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#pragma warning disable
using System;
using System.Text;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Utilities;
using BestHTTP.SecureProtocol.Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
namespace BestHTTP.Connections.TLS.Crypto.Impl
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of Daniel J. Bernstein's Salsa20 stream cipher, Snuffle 2005
/// </summary>
public class FastSalsa20Engine
: IStreamCipher
public static readonly int DEFAULT_ROUNDS = 20;
/** Constants */
private const int StateSize = 16; // 16, 32 bit ints = 64 bytes
private readonly static uint[] TAU_SIGMA = Pack.LE_To_UInt32(Strings.ToAsciiByteArray("expand 16-byte k" + "expand 32-byte k"), 0, 8);
internal void PackTauOrSigma(int keyLength, uint[] state, int stateOffset)
int tsOff = (keyLength - 16) / 4;
state[stateOffset] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff];
state[stateOffset + 1] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff + 1];
state[stateOffset + 2] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff + 2];
state[stateOffset + 3] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff + 3];
protected readonly static byte[]
sigma = Strings.ToAsciiByteArray("expand 32-byte k"),
tau = Strings.ToAsciiByteArray("expand 16-byte k");
protected int rounds;
* variables to hold the state of the engine
* during encryption and decryption
private int index = 0;
internal uint[] engineState = new uint[StateSize]; // state
internal uint[] x = new uint[StateSize]; // internal buffer
private byte[] keyStream = new byte[StateSize * 4]; // expanded state, 64 bytes
private bool initialised = false;
* internal counter
private uint cW0, cW1, cW2;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 20 round Salsa20 engine.
/// </summary>
public FastSalsa20Engine()
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Salsa20 engine with a specific number of rounds.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rounds">the number of rounds (must be an even number).</param>
public FastSalsa20Engine(int rounds)
if (rounds <= 0 || (rounds & 1) != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("'rounds' must be a positive, even number");
this.rounds = rounds;
public virtual void Init(
bool forEncryption,
ICipherParameters parameters)
* Salsa20 encryption and decryption is completely
* symmetrical, so the 'forEncryption' is
* irrelevant. (Like 90% of stream ciphers)
FastParametersWithIV ivParams = parameters as FastParametersWithIV;
if (ivParams == null)
throw new ArgumentException(AlgorithmName + " Init requires an IV", "parameters");
byte[] iv = ivParams.GetIV();
if (iv == null || iv.Length != NonceSize)
throw new ArgumentException(AlgorithmName + " requires exactly " + NonceSize + " bytes of IV");
ICipherParameters keyParam = ivParams.Parameters;
if (keyParam == null)
if (!initialised)
throw new InvalidOperationException(AlgorithmName + " KeyParameter can not be null for first initialisation");
SetKey(null, iv);
else if (keyParam is NoCopyKeyParameter)
SetKey(((NoCopyKeyParameter)keyParam).GetKey(), iv);
throw new ArgumentException(AlgorithmName + " Init parameters must contain a KeyParameter (or null for re-init)");
initialised = true;
protected virtual int NonceSize
get { return 8; }
public virtual string AlgorithmName
string name = "Salsa20";
if (rounds != DEFAULT_ROUNDS)
name += "/" + rounds;
return name;
public virtual byte ReturnByte(
byte input)
if (LimitExceeded())
throw new MaxBytesExceededException("2^70 byte limit per IV; Change IV");
if (index == 0)
byte output = (byte)(keyStream[index] ^ input);
index = (index + 1) & 63;
return output;
protected virtual void AdvanceCounter()
if (++engineState[8] == 0)
class SalsaBurstHelper
public unsafe static void ProcessBytes(int idx, byte* outBytes, int outOff, byte* inBytes, int inOff, byte* keyStream)
for (int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
outBytes[idx + i + outOff] = (byte)(keyStream[i] ^ inBytes[idx + i + inOff]);
public unsafe virtual void ProcessBytes(
byte[] inBytes,
int inOff,
int len,
byte[] outBytes,
int outOff)
if (!initialised)
throw new InvalidOperationException(AlgorithmName + " not initialised");
Check.DataLength(inBytes, inOff, len, "input buffer too short");
Check.OutputLength(outBytes, outOff, len, "output buffer too short");
if (LimitExceeded((uint)len))
throw new MaxBytesExceededException("2^70 byte limit per IV would be exceeded; Change IV");
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (index == 0)
if (len - i >= 64)
fixed (byte* pbout = outBytes)
fixed (byte* pbin = inBytes)
fixed (byte* pbkey = keyStream)
SalsaBurstHelper.ProcessBytes(i, pbout, outOff, pbin, inOff, pbkey);
i += 63;
index = 0;
outBytes[i + outOff] = (byte)(keyStream[index] ^ inBytes[i + inOff]);
index = (index + 1) & 63;
//for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
// if (index == 0)
// {
// GenerateKeyStream(keyStream);
// AdvanceCounter();
// }
// outBytes[i + outOff] = (byte)(keyStream[index] ^ inBytes[i + inOff]);
// index = (index + 1) & 63;
//int longLen = 0;
//// TODO: do the basic calculation until index != 0 to align it for the more performant algorithm.
//if (index % sizeof(ushort) == 0)
// longLen = len / sizeof(ushort);
// if (longLen > 0)
// {
// fixed (byte* pbout = outBytes)
// fixed (byte* pbin = inBytes)
// fixed (byte* pbkey = keyStream)
// {
// ushort* plout = (ushort*)&pbout[outOff];
// ushort* plin = (ushort*)&pbin[inOff];
// ushort* plkey = (ushort*)&pbkey[index];
// int keySize = (64 / sizeof(ushort)) - 1;
// byte[] expectedOutput = new byte[keyStream.Length];
// byte[] inCopy = new byte[inBytes.Length];
// inBytes.CopyTo(inCopy, 0);
// int counter = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < longLen; i++)
// {
// if (index == 0)
// {
// GenerateKeyStream(keyStream);
// AdvanceCounter();
// for (int cv = 0; cv < keyStream.Length; cv++)
// expectedOutput[cv] = (byte)(pbkey[cv] ^ pbin[inOff + counter + cv]);
// }
// var outVal = (ushort)(plkey[index / sizeof(ushort)] ^ plin[i]);
// ushort expectedValue = (ushort)(expectedOutput[index + 1] << 8 | expectedOutput[index]);
// if (expectedValue != outVal)
// UnityEngine.Debug.Break();
// //for (int cv = 0; cv < sizeof(ushort); cv++)
// //{
// // if (expectedOutput[index + cv] != pbout[outOff + i + cv])
// // UnityEngine.Debug.Break();
// //}
// plout[i] = outVal;
// index = (index + sizeof(ushort)) & keySize;
// counter += sizeof(ushort);
// }
// }
// }
//for (int i = longLen * sizeof(ushort); i < len; i++)
// if (index == 0)
// {
// GenerateKeyStream(keyStream);
// AdvanceCounter();
// }
// outBytes[i + outOff] = (byte)(keyStream[index] ^ inBytes[i + inOff]);
// index = (index + 1) & 63;
public virtual void Reset()
index = 0;
protected virtual void ResetCounter()
engineState[8] = engineState[9] = 0;
protected virtual void SetKey(byte[] keyBytes, byte[] ivBytes)
if (keyBytes != null)
if ((keyBytes.Length != 16) && (keyBytes.Length != 32))
throw new ArgumentException(AlgorithmName + " requires 128 bit or 256 bit key");
int tsOff = (keyBytes.Length - 16) / 4;
engineState[0] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff];
engineState[5] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff + 1];
engineState[10] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff + 2];
engineState[15] = TAU_SIGMA[tsOff + 3];
// Key
Pack.LE_To_UInt32(keyBytes, 0, engineState, 1, 4);
Pack.LE_To_UInt32(keyBytes, keyBytes.Length - 16, engineState, 11, 4);
// IV
Pack.LE_To_UInt32(ivBytes, 0, engineState, 6, 2);
protected virtual void GenerateKeyStream(byte[] output)
SalsaCore(rounds, engineState, x);
Pack.UInt32_To_LE(x, output, 0);
internal static void SalsaCore(int rounds, uint[] input, uint[] x)
if (input.Length != 16)
throw new ArgumentException();
if (x.Length != 16)
throw new ArgumentException();
if (rounds % 2 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Number of rounds must be even");
uint x00 = input[0];
uint x01 = input[1];
uint x02 = input[2];
uint x03 = input[3];
uint x04 = input[4];
uint x05 = input[5];
uint x06 = input[6];
uint x07 = input[7];
uint x08 = input[8];
uint x09 = input[9];
uint x10 = input[10];
uint x11 = input[11];
uint x12 = input[12];
uint x13 = input[13];
uint x14 = input[14];
uint x15 = input[15];
for (int i = rounds; i > 0; i -= 2)
x04 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x00 + x12), 7);
x08 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x04 + x00), 9);
x12 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x08 + x04), 13);
x00 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x12 + x08), 18);
x09 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x05 + x01), 7);
x13 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x09 + x05), 9);
x01 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x13 + x09), 13);
x05 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x01 + x13), 18);
x14 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x10 + x06), 7);
x02 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x14 + x10), 9);
x06 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x02 + x14), 13);
x10 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x06 + x02), 18);
x03 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x15 + x11), 7);
x07 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x03 + x15), 9);
x11 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x07 + x03), 13);
x15 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x11 + x07), 18);
x01 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x00 + x03), 7);
x02 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x01 + x00), 9);
x03 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x02 + x01), 13);
x00 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x03 + x02), 18);
x06 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x05 + x04), 7);
x07 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x06 + x05), 9);
x04 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x07 + x06), 13);
x05 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x04 + x07), 18);
x11 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x10 + x09), 7);
x08 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x11 + x10), 9);
x09 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x08 + x11), 13);
x10 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x09 + x08), 18);
x12 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x15 + x14), 7);
x13 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x12 + x15), 9);
x14 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x13 + x12), 13);
x15 ^= Integers.RotateLeft((x14 + x13), 18);
x[0] = x00 + input[0];
x[1] = x01 + input[1];
x[2] = x02 + input[2];
x[3] = x03 + input[3];
x[4] = x04 + input[4];
x[5] = x05 + input[5];
x[6] = x06 + input[6];
x[7] = x07 + input[7];
x[8] = x08 + input[8];
x[9] = x09 + input[9];
x[10] = x10 + input[10];
x[11] = x11 + input[11];
x[12] = x12 + input[12];
x[13] = x13 + input[13];
x[14] = x14 + input[14];
x[15] = x15 + input[15];
private void ResetLimitCounter()
cW0 = 0;
cW1 = 0;
cW2 = 0;
private bool LimitExceeded()
if (++cW0 == 0)
if (++cW1 == 0)
return (++cW2 & 0x20) != 0; // 2^(32 + 32 + 6)
return false;
* this relies on the fact len will always be positive.
private bool LimitExceeded(
uint len)
uint old = cW0;
cW0 += len;
if (cW0 < old)
if (++cW1 == 0)
return (++cW2 & 0x20) != 0; // 2^(32 + 32 + 6)
return false;
#pragma warning restore