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246 lines
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246 lines
9.1 KiB
2 years ago
// Copyright (c) 2014 Marmoset LLC
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class LayerInspector : MaterialEditor {
// draws a standard material property, optionally disabled, and either compact or full-sized.
// minimal flag on texture properties means hide UV tiling.
private void DrawProperty(MaterialProperty prop, string label, string subLabel, bool disabled) {
if( prop.type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Color ) {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 134;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 84;
else if( prop.type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Texture ) {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 220;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 84;
else {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 134;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 84;
if( prop.type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Color ) {
ShaderProperty(prop, label);
else if( prop.type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Texture ) {
TextureProperty(prop, label);
/*if( subLabel.Length > 0 ) {
Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
r.x = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - 21f;
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, subLabel);
} else {
ShaderProperty(prop, label);
//Draws a property that's also a section header (usually a checkbox) along with a collapse/expand triangle. Returns true if block is expanded.
public void DrawPropertyHeader(PropertyBlock block, MaterialProperty prop, string label) {
float controlSize = 110;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = controlSize;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0;
//draw folding triangle and retrieve state
Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(0), GUILayout.Height(16));
| = EditorGUI.Foldout(r,, "", false);
if( !block.label ) {
//draw a 10-pixel checkbox or a control-sized whatever-else (combo box usually)
r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(block.checkbox ? 10 : controlSize), GUILayout.Height(16));
//draw property with label to the right
ShaderProperty(r, prop, "");
//structure defining the header of a block of material properties. The header can be enabled/disabled by a series of keywords or
//collapsed/expanded with a GUI foldout.
public class PropertyBlock {
public bool open = true; //current folded state, collapsed or expanded
public bool enabled = true; //current state of keywords enabling/disabling this block of properties
public bool checkbox = false; //if true, this property header is drawn as a checkbox left of the label, otherwise it is drawn as a combo box
public bool label = false; //if true, no property gui is drawn for this element, it is just a section label
public string[] keywords = null; //list of keywords that will toggle this block as enabled and visible
public PropertyBlock(string[] keys, bool isCheckbox) {
this.keywords = keys;
this.checkbox = isCheckbox;
public void evalKeywords( string[] matKeywords ) {
this.enabled = false;
if( this.keywords == null ) {
enabled = true;
} else {
for(int i=0; i<this.keywords.Length && !this.enabled; ++i) {
this.enabled |= matKeywords.Contains(this.keywords[i]);
private Dictionary<string, PropertyBlock> blocks = null;
public LayerInspector() {
blocks = new Dictionary<string, PropertyBlock>();
blocks.Add( "Header_Layering", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Layering"].label = true;
//blocks.Add( "Marmo_Diffuse", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Marmo_Diffuse"].label = true;
//blocks.Add( "Marmo_Specular", new PropertyBlock(new string[]{ "MARMO_SPECULAR_ON" }, true) );
//blocks.Add( "Marmo_Bump", new PropertyBlock(new string[]{ "MARMO_BUMP_ON", "MARMO_BUMP_ON" }, true) );
blocks.Add( "Header_Shared", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Shared"].label = true;
blocks.Add( "Header_Layer0", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Layer0"].label = true;
blocks.Add( "Header_Layer1", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Layer1"].label = true;
blocks.Add( "Header_Layer2", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Layer2"].label = true;
blocks.Add( "Header_Layer3", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Layer3"].label = true;
blocks.Add( "Header_Advanced", new PropertyBlock(null, true ) ); blocks["Header_Advanced"].label = true;
public override void OnInspectorGUI() {
Material targetMat = target as Material;
string[] keyWords = targetMat.shaderKeywords;
foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PropertyBlock> itr in blocks ) {
//material checkboxes
bool twoLayerOn = keyWords.Contains("MARMO_LAYER_COUNT_2_LAYER");
bool fourLayerOn = keyWords.Contains("MARMO_LAYER_COUNT_4_LAYER");
bool specOn = keyWords.Contains("MARMO_SPECULAR_ON");
bool diffSpecOn = keyWords.Contains("MARMO_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR_COMBINED_ON");
bool bumpOn = keyWords.Contains("MARMO_BUMP_ON");
bool maskOn = keyWords.Contains("MARMO_LAYER_MASK_TEXTURE_UV0") || keyWords.Contains("MARMO_LAYER_MASK_TEXTURE_UV1");
SerializedProperty theShader = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Shader");
if(isVisible && !theShader.hasMultipleDifferentValues && theShader.objectReferenceValue != null) {
MaterialProperty[] props = MaterialEditor.GetMaterialProperties(targets);
PropertyBlock headerBlock = null;
bool prevVisible = true;
for(int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++) {
if( (props[i].flags & MaterialProperty.PropFlags.HideInInspector) > 0 ) continue;
bool enabled = true;
bool visible = true;
string name = props[i].name;
string label = props[i].displayName;
string subLabel = "";
if( name == "Header_Layer1" || name == "Header_Layer2" || name == "Header_Layer3" ) {
visible = fourLayerOn;
if( name == "Header_Layer1" ) {
visible |= twoLayerOn;
//is this property a header to a new block?
bool header = blocks.ContainsKey(name);
//starting a new header
if( header && visible ) {
// if a previous block is still open, add a little space to the end (helps get a little GUI nudge when unrolling empty blocks).
if( headerBlock != null && ) {
if( headerBlock != null ) {
Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
Vector2 a =; a.x = 0;
Vector2 b =; b.x = Screen.width;
Drawing.DrawLine(a, b, Color.grey, 1f, false);
// new block started
headerBlock = blocks[name];
if(name == "_MainTex" || name == "_MainTex1" || name == "_MainTex2" || name == "_MainTex3" ) {
if( diffSpecOn ) label = "Diffuse(RGB) Specular(A)";
else label = "Diffuse(RGBA)";
if( name == "_LayerMask" ) {
visible = maskOn && (fourLayerOn || twoLayerOn);
if(name == ("_MainTex1") || name == ("_MainTex2") || name == ("_MainTex3") ||
name == ("_Color1") || name == ("_Color2") || name == ("_Color3") ||
name == ("_SpecTex1") || name == ("_SpecTex2") || name == ("_SpecTex3") ||
name == ("_Fresnel1") || name == ("_Fresnel2") || name == ("_Fresnel3") ||
name == ("_BumpMap1") || name == ("_BumpMap2") || name == ("_BumpMap3")) {
visible = fourLayerOn;
if(name == "_MainTex1" || name == "_Color1" || name == "_SpecTex1" || name == "_Fresnel1" || name == "_BumpMap1" ) {
visible |= twoLayerOn;
//unless diff-spec is enabled, bump3 and spec3 are disabled, not enough texture samplers for them
if( name == "_BumpMap3" || name == "_SpecTex3" || name == "_Fresnel3" ) {
visible &= diffSpecOn;
if(name.Contains("_SpecTex") || name.Contains("_Fresnel")) {
visible &= specOn;
if(name.Contains("_BumpMap")) {
visible &= bumpOn;
if(name == "_SpecTex" || name == "_SpecTex1" || name == "_SpecTex2" || name == "_SpecTex3") {
visible &= !diffSpecOn;
// texture tiling is copied from the texture scaleOffset fields
if( props[i].type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Texture ) {
targetMat.SetVector(name + "Tiling", props[i].textureScaleAndOffset);
// link tiling attributes of textures to the textures themselves
//NOTE: tiling settings must come immediately after texture slots
if( name.Contains("Tiling") ) { visible = prevVisible; }
if( headerBlock != null && !header ) {
visible &= headerBlock.enabled;
visible &=;
// draw each header type and update the appropriate flags
if( visible ) {
if(header) DrawPropertyHeader(headerBlock, props[i], label);
else DrawProperty(props[i], label, subLabel, !enabled);
prevVisible = visible;
if(EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) PropertiesChanged();