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#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser.VR;
namespace ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser {
/// <summary>
/// Class for tracking (and optionally rendering) a tracked controller, usable for VR input to a browser.
/// Put two VRHand objects in the scene, one for each controller. Make sure they have the same transform parent
/// as the main camera so they will correctly move with the player.
/// (Also, make sure your main camera is centered on its local origin to start.)
/// If desired, you can also put some visible geometry under the VRHand. Set it as `visualization` and it will
/// move with the controller and disappear when untracked.
/// PointerUIBase.FeedVRPointers will find us and read our state out to browsers.
/// </summary>
public class VRBrowserHand : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("Which hand we should look to track.")]
public XRNode hand = XRNode.LeftHand;
[Tooltip("Optional visualization of this hand. It should be a child of the VRHand object and will be set active when the controller is tracking.")]
public GameObject visualization;
[Tooltip("How much we must slide a finger/joystick before we start scrolling.")]
public float scrollThreshold = .1f;
[Tooltip(@"How fast the page moves as we move our finger across the touchpad.
Set to a negative number to enable that infernal ""natural scrolling"" that's been making so many trackpads unusable lately.")]
public float trackpadScrollSpeed = .05f;
[Tooltip("How fast the page moves as we scroll with a joystick.")]
public float joystickScrollSpeed = 75f;
private Vector2 lastTouchPoint;
private bool touchIsScrolling;
/// <summary>
/// Are we currently tracking?
/// </summary>
public bool Tracked { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Currently depressed buttons.
/// </summary>
public MouseButton DepressedButtons { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// How much we've scrolled since the last frame. Same units as Input.mouseScrollDelta.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 ScrollDelta { get; private set; }
private XRNodeState nodeState;
private VRInput input;
public void OnEnable() {
input = VRInput.Impl;
//VR poses update after LateUpdate and before OnPreCull
Camera.onPreCull += UpdatePreCull;
if (visualization) visualization.SetActive(false);
public void OnDisable() {
// ReSharper disable once DelegateSubtraction
Camera.onPreCull -= UpdatePreCull;
public virtual void Update() {
if (Time.frameCount < 5) return;//give the SteamVR SDK a chance to start up
protected virtual void ReadInput() {
DepressedButtons = 0;
ScrollDelta = Vector2.zero;
if (!nodeState.tracked) return;
var leftClick = input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.LeftClick);
if (leftClick > .9f) DepressedButtons |= MouseButton.Left;
var middleClick = input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.MiddleClick);
if (middleClick > .5f) DepressedButtons |= MouseButton.Middle;
var rightClick = input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.RightClick);
if (rightClick > .5f) DepressedButtons |= MouseButton.Right;
var joyTypes = input.GetJoypadTypes(nodeState);
if ((joyTypes & JoyPadType.Joystick) != 0) ReadJoystick();
if ((joyTypes & JoyPadType.TouchPad) != 0) ReadTouchpad();
protected virtual void ReadTouchpad() {
var touchPoint = new Vector2(
input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.TouchPadX), input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.TouchPadY)
var touchButton = input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.TouchPadTouch) > .5f;
if (touchButton) {
var delta = touchPoint - lastTouchPoint;
if (!touchIsScrolling) {
if (delta.magnitude * trackpadScrollSpeed > scrollThreshold) {
touchIsScrolling = true;
lastTouchPoint = touchPoint;
} else {
//don't start updating the touch point yet
} else {
ScrollDelta += new Vector2(-delta.x, delta.y) * trackpadScrollSpeed;
lastTouchPoint = touchPoint;
} else {
lastTouchPoint = touchPoint;
touchIsScrolling = false;
protected virtual void ReadJoystick() {
var position = new Vector2(
-input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.JoyStickX),
input.GetAxis(nodeState, InputAxis.JoyStickY)
position.x = Mathf.Abs(position.x) > scrollThreshold ? position.x - Mathf.Sign(position.x) * scrollThreshold : 0;
position.y = Mathf.Abs(position.y) > scrollThreshold ? position.y - Mathf.Sign(position.y) * scrollThreshold : 0;
position = position * position.magnitude * joystickScrollSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
ScrollDelta += position;
private int lastFrame;
private List<XRNodeState> states = new List<XRNodeState>();
private bool hasTouchpad;
private void UpdatePreCull(Camera cam) {
if (lastFrame == Time.frameCount) return;
lastFrame = Time.frameCount;
for (int i = 0; i < states.Count; i++) {
//Debug.Log("A thing: " + states[i].nodeType + " and " + InputTracking.GetNodeName(states[i].uniqueID));
if (states[i].nodeType != hand) continue;
nodeState = states[i];
var pose = input.GetPose(nodeState);
transform.localPosition = pose.pos;
transform.localRotation = pose.rot;
if (visualization) visualization.SetActive(Tracked = nodeState.tracked);