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3 years ago
//#define OCULUS_SDK //<-- define this in your project settings if you have the OVR API
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser.VR;
using ZenFulcrum.VR.OpenVRBinding;
namespace ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser.VR {
public enum InputAxis {
LeftClick,//main trigger
RightClick,//alt trigger
MiddleClick,//alt alt trigger
JoyStickX, JoyStickY,//joystick x/y position
TouchPadTouch,//touchpad is touched
TouchPadX, TouchPadY,//touchpad x/y position (only valid when TouchPadTouch > 0)
public enum JoyPadType {
None = 0,
Unknown = 1 << 1,
Joystick = 1 << 2,
TouchPad = 1 << 3,
/// <summary>
/// Unity's VR input system is sorely lacking in usefulness.
/// We can finally get pose data in a more-or-less straightforward manner (InputTracking.GetNodeStates,
/// state.TryGetPosition, etc.), but getting the axis and buttons is an awful mess.
/// This page says we can access the inputs via
/// the input system! And, you can look at (of all things) the Joystick names to see which joystick
/// is a VR controller at runtime. But guess what? There's no Unity API to fetch the value of a given
/// axis on a given controller! Extra-stupid, right? You can define a specific input in the input menu,
/// but that doesn't help when you switch to a different computer and the joystick numbers change!
/// Short of defining an "input" for every possible controller * every axis you use, there's not a
/// way to get the controller axis inputs in a way that will work reliably across different machines.
/// (We can fetch buttons manually via Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Joystick1Button0 + buttonId + joystickIdx * 20),
/// but this don't address the axis issue at all.)
/// Anyway, this is a workaround. Around another Unity problem. Implemented by hooking into backend APIs directly.
/// ...and then there's SteamVR 2.x and its input system.
/// </summary>
public abstract class VRInput {
public static VRInput Impl { private set; get; }
public struct Pose {
public Vector3 pos;
public Quaternion rot;
public static void Init() {
if (Impl == null) Impl = GetImpl();
public abstract float GetAxis(XRNodeState node, InputAxis axis);
/// <summary>
/// Returns where the hand is pointing right now. (z+ forward)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual Pose GetPose(XRNodeState node) {
Pose ret = new Pose();
node.TryGetPosition(out ret.pos);
node.TryGetRotation(out ret.rot);
return ret;
public virtual JoyPadType GetJoypadTypes(XRNodeState node) {
return JoyPadType.None;
public virtual string GetNodeName(XRNodeState node) {
return InputTracking.GetNodeName(node.uniqueID);
private static VRInput GetImpl() {
if (XRSettings.loadedDeviceName == "OpenVR") {
return new OpenVRInput();
} else if (XRSettings.loadedDeviceName == "Oculus") {
return new OculusVRInput();
Debug.LogError("To use the Oculus API for input, import the Oculus SDK, delete ZFBrowser/**.asmdef (2 files), and define OCULUS_SDK");
return new NoVRInput();
} else {
Debug.LogError("Unknown VR input system: " + XRSettings.loadedDeviceName);
return new NoVRInput();
class NoVRInput : VRInput {
public override float GetAxis(XRNodeState node, InputAxis axis) {
return 0;
partial class OpenVRInput : VRInput {
enum InputMode {
/// <summary>
/// Previous controller state (direct input mode)
/// </summary>
private VRControllerState_t direct_lastState;
private ulong pointPose, leftClick, middleClick, rightClick;
private ulong joystickScroll, touchPadScrollTouch, touchPadScrollPos;
private ulong leftHand, rightHand;
public OpenVRInput() {
if (mode == InputMode.MappedActions) {
if (OpenVR.Input == null) throw new ApplicationException("Cannot start VR input");
pointPose = GetActionHandle(PointPose, "PointPose");
leftClick = GetActionHandle(LeftClickAction, "LeftClickAction");
middleClick = GetActionHandle(MiddleClickAction, "MiddleClickAction");
rightClick = GetActionHandle(RightClickAction, "RightClickAction");
joystickScroll = GetActionHandle(JoystickScrollAction, "JoystickScrollAction");
touchPadScrollTouch = GetActionHandle(TouchpadScrollTouch, "TouchpadScrollTouch");
touchPadScrollPos = GetActionHandle(TouchpadScrollPosition, "TouchpadScrollPosition");
var res = OpenVR.Input.GetInputSourceHandle("/user/hand/left", ref leftHand);
if (res != EVRInputError.None) throw new ApplicationException("Failed to find hand " + res);
res = OpenVR.Input.GetInputSourceHandle("/user/hand/right", ref rightHand);
if (res != EVRInputError.None) throw new ApplicationException("Failed to find hand " + res);
private ulong GetActionHandle(string handleName, string name) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(handleName)) return 0;
ulong ret = 0;
var res = OpenVR.Input.GetActionHandle(handleName, ref ret);
if (res != EVRInputError.None) {
throw new ApplicationException("Failed to set up VR action " + res);
return ret;
public static string GetStringProperty(uint deviceId, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop) {
var buffer = new StringBuilder((int)OpenVR.k_unMaxPropertyStringSize);
ETrackedPropertyError err = ETrackedPropertyError.TrackedProp_Success;
deviceId, prop,
buffer, OpenVR.k_unMaxPropertyStringSize, ref err
if (err != ETrackedPropertyError.TrackedProp_Success) {
throw new Exception("Failed to get property " + prop + " on device " + deviceId + ": " + err);
return buffer.ToString();
public override string GetNodeName(XRNodeState node) {
var deviceId = (uint)GetDeviceId(node);
try {
return GetStringProperty(deviceId, ETrackedDeviceProperty.Prop_ModelNumber_String);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.LogError("Failed to get device name for device " + deviceId + ": " + ex.Message);
return base.GetNodeName(node);
protected void Direct_ReadState(XRNodeState node) {
if (OpenVR.System == null) {
Debug.LogWarning("OpenVR not active");
direct_lastState = default(VRControllerState_t);
var controllerId = GetDeviceId(node);
if (controllerId < 0) {
direct_lastState = default(VRControllerState_t);
//Debug.Log("Id is " + controllerId);
var res = OpenVR.System.GetControllerState(
(uint)controllerId, ref direct_lastState,
if (!res) {
Debug.LogWarning("Failed to get controller state");
private bool GetDigitalInput(ulong action, XRNodeState node) {
InputDigitalActionData_t data = new InputDigitalActionData_t();
var res = OpenVR.Input.GetDigitalActionData(
action, ref data,
node.nodeType == XRNode.LeftHand ? leftHand : rightHand
if (res != EVRInputError.None) throw new ApplicationException("Failed to get digital input data " + node.nodeType + ": " + res);
return data.bState;
private Vector2 GetVector2Input(ulong action, XRNodeState node) {
InputAnalogActionData_t data = new InputAnalogActionData_t();
var res = OpenVR.Input.GetAnalogActionData(
action, ref data,
node.nodeType == XRNode.LeftHand ? leftHand : rightHand
if (res != EVRInputError.None) throw new ApplicationException("Failed to get vector input data " + node.nodeType + ": " + res);
return new Vector2(data.x, data.y);
private Pose GetPoseInput(ulong action, XRNodeState node) {
InputPoseActionData_t data = new InputPoseActionData_t();
var res = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionData(
XRDevice.GetTrackingSpaceType() == TrackingSpaceType.RoomScale ? ETrackingUniverseOrigin.TrackingUniverseStanding : ETrackingUniverseOrigin.TrackingUniverseSeated,
ref data,
node.nodeType == XRNode.LeftHand ? leftHand : rightHand
if (res != EVRInputError.None) throw new ApplicationException("Failed to get pose input data " + node.nodeType + ": " + res);
var matRaw = data.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking;
var mat = new Matrix4x4(
new Vector4(matRaw.m0, matRaw.m1, matRaw.m2, 0),
new Vector4(matRaw.m4, matRaw.m5, matRaw.m6, 0),
new Vector4(matRaw.m8, matRaw.m9, matRaw.m10, 0),
new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)
var rot = mat.rotation;
// rot.x *= -1;
rot.z *= -1;
return new Pose {
pos = new Vector3(matRaw.m3, matRaw.m7, -matRaw.m11),
rot = rot
public override float GetAxis(XRNodeState node, InputAxis axis) {
if (mode == InputMode.Direct) {
switch (axis) {
case InputAxis.LeftClick:
return direct_lastState.rAxis1.x;
case InputAxis.MiddleClick:
return (direct_lastState.ulButtonPressed & (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Axis0)) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
case InputAxis.RightClick:
return (direct_lastState.ulButtonPressed & (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_Grip)) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
//We don't use joystck and touchpad at the same time, GetJoypadTypes returns only one type in this mode
case InputAxis.JoyStickX:
case InputAxis.TouchPadX:
return direct_lastState.rAxis0.x;
case InputAxis.JoyStickY:
case InputAxis.TouchPadY:
return direct_lastState.rAxis0.y;
case InputAxis.TouchPadTouch:
return (direct_lastState.ulButtonTouched & (1ul << (int)EVRButtonId.k_EButton_SteamVR_Touchpad)) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("axis", axis, null);
} else {
switch (axis) {
case InputAxis.LeftClick:
if (leftClick == 0) return 0;
return GetDigitalInput(leftClick, node) ? 1 : 0;
case InputAxis.MiddleClick:
if (middleClick == 0) return 0;
return GetDigitalInput(middleClick, node) ? 1 : 0;
case InputAxis.RightClick:
if (rightClick == 0) return 0;
return GetDigitalInput(rightClick, node) ? 1 : 0;
case InputAxis.JoyStickX:
case InputAxis.JoyStickY: {
if (joystickScroll == 0) return 0;
var v = GetVector2Input(joystickScroll, node);
if (axis == InputAxis.JoyStickX) return v.x;
else return v.y;
case InputAxis.TouchPadX:
case InputAxis.TouchPadY: {
if (touchPadScrollPos == 0) return 0;
var v = GetVector2Input(touchPadScrollPos, node);
if (axis == InputAxis.TouchPadX) return v.x;
else return v.y;
case InputAxis.TouchPadTouch:
if (touchPadScrollTouch == 0) return 0;
return GetDigitalInput(touchPadScrollTouch, node) ? 1 : 0;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("axis", axis, null);
public override Pose GetPose(XRNodeState node) {
if (mode == InputMode.Direct) {
return base.GetPose(node);
} else {
return GetPoseInput(pointPose, node);
private int GetDeviceId(XRNodeState node) {
var targetRole = node.nodeType == XRNode.LeftHand ? ETrackedControllerRole.LeftHand : ETrackedControllerRole.RightHand;
for (uint i = 0; i < OpenVR.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; i++) {
var role = OpenVR.System.GetControllerRoleForTrackedDeviceIndex(i);
if (role == targetRole) return (int)i;
return -1;
private JoyPadType jpType = JoyPadType.Unknown;
public override JoyPadType GetJoypadTypes(XRNodeState node) {
if (jpType != JoyPadType.Unknown) return jpType;
if (mode == InputMode.Direct) {
var name = GetNodeName(node);
if (name.Contains("Oculus Touch Controller") || name.StartsWith("Oculus Rift CV1")) {
//OpenVR gives us "Oculus Rift CV1 (Left Controller)" etc. where I wish it would mention the type of controller (Touch)
return jpType = JoyPadType.Joystick;
} else if (name.StartsWith("Vive Controller")) {
return jpType = JoyPadType.TouchPad;
} else {
Debug.LogWarning("Unknown controller type: " + name);
return jpType = JoyPadType.None;
} else {
return jpType = (JoyPadType.Joystick | JoyPadType.TouchPad);
class OculusVRInput : VRInput {
public override float GetAxis(XRNodeState node, InputAxis axis) {
var controller = GetController(node);
OVRPlugin.ControllerState4 state = OVRPlugin.GetControllerState4((uint)controller);
switch (axis) {
case InputAxis.LeftClick:
return controller == OVRInput.Controller.LTouch ? state.LIndexTrigger : state.RIndexTrigger;
case InputAxis.RightClick:
return controller == OVRInput.Controller.LTouch ? state.LHandTrigger : state.RHandTrigger;
case InputAxis.MiddleClick: {
var buttonId = controller == OVRInput.Controller.LTouch ? 0x00000400 : 0x00000004; //see enum ovrButton_ in OVR_CAPI.h
return (state.Buttons & buttonId) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
case InputAxis.JoyStickX:
case InputAxis.JoyStickY: {
var joy = controller == OVRInput.Controller.LTouch ? state.LThumbstick : state.RThumbstick;
return axis == InputAxis.JoyStickX ? joy.x : joy.y;
return 0;
private OVRInput.Controller GetController(XRNodeState node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
case XRNode.LeftHand:
return OVRInput.Controller.LTouch;
case XRNode.RightHand:
return OVRInput.Controller.RTouch;
return OVRInput.Controller.None;
public override JoyPadType GetJoypadTypes(XRNodeState node) {
//assuming Oculus Touch
return JoyPadType.Joystick;