#if !BESTHTTP_DISABLE_ALTERNATE_SSL && (!UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR) #pragma warning disable using System; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Utilities; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines { /// /// Implementation of Daniel J. Bernstein's ChaCha stream cipher. /// [BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.IL2CPP.Il2CppEagerStaticClassConstructionAttribute] public sealed class ChaChaEngine : Salsa20Engine { /// /// Creates a 20 rounds ChaCha engine. /// public ChaChaEngine() { } /// /// Creates a ChaCha engine with a specific number of rounds. /// /// the number of rounds (must be an even number). public ChaChaEngine(int rounds) : base(rounds) { } public override string AlgorithmName { get { return "ChaCha" + rounds; } } protected override void AdvanceCounter() { if (++engineState[12] == 0) { ++engineState[13]; } } protected override void ResetCounter() { engineState[12] = engineState[13] = 0; } protected override void SetKey(byte[] keyBytes, byte[] ivBytes) { if (keyBytes != null) { if ((keyBytes.Length != 16) && (keyBytes.Length != 32)) throw new ArgumentException(AlgorithmName + " requires 128 bit or 256 bit key"); PackTauOrSigma(keyBytes.Length, engineState, 0); // Key Pack.LE_To_UInt32(keyBytes, 0, engineState, 4, 4); Pack.LE_To_UInt32(keyBytes, keyBytes.Length - 16, engineState, 8, 4); } // IV Pack.LE_To_UInt32(ivBytes, 0, engineState, 14, 2); } protected override void GenerateKeyStream(byte[] output) { ChachaCore(rounds, engineState, x); Pack.UInt32_To_LE(x, output, 0); } /// /// ChaCha function. /// /// The number of ChaCha rounds to execute /// The input words. /// The ChaCha state to modify. internal static void ChachaCore(int rounds, uint[] input, uint[] x) { if (input.Length != 16) throw new ArgumentException(); if (x.Length != 16) throw new ArgumentException(); if (rounds % 2 != 0) throw new ArgumentException("Number of rounds must be even"); uint x00 = input[ 0]; uint x01 = input[ 1]; uint x02 = input[ 2]; uint x03 = input[ 3]; uint x04 = input[ 4]; uint x05 = input[ 5]; uint x06 = input[ 6]; uint x07 = input[ 7]; uint x08 = input[ 8]; uint x09 = input[ 9]; uint x10 = input[10]; uint x11 = input[11]; uint x12 = input[12]; uint x13 = input[13]; uint x14 = input[14]; uint x15 = input[15]; for (int i = rounds; i > 0; i -= 2) { x00 += x04; x12 = Integers.RotateLeft(x12 ^ x00, 16); x08 += x12; x04 = Integers.RotateLeft(x04 ^ x08, 12); x00 += x04; x12 = Integers.RotateLeft(x12 ^ x00, 8); x08 += x12; x04 = Integers.RotateLeft(x04 ^ x08, 7); x01 += x05; x13 = Integers.RotateLeft(x13 ^ x01, 16); x09 += x13; x05 = Integers.RotateLeft(x05 ^ x09, 12); x01 += x05; x13 = Integers.RotateLeft(x13 ^ x01, 8); x09 += x13; x05 = Integers.RotateLeft(x05 ^ x09, 7); x02 += x06; x14 = Integers.RotateLeft(x14 ^ x02, 16); x10 += x14; x06 = Integers.RotateLeft(x06 ^ x10, 12); x02 += x06; x14 = Integers.RotateLeft(x14 ^ x02, 8); x10 += x14; x06 = Integers.RotateLeft(x06 ^ x10, 7); x03 += x07; x15 = Integers.RotateLeft(x15 ^ x03, 16); x11 += x15; x07 = Integers.RotateLeft(x07 ^ x11, 12); x03 += x07; x15 = Integers.RotateLeft(x15 ^ x03, 8); x11 += x15; x07 = Integers.RotateLeft(x07 ^ x11, 7); x00 += x05; x15 = Integers.RotateLeft(x15 ^ x00, 16); x10 += x15; x05 = Integers.RotateLeft(x05 ^ x10, 12); x00 += x05; x15 = Integers.RotateLeft(x15 ^ x00, 8); x10 += x15; x05 = Integers.RotateLeft(x05 ^ x10, 7); x01 += x06; x12 = Integers.RotateLeft(x12 ^ x01, 16); x11 += x12; x06 = Integers.RotateLeft(x06 ^ x11, 12); x01 += x06; x12 = Integers.RotateLeft(x12 ^ x01, 8); x11 += x12; x06 = Integers.RotateLeft(x06 ^ x11, 7); x02 += x07; x13 = Integers.RotateLeft(x13 ^ x02, 16); x08 += x13; x07 = Integers.RotateLeft(x07 ^ x08, 12); x02 += x07; x13 = Integers.RotateLeft(x13 ^ x02, 8); x08 += x13; x07 = Integers.RotateLeft(x07 ^ x08, 7); x03 += x04; x14 = Integers.RotateLeft(x14 ^ x03, 16); x09 += x14; x04 = Integers.RotateLeft(x04 ^ x09, 12); x03 += x04; x14 = Integers.RotateLeft(x14 ^ x03, 8); x09 += x14; x04 = Integers.RotateLeft(x04 ^ x09, 7); } x[ 0] = x00 + input[ 0]; x[ 1] = x01 + input[ 1]; x[ 2] = x02 + input[ 2]; x[ 3] = x03 + input[ 3]; x[ 4] = x04 + input[ 4]; x[ 5] = x05 + input[ 5]; x[ 6] = x06 + input[ 6]; x[ 7] = x07 + input[ 7]; x[ 8] = x08 + input[ 8]; x[ 9] = x09 + input[ 9]; x[10] = x10 + input[10]; x[11] = x11 + input[11]; x[12] = x12 + input[12]; x[13] = x13 + input[13]; x[14] = x14 + input[14]; x[15] = x15 + input[15]; } } } #pragma warning restore #endif