using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Text; using BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Threading; namespace BestHTTP.Logger { public sealed class ThreadedLogger : BestHTTP.Logger.ILogger, IDisposable { public Loglevels Level { get; set; } public ILogOutput Output { get { return this._output; } set { if (this._output != value) { if (this._output != null) this._output.Dispose(); this._output = value; } } } private ILogOutput _output; public int InitialStringBufferCapacity = 256; #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR public TimeSpan ExitThreadAfterInactivity = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); private ConcurrentQueue jobs = new ConcurrentQueue(); private System.Threading.AutoResetEvent newJobEvent = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false); private volatile int threadCreated; private volatile bool isDisposed; #endif private StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(0); public ThreadedLogger() { this.Level = UnityEngine.Debug.isDebugBuild ? Loglevels.Warning : Loglevels.Error; this.Output = new UnityOutput(); } public void Verbose(string division, string msg, LoggingContext context1 = null, LoggingContext context2 = null, LoggingContext context3 = null) { AddJob(Loglevels.All, division, msg, null, context1, context2, context3); } public void Information(string division, string msg, LoggingContext context1 = null, LoggingContext context2 = null, LoggingContext context3 = null) { AddJob(Loglevels.Information, division, msg, null, context1, context2, context3); } public void Warning(string division, string msg, LoggingContext context1 = null, LoggingContext context2 = null, LoggingContext context3 = null) { AddJob(Loglevels.Warning, division, msg, null, context1, context2, context3); } public void Error(string division, string msg, LoggingContext context1 = null, LoggingContext context2 = null, LoggingContext context3 = null) { AddJob(Loglevels.Error, division, msg, null, context1, context2, context3); } public void Exception(string division, string msg, Exception ex, LoggingContext context1 = null, LoggingContext context2 = null, LoggingContext context3 = null) { AddJob(Loglevels.Exception, division, msg, ex, context1, context2, context3); } private void AddJob(Loglevels level, string div, string msg, Exception ex, LoggingContext context1, LoggingContext context2, LoggingContext context3) { if (this.Level > level) return; sb.EnsureCapacity(InitialStringBufferCapacity); #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR if (this.isDisposed) return; #endif var job = new LogJob { level = level, division = div, msg = msg, ex = ex, time = DateTime.Now, threadId = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, stackTrace = System.Environment.StackTrace, context1 = context1 != null ? context1.Clone() : null, context2 = context2 != null ? context2.Clone() : null, context3 = context3 != null ? context3.Clone() : null }; #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR // Start the consumer thread before enqueuing to get up and running sooner if (System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.threadCreated, 1, 0) == 0) BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Threading.ThreadedRunner.RunLongLiving(ThreadFunc);; try { this.newJobEvent.Set(); } catch { try { this.Output.Write(job.level, job.ToJson(sb)); } catch { } return; } // newJobEvent might timed out between the previous threadCreated check and newJobEvent.Set() calls closing the thread. // So, here we check threadCreated again and create a new thread if needed. if (System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.threadCreated, 1, 0) == 0) BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Threading.ThreadedRunner.RunLongLiving(ThreadFunc); #else this.Output.Write(job.level, job.ToJson(sb)); #endif } #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR private void ThreadFunc() { ThreadedRunner.SetThreadName("BestHTTP.Logger"); try { do { // Waiting for a new log-job timed out if (!this.newJobEvent.WaitOne(this.ExitThreadAfterInactivity)) { // clear StringBuilder's inner cache and exit the thread sb.Length = 0; sb.Capacity = 0; System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.threadCreated, 0); return; } LogJob job; while ( job)) { try { this.Output.Write(job.level, job.ToJson(sb)); } catch { } } } while (!HTTPManager.IsQuitting); System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.threadCreated, 0); // When HTTPManager.IsQuitting is true, there is still logging that will create a new thread after the last one quit // and always writing a new entry about the exiting thread would be too much overhead. // It would also hard to know what's the last log entry because some are generated on another thread non-deterministically. //var lastLog = new LogJob //{ // level = Loglevels.All, // division = "ThreadedLogger", // msg = "Log Processing Thread Quitting!", // time = DateTime.Now, // threadId = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, //}; // //this.Output.WriteVerbose(lastLog.ToJson(sb)); } catch { System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.threadCreated, 0); } } #endif public void Dispose() { #if !UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR this.isDisposed = true; if (this.newJobEvent != null) { this.newJobEvent.Close(); this.newJobEvent = null; } #endif if (this.Output != null) { this.Output.Dispose(); this.Output = new UnityOutput(); } GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } [BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.IL2CPP.Il2CppEagerStaticClassConstructionAttribute] struct LogJob { private static string[] LevelStrings = new string[] { "Verbose", "Information", "Warning", "Error", "Exception" }; public Loglevels level; public string division; public string msg; public Exception ex; public DateTime time; public int threadId; public string stackTrace; public LoggingContext context1; public LoggingContext context2; public LoggingContext context3; private static string WrapInColor(string str, string color) { #if UNITY_EDITOR return string.Format("{0}", str, color); #else return str; #endif } public string ToJson(StringBuilder sb) { sb.Length = 0; sb.AppendFormat("{{\"tid\":{0},\"div\":\"{1}\",\"msg\":\"{2}\"", WrapInColor(this.threadId.ToString(), "yellow"), WrapInColor(this.division, "yellow"), WrapInColor(LoggingContext.Escape(this.msg), "yellow")); if (ex != null) { sb.Append(",\"ex\": ["); Exception exception = this.ex; while (exception != null) { sb.Append("{\"msg\": \""); sb.Append(LoggingContext.Escape(exception.Message)); sb.Append("\", \"stack\": \""); sb.Append(LoggingContext.Escape(exception.StackTrace)); sb.Append("\"}"); exception = exception.InnerException; if (exception != null) sb.Append(","); } sb.Append("]"); } if (this.stackTrace != null) { sb.Append(",\"stack\":\""); ProcessStackTrace(sb); sb.Append("\""); } else sb.Append(",\"stack\":\"\""); if (this.context1 != null || this.context2 != null || this.context3 != null) { sb.Append(",\"ctxs\":["); if (this.context1 != null) this.context1.ToJson(sb); if (this.context2 != null) { if (this.context1 != null) sb.Append(","); this.context2.ToJson(sb); } if (this.context3 != null) { if (this.context1 != null || this.context2 != null) sb.Append(","); this.context3.ToJson(sb); } sb.Append("]"); } else sb.Append(",\"ctxs\":[]"); sb.AppendFormat(",\"t\":{0},\"ll\":\"{1}\",", this.time.Ticks.ToString(), LevelStrings[(int)this.level]); sb.Append("\"bh\":1}"); return sb.ToString(); } private void ProcessStackTrace(StringBuilder sb) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.stackTrace)) return; var lines = this.stackTrace.Split('\n'); // skip top 4 lines that would show the logger. for (int i = 3; i < lines.Length; ++i) sb.Append(LoggingContext.Escape(lines[i].Replace("BestHTTP.", ""))); } } }