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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ZenFulcrum.EmbeddedBrowser {
* Stand-in class for a JavaScript value that can be one of many different types.
* Bad lookups are safe. That is, if you try to look up something that doesn't exist you will not get an exception,
* but an "invalid" node. Use Check() if you want an exception on invalid lookups:
* var node = JSONNode.Parse(@"{""a"":1}");
* node["a"].IsValid == true;
* node["bob"].IsValid == false
* node["bob"]["foo"].IsValid == false //but doesn't throw an exception
* node["a"].Check() //okay
* node["bob"].Check() //throw exception
* Values can be implicitly converted to JSONNodes and back. That means you don't have to use properties like
* "IntValue" and "StringValue". Simply try to use the node as that type and it will convert to the value
* if it's that type or return a default value if it isn't:
* var node = JSONNode.Parse(@"{""a"":1, ""b"": ""apples""}");
* int a = node["a"];
* a == 1;
* string b = node["b"];
* b == "apples";
* string str = node["a"];
* str == null; //null is the default value for a string.
* You can also use new JSONNode(value) for many different types, though often it's easier to just assign a
* value and let it auto-convert.
* Because they act a little special, use node.IsNull and node.IsValid to check for null and invalid values.
* Real null still acts like null, though, so use JSONNode.NullNode to create a "null" JSONNode.
* You can also use JSONNode.InvalidNode to get an invalid JSONNode outright.
* Note that, while reading blind is safe, assignment is not. Attempting to assign object keys to an integer, for example,
* will throw an exception. To append to an array, call .Add() or assign to -1. To remove an object key or array element,
* assign JSONNode.InvalidNode to it.
public class JSONNode {
/** Parses the given JSON document to a JSONNode. Throws a SerializationException on parse error. */
public static JSONNode Parse(string json) {
return JSONParser.Parse(json);
public static readonly JSONNode InvalidNode = new JSONNode(NodeType.Invalid);
public static readonly JSONNode NullNode = new JSONNode(NodeType.Null);
public enum NodeType {
/** Getting this value would result in undefined or ordinarily throw some type of exception trying to fetch it. */
public NodeType _type = NodeType.Invalid;
private string _stringValue;
private double _numberValue;
private Dictionary<string, JSONNode> _objectValue;
private List<JSONNode> _arrayValue;
private bool _boolValue;
public JSONNode(NodeType type = NodeType.Null) {
this._type = type;
if (type == NodeType.Object) _objectValue = new Dictionary<string, JSONNode>();
else if (type == NodeType.Array) _arrayValue = new List<JSONNode>();
public JSONNode(string value) {
this._type = NodeType.String;
_stringValue = value;
public JSONNode(double value) {
this._type = NodeType.Number;
_numberValue = value;
public JSONNode(Dictionary<string, JSONNode> value) {
this._type = NodeType.Object;
_objectValue = value;
public JSONNode(List<JSONNode> value) {
this._type = NodeType.Array;
_arrayValue = value;
public JSONNode(bool value) {
this._type = NodeType.Bool;
_boolValue = value;
public NodeType Type { get { return _type; } }
public bool IsValid {
get { return _type != NodeType.Invalid; }
* Checks if the node is valid. If not, throws an exception.
* Returns {this}, which allows you to add this statement inline in you expressions.
* Example:
* var node = data["key1"][1].Check();
* int val = data["maxSize"].Check()["elements"][3];
public JSONNode Check() {
if (_type == NodeType.Invalid) throw new InvalidJSONNodeException();
return this;
public static implicit operator string(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.String ? n._stringValue : null;
public static implicit operator JSONNode(string v) {
return new JSONNode(v);
public static implicit operator int(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.Number ? (int)n._numberValue : 0;
public static implicit operator JSONNode(int v) {
return new JSONNode(v);
public static implicit operator float(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.Number ? (float)n._numberValue : 0;
public static implicit operator JSONNode(float v) {
return new JSONNode(v);
public static implicit operator double(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.Number ? n._numberValue : 0;
public static implicit operator JSONNode(double v) {
return new JSONNode(v);
* Setter/getter for keys on an object. All keys are strings.
* Assign JSONNode.InvalidValue to delete a key.
public JSONNode this[string k] {
get {
if (_type == NodeType.Object) {
JSONNode ret;
if (_objectValue.TryGetValue(k, out ret)) return ret;
return InvalidNode;
set {
if (_type != NodeType.Object) throw new InvalidJSONNodeException();
if (value._type == NodeType.Invalid) _objectValue.Remove(k);
else _objectValue[k] = value;
public static implicit operator Dictionary<string, JSONNode>(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.Object ? n._objectValue : null;
* Setter/getter for indicies on an array.
* Assign JSONNode.InvalidValue to delete a key.
* Assign to "-1" to append to the end.
public JSONNode this[int idx] {
get {
if (_type == NodeType.Array && idx >= 0 && idx < _arrayValue.Count) {
return _arrayValue[idx];
return InvalidNode;
set {
if (_type != NodeType.Array) throw new InvalidJSONNodeException();
if (idx == -1) {
if (value._type == NodeType.Invalid) {
_arrayValue.RemoveAt(_arrayValue.Count - 1);
} else {
} else {
if (value._type == NodeType.Invalid) {
} else {
_arrayValue[idx] = value;
public static implicit operator List<JSONNode>(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.Array ? n._arrayValue : null;
/** Adds an items if the node is an array. */
public void Add(JSONNode item) {
if (_type != NodeType.Array) throw new InvalidJSONNodeException();
/** If we are an array or object, returns the size, otherwise returns 0. */
public int Count {
get {
switch (_type) {
case NodeType.Array: return _arrayValue.Count;
case NodeType.Object: return _objectValue.Count;
default: return 0;
/** True if the value of this node is exactly null. */
public bool IsNull {
get { return _type == NodeType.Null; }
public static implicit operator bool(JSONNode n) {
return n._type == NodeType.Bool ? n._boolValue : false;
public static implicit operator JSONNode(bool v) {
return new JSONNode(v);
/** Returns a native value representation of our value. */
public object Value {
get {
switch (_type) {
case NodeType.Invalid:
return null;//we don't get here.
case NodeType.String:
return _stringValue;
case NodeType.Number:
return _numberValue;
case NodeType.Object:
return _objectValue;
case NodeType.Array:
return _arrayValue;
case NodeType.Bool:
return _boolValue;
case NodeType.Null:
return null;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
/** Serializes the JSON node and returns a JSON string. */
public string AsJSON {
get {
return JSONParser.Serialize(this);
public class InvalidJSONNodeException : Exception {}