copy(buf, pos, buffer, offset, available);
// offset += available;
// readcount += available;
// pos = 0;
// available = 0;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
// {
// throw new NotImplementedException();
// }
// public override void SetLength(long value)
// {
// throw new NotImplementedException();
// }
// public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
// {
// this.client.Send(buffer, offset, count, System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None);
// HTTPManager.Logger.Warning(nameof(BufferedReadNetworkStream), $"Wrote: {count}");
// }
// public override void Close()
// {
// base.Close();
// //socketAsyncEventArgs.Dispose();
// //socketAsyncEventArgs = null;
// }
// public override void Flush()
// {
// }