#if !BESTHTTP_DISABLE_ALTERNATE_SSL && (!UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR) #pragma warning disable using System; using System.Diagnostics; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Utilities; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; namespace BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators { /// Implementation of the scrypt a password-based key derivation function. /// /// Scrypt was created by Colin Percival and is specified in /// draft-josefsson-scrypt-kd. /// public class SCrypt { /// Generate a key using the scrypt key derivation function. /// the bytes of the pass phrase. /// the salt to use for this invocation. /// CPU/Memory cost parameter. Must be larger than 1, a power of 2 and less than /// 2^(128 * r / 8). /// the block size, must be >= 1. /// Parallelization parameter. Must be a positive integer less than or equal to /// Int32.MaxValue / (128 * r * 8). /// the length of the key to generate. /// the generated key. public static byte[] Generate(byte[] P, byte[] S, int N, int r, int p, int dkLen) { if (P == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Passphrase P must be provided."); if (S == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Salt S must be provided."); if (N <= 1 || !IsPowerOf2(N)) throw new ArgumentException("Cost parameter N must be > 1 and a power of 2."); // Only value of r that cost (as an int) could be exceeded for is 1 if (r == 1 && N >= 65536) throw new ArgumentException("Cost parameter N must be > 1 and < 65536."); if (r < 1) throw new ArgumentException("Block size r must be >= 1."); int maxParallel = Int32.MaxValue / (128 * r * 8); if (p < 1 || p > maxParallel) { throw new ArgumentException("Parallelisation parameter p must be >= 1 and <= " + maxParallel + " (based on block size r of " + r + ")"); } if (dkLen < 1) throw new ArgumentException("Generated key length dkLen must be >= 1."); return MFcrypt(P, S, N, r, p, dkLen); } private static byte[] MFcrypt(byte[] P, byte[] S, int N, int r, int p, int dkLen) { int MFLenBytes = r * 128; byte[] bytes = SingleIterationPBKDF2(P, S, p * MFLenBytes); uint[] B = null; try { int BLen = bytes.Length >> 2; B = new uint[BLen]; Pack.LE_To_UInt32(bytes, 0, B); /* * Chunk memory allocations; We choose 'd' so that there will be 2**d chunks, each not * larger than 32KiB, except that the minimum chunk size is 2 * r * 32. */ int d = 0, total = N * r; while ((N - d) > 2 && total > (1 << 10)) { ++d; total >>= 1; } int MFLenWords = MFLenBytes >> 2; for (int BOff = 0; BOff < BLen; BOff += MFLenWords) { // TODO These can be done in parallel threads SMix(B, BOff, N, d, r); } Pack.UInt32_To_LE(B, bytes, 0); return SingleIterationPBKDF2(P, bytes, dkLen); } finally { ClearAll(bytes, B); } } private static byte[] SingleIterationPBKDF2(byte[] P, byte[] S, int dkLen) { PbeParametersGenerator pGen = new Pkcs5S2ParametersGenerator(new Sha256Digest()); pGen.Init(P, S, 1); KeyParameter key = (KeyParameter)pGen.GenerateDerivedMacParameters(dkLen * 8); return key.GetKey(); } private static void SMix(uint[] B, int BOff, int N, int d, int r) { int powN = Integers.NumberOfTrailingZeros(N); int blocksPerChunk = N >> d; int chunkCount = 1 << d, chunkMask = blocksPerChunk - 1, chunkPow = powN - d; int BCount = r * 32; uint[] blockX1 = new uint[16]; uint[] blockX2 = new uint[16]; uint[] blockY = new uint[BCount]; uint[] X = new uint[BCount]; uint[][] VV = new uint[chunkCount][]; try { Array.Copy(B, BOff, X, 0, BCount); for (int c = 0; c < chunkCount; ++c) { uint[] V = new uint[blocksPerChunk * BCount]; VV[c] = V; int off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < blocksPerChunk; i += 2) { Array.Copy(X, 0, V, off, BCount); off += BCount; BlockMix(X, blockX1, blockX2, blockY, r); Array.Copy(blockY, 0, V, off, BCount); off += BCount; BlockMix(blockY, blockX1, blockX2, X, r); } } uint mask = (uint)N - 1; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { int j = (int)(X[BCount - 16] & mask); uint[] V = VV[j >> chunkPow]; int VOff = (j & chunkMask) * BCount; Array.Copy(V, VOff, blockY, 0, BCount); Xor(blockY, X, 0, blockY); BlockMix(blockY, blockX1, blockX2, X, r); } Array.Copy(X, 0, B, BOff, BCount); } finally { ClearAll(VV); ClearAll(X, blockX1, blockX2, blockY); } } private static void BlockMix(uint[] B, uint[] X1, uint[] X2, uint[] Y, int r) { Array.Copy(B, B.Length - 16, X1, 0, 16); int BOff = 0, YOff = 0, halfLen = B.Length >> 1; for (int i = 2 * r; i > 0; --i) { Xor(X1, B, BOff, X2); Salsa20Engine.SalsaCore(8, X2, X1); Array.Copy(X1, 0, Y, YOff, 16); YOff = halfLen + BOff - YOff; BOff += 16; } } private static void Xor(uint[] a, uint[] b, int bOff, uint[] output) { for (int i = output.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { output[i] = a[i] ^ b[bOff + i]; } } private static void Clear(Array array) { if (array != null) { Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length); } } private static void ClearAll(params Array[] arrays) { foreach (Array array in arrays) { Clear(array); } } // note: we know X is non-zero private static bool IsPowerOf2(int x) { Debug.Assert(x != 0); return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; } } } #pragma warning restore #endif