11 changed files with 3328 additions and 131 deletions
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Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
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100014: W1_LS_Wall6 |
100016: W1_LS_Wall7 |
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400016: W1_LS_Wall7 |
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2100016: LS_Wa3 |
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2300008: W1_LS_Wa3 |
2300010: W1_LS_Wall4 |
2300012: W1_LS_Wall5 |
2300014: W1_LS_Wall6 |
2300016: W1_LS_Wall7 |
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3300004: W1_LS_ShuiNi3 |
3300006: W1_LS_Wa2 |
3300008: W1_LS_Wa3 |
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3300014: W1_LS_Wall6 |
3300016: W1_LS_Wall7 |
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4300002: W1_LS_Wall4 |
4300004: W1_LS_P1 |
4300006: W1_LS_Wall5 |
4300008: W1_LS_Wa2 |
4300010: W1_LS_Wall7 |
4300012: W1_LS_Wall6 |
4300014: W1_LS_ShuiNi1 |
4300016: W1_LS_Wa3 |
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motionNodeName: |
rigImportErrors: |
rigImportWarnings: |
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animationImportWarnings: |
animationRetargetingWarnings: |
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importConstraints: 0 |
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animationRotationError: 0.5 |
animationPositionError: 0.5 |
animationScaleError: 0.5 |
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legStretch: 0.05 |
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@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit de87481cc215ef168c1832a66b809840b98e580c |
Subproject commit 82986b1b89ca207e888ad561581e62dfb3cf4dd2 |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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