You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
12 KiB

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
var empty = new (string, string)[0];
var triggers = new (string triggerName, string methodName, string returnType, string handlerInterface, (string argType, string argName)[] arguments)[]
("AnimatorIK", "OnAnimatorIK", "int", null, new []{ ("int", "layerIndex") }),
("AnimatorMove", "OnAnimatorMove", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("OnCanvasGroupChanged", "OnCanvasGroupChanged", "AsyncUnit", null, empty ),
("CollisionEnter2D", "OnCollisionEnter2D", "Collision2D", null, new []{ ("Collision2D", "coll") }),
("CollisionExit2D", "OnCollisionExit2D", "Collision2D", null, new []{ ("Collision2D", "coll") }),
("CollisionStay2D", "OnCollisionStay2D", "Collision2D", null, new []{ ("Collision2D", "coll") }),
("CollisionEnter", "OnCollisionEnter", "Collision", null, new []{ ("Collision", "coll") }),
("CollisionExit", "OnCollisionExit", "Collision", null, new []{ ("Collision", "coll") }),
("CollisionStay", "OnCollisionStay", "Collision", null, new []{ ("Collision", "coll") }),
("Enable", "OnEnable", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("Disable", "OnDisable", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("JointBreak", "OnJointBreak", "float", null, new []{ ("float", "breakForce") }),
("JointBreak2D", "OnJointBreak2D", "Joint2D", null, new []{ ("Joint2D", "brokenJoint") }),
("Update", "Update", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("FixedUpdate", "FixedUpdate", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("LateUpdate", "LateUpdate", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("ParticleCollision", "OnParticleCollision", "GameObject", null, new []{ ("GameObject", "other") }),
("RectTransformDimensionsChange", "OnRectTransformDimensionsChange", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("RectTransformRemoved", "OnRectTransformRemoved", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("BeforeTransformParentChanged", "OnBeforeTransformParentChanged", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("TransformParentChanged", "OnTransformParentChanged", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("TransformChildrenChanged", "OnTransformChildrenChanged", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("TriggerEnter2D", "OnTriggerEnter2D", "Collider2D", null, new []{ ("Collider2D", "other") }),
("TriggerExit2D", "OnTriggerExit2D", "Collider2D", null, new []{ ("Collider2D", "other") }),
("TriggerStay2D", "OnTriggerStay2D", "Collider2D", null, new []{ ("Collider2D", "other") }),
("TriggerEnter", "OnTriggerEnter", "Collider", null, new []{ ("Collider", "other") }),
("TriggerExit", "OnTriggerExit", "Collider", null, new []{ ("Collider", "other") }),
("TriggerStay", "OnTriggerStay", "Collider", null, new []{ ("Collider", "other") }),
("BecameInvisible", "OnBecameInvisible", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("BecameVisible", "OnBecameVisible", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseDown", "OnMouseDown", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseDrag", "OnMouseDrag", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseEnter", "OnMouseEnter", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseExit", "OnMouseExit", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseOver", "OnMouseOver", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseUp", "OnMouseUp", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("MouseUpAsButton", "OnMouseUpAsButton", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
// new in v2
("ApplicationFocus", "OnApplicationFocus", "bool", null, new []{("bool", "hasFocus") }),
("ApplicationPause", "OnApplicationPause", "bool", null, new []{("bool", "pauseStatus") }),
("ApplicationQuit", "OnApplicationQuit", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("AudioFilterRead", "OnAudioFilterRead", "(float[] data, int channels)", null, new[]{("float[]", "data"), ("int", "channels")}),
("ControllerColliderHit", "OnControllerColliderHit", "ControllerColliderHit", null, new[]{("ControllerColliderHit", "hit")}),
("DrawGizmos", "OnDrawGizmos", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("DrawGizmosSelected", "OnDrawGizmosSelected", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("GUI", "OnGUI", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("ParticleSystemStopped", "OnParticleSystemStopped", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("ParticleTrigger", "OnParticleTrigger", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("PostRender", "OnPostRender", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("PreCull", "OnPreCull", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("PreRender", "OnPreRender", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("RenderImage", "OnRenderImage", "(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)", null, new[]{("RenderTexture", "source"), ("RenderTexture", "destination")}),
("RenderObject", "OnRenderObject", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("ServerInitialized", "OnServerInitialized", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("Validate", "OnValidate", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("WillRenderObject", "OnWillRenderObject", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
("Reset", "Reset", "AsyncUnit", null, empty),
// uGUI
("BeginDrag", "OnBeginDrag", "PointerEventData", "IBeginDragHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("Cancel", "OnCancel", "BaseEventData", "ICancelHandler", new []{ ("BaseEventData", "eventData") }),
("Deselect", "OnDeselect", "BaseEventData", "IDeselectHandler", new []{ ("BaseEventData", "eventData") }),
("Drag", "OnDrag", "PointerEventData", "IDragHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("Drop", "OnDrop", "PointerEventData", "IDropHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("EndDrag", "OnEndDrag", "PointerEventData", "IEndDragHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("InitializePotentialDrag", "OnInitializePotentialDrag", "PointerEventData", "IInitializePotentialDragHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("Move", "OnMove", "AxisEventData", "IMoveHandler", new []{ ("AxisEventData", "eventData") }),
("PointerClick", "OnPointerClick", "PointerEventData", "IPointerClickHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("PointerDown", "OnPointerDown", "PointerEventData", "IPointerDownHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("PointerEnter", "OnPointerEnter", "PointerEventData", "IPointerEnterHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("PointerExit", "OnPointerExit", "PointerEventData", "IPointerExitHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("PointerUp", "OnPointerUp", "PointerEventData", "IPointerUpHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("Scroll", "OnScroll", "PointerEventData", "IScrollHandler", new []{ ("PointerEventData", "eventData") }),
("Select", "OnSelect", "BaseEventData", "ISelectHandler", new []{ ("BaseEventData", "eventData") }),
("Submit", "OnSubmit", "BaseEventData", "ISubmitHandler", new []{ ("BaseEventData", "eventData") }),
("UpdateSelected", "OnUpdateSelected", "BaseEventData", "IUpdateSelectedHandler", new []{ ("BaseEventData", "eventData") }),
// 2019.3
("ParticleUpdateJobScheduled", "OnParticleUpdateJobScheduled", "UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData", null, new[]{("UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData", "particles")}),
// Oneshot
// Awake, Start, Destroy
triggers = triggers.OrderBy(x => x.handlerInterface != null).ThenBy(x => x.handlerInterface != null ? x.handlerInterface : x.methodName).ToArray();
Func<string, string> ToInterfaceName = x => $"IAsync{x}Handler";
Func<string, string> ToUniTaskName = x => x == "AsyncUnit" ? "UniTask" : $"UniTask<{x}>";
Func<string, string> ToCastUniTasSourceType = x => x == "AsyncUnit" ? "IUniTaskSource" : $"IUniTaskSource<{x}>";
Func<string, string> OnInvokeSuffix = x => x == "AsyncUnit" ? ".AsUniTask()" : $"";
Func<(string argType, string argName)[], string> BuildMethodArgument = x => string.Join(", ", x.Select(y => y.argType + " " + y.argName));
Func<(string argType, string argName)[], string> BuildResultParameter = x => x.Length == 0 ? "AsyncUnit.Default" : "(" + string.Join(", ", x.Select(y => y.argName)) + ")";
Func<string, bool> IsParticleSystem = x => x == "ParticleUpdateJobScheduled";
Func<string, bool> IsMouseTrigger = x => x.StartsWith("Mouse");
Func<string, string> RequirePhysicsModule = x => (x.StartsWith("Collision") || x.StartsWith("Collider") || x.StartsWith("ControllerCollider") || x.StartsWith("Joint") || x.StartsWith("Trigger"))
: null;
Func<string, bool> IsUguiSystem = x => x != null;
#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.Triggers
<# foreach(var t in triggers) { #>
#region <#= t.triggerName #>
<# if(IsUguiSystem(t.handlerInterface)) { #>
<# } #>
<# if(IsParticleSystem(t.triggerName)) { #>
<# } #>
<# if(IsMouseTrigger(t.triggerName)) { #>
<# } #>
<# if(RequirePhysicsModule(t.triggerName) != null) { #>
#if !UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER || <#= RequirePhysicsModule(t.triggerName) #>
<# } #>
public interface <#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #>
<#= ToUniTaskName(t.returnType) #> <#= t.methodName #>Async();
public partial class AsyncTriggerHandler<T> : <#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #>
<#= ToUniTaskName(t.returnType) #> <#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #>.<#= t.methodName #>Async()
return new <#= ToUniTaskName(t.returnType) #>((<#= ToCastUniTasSourceType(t.returnType) #>)(object)this, core.Version);
public static partial class AsyncTriggerExtensions
public static Async<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger GetAsync<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger(this GameObject gameObject)
return GetOrAddComponent<Async<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger>(gameObject);
public static Async<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger GetAsync<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger(this Component component)
return component.gameObject.GetAsync<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger();
public sealed class Async<#= t.triggerName #>Trigger : AsyncTriggerBase<<#= t.returnType #>><#= (t.handlerInterface == null) ? "" : $", {t.handlerInterface}" #>
void <#= (t.handlerInterface == null) ? "" : $"{t.handlerInterface}." #><#= t.methodName #>(<#= BuildMethodArgument(t.arguments) #>)
RaiseEvent(<#= BuildResultParameter(t.arguments) #>);
public <#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #> Get<#= t.methodName #>AsyncHandler()
return new AsyncTriggerHandler<<#= t.returnType #>>(this, false);
public <#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #> Get<#= t.methodName #>AsyncHandler(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return new AsyncTriggerHandler<<#= t.returnType #>>(this, cancellationToken, false);
public <#= ToUniTaskName(t.returnType) #> <#= t.methodName #>Async()
return ((<#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #>)new AsyncTriggerHandler<<#= t.returnType #>>(this, true)).<#= t.methodName #>Async();
public <#= ToUniTaskName(t.returnType) #> <#= t.methodName #>Async(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return ((<#= ToInterfaceName(t.methodName) #>)new AsyncTriggerHandler<<#= t.returnType #>>(this, cancellationToken, true)).<#= t.methodName #>Async();
<# if(IsUguiSystem(t.handlerInterface)) { #>
<# } #>
<# if(RequirePhysicsModule(t.triggerName) != null) { #>
<# } #>
<# if(IsParticleSystem(t.triggerName) || IsMouseTrigger(t.triggerName)) { #>
<# } #>
<# } #>