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#define ZF_OSX
#define ZF_LINUX
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser
/** Helper class for reading data from an IUIHandler, converting it, and feeding it to the native backend. */
internal class BrowserInput
private readonly Browser browser;
public BrowserInput(Browser browser)
this.browser = browser;
private bool kbWasFocused = false;
private bool mouseWasFocused = false;
public void HandleInput()
bool focusChanged = false;
if (browser.UIHandler.MouseHasFocus || mouseWasFocused)
if (browser.UIHandler.MouseHasFocus != mouseWasFocused)
browser.UIHandler.BrowserCursor.HasMouse = browser.UIHandler.MouseHasFocus;
focusChanged = true;
mouseWasFocused = browser.UIHandler.MouseHasFocus;
if (kbWasFocused != browser.UIHandler.KeyboardHasFocus) focusChanged = true;
if (browser.UIHandler.KeyboardHasFocus)
if (!kbWasFocused)
BrowserNative.zfb_setFocused(browser.browserId, kbWasFocused = true);
if (kbWasFocused)
BrowserNative.zfb_setFocused(browser.browserId, kbWasFocused = false);
if (focusChanged)
browser._RaiseFocusEvent(browser.UIHandler.MouseHasFocus, browser.UIHandler.KeyboardHasFocus);
private static HashSet<KeyCode> keysToReleaseOnFocusLoss = new HashSet<KeyCode>();
public List<Event> extraEventsToInject = new List<Event>();
private MouseButton prevButtons = 0;
private Vector2 prevPos;
private class ButtonHistory
public float lastPressTime;
public int repeatCount;
public Vector3 lastPosition;
public void ButtonPress(Vector3 mousePos, IBrowserUI uiHandler, Vector2 browserSize)
var now = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
if (now - lastPressTime > uiHandler.InputSettings.multiclickSpeed)
//too long ago? forget the past
repeatCount = 0;
if (repeatCount > 0)
//close enough to be a multiclick?
var p1 = Vector2.Scale(mousePos, browserSize);
var p2 = Vector2.Scale(lastPosition, browserSize);
if (Vector2.Distance(p1, p2) > uiHandler.InputSettings.multiclickTolerance)
repeatCount = 0;
lastPressTime = now;
lastPosition = mousePos;
private readonly ButtonHistory leftClickHistory = new ButtonHistory();
private void HandleMouseInput()
var handler = browser.UIHandler;
var mousePos = handler.MousePosition;
var currentButtons = handler.MouseButtons;
var mouseScroll = handler.MouseScroll;
if (mousePos != prevPos)
BrowserNative.zfb_mouseMove(browser.browserId, mousePos.x, 1 - mousePos.y);
FeedScrolling(mouseScroll, handler.InputSettings.scrollSpeed);
var leftChange = (prevButtons & MouseButton.Left) != (currentButtons & MouseButton.Left);
var leftDown = (currentButtons & MouseButton.Left) == MouseButton.Left;
var middleChange = (prevButtons & MouseButton.Middle) != (currentButtons & MouseButton.Middle);
var middleDown = (currentButtons & MouseButton.Middle) == MouseButton.Middle;
var rightChange = (prevButtons & MouseButton.Right) != (currentButtons & MouseButton.Right);
var rightDown = (currentButtons & MouseButton.Right) == MouseButton.Right;
if (leftChange)
if (leftDown) leftClickHistory.ButtonPress(mousePos, handler, browser.Size);
browser.browserId, BrowserNative.MouseButton.MBT_LEFT, leftDown,
leftDown ? leftClickHistory.repeatCount : 0
if (middleChange)
//no double-clicks, to be consistent with other browsers
browser.browserId, BrowserNative.MouseButton.MBT_MIDDLE, middleDown, 1
if (rightChange)
//no double-clicks, to be consistent with other browsers
browser.browserId, BrowserNative.MouseButton.MBT_RIGHT, rightDown, 1
prevPos = mousePos;
prevButtons = currentButtons;
private Vector2 accumulatedScroll;
private float lastScrollEvent;
/// <summary>
/// How often (in sec) we can send scroll events to the browser without it choking up.
/// The right number seems to depend on how hard the page is to render, so there's not a perfect number.
/// Hopefully this one works well, though.
/// </summary>
private const float maxScrollEventRate = 1 / 15f;
/// <summary>
/// Feeds scroll events to the browser.
/// In particular, it will clump together scrolling "floods" into fewer larger scrolls
/// to prevent the backend from getting choked up and taking forever to execute the requests.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mouseScroll"></param>
private void FeedScrolling(Vector2 mouseScroll, float scrollSpeed)
accumulatedScroll += mouseScroll * scrollSpeed;
if (accumulatedScroll.sqrMagnitude != 0 && Time.realtimeSinceStartup > lastScrollEvent + maxScrollEventRate)
//Debug.Log("Do scroll: " + accumulatedScroll);
//The backend seems to have trouble coping with horizontal AND vertical scroll. So only do one at a time.
//(And if we do both at once, vertical appears to get priority and horizontal gets ignored.)
if (Mathf.Abs(accumulatedScroll.x) > Mathf.Abs(accumulatedScroll.y))
BrowserNative.zfb_mouseScroll(browser.browserId, (int)accumulatedScroll.x, 0);
accumulatedScroll.x = 0;
accumulatedScroll.y = Mathf.Round(accumulatedScroll.y * .5f);//reduce the thing we weren't doing so it's less likely to accumulate strange
BrowserNative.zfb_mouseScroll(browser.browserId, 0, (int)accumulatedScroll.y);
accumulatedScroll.x = Mathf.Round(accumulatedScroll.x * .5f);
accumulatedScroll.y = 0;
lastScrollEvent = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
private void HandleKeyInput()
var keyEvents = browser.UIHandler.KeyEvents;
if (keyEvents.Count > 0) HandleKeyInput(keyEvents);
if (extraEventsToInject.Count > 0)
private void HandleKeyInput(List<Event> keyEvents)
#if ZF_OSX
foreach (var ev in keyEvents)
var keyCode = KeyMappings.GetWindowsKeyCode(ev);
if (ev.character == '\n') ev.character = '\r';//'cuz that's what Chromium expects
if (ev.character == 0)
if (ev.type == EventType.KeyDown) keysToReleaseOnFocusLoss.Add(ev.keyCode);
else keysToReleaseOnFocusLoss.Remove(ev.keyCode);
// if (false) {
// if (ev.character != 0) Debug.Log("k >>> " + ev.character);
// else if (ev.type == EventType.KeyUp) Debug.Log("k ^^^ " + ev.keyCode);
// else if (ev.type == EventType.KeyDown) Debug.Log("k vvv " + ev.keyCode);
// }
if (ev.character != 0 && ev.type == EventType.KeyDown)
//It seems, on Linux, we don't get keydown, keypress, keyup, we just get a keypress, keyup.
//So, fire the keydown just before the keypress.
BrowserNative.zfb_keyEvent(browser.browserId, true, keyCode);
//Thanks for being consistent, Unity.
Input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.On;
BrowserNative.zfb_characterEvent(browser.browserId, ev.character, keyCode);
BrowserNative.zfb_keyEvent(browser.browserId, ev.type == EventType.KeyDown, keyCode);
public void HandleFocusLoss()
foreach (var keyCode in keysToReleaseOnFocusLoss)
//Debug.Log("Key " + keyCode + " is held, release");
var wCode = KeyMappings.GetWindowsKeyCode(new Event() { keyCode = keyCode });
BrowserNative.zfb_keyEvent(browser.browserId, false, wCode);
#if ZF_OSX
/** Used by ReconstructInputs */
protected HashSet<KeyCode> pressedKeys = new HashSet<KeyCode>();
* OS X + Unity has issues.
* Mac editor: If I press cmd+A: The "keydown A" event doesn't get sent,
* though we do get a keypress A and a keyup A.
* Mac player: We get duplicate keyUPs normally. If cmd is down we get duplicate keyDOWNs instead.
protected void ReconstructInputs(List<Event> keyEvents) {
for (int i = 0; i < keyEvents.Count; ++i) {//int loop, not iterator, we mutate during iteration
var ev = keyEvents[i];
if (ev.type == EventType.KeyDown && ev.character == 0) {
//Repeated keydown events sent in the same frame are always bogus (but valid if in different
//frames for held key repeats)
//Remove duplicated key down events in this tick.
for (int j = i + 1; j < keyEvents.Count; ++j) {
if (keyEvents[j].Equals(ev)) keyEvents.RemoveAt(j--);
} else if (ev.type == EventType.KeyDown) {
//key down with character.
//...did the key actually get pressed, though?
if (ev.keyCode != KeyCode.None && !pressedKeys.Contains(ev.keyCode)) {
//no. insert a keydown before the press
var downEv = new Event(ev) {
type = EventType.KeyDown,
character = (char)0
keyEvents.Insert(i++, downEv);
} else if (ev.type == EventType.KeyUp) {
if (!pressedKeys.Contains(ev.keyCode)) {
//Ignore duplicate key up events
* OS X + Unity has issues.
* Commands won't be run if the command is not in the application menu.
* Here we trap keystrokes and manually fire the relevant events in the browser.
* Also, ctrl+A stopped working with CEF at some point on Windows.
protected void FireCommands(Event ev)
#if ZF_OSX
if (ev.type != EventType.KeyDown || ev.character != 0 || !ev.command) return;
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case KeyCode.C:
case KeyCode.X:
case KeyCode.V:
case KeyCode.A:
case KeyCode.Z:
if (ev.shift) browser.SendFrameCommand(BrowserNative.FrameCommand.Redo);
else browser.SendFrameCommand(BrowserNative.FrameCommand.Undo);
case KeyCode.Y:
//I, for one, prefer Y for redo, but shift+Z is more idiomatic on OS X
//Support both.
//mmm, yeah. I guess Unity doesn't send us the keydown on a ctrl+a keystroke anymore.
if (ev.type != EventType.KeyUp || !ev.control) return;
switch (ev.keyCode)
case KeyCode.A: