You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1156 lines
39 KiB

//Set up some defines for what we are running on or compiled for right
//now - not what Editor will compile for later!
#define ON_WINDOWS
#define ON_OS_X
#define ON_LINUX
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using System.Reflection;
using AOT;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
namespace ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser {
* Wrapper/native callbacks for CEF browser implementation.
* When changing code in this file you may have to restart the Unity Editor for things to get working again.
* Note that callbacks given to the native side may be invoked on any thread.
* Make sure IntPtrs are pinned and callbacks are kept alive from GC while their object lives.
public static class BrowserNative {
public const int DebugPort = 9848;
public const int DebugPort = 9849;
public static bool NativeLoaded { get; private set; }
public static bool SymbolsLoaded { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Lock this object before touching any of the zfb_* functions outside the main thread.
/// (While many of them are thread safe, the shared library can be unloaded, leading
/// to a possible race condition at shutdown. For example thread A grabs the value of zfb_sendRequestData,
/// the main thread unloads the shared library, then thread A tries to execute the pointer it has for
/// zfb_sendRequestData, resulting in sadness.)
/// </summary>
public static readonly object symbolsLock = new object();
public const bool UsingAPIProxy = true;
public const bool UsingAPIProxy = false;
* List of command-line switches given to Chromium.
* http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
* If you want to change this, be sure to change it before LoadNative gets called.
* Adding or removing flags may lead to instability and/or insecurity.
* Make sure you understand what a flag does before you use it.
* Be sure to test your use cases thoroughly after changing any flags as
* things are more likely to crash or break if you aren't using the default
* configuration.
* Extra non-Chromium arguments:
* --zf-cef-log-verbose
* if enabled, we'll write a lot more CEF/Chromium logging to your editor/player log file than usual
* --zf-log-internal
* If enabled, some extra logs will be dumped to the current working directory.
public static List<string> commandLineSwitches = new List<string>() {
//Smooth scrolling tends to make scrolling act wonky or break.
//If you install the PPAPI version of Flash on your system this tells Chromium to try to use it.
//(download at https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/)
//For Linux use probably need something like this instead (see docs)
//"--ppapi-flash-version=", "--ppapi-flash-path=/usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libpepflashplayer.so",
//getUserMedia (microphone/webcam).
//Turning this on has security implications, it appears there's no
//CEF API for authorizing access, it just allows it. (ergo, any website can record the user)
//Enable these to get a higher browser framerate at the expense of more CPU usage:
// "--disable-gpu-vsync",
//If you want to specify a proxy by hand:
//Allow videos to autoplay with sound.
// See https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes
// https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/media/base/media_switches.cc?l=182&gsn=kNoUserGestureRequiredPolicy
// Ideally this enables it. Sometimes it doesn't seem to work.
* WebResources used to resolve local requests.
* This may be replaced with an implementation of your choice, but be sure to set it up before requesting
* any URLs.
public static WebResources webResources;
public static string LocalUrlPrefix { get { return "https://game.local/"; } }
private static void LogCallback(string message) {
Debug.Log("ZFWeb: " + message);
/// <summary>
/// Because AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload() doesn't work and we don't like crashing the
/// Unity Editor.
/// </summary>
private static bool isAppDomainUnloading = false;
private static string _profilePath = null;
* Where should we save the user's data and cookies? Leave null to not save them.
* Set before the browser system initializes. Also, restart the Editor to apply changes.
public static string ProfilePath {
get { return _profilePath; }
set {
if (NativeLoaded) throw new InvalidOperationException("ProfilePath must be set before initializing the browser system.");
_profilePath = value;
* Loads the shared library and the function symbols so we can call zfb_* functions.
public static void LoadSymbols() {
if (SymbolsLoaded) return;
if (isAppDomainUnloading) {
throw new Exception("Tried to start up browser backend while unloading app domain.");
var dirs = FileLocations.Dirs;
public static void LoadNative() {
if (NativeLoaded) return;
if (webResources == null) {
//if the user hasn't given us a WebResources to use, use the default
webResources = new EditorWebResources();
var swr = new StandaloneWebResources(Application.dataPath + "/" + StandaloneWebResources.DefaultPath);
webResources = swr;
//For Editor/debug builds, we'll open a port you can just http:// to inspect pages.
//Don't do this for real builds, though. It makes it really, really easy for the end user to call
//random JS in the page, potentially affecting or bypassing game logic.
var debugPort = Debug.isDebugBuild ? DebugPort : 0;
var dirs = FileLocations.Dirs;
if (!dirs.logFileIsUnityLog) {
//Unity doesn't rotate this log file for us, so nix the old, if any.
var file = new FileInfo(dirs.logFile);
try {
if (file.Exists) file.Delete();
} catch {
//we'll just deal with it getting bigger
//make sure the child processes can be started (their dependent .dlls are next to the main .exe, not in the Plugins folder)
var loadDir = Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName;
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
path += ";" + loadDir;
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path);
//help it find our .dlls
var path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
path += ";" + dirs.binariesPath;
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path);
//There never should be any, but just in case, destroy any existing browsers on a re-init
//Caution: Careful with these functions you pass to native. The Unity Editor will
//reload assemblies, leaving the function pointers dangling. If any native calls try to use them
//before we load back up and re-register them we can crash.
//To prevent this, we call zfb_setCallbacksEnabled to disable callbacks before we get unloaded.
var settings = new ZFBInitialSettings() {
cefPath = dirs.resourcesPath,
localePath = dirs.localesPath,
subprocessFile = dirs.subprocessFile,
userAgent = UserAgent.GetUserAgent(),
logFile = dirs.logFile,
profilePath = _profilePath,
debugPort = debugPort,
multiThreadedMessageLoop = 0,//this argument is pretty much defunct, the slave just blocks on CefRunMessageLoop on all platforms
foreach (var arg in commandLineSwitches) zfb_addCLISwitch(arg);
var initRes = zfb_init(settings);
if (!initRes) throw new Exception("Failed to initialize browser system.");
NativeLoaded = true;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += (sender, args) => {
isAppDomainUnloading = true;
//Shutdown should happen StandaloneShutdown, but in some cases, like the Unity Editor
//reloading assemblies, we don't get OnApplicationQuit because we didn't "quit", even though
//everything gets shut down.
//Make sure the backend shuts down, in this case, or it will crash when we try to start it again.
private static void FixProcessPermissions(FileLocations.CEFDirs dirs) {
* The package we get from the Asset Store probably won't have the right executable permissions for
* ZFGameBrowser for OS X, so let's fix that for the user right now.
var attrs = (uint)File.GetAttributes(dirs.subprocessFile);
//From https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mono/io-layer/io.c under SetFileAttributes() (also noted in FileAttributes.cs):
//"Currently we only handle one *internal* case [...]: 0x80000000, which means `set executable bit'"
//Let's use that now.
attrs |= 0x80000000;
//Make it executable.
File.SetAttributes(dirs.subprocessFile, unchecked((FileAttributes)attrs));
private static IntPtr moduleHandle;
/// <summary>
/// Loads the browser symbols.
/// We don't use DllImport for a few reasons, historically for DEEPBIND support and multiple CEF versions in the same process,
/// but now mostly so we can unload the .dll whenever we want and to simplify picking and loading our shared library how we want.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="binariesPath"></param>
private static void HandLoadSymbols(string binariesPath) {
var coreType = "ZFProxyWeb";
var coreType = "ZFEmbedWeb";
#if ON_OS_X
var libFile = binariesPath + "/lib" + coreType + ".dylib";
#elif ON_LINUX
var libFile = binariesPath + "/lib" + coreType + ".so";
var libFile = binariesPath + "/" + coreType + ".dll";
#error Unknown OS.
//Debug.Log("Loading " + libFile);
moduleHandle = OpenLib(libFile);
//Now go through and fill our functions with life.
int i = 0;
var fields = typeof(BrowserNative).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
foreach (var field in fields) {
if (!field.Name.StartsWith("zfb_")) continue;
var fp = GetFunc(moduleHandle, field.Name);
var func = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(fp, field.FieldType);
field.SetValue(null, func);
//Debug.Log("Loaded " + i + " symbols");
SymbolsLoaded = true;
/// <summary>
/// Clears out the symbols so, if the shared library has been unloaded, we get null exceptions instead
/// of crashes.
/// </summary>
private static void ClearSymbols() {
SymbolsLoaded = false;
var fields = typeof(BrowserNative).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
foreach (var field in fields) {
if (!field.Name.StartsWith("zfb_")) continue;
field.SetValue(null, null);
private static string GetLibError() {
return new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(dlerror());
private static IntPtr OpenLib(string name) {
var handle = LoadLibraryW(name);
if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) {
// throw new DllNotFoundException("ZFBrowser failed to load " + name + ": " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
throw new DllNotFoundException("ZFBrowser failed to load " + name + ": " +
new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message
return handle;
//Call this now because running a DllImport method the first time will end up calling dlerror
//which will clear the error we were trying to get from dlerror.
var handle = dlopen(name, (int)(DLFlags.RTLD_LAZY));
if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new DllNotFoundException("ZFBrowser failed to load " + name + ": " + getDlError());
return handle;
private static void CloseLib() {
if (moduleHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return;
var success = FreeLibrary(moduleHandle);
var success = dlclose(moduleHandle) == 0;
if (!success) {
throw new DllNotFoundException(
"Failed to unload library: " +
//Debug.Log("Unloaded shared library");
moduleHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
private static IntPtr GetFunc(IntPtr libHandle, string fnName) {
var addr = GetProcAddress(libHandle, fnName);
if (addr == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new DllNotFoundException("ZFBrowser failed to load method " + fnName + ": " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
return addr;
var fp = dlsym(libHandle, fnName);
if (fp == IntPtr.Zero) {
throw new DllNotFoundException("ZFBrowser failed to load method " + fnName + ": " + getDlError());
return fp;
public enum DLFlags {
[DllImport("__Internal")] static extern IntPtr dlopen(string filename, int flags);
[DllImport("__Internal")] static extern IntPtr dlsym(IntPtr handle, string symbol);
[DllImport("__Internal")] static extern int dlclose(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("__Internal")] static extern IntPtr dlerror();
private static string getDlError() {
var err = dlerror();
return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(err);
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
static extern IntPtr LoadLibraryW([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string lpFileName);
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
[DllImport("kernel32", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool FreeLibrary(IntPtr hModule);
private static void NewRequestCallback(int requestId, string url) {
webResources.HandleRequest(requestId, url);
/** Shuts down the native browser library and CEF. */
public static void UnloadNative() {
if (!NativeLoaded) return;
lock (symbolsLock) {
//Debug.Log("Stop CEF");
NativeLoaded = false;
/** Call this with a message to debug it to a console somewhere. */
public delegate void MessageFunc(string message);
* Callback for starting a new local request.
* url is the url requested
* At present only GET requests with no added headers are supported.
* After this is called, you are responsible for calling zfb_sendRequestHeaders (once)
* then zfb_sendRequestData (as much as needed) to finish up the request.
public delegate void NewRequestFunc(int requestId, string url);
/** Called when the native backend is ready to start receiving orders. */
public delegate void ReadyFunc(int browserId);
/** Called on console.log, console.err, etc. */
public delegate void ConsoleFunc(int browserId, string message, string source, int line);
* Called when JS calls back to us.
* callbackId is the first argument,
* data (UTF-8 null-terminated string) (and its included size) are the second argument.
public delegate void ForwardJSCallFunc(int browserId, int callbackId, string data, int size);
* Called when a browser opens a new window.
* creatorBrowserId - id of the browser that cause the window to be created
* newBrowserId - a newly created (as if by zfb_createBrowser) browser tab
* May be called on any thread.
public delegate void NewWindowFunc(int creatorBrowserId, int newBrowserId, IntPtr initialURL);
* Called when an item from ChangeType happens.
* See the documentation for the given ChangeType for info on what the args mean or how to get more information.
public delegate void ChangeFunc(int browserId, ChangeType changeType, string arg1);
* This is called when the browser wants to display a dialog of some sort.
* dialogType - the type, or DLT_HIDE to hide any existing dialogs.
* dialogText - main text for the dialog, usually from in-page JavaScript
* initialPromptText - if we are doing a JavaScript prompt(), the default text to display
* sourceURL - the URL of the page that is causing the dialog
* Once the user has responded to the dialog (if we were showing one), call zfb_sendDialogResults
* with the user's input.
public delegate void DisplayDialogFunc(
int browserId, DialogType dialogType, IntPtr dialogText,
IntPtr initialPromptText, IntPtr sourceURL
* Called by the backend when a context menu should be shown or hidden.
* If menuJSON is null, hide the context menu.
* If it's not, show the given menu and eventually call zfb_sendContextMenuResults.
* For more information on the menu format, look at BrowserDialogs.html
* x and y report the position the menu was summoned, relative to the top-left of the view.
* origin indicates on what type of item the context menu was created.
public delegate void ShowContextMenuFunc(int browserId, string menuJSON, int x, int y, ContextMenuOrigin origin);
* Used with zfb_getCookies, this will be called once for each cookie.
public delegate void GetCookieFunc(NativeCookie cookie);
* Called when nav state (can go back/forward, loaded, url) changes.
public delegate void NavStateFunc(int browserId, bool canGoBack, bool canGoForward, bool lodaing, IntPtr url);
* Called by a native OS windows gets an event like mouse move click, etc.
* data contains json details on the event
public delegate void WindowCallbackFunc(int windowId, IntPtr data);
public enum LoadChange : int {
LC_STOP = 1,
public enum MouseButton : int {
public enum ChangeType : int {
/** The cursor has changed. Use zfb_getMouseCursor/zfb_getMouseCustomCursor to see what it is now. */
/** The browser has been closed and can no longer receive commands. */
* We have the HTML for the top-level page.
* arg1 (JSON) contains HTTP {status} code and the {url}
* Note that successfully fetching errors from a server (404, 500) are treated
* as successful, CHT_FETCH_FAILED won't be triggered.
* Failed to fetch a page (timeout, network issues, etc)
* arg1 (JSON) contains an {error} code and the {url}
* The page has reached onload
* arg1 (JSON) contains HTTP {status} code and the {url}
/** SSL certificate error. arg1 has some JSON about the issue. Often followed by a CHT_FETCH_FAILED */
/** Renderer process crashed/was killed/etc. */
* The user/page has initialized a download.
* arg1 (JSON) contains:
* download {id}
* {mimeType}
* {url} of the download
* {originalURL} of the download before redirection
* {suggestedName} you might save the file as
* {size} number of bytes in the download (if known)
* {contentDisposition}
* Call zfb_downloadCommand(browserId, download["id"], DownloadAction.xxyy, fileName) to cancel or save the file
* (and afterward control it).
* Progress/status update on a download.
* arg1 (JSON) contains:
* download {id}
* {speed} in bytes/sec
* {percentComplete} int in [0, 100], or -1 if unknown
* {received} number of bytes received
* {statusStr} download status. One of: complete, canceled, working, unknown
* {fullPath} we are saving to. (If you had the user pick the destination you can get it here.)
* Call zfb_downloadCommand(browserId, download["id"], DownloadAction.xxyy, null) to cancel/pause/resume the download.
* The element with keyboard focus has changed.
* You can use this to show/hide a keyboard when needed.
* arg1 (JSON) contains:
* {tagName} of the focused node, or empty of no node is focused (focus loss)
* {editable} true if it's some sort of editable text
* textual {value} of the node, if it's simple (doesn't work for things like ContentEditable nodes)
public enum DownloadAction {
/** @see cef_cursor_type_t in cef_types.h */
public enum CursorType : int {
Pointer = 0,
public enum DialogType {
DLT_PAGE_RELOAD,//like unload, but the user is just refreshing the page
public enum NewWindowAction {
public enum ContextMenuOrigin {
Editable = 1 << 1,
Image = 1 << 2,
Selection = 1 << 3,
Other = 1 << 0,
public enum FrameCommand {
public enum CookieAction {
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct ZFBInitialSettings {
public string cefPath, localePath, subprocessFile, userAgent, logFile, profilePath;
public int debugPort, multiThreadedMessageLoop;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct ZFBSettings {
public int bgR, bgG, bgB, bgA;
public int offscreen;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct RenderData {
public IntPtr pixels;
public int w, h;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public class NativeCookie {
public string name, value, domain, path;
public string creation, lastAccess, expires;
public byte secure, httpOnly;
* See HandLoadSymbols() for an explanation of what's going on here and why we use a bunch of delegates instead
* of DllImport.
* Don't use this API directly unless you want to deal with things breaking.
* Though it is accessible, it's not considered part of the public API for versioning purposes.
* That, and you can shoot yourself in the foot and crash your app.
* Also, if you want to call any of these functions off the main thread make sure:
* - It's documented as supporting such.
* - To acquire a lock on symbolsLock first. (See its docs for why.)
/** Does nothing. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_noop();
public static Calltype_zfb_noop zfb_noop;
* Allocates and initializes a block of memory suitable for use with LoadRawTextureData to clear a texture
* to the given color.
* Call zfb_free on the pointer when your are done using it.
* Does not require the browser system to be initialized, thread safe.
public delegate IntPtr Calltype_zfb_flatColorTexture(int pixelCount, int r, int g, int b, int a);
public static Calltype_zfb_flatColorTexture zfb_flatColorTexture;
* Copies from a zfb_getImage buffer to a Color32[] buffer.
* Does not require the browser system to be initialized, thread safe.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_copyToColor32(IntPtr src, IntPtr dest, int pixelCount);
public static Calltype_zfb_copyToColor32 zfb_copyToColor32;
* Some functions allocate memory to give you a response (see their docs). Call this to free it.
* Does not require the browser system to be initialized, thread safe.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_free(IntPtr mem);
public static Calltype_zfb_free zfb_free;
* Plain old memcpy. Because sometimes Marshal.Copy falls short of our needs.
* Does not require the browser system to be initialized, thread safe.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_memcpy(IntPtr dst, IntPtr src, int size);
public static Calltype_zfb_memcpy zfb_memcpy;
* Returns the Chrome(ium) version as a static C string.
* Does not require the browser system to be initialized, thread safe.
public delegate IntPtr Calltype_zfb_getVersion();
public static Calltype_zfb_getVersion zfb_getVersion;
/** Sets a function to call for Debug.Log-style messages. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setDebugFunc(MessageFunc debugFunc);
public static Calltype_zfb_setDebugFunc zfb_setDebugFunc;
/** Sets callbacks for when a local (https://game.local/) request is started. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setLocalRequestHandler(NewRequestFunc requestFunc);
public static Calltype_zfb_setLocalRequestHandler zfb_setLocalRequestHandler;
* Sends the headers for a response.
* responseLength should be the number of bytes in the response, or -1 if unknown.
* headersJSON should contain a string:string map of headers, JSON encoded
* - You should include a "Content-Type" header.
* - You may also include a ":status:" pseudoheader to set the status to a non-200 value
* - You may also include a ":statusText:" pseudoheader to set the status text
* After calling this, call zfb_sendRequestData to send the actual response body.
* May be called from any thread.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_sendRequestHeaders(int requestId, int responseLength, string headersJSON);
public static Calltype_zfb_sendRequestHeaders zfb_sendRequestHeaders;
* Sends the body for a response after calling zfb_sendRequestHeaders.
* You must always write at least one byte except as described below.
* If you sent a responseLength >= 0, make sure all calls to this function add up to exactly that value.
* If you sent a responseLength < 0, call this a final time with size = 0 to signify the
* end of the response.
* May be called from any thread.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_sendRequestData(int requestId, IntPtr data, int dataSize);
public static Calltype_zfb_sendRequestData zfb_sendRequestData;
/** Enabled/disables user callbacks. Useful for disabling all callbacks when mono assemblies reload. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setCallbacksEnabled(bool enabled);
public static Calltype_zfb_setCallbacksEnabled zfb_setCallbacksEnabled;
/** Destroys all browser instances. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_destroyAllBrowsers();
public static Calltype_zfb_destroyAllBrowsers zfb_destroyAllBrowsers;
/** Adds a command-line switch to Chromium, must call before zfb_init */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_addCLISwitch(string value);
public static Calltype_zfb_addCLISwitch zfb_addCLISwitch;
/** Initializes the system so we can start making browsers. */
public delegate bool Calltype_zfb_init(ZFBInitialSettings settings);
public static Calltype_zfb_init zfb_init;
/** Shuts down the system. It cannot be re-initialized. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_shutdown();
public static Calltype_zfb_shutdown zfb_shutdown;
* Creates a new browser, returning the id.
* Call zfb_setReadyCallback and wait for it to fire before doing anything else.
public delegate int Calltype_zfb_createBrowser(ZFBSettings settings);
public static Calltype_zfb_createBrowser zfb_createBrowser;
/** Reports the number of un-destroyed browsers. Slow. */
public delegate int Calltype_zfb_numBrowsers();
public static Calltype_zfb_numBrowsers zfb_numBrowsers;
* Closes and cleans up a browser instance.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_destroyBrowser(int id);
public static Calltype_zfb_destroyBrowser zfb_destroyBrowser;
/** Call once per frame if the multi-threaded message loop isn't enabled. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_tick();
public static Calltype_zfb_tick zfb_tick;
* Registers a function to call when the browser instance is ready to start taking orders.
* {cb} may be executed immediately or on any thread.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setReadyCallback(int id, ReadyFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_setReadyCallback zfb_setReadyCallback;
/** Resizes the browser. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_resize(int id, int w, int h);
public static Calltype_zfb_resize zfb_resize;
* Adds the given browser {overlayBrowserId} as an overlay of this browser {browserId}.
* The overlaid browser will appear transparently over the top of {browser}.
* {overlayBrowser} must not have an overlay and must be sized exactly the same as {browser}.
* Remove the overlay before closing either browser.
* While {overlayBrowser} is overlaying another browser, do not call zfb_getImage on it.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setOverlay(int browserId, int overlayBrowserId);
public static Calltype_zfb_setOverlay zfb_setOverlay;
* Gets the image data for the current frame.
* Do not hang onto the returned data across frames or resizes.
* If there are no changes since last call, the pixel data will be null (unless you specify forceDirty).
public delegate RenderData Calltype_zfb_getImage(int id, bool forceDirty);
public static Calltype_zfb_getImage zfb_getImage;
* Registers a callback for nav state updates.
* Keep track of what it tells you to answer questions like what the current URL is and if we can go back/forward.
* (The URL overlaps a bit with CHT_FETCH_*, but this should fire earlier (when we start) as opposed to when it's done.)
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerNavStateCallback(int id, NavStateFunc callback);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerNavStateCallback zfb_registerNavStateCallback;
* Navigates to the given URL. If force it ture, it will go there right away.
* If force is false, the pages that wish to can prompt the user and possibly cancel the
* navigation.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_goToURL(int id, string url, bool force);
public static Calltype_zfb_goToURL zfb_goToURL;
* Loads the given HTML string as if it were the given URL.
* Use http://-like porotocols or else things may not work right.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_goToHTML(int id, string html, string url);
public static Calltype_zfb_goToHTML zfb_goToHTML;
/** Go back (-1) or forward (1) */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_doNav(int id, int direction);
public static Calltype_zfb_doNav zfb_doNav;
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setZoom(int id, double zoom);
public static Calltype_zfb_setZoom zfb_setZoom;
/** Stop, refresh, or force-refresh */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_changeLoading(int id, LoadChange what);
public static Calltype_zfb_changeLoading zfb_changeLoading;
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_showDevTools(int id, bool show);
public static Calltype_zfb_showDevTools zfb_showDevTools;
* Informs the browser if it's focused for keyboard input.
* Among other things, this controls if the blinking text cursor appears in an active text field.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_setFocused(int id, bool focused);
public static Calltype_zfb_setFocused zfb_setFocused;
* Reports the mouse's current location.
* x and y are in the range [0,1]. (0, 0) is top-left, (1, 1) is bottom-right
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_mouseMove(int id, float x, float y);
public static Calltype_zfb_mouseMove zfb_mouseMove;
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_mouseButton(int id, MouseButton button, bool down, int clickCount);
public static Calltype_zfb_mouseButton zfb_mouseButton;
/** Reports a mouse scroll. One "tick" of a scroll wheel is generally around 120 units. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_mouseScroll(int id, int deltaX, int deltaY);
public static Calltype_zfb_mouseScroll zfb_mouseScroll;
* Report a key down/up event. Repeated "virtual" keystrokes are simulated by repeating the down event without
* an interveneing up event.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_keyEvent(int id, bool down, int windowsKeyCode);
public static Calltype_zfb_keyEvent zfb_keyEvent;
* Report a typed character. This typically interleaves with calls to zfb_keyEvent
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_characterEvent(int id, int character, int windowsKeyCode);
public static Calltype_zfb_characterEvent zfb_characterEvent;
/** Register a function to call when console.log etc. is called in the browser. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerConsoleCallback(int id, ConsoleFunc callback);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerConsoleCallback zfb_registerConsoleCallback;
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_evalJS(int id, string script, string scriptURL);
public static Calltype_zfb_evalJS zfb_evalJS;
/** Registers a callback to call when window._zfb_event(int, string) is called in the browser. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerJSCallback(int id, ForwardJSCallFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerJSCallback zfb_registerJSCallback;
/** Registers a callback that is called when something from ChangeType happens. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerChangeCallback(int id, ChangeFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerChangeCallback zfb_registerChangeCallback;
* Gets the current mouse cursor. If the type is CursorType.Custom, width and height will be filled with
* the width and height of the custom cursor.
public delegate CursorType Calltype_zfb_getMouseCursor(int id, out int width, out int height);
public static Calltype_zfb_getMouseCursor zfb_getMouseCursor;
* Call this if zfb_getMouseCursor tells you there's a custom cursor.
* This will fill buffer (RGBA bottom-top, 4 bytes * width * height) with the contents of the cursor.
* Use the size you got from zfb_getMouseCursor.
* If width or height don't match the results from zfb_getMouseCursor, does nothing.
* {hotX} and {hoyY} will be filled with the cursor's hotspot.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_getMouseCustomCursor(int id, IntPtr buffer, int width, int height, out int hotX, out int hotY);
public static Calltype_zfb_getMouseCustomCursor zfb_getMouseCustomCursor;
/** Registers a DisplayDialogFunc for this browser. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerDialogCallback(int id, DisplayDialogFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerDialogCallback zfb_registerDialogCallback;
/** Callback for a dialog. See the docs on DisplayDialogFunc. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_sendDialogResults(int id, bool affirmed, string text1, string text2);
public static Calltype_zfb_sendDialogResults zfb_sendDialogResults;
/** Registers a NewWindowFunc for pop ups. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerPopupCallback(int id, NewWindowAction windowAction, ZFBSettings baseSettings, NewWindowFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerPopupCallback zfb_registerPopupCallback;
/** Registers a ShowContextMenuFunc for the context menu. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_registerContextMenuCallback(int id, ShowContextMenuFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_registerContextMenuCallback zfb_registerContextMenuCallback;
* After your ShowContextMenuFunc has been called,
* call this to report what item the user selected.
* If the menu was canceled, send -1.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_sendContextMenuResults(int id, int commandId);
public static Calltype_zfb_sendContextMenuResults zfb_sendContextMenuResults;
* Sends a command, such as copy, paste, or select to the focused frame in the given browser.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_sendCommandToFocusedFrame(int id, FrameCommand command);
public static Calltype_zfb_sendCommandToFocusedFrame zfb_sendCommandToFocusedFrame;
/** Fetches all the cookies, calling the given callback for every cookie. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_getCookies(int id, GetCookieFunc cb);
public static Calltype_zfb_getCookies zfb_getCookies;
/** Alters the given cookie as specified. */
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_editCookie(int id, NativeCookie cookie, CookieAction action);
public static Calltype_zfb_editCookie zfb_editCookie;
* Deletes all the cookies.
* (Though it takes a browser, this will typically clear all cookies for all browsers.)
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_clearCookies(int id);
public static Calltype_zfb_clearCookies zfb_clearCookies;
* Take an action on a download.
* fileName is ignored except when beginning a download.
* At the outset:
* Begin: Starts the download. Saves to the given file if given. If fileName is null, the user will be prompted.
* Cancel: Does nothing with a download.
* After starting a download:
* Pause, Cancel, Resume: Does what it says on the tin.
* Once a download is finished or canceled it is not valid to call this function for that download any more.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_downloadCommand(int id, int downloadId, DownloadAction command, string fileName);
public static Calltype_zfb_downloadCommand zfb_downloadCommand;
#if ON_OS_X
* Creates a new OS-native window in this process, returning an id.
public delegate int Calltype_zfb_windowCreate(String title, WindowCallbackFunc eventHandler);
public static Calltype_zfb_windowCreate zfb_windowCreate;
* Renders the contents of the given browser into the given OS window.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_windowRender(int windowId, int browserId);
public static Calltype_zfb_windowRender zfb_windowRender;
* Closes the given window.
* Pass -1 for the id to close all windows.
public delegate void Calltype_zfb_windowClose(int windowId);
public static Calltype_zfb_windowClose zfb_windowClose;