#pragma warning disable
using System;
using BestHTTP.PlatformSupport.Memory;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Macs;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Modes.Gcm;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Utilities;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
namespace BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Modes
/// Implements the Galois/Counter mode (GCM) detailed in
/// NIST Special Publication 800-38D.
public sealed class GcmBlockCipher
: IAeadBlockCipher
private const int BlockSize = 16;
byte[] ctrBlock = new byte[BlockSize];
private readonly IBlockCipher cipher;
private IGcmExponentiator exp;
// These fields are set by Init and not modified by processing
private bool forEncryption;
private bool initialised;
private int macSize;
private byte[] lastKey;
private byte[] nonce;
private byte[] initialAssociatedText;
private byte[] H;
private byte[] J0;
// These fields are modified during processing
private int bufLength;
private byte[] bufBlock;
private byte[] macBlock;
private byte[] S, S_at, S_atPre;
private byte[] counter;
private uint blocksRemaining;
private int bufOff;
private ulong totalLength;
private byte[] atBlock;
private int atBlockPos;
private ulong atLength;
private ulong atLengthPre;
public GcmBlockCipher(
IBlockCipher c)
: this(c, null)
public GcmBlockCipher(
IBlockCipher c,
IGcmMultiplier m)
if (c.GetBlockSize() != BlockSize)
throw new ArgumentException("cipher required with a block size of " + BlockSize + ".");
if (m != null)
throw new NotImplementedException("IGcmMultiplier");
this.cipher = c;
public /*virtual*/ string AlgorithmName
get { return cipher.AlgorithmName + "/GCM"; }
public IBlockCipher GetUnderlyingCipher()
return cipher;
public /*virtual*/ int GetBlockSize()
return BlockSize;
/// MAC sizes from 32 bits to 128 bits (must be a multiple of 8) are supported. The default is 128 bits.
/// Sizes less than 96 are not recommended, but are supported for specialized applications.
public /*virtual*/ void Init(
bool forEncryption,
ICipherParameters parameters)
this.forEncryption = forEncryption;
//this.macBlock = null;
if (this.macBlock != null)
Array.Clear(this.macBlock, 0, this.macBlock.Length);
this.initialised = true;
KeyParameter keyParam;
byte[] newNonce = null;
if (parameters is AeadParameters)
AeadParameters param = (AeadParameters)parameters;
newNonce = param.GetNonce();
initialAssociatedText = param.GetAssociatedText();
int macSizeBits = param.MacSize;
if (macSizeBits < 32 || macSizeBits > 128 || macSizeBits % 8 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value for MAC size: " + macSizeBits);
macSize = macSizeBits / 8;
keyParam = param.Key;
else if (parameters is ParametersWithIV)
ParametersWithIV param = (ParametersWithIV)parameters;
newNonce = param.GetIV();
initialAssociatedText = null;
macSize = 16;
keyParam = (KeyParameter)param.Parameters;
throw new ArgumentException("invalid parameters passed to GCM");
this.bufLength = forEncryption ? BlockSize : (BlockSize + macSize);
if (this.bufBlock == null || this.bufLength < this.bufBlock.Length)
BufferPool.Resize(ref this.bufBlock, this.bufLength, true, true);
if (newNonce == null || newNonce.Length < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("IV must be at least 1 byte");
if (forEncryption)
if (nonce != null && Arrays.AreEqual(nonce, newNonce))
if (keyParam == null)
throw new ArgumentException("cannot reuse nonce for GCM encryption");
if (lastKey != null && Arrays.AreEqual(lastKey, keyParam.GetKey()))
throw new ArgumentException("cannot reuse nonce for GCM encryption");
nonce = newNonce;
if (keyParam != null)
lastKey = keyParam.GetKey();
// TODO Restrict macSize to 16 if nonce length not 12?
// Cipher always used in forward mode
// if keyParam is null we're reusing the last key.
if (keyParam != null)
cipher.Init(true, keyParam);
if (this.H == null)
this.H = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.H, 0, BlockSize);
cipher.ProcessBlock(H, 0, H, 0);
// if keyParam is null we're reusing the last key and the multiplier doesn't need re-init
exp = null;
else if (this.H == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Key must be specified in initial init");
if (this.J0 == null)
this.J0 = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.J0, 0, BlockSize);
if (nonce.Length == 12)
Array.Copy(nonce, 0, J0, 0, nonce.Length);
this.J0[BlockSize - 1] = 0x01;
gHASH(J0, nonce, nonce.Length);
byte[] X = BufferPool.Get(BlockSize, false);
Pack.UInt64_To_BE((ulong)nonce.Length * 8UL, X, 8);
gHASHBlock(J0, X);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.S, BlockSize, false, true);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.S_at, BlockSize, false, true);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.S_atPre, BlockSize, false, true);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.atBlock, BlockSize, false, true);
if (this.S == null)
this.S = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.S, 0, this.S.Length);
if (this.S_at == null)
this.S_at = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.S_at, 0, this.S_at.Length);
if (this.S_atPre == null)
this.S_atPre = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.S_atPre, 0, this.S_atPre.Length);
if (this.atBlock == null)
this.atBlock = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.atBlock, 0, this.atBlock.Length);
this.atBlockPos = 0;
this.atLength = 0;
this.atLengthPre = 0;
//this.counter = Arrays.Clone(J0);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.counter, BlockSize, false, true);
if (this.counter == null)
this.counter = new byte[BlockSize];
Array.Clear(this.counter, 0, this.counter.Length);
Array.Copy(this.J0, 0, this.counter, 0, BlockSize);
this.blocksRemaining = uint.MaxValue - 1; // page 8, len(P) <= 2^39 - 256, 1 block used by tag
this.bufOff = 0;
this.totalLength = 0;
if (initialAssociatedText != null)
ProcessAadBytes(initialAssociatedText, 0, initialAssociatedText.Length);
public /*virtual*/ byte[] GetMac()
return macBlock == null
? new byte[macSize]
: Arrays.Clone(macBlock);
public /*virtual*/ int GetOutputSize(
int len)
int totalData = len + bufOff;
if (forEncryption)
return totalData + macSize;
return totalData < macSize ? 0 : totalData - macSize;
public /*virtual*/ int GetUpdateOutputSize(
int len)
int totalData = len + bufOff;
if (!forEncryption)
if (totalData < macSize)
return 0;
totalData -= macSize;
return totalData - totalData % BlockSize;
public /*virtual*/ void ProcessAadByte(byte input)
atBlock[atBlockPos] = input;
if (++atBlockPos == BlockSize)
// Hash each block as it fills
gHASHBlock(S_at, atBlock);
atBlockPos = 0;
atLength += BlockSize;
public /*virtual*/ void ProcessAadBytes(byte[] inBytes, int inOff, int len)
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
atBlock[atBlockPos] = inBytes[inOff + i];
if (++atBlockPos == BlockSize)
// Hash each block as it fills
gHASHBlock(S_at, atBlock);
atBlockPos = 0;
atLength += BlockSize;
private void InitCipher()
if (atLength > 0)
Array.Copy(S_at, 0, S_atPre, 0, BlockSize);
atLengthPre = atLength;
// Finish hash for partial AAD block
if (atBlockPos > 0)
gHASHPartial(S_atPre, atBlock, 0, atBlockPos);
atLengthPre += (uint)atBlockPos;
if (atLengthPre > 0)
Array.Copy(S_atPre, 0, S, 0, BlockSize);
public /*virtual*/ int ProcessByte(
byte input,
byte[] output,
int outOff)
bufBlock[bufOff] = input;
if (++bufOff == bufLength)
ProcessBlock(bufBlock, 0, output, outOff);
if (forEncryption)
bufOff = 0;
Array.Copy(bufBlock, BlockSize, bufBlock, 0, macSize);
bufOff = macSize;
return BlockSize;
return 0;
public unsafe /*virtual*/ int ProcessBytes(
byte[] input,
int inOff,
int len,
byte[] output,
int outOff)
Check.DataLength(input, inOff, len, "input buffer too short");
int resultLen = 0;
if (forEncryption)
if (bufOff != 0)
while (len > 0)
bufBlock[bufOff] = input[inOff++];
if (++bufOff == BlockSize)
ProcessBlock(bufBlock, 0, output, outOff);
bufOff = 0;
resultLen += BlockSize;
fixed (byte* pctrBlock = ctrBlock, pbuf = input, pS = S, poutput = output)
while (len >= BlockSize)
// ProcessBlock(byte[] buf, int bufOff, byte[] output, int outOff)
#region ProcessBlock(buf: input, bufOff: inOff, output: output, outOff: outOff + resultLen);
if (totalLength == 0)
#region GetNextCtrBlock(ctrBlock);
uint c = 1;
c += counter[15]; counter[15] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[14]; counter[14] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[13]; counter[13] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[12]; counter[12] = (byte)c;
cipher.ProcessBlock(counter, 0, ctrBlock, 0);
ulong* pulongBuf = (ulong*)&pbuf[inOff];
ulong* pulongctrBlock = (ulong*)pctrBlock;
pulongctrBlock[0] ^= pulongBuf[0];
pulongctrBlock[1] ^= pulongBuf[1];
ulong* pulongS = (ulong*)pS;
pulongS[0] ^= pulongctrBlock[0];
pulongS[1] ^= pulongctrBlock[1];
ulong* pulongoutput = (ulong*)&poutput[outOff + resultLen];
pulongoutput[0] = pulongctrBlock[0];
pulongoutput[1] = pulongctrBlock[1];
totalLength += BlockSize;
inOff += BlockSize;
len -= BlockSize;
resultLen += BlockSize;
if (len > 0)
Array.Copy(input, inOff, bufBlock, 0, len);
bufOff = len;
fixed (byte* pinput = input, pbufBlock = bufBlock, pctrBlock = ctrBlock, pS = S, poutput = output)
ulong* pulongbufBlock = (ulong*)pbufBlock;
// adjust bufOff to be on a 8 byte boundary
int adjustCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len && (bufOff % 8) != 0; ++i)
pbufBlock[bufOff++] = pinput[inOff++ + i];
if (bufOff == bufLength)
ProcessBlock(bufBlock, 0, output, outOff + resultLen);
pulongbufBlock[0] = pulongbufBlock[2];
pulongbufBlock[1] = pulongbufBlock[3];
bufOff = macSize;
resultLen += BlockSize;
int longLen = (len - adjustCount) / 8;
if (longLen > 0)
ulong* pulonginput = (ulong*)&pinput[inOff];
int bufLongOff = bufOff / 8;
// copy 8 bytes per cycle instead of just 1
for (int i = 0; i < longLen; ++i)
pulongbufBlock[bufLongOff++] = pulonginput[i];
bufOff += 8;
if (bufOff == bufLength)
#region ProcessBlock(buf: bufBlock, bufOff: 0, output: output, outOff: outOff + resultLen);
if (totalLength == 0)
#region GetNextCtrBlock(ctrBlock);
uint c = 1;
c += counter[15]; counter[15] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[14]; counter[14] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[13]; counter[13] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[12]; counter[12] = (byte)c;
cipher.ProcessBlock(counter, 0, ctrBlock, 0);
ulong* pulongS = (ulong*)pS;
pulongS[0] ^= pulongbufBlock[0];
pulongS[1] ^= pulongbufBlock[1];
ulong* pulongOutput = (ulong*)&poutput[outOff + resultLen];
ulong* pulongctrBlock = (ulong*)pctrBlock;
pulongOutput[0] = pulongctrBlock[0] ^ pulongbufBlock[0];
pulongOutput[1] = pulongctrBlock[1] ^ pulongbufBlock[1];
totalLength += BlockSize;
pulongbufBlock[0] = pulongbufBlock[2];
pulongbufBlock[1] = pulongbufBlock[3];
bufOff = macSize;
resultLen += BlockSize;
bufLongOff = bufOff / 8;
for (int i = longLen * 8; i < len; i++)
pbufBlock[bufOff++] = pinput[inOff + i];
if (bufOff == bufLength)
ProcessBlock(bufBlock, 0, output, outOff + resultLen);
pulongbufBlock[0] = pulongbufBlock[2];
pulongbufBlock[1] = pulongbufBlock[3];
bufOff = macSize;
resultLen += BlockSize;
return resultLen;
private unsafe void ProcessBlock(byte[] buf, int bufOff, byte[] output, int outOff)
if (totalLength == 0)
if (forEncryption)
fixed (byte* pctrBlock = ctrBlock, pbuf = buf, pS = S)
ulong* pulongBuf = (ulong*)&pbuf[bufOff];
ulong* pulongctrBlock = (ulong*)pctrBlock;
pulongctrBlock[0] ^= pulongBuf[0];
pulongctrBlock[1] ^= pulongBuf[1];
ulong* pulongS = (ulong*)pS;
pulongS[0] ^= pulongctrBlock[0];
pulongS[1] ^= pulongctrBlock[1];
fixed (byte* poutput = output)
ulong* pulongoutput = (ulong*)&poutput[outOff];
pulongoutput[0] = pulongctrBlock[0];
pulongoutput[1] = pulongctrBlock[1];
// moved this part to ProcessBytes's main part
fixed (byte* pctrBlock = ctrBlock, pbuf = buf, pS = S, poutput = output)
ulong* pulongS = (ulong*)pS;
ulong* pulongBuf = (ulong*)&pbuf[bufOff];
pulongS[0] ^= pulongBuf[0];
pulongS[1] ^= pulongBuf[1];
ulong* pulongOutput = (ulong*)&poutput[outOff];
ulong* pulongctrBlock = (ulong*)pctrBlock;
pulongOutput[0] = pulongctrBlock[0] ^ pulongBuf[0];
pulongOutput[1] = pulongctrBlock[1] ^ pulongBuf[1];
totalLength += BlockSize;
public int DoFinal(byte[] output, int outOff)
if (totalLength == 0)
int extra = bufOff;
if (forEncryption)
Check.OutputLength(output, outOff, extra + macSize, "Output buffer too short");
if (extra < macSize)
throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data too short");
extra -= macSize;
Check.OutputLength(output, outOff, extra, "Output buffer too short");
if (extra > 0)
ProcessPartial(bufBlock, 0, extra, output, outOff);
atLength += (uint)atBlockPos;
if (atLength > atLengthPre)
* Some AAD was sent after the cipher started. We determine the difference b/w the hash value
* we actually used when the cipher started (S_atPre) and the final hash value calculated (S_at).
* Then we carry this difference forward by multiplying by H^c, where c is the number of (full or
* partial) cipher-text blocks produced, and adjust the current hash.
// Finish hash for partial AAD block
if (atBlockPos > 0)
gHASHPartial(S_at, atBlock, 0, atBlockPos);
// Find the difference between the AAD hashes
if (atLengthPre > 0)
GcmUtilities.Xor(S_at, S_atPre);
// Number of cipher-text blocks produced
long c = (long)(((totalLength * 8) + 127) >> 7);
// Calculate the adjustment factor
byte[] H_c = BufferPool.Get(16, true);
if (exp == null)
exp = new Tables1kGcmExponentiator();
exp.ExponentiateX(c, H_c);
// Carry the difference forward
GcmUtilities.Multiply(S_at, H_c);
// Adjust the current hash
GcmUtilities.Xor(S, S_at);
// Final gHASH
byte[] X = BufferPool.Get(BlockSize, false);
Pack.UInt64_To_BE(atLength * 8UL, X, 0);
Pack.UInt64_To_BE(totalLength * 8UL, X, 8);
gHASHBlock(S, X);
// T = MSBt(GCTRk(J0,S))
byte[] tag = BufferPool.Get(BlockSize, false);
cipher.ProcessBlock(J0, 0, tag, 0);
GcmUtilities.Xor(tag, S);
int resultLen = extra;
// We place into macBlock our calculated value for T
if (this.macBlock == null || this.macBlock.Length < macSize)
this.macBlock = BufferPool.Resize(ref this.macBlock, macSize, false, false);
Array.Copy(tag, 0, macBlock, 0, macSize);
if (forEncryption)
// Append T to the message
Array.Copy(macBlock, 0, output, outOff + bufOff, macSize);
resultLen += macSize;
// Retrieve the T value from the message and compare to calculated one
byte[] msgMac = BufferPool.Get(macSize, false);
Array.Copy(bufBlock, extra, msgMac, 0, macSize);
if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(this.macBlock, msgMac))
throw new InvalidCipherTextException("mac check in GCM failed");
return resultLen;
public /*virtual*/ void Reset()
private unsafe void Reset(
bool clearMac)
// note: we do not reset the nonce.
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.S, BlockSize, false, true);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.S_at, BlockSize, false, true);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.S_atPre, BlockSize, false, true);
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.atBlock, BlockSize, false, true);
fixed (byte* pS = S, pS_at = S_at, pS_atPre = S_atPre, patBlock = atBlock)
for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; ++i)
pS[i] = pS_at[i] = pS_atPre[i] = patBlock[i] = 0;
atBlockPos = 0;
atLength = 0;
atLengthPre = 0;
//BufferPool.Resize(ref this.counter, BlockSize, false, false);
Array.Copy(this.J0, 0, this.counter, 0, BlockSize);
blocksRemaining = uint.MaxValue - 1;
bufOff = 0;
totalLength = 0;
if (bufBlock != null)
//Arrays.Fill(bufBlock, 0);
if (clearMac)
//macBlock = null;
Array.Clear(this.macBlock, 0, this.macSize);
if (forEncryption)
initialised = false;
if (initialAssociatedText != null)
ProcessAadBytes(initialAssociatedText, 0, initialAssociatedText.Length);
private void ProcessPartial(byte[] buf, int off, int len, byte[] output, int outOff)
//byte[] ctrBlock = new byte[BlockSize];
if (forEncryption)
GcmUtilities.Xor(buf, off, ctrBlock, 0, len);
gHASHPartial(S, buf, off, len);
gHASHPartial(S, buf, off, len);
GcmUtilities.Xor(buf, off, ctrBlock, 0, len);
Array.Copy(buf, off, output, outOff, len);
totalLength += (uint)len;
private void gHASH(byte[] Y, byte[] b, int len)
for (int pos = 0; pos < len; pos += BlockSize)
int num = System.Math.Min(len - pos, BlockSize);
gHASHPartial(Y, b, pos, num);
private void gHASHBlock(byte[] Y, byte[] b)
GcmUtilities.Xor(Y, b);
private void gHASHBlock(byte[] Y, byte[] b, int off)
GcmUtilities.Xor(Y, b, off);
private void gHASHPartial(byte[] Y, byte[] b, int off, int len)
GcmUtilities.Xor(Y, b, off, len);
private void GetNextCtrBlock(byte[] block)
if (blocksRemaining == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to process too many blocks");
uint c = 1;
c += counter[15]; counter[15] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[14]; counter[14] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[13]; counter[13] = (byte)c; c >>= 8;
c += counter[12]; counter[12] = (byte)c;
cipher.ProcessBlock(counter, 0, block, 0);
private void CheckStatus()
if (!initialised)
if (forEncryption)
throw new InvalidOperationException("GCM cipher cannot be reused for encryption");
throw new InvalidOperationException("GCM cipher needs to be initialised");
#region Tables8kGcmMultiplier
private byte[] Tables8kGcmMultiplier_H;
private uint[][][] Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M;
public void Tables8kGcmMultiplier_Init(byte[] H)
if (Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M == null)
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M = new uint[32][][];
else if (Arrays.AreEqual(this.Tables8kGcmMultiplier_H, H))
this.Tables8kGcmMultiplier_H = Arrays.Clone(H);
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[0] = new uint[16][];
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[1] = new uint[16][];
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[0][0] = new uint[4];
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[1][0] = new uint[4];
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[1][8] = GcmUtilities.AsUints(H);
for (int j = 4; j >= 1; j >>= 1)
uint[] tmp = (uint[])Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[1][j + j].Clone();
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[1][j] = tmp;
uint[] tmp = (uint[])Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[1][1].Clone();
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[0][8] = tmp;
for (int j = 4; j >= 1; j >>= 1)
uint[] tmp = (uint[])Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[0][j + j].Clone();
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[0][j] = tmp;
for (int i = 0; ;)
for (int j = 2; j < 16; j += j)
for (int k = 1; k < j; ++k)
uint[] tmp = (uint[])Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i][j].Clone();
GcmUtilities.Xor(tmp, Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i][k]);
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i][j + k] = tmp;
if (++i == 32) return;
if (i > 1)
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i] = new uint[16][];
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i][0] = new uint[4];
for (int j = 8; j > 0; j >>= 1)
uint[] tmp = (uint[])Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i - 2][j].Clone();
Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i][j] = tmp;
uint[] Tables8kGcmMultiplier_z = new uint[4];
public unsafe void Tables8kGcmMultiplier_MultiplyH(byte[] x)
fixed (byte* px = x)
fixed (uint* pz = Tables8kGcmMultiplier_z)
ulong* pulongZ = (ulong*)pz;
pulongZ[0] = 0;
pulongZ[1] = 0;
for (int i = 15; i >= 0; --i)
uint[] m = Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i + i][px[i] & 0x0f];
fixed (uint* pm = m)
ulong* pulongm = (ulong*)pm;
pulongZ[0] ^= pulongm[0];
pulongZ[1] ^= pulongm[1];
m = Tables8kGcmMultiplier_M[i + i + 1][(px[i] & 0xf0) >> 4];
fixed (uint* pm = m)
ulong* pulongm = (ulong*)pm;
pulongZ[0] ^= pulongm[0];
pulongZ[1] ^= pulongm[1];
byte* pbyteZ = (byte*)pz;
px[0] = pbyteZ[3];
px[1] = pbyteZ[2];
px[2] = pbyteZ[1];
px[3] = pbyteZ[0];
px[4] = pbyteZ[7];
px[5] = pbyteZ[6];
px[6] = pbyteZ[5];
px[7] = pbyteZ[4];
px[8] = pbyteZ[11];
px[9] = pbyteZ[10];
px[10] = pbyteZ[9];
px[11] = pbyteZ[8];
px[12] = pbyteZ[15];
px[13] = pbyteZ[14];
px[14] = pbyteZ[13];
px[15] = pbyteZ[12];
#pragma warning restore