#if !BESTHTTP_DISABLE_ALTERNATE_SSL && (!UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR) #pragma warning disable using System; using System.IO; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.Rfc8032; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Security; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities; using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO; namespace BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters { public sealed class Ed25519PrivateKeyParameters : AsymmetricKeyParameter { public static readonly int KeySize = Ed25519.SecretKeySize; public static readonly int SignatureSize = Ed25519.SignatureSize; private readonly byte[] data = new byte[KeySize]; private Ed25519PublicKeyParameters cachedPublicKey; public Ed25519PrivateKeyParameters(SecureRandom random) : base(true) { Ed25519.GeneratePrivateKey(random, data); } public Ed25519PrivateKeyParameters(byte[] buf) : this(Validate(buf), 0) { } public Ed25519PrivateKeyParameters(byte[] buf, int off) : base(true) { Array.Copy(buf, off, data, 0, KeySize); } public Ed25519PrivateKeyParameters(Stream input) : base(true) { if (KeySize != Streams.ReadFully(input, data)) throw new EndOfStreamException("EOF encountered in middle of Ed25519 private key"); } public void Encode(byte[] buf, int off) { Array.Copy(data, 0, buf, off, KeySize); } public byte[] GetEncoded() { return Arrays.Clone(data); } public Ed25519PublicKeyParameters GeneratePublicKey() { lock (data) { if (null == cachedPublicKey) { byte[] publicKey = new byte[Ed25519.PublicKeySize]; Ed25519.GeneratePublicKey(data, 0, publicKey, 0); cachedPublicKey = new Ed25519PublicKeyParameters(publicKey, 0); } return cachedPublicKey; } } public void Sign(Ed25519.Algorithm algorithm, Ed25519PublicKeyParameters publicKey, byte[] ctx, byte[] msg, int msgOff, int msgLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { Sign(algorithm, ctx, msg, msgOff, msgLen, sig, sigOff); } public void Sign(Ed25519.Algorithm algorithm, byte[] ctx, byte[] msg, int msgOff, int msgLen, byte[] sig, int sigOff) { Ed25519PublicKeyParameters publicKey = GeneratePublicKey(); byte[] pk = new byte[Ed25519.PublicKeySize]; publicKey.Encode(pk, 0); switch (algorithm) { case Ed25519.Algorithm.Ed25519: { if (null != ctx) throw new ArgumentException("ctx"); Ed25519.Sign(data, 0, pk, 0, msg, msgOff, msgLen, sig, sigOff); break; } case Ed25519.Algorithm.Ed25519ctx: { Ed25519.Sign(data, 0, pk, 0, ctx, msg, msgOff, msgLen, sig, sigOff); break; } case Ed25519.Algorithm.Ed25519ph: { if (Ed25519.PrehashSize != msgLen) throw new ArgumentException("msgLen"); Ed25519.SignPrehash(data, 0, pk, 0, ctx, msg, msgOff, sig, sigOff); break; } default: { throw new ArgumentException("algorithm"); } } } private static byte[] Validate(byte[] buf) { if (buf.Length != KeySize) throw new ArgumentException("must have length " + KeySize, "buf"); return buf; } } } #pragma warning restore #endif