// Copyright (c) 2012 Michael Stevenson
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
// Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
// and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
// or substantial portions of the Software.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
public class ILConfig
public enum ShadowDepth
PrimaryRays = 1,
PrimaryAndSecondaryRays = 2
#region Data types
public class LMVec2
public float x;
public float y;
public LMVec2 ()
x = 0;
y = 0;
public LMVec2 (float x, float y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public class LMColor
public float r;
public float g;
public float b;
public float a;
public LMColor ()
this.r = 1;
this.g = 1;
this.b = 1;
this.a = 1;
public LMColor (float r, float g, float b, float a)
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;
[XmlElement(ElementName = "AASettings")]
public AASettings aaSettings = new AASettings ();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "RenderSettings")]
public RenderSettings renderSettings = new RenderSettings ();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "EnvironmentSettings")]
public EnvironmentSettings environmentSettings = new EnvironmentSettings ();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "FrameSettings")]
public FrameSettings frameSettings = new FrameSettings ();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "GISettings")]
public GISettings giSettings = new GISettings ();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "SurfaceTransferSettings")]
public SurfaceTransferSettings surfaceTransferSettings = new SurfaceTransferSettings ();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "TextureBakeSettings")]
public TextureBakeSettings textureBakeSettings = new TextureBakeSettings ();
public static ILConfig DeserializeFromPath (string path)
FileInfo info = new FileInfo (path);
if (!info.Exists) {
return null;
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof(ILConfig));
FileStream stream = new FileStream (path, FileMode.Open);
ILConfig config = (ILConfig)serializer.Deserialize (stream);
stream.Close ();
return config;
public void SerializeToPath (string path)
using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter (path, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding ("ISO-8859-1"))) {
XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces ();
ns.Add (string.Empty, string.Empty);
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof(ILConfig));
serializer.Serialize (writer, this, ns);
public string SerializeToString ()
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter ();
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof(ILConfig));
serializer.Serialize (writer, this);
return writer.ToString ();
public static ILConfig DeserializeFromString (string configString)
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof(ILConfig));
TextReader reader = new StringReader (configString);
ILConfig config = (ILConfig)serializer.Deserialize (reader);
return config;
public class FrameSettings
/// Different ways for Beast to distribute tiles over the image plane.
// public enum TileScheme
// {
// ///
// /// Render from left to right.
// ///
// LeftToRight,
// ///
// /// A way for Beast to achieve maximum coherence, e.g., the fastest rendering time possible.
// ///
// Hilbert,
// ///
// /// A good way to get an early feel for the whole picture without rendering everything.
// ///
// Random,
// ///
// /// Starts in the middle and renders outward in a spiral.
// ///
// Concentric
// }
public enum ColorCorrection
public class OutputVerbosity
public bool errorPrint = true;
public bool warningPrint = true;
public bool benchmarkPrint = false;
public bool progressPrint = true;
public bool infoPrint = false;
public bool verbosePrint = false;
/// Used for development purposes.
public bool debugPrint = false;
/// Save all log messages to a file named debug.out.
public bool debugFile = false;
public class OutputCorrection
/// Set the mode of output color correction to None, Gamma or SRGB.
/// The Beast API assumes this is set to Gamma.
public ColorCorrection colorCorrection = ColorCorrection.None;
/// A float value specifying what gamma the output data should have.
/// The Beast API assumes this is set to 2.2.
public float gamma = 1;
/// If enabled, Beast will try to auto detect the CPU configuration and use one thread per core.
public bool autoThreads = true;
/// If autoThreads is enabled, this can be used to decrease the number of utilized cores,
/// e.g. to leave one or two cores free to do other work.
public int autoThreadsSubtract = 0;
/// If autoThreads is disabled, this will set the number of threads beast uses. One per core is a good start.
public int renderThreads = 2;
/// If the output is LDR, and dither is true, the resulting image will be dithered. Default is true.
public bool dither = true;
/// A float value specifying what gamma the input data has. Always set this to 1.0 / 2.2 = 0.454545,
/// which is the gamma the Beast API assumes is used.
public float inputGamma = 1.0f;
public OutputCorrection outputCorrection = new OutputCorrection ();
/// Different ways for Beast to distribute tiles over the image plane.
// public TileScheme tileScheme = TileScheme.Hilbert;
/// A smaller tile gives better ray tracing coherence. There is no “best setting” for all scenes.
/// Default value is 32, giving 32x32 pixel tiles. The largest allowed tile size is 128.
// public int tileSize = 32;
/// If this box is checked the alpha channel value is pre multiplied into the color channel of the pixel.
/// Note that disabling premultiply alpha gives poor result if used with environment maps and other
/// non constant camera backgrounds. Disabling premultiply alpha can be convenient when composing
/// images in post.
public bool premultiply = true;
/// This is the alpha threshold for pixels to be considered opaque enough to be “un multiplied”
/// when using premultiply alpha.
public float premultiplyThreshold = 0.0f;
/// Different levels of textual output that Beast can produce.
public OutputVerbosity outputVerbosity = new OutputVerbosity ();
public class RenderSettings
/// An error threshold to avoid double intersections.
/// For example, a shadow ray should not intersect the same triangle as the primary ray did,
/// but because of limited numerical precision this can happen. The bias value moves the
/// intersection point to eliminate this problem. If set to zero this value is computed
/// automatically depending on the scene size.
public float bias = 0.005f;
/// Controls the maximum transparency depth for Global Illumination rays.
/// Used to speed up renderings with a lot of transparency (for example trees).
public int giTransparencyDepth = 2;
/// If true, light-links will be ignored and all available light sources will be used.
public bool ignoreLightLinks = false;
/// The maximum amount of "bounces" a ray can have before being considered done.
/// A bounce can be a reflection or refraction.
public int maxRayDepth = 6;
/// The maximum number of shadow rays per point that will be used to generate a soft shadow
/// for any light source. Use this to shorten render times at the price of soft shadow quality.
/// This will lower the maximum number of rays sent for any light sources that have a shadow
/// samples setting higher than this value, but will not raise the number if shadow samples
/// is set to a lower value.
public int maxShadowRays = 10000;
/// The minimum number of shadow rays that will be sent to determine if a point is lit by a
/// specific light source. Use this value to ensure that you get enough quality in soft shadows
/// at the price of render times. This will raise the minimum number of rays sent for any light
/// sources that have a minShadowSamples setting lower than this value, but will not lower the
/// number if minShadowSamples is set to a higher value. Setting this to a value higher than
/// maxShadowRays will not send more rays than maxShadowRays.
public int minShadowRays = 0;
/// The maximum amount of reflections a ray can have before being considered done.
public int reflectionDepth = 2;
/// If the intensity of the reflected contribution is less than the threshold, the ray will be terminated.
public float reflectionThreshold = 0.001f;
/// Controls which rays that spawn shadow rays. If set to 1, only primary rays spawn shadow rays.
/// If set to 2, the first secondary ray spawns a shadow ray as well.
public int shadowDepth = 2;
/// Make objects cast shadows from all light sources, not only the light-linked light sources.
public bool shadowsIgnoreLightLinks = false;
public int transparencyDepth = 50;
/// Normalize tangent space basis vectors (tangent, binormal and normal) at every intersection point.
public bool tsIntersectionNormalization = true;
/// Orthogonalize tangent space basis vectors (tangent, binormal and normal) at every intersection point.
public bool tsIntersectionOrthogonalization = true;
/// Using this setting will force Beast to mirror tangent and binormal when UV has odd winding direction.
public bool tsOddUVFlipping = true;
/// Normalize tangent space basis vectors (tangent, binormal and normal) at every vertex.
public bool tsVertexNormalization = true;
/// Orthogonalize tangent space basis vectors (tangent, binormal and normal) at every vertex.
public bool tsVertexOrthogonalization = true;
/// Triangle vertices that are closer together than this threshold will be merged into one
/// (if possible depending on other vertex data).
public float vertexMergeThreshold = 0.001f;
public class AASettings
public enum SamplingMode {
/// Anti-aliasing scheme for under/over sampling (from 1/256 up to 256 samples per pixel)
/// Anti-aliasing scheme for super sampling (from 1 up to 128 samples per pixel)
public enum Filter {
/// Each sample is treated as equally important. The fastest filter to execute but it gives blurry results.
/// Removes noise, preserves details.
/// Distant samples are considered less important.
/// Controls the minimum number of samples per pixel. Values less than 0 allows using less than one
/// sample per pixel (if AdaptiveSampling is used). Default value is 0.
public int minSampleRate = 0;
/// Controls the maximum number of samples per pixel. Default value is 0.
public int maxSampleRate = 2;
/// If the contrast differs less than this threshold Beast will consider the sampling good enough.
/// Default value is 0.1.
public float contrast = 0.1f;
/// Enable this to diagnose the sampling. The brighter a pixel is, the more samples were taken at that position.
public bool diagnose = false;
/// To work efficiently on LDR images, the sampling algorithm can clamp the intensity of the image
/// samples to the [minValue..maxValue] range. When rendering in HDR this is not desired.
/// Clamp should then be disabled.
public bool clamp = false;
public SamplingMode samplingMode = SamplingMode.Adaptive;
/// The sub-pixel filter to use. The following filters are available (default value is Box):
public Filter filter = Filter.Gauss;
/// The width and height of the filter kernel in pixels, given by setting the sub elements x and y (float).
/// Default value is 1.0 for both x and y.
public LMVec2 filterSize = new LMVec2 (2.2f, 2.2f);
/// Environment settings control what happens if a ray misses all geometry in the scene.
/// Defining an environment is usually a very good way to get very pleasing outdoor illumination results,
/// but might also increase bake times.
/// Note that environments should only be used for effects that can be considered to be infinitely far away,
/// meaning that only the directional component matters.
public class EnvironmentSettings
public enum Environment {
/// A constant color.
/// An HDR image.
/// The type of Environment: None, Skylight or IBL.
public Environment giEnvironment = Environment.None;
/// A constant environment color. In Unity: "Sky Light Color"
/// Used if type is Skylight. It is often a good idea to keep the color below 1.0 in intensity
/// to avoid boosting by gamma correction. Boost the intensity instead with the giEnvironmentIntensity setting.
public LMColor skyLightColor = new LMColor (0.86f, 0.93f, 1, 1);
/// A scale factor for Global Illumination intensity. In Unity: "Sky Light Intensity"
/// Used for avoiding gamma correction errors and to scale HDR textures to something that fits your scene.
public float giEnvironmentIntensity = 0.2f;
/// The image file to use for IBL, using an absolute path.
/// Accepts hdr or OpenEXR format. The file should be long-lat. Use giEnvironmentIntensity to boost
/// the intensity of the image.
public string iblImageFile = "";
/// Controls the appearance of the shadows, banded shadows look more aliased, but noisy shadows
/// flicker more in animations.
public float iblBandingVsNoise = 1;
/// To remove diffuse lighting from IBL, set this to false. To get the diffuse lighting
/// Final Gather could be used instead.
public bool iblEmitDiffuse = true;
/// Turns on the expensive IBL implementation. This will generate a number of (iblSamples)
/// directional lights from the image.
public bool iblEmitLight = false;
/// To remove specular highlights from IBL, set this to false.
public bool iblEmitSpecular = false;
/// Pre-blur the environment image for Global Illumination calculations. Can help to reduce noise and flicker
/// in images rendered with Final Gather. May increase render time as it is blurred at render time. It is
/// always cheaper to pre-blur the image itself in an external application before loading it into Beast.
public float iblGIEnvBlur = 0.05f;
/// Sets the intensity of the lighting.
public float iblIntensity = 1;
/// The number of samples to be taken from the image. This will affect how soft the shadows will be,
/// as well as the general lighting. The higher number of samples, the better the shadows and lighting.
public int iblSamples = 300;
/// Controls whether shadows should be created from IBL when this is used.
public bool iblShadows = true;
/// Further tweak the intensity by boosting the specular component.
public float iblSpecularBoost = 1;
/// Swap the Up Axis. Default value is false, meaning that Y is up.
public bool iblSwapYZ = false;
/// The sphere that the image is projected on can be rotated around the up axis.
/// The amount of rotation is given in degrees. Default value is 90.0 to match up with Skyshop.
public float iblTurnDome = 90;
public class GISettings
public enum ClampMaterials {
/// No clamping at all
/// clamps each color component (R, G, B) individually.
/// clamps the intensity of the color to 1. This can be useful to make sure the color of
/// a surface is preserved when clamping. If using component clamp on a color like (3, 1, 1) will
/// give the color (1, 1, 1) which means that all color bleeding is lost.
public enum Integrator {
None = 0,
FinalGather = 1,
/// Used if many indirect bounces are needed and Final Gather-only solution with acceptable
/// quality would take to much time to render.
PathTracer = 2,
MonteCarlo = 3
// Global Illumination
/// This setting controls if the materials should be clamped in any way for GI purposes.
/// Typically you can use this to avoid problems with non physical materials making your scene
/// extremely bright. This affects both the specular and diffuse components of materials.
public ClampMaterials clampMaterials = ClampMaterials.None;
/// This setting can be used to exaggerate light bouncing in dark scenes. Setting it to a value larger
/// than 1 will push the diffuse color of materials towards 1 for GI computations. The typical use case
/// is scenes authored with dark materials, this happens easily when doing only direct lighting since it’s
/// easy to compensate dark materials with strong light sources. Indirect light will be very subtle in
/// these scenes since the bounced light will fade out quickly. Setting a diffuse boost will compensate
/// for this. Note that values between 0 and 1 will decrease the diffuse setting in a similar way making
/// light bounce less than the materials says, values below 0 is invalid. The actual computation taking
/// place is a per component pow(colorComponent, (1.0 / diffuseBoost)).
public float diffuseBoost = 1;
/// This setting globally scales all materials emissive components by the specified value when
/// they are used by the GI.
public float emissiveScale = 1;
public bool enableCaustics = false;
public bool enableGI = true;
public bool ignoreNonDiffuse = true;
/// Sets the sample rate used during the GI precalculation pass. The prepass is progressive,
/// rendering from a low resolution up to a high resolution in multiple passes. The prepassMinSampleRate
/// sets the initial resolution, where a negative value means a lower resolution than the original
/// image (in powers of two), e.g. -4 gives the original resolution divided by 16. The
/// prepassMaxSampleRate sets the resolution of the final prepass, e.g 0 giving the same resolution
/// as the original resolution. The default values are -4/0.
public int prepassMaxSampleRate = 0;
/// Sets the sample rate used during the GI precalculation pass. The prepass is progressive,
/// rendering from a low resolution up to a high resolution in multiple passes. The prepassMinSampleRate
/// sets the initial resolution, where a negative value means a lower resolution than the original
/// image (in powers of two), e.g. -4 gives the original resolution divided by 16. The
/// prepassMaxSampleRate sets the resolution of the final prepass, e.g 0 giving the same resolution
/// as the original resolution. The default values are -4/0.
public int prepassMinSampleRate = -4;
/// The Global Illumination system allows you to use two separate algorithms to calculate indirect lighting.
/// You can for instance calculate multiple levels of light bounces with a fast algorithm like the
/// Path Tracer, and still calculate the final bounce with Final Gather to get a fast high-quality
/// global illumination render. Both subsystems have individual control of Intensity and Saturation
/// to boost the effects if necessary.
public Integrator primaryIntegrator = Integrator.FinalGather;
/// Tweak the amount of illumination from the primary and secondary GI integrators. This lets you boost
/// or reduce the amount of indirect light easily.
public float primaryIntensity = 1;
/// Lets you tweak the amount of color in the primary and secondary GI integrators. This lets you boost
/// or reduce the perceived saturation of the bounced light.
public float primarySaturation = 1;
/// The Global Illumination system allows you to use two separate algorithms to calculate indirect lighting.
/// You can for instance calculate multiple levels of light bounces with a fast algorithm like the
/// Path Tracer, and still calculate the final bounce with Final Gather to get a fast high-quality
/// global illumination render. Both subsystems have individual control of Intensity and Saturation
/// to boost the effects if necessary.
public Integrator secondaryIntegrator = Integrator.None;
/// Lets you tweak the amount of color in the primary and secondary GI integrators. This lets you boost
/// or reduce the perceived saturation of the bounced light.
public float secondaryIntensity = 1;
/// Lets you tweak the amount of color in the primary and secondary GI integrators. This lets you boost
/// or reduce the perceived saturation of the bounced light.
public float secondarySaturation = 1;
/// This setting can be used to exaggerate or decrease specular light effects. All materials specular
/// color is multiplied by this factor when they are used by the GI.
public float specularScale = 1;
// Final Gather
public enum Cache {
/// (Brute Force) disables caching and performs a final gathering for every shading point
/// (same as Monte Carlo).
/// caches the irradiance at selected points in the scene and uses interpolation in between the points.
/// This is the default method.
/// caches radiance SH functions at selected points in the scene and uses interpolation in
/// between the points. The radiance cache is very useful in some advanced baking passes
/// (e.g. Radiosity Normal Maps), where directional indirect lighting is needed.
/// Can be used to adjust the contrast for ambient occlusion.
public float fgAOContrast = 1;
/// Controls a scaling of Final Gather with Ambient Occlusion which can be used to boost shadowing and get
/// more contrast in you lighting. The value controls how much Ambient Occlusion to blend into the
/// Final Gather solution.
public float fgAOInfluence = 0;
/// Max distance for the occlusion. Beyond this distance a ray is considered to be visible.
/// Can be used to avoid full occlusion for closed scenes.
public float fgAOMaxDistance = 0.3f;
/// A scaling of the occlusion values. Can be used to increase or decrease the shadowing effect.
public float fgAOScale = 2;
/// Visualize just the ambient occlusion values. Useful when tweaking the occlusion sampling options.
public bool fgAOVisualize = false;
/// The distance where attenuation is started. There is no attenuation before this distance.
/// Note that fgAttenuationStop must be set higher than 0.0 to enable attenuation.
public float fgAttenuationStart = 0;
/// Sets the distance where attenuation is stopped (fades to zero). There is zero intensity beyond this
/// distance. To enable attenuation set this value higher than 0.0. The default value is 0.0.
public float fgAttenuationStop = 0;
/// When this is enabled final gather will also cache lighting from light sources. This increases performance
/// since fewer direct light calculations are needed. It gives an approximate result, and hence can affect
/// the quality of the lighting. For instance indirect light bounces from specular highlights might be lost.
/// However this caching is only done for depths higher than 1, so the quality of direct light and shadows
/// in the light map will not be reduced.
public bool fgCacheDirectLight = false;
/// Turn this on to reduce light leakage through walls. When points are collected to interpolate between,
/// some of them can be located on the other side of geometry.
/// As a result light will bleed through the geometry. So to prevent this Beast can reject points
/// that are not visible.
public bool fgCheckVisibility = true;
public float fgCheckVisibilityDepth = 1;
/// Turn this on to clamp the sampled values to [0, 1]. This will reduce high frequency noise when
/// Final Gather is used together with other Global Illumination algorithms.
public bool fgClampRadiance = false;
/// Controls how sensitive the final gather should be for contrast differences between the points
/// during pre calculation. If the contrast difference is above this threshold for neighbouring points,
/// more points will be created in that area. This tells the algorithm to place points where they are really
/// needed, e.g. at shadow boundaries or in areas where the indirect light changes quickly. Hence this
/// threshold controls the number of points created in the scene adaptively. Note that if a low number of
/// final gather rays are used, the points will have high variance and hence a high contrast difference,
/// so in that case you might need to increase the contrast threshold to prevent points from clumping together.
public float fgContrastThreshold = 0.05f;
/// Sets the number of indirect light bounces calculated by final gather. A value higher than 1 will produce
/// more global illumination effects, but note that it can be quite slow since the number of rays will increase
/// exponentially with the depth. It’s often better to use a fast method for secondary GI. If a secondary GI is
/// used the number of set final gather bounces will be calculated first, before the secondary GI is called.
/// So in most cases the depth should be set to 1 if a secondary GI is used.
public int fgDepth = 1;
/// Sets the minimum number of points that should be used when estimating final gather in the pre calculation
/// pass. The impact is that a higher value will create more points all over the scene. The default value 15
/// rarely needs to be adjusted.
public int fgEstimatePoints = 15;
public bool fgExploitFrameCoherence = false;
/// This can be used to adjust the rate by which lighting falls off by distance. A higher exponent gives a
/// faster falloff. Note that fgAttenuationStop must be set higher than 0.0 to enable attenuation.
public float fgFalloffExponent = 0;
/// Controls how the irradiance gradient is used in the interpolation. Each point stores it’s irradiance
/// gradient which can be used to improve the interpolation. However in some situations using the gradient
/// can result in white ”halos” and other artifacts. This threshold can be used to reduce those artifacts.
public float fgGradientThreshold = 0.5f;
/// Sets the number of final gather points to interpolate between. A higher value will give a smoother result,
/// but can also smooth out details. If light leakage is introduced through walls when this value is increased,
/// checking the sample visibility solves that problem, see fgCheckVisibility below.
public int fgInterpolationPoints = 15;
/// Controls how far away from walls the final gather will be called again, instead of the secondary GI.
/// If 0.0 is used a value will be calculated by Beast depending on the secondary GI used. The calculated
/// value is printed in the output window. If you still get leakage you can adjust this by manually typing
/// in a higher value.
public float fgLightLeakRadius = 0;
/// This setting can be used to reduce light leakage through walls when using final gather as primary GI and
/// path tracing as secondary GI. Leakage, which can happen when e.g. the path tracer filters in values on the
/// other side of a wall, is reduced by using final gather as a secondary GI fallback when sampling close to
/// walls or corners. When this is enabled a final gather depth of 3 will be used automatically, but the higher
/// depths will only be used close to walls or corners. Note that this is only used when path tracing is set
/// as secondary GI.
public bool fgLightLeakReduction = false;
/// The max distance a ray can be traced before it’s considered to be a “miss”.
/// This can improve performance in very large scenes. If the value is set to 0.0 the entire scene will be used.
public float fgMaxRayLength = 0;
/// Controls how sensitive the final gather should be for differences in the points normals.
/// A lower value will give more points in areas of high curvature.
public float fgNormalThreshold = 0.2f;
/// Turn this on to visualize the final gather prepass. Using the Preview Calculation Pass enables a quick
/// preview of the final image lighting, reducing lighting setup time.
public bool fgPreview = false;
/// Sets the maximum number of rays to use for each Final Gather sample point.
/// A higher number gives higher quality, but longer rendering time.
public int fgRays = 1000;
/// Selects what caching method to use for final gathering.
public Cache fgUseCache = Cache.Irradiance;
// PathTracer
/// Selects the filter to use when querying the cache during rendering. None will return the closest
/// cache point (unfiltered). The filter type can be set to None, Box, Gauss or Triangle.
public enum PTFilterType {
/// Sets the number of paths that are traced for each sample element (pixel, texel or vertex).
/// For preview renderings, you can use a low value like 0.5 or 0.1, which means
/// that half of the pixels or 1/10 of the pixels will generate a path. For production renderings
/// you can use values above 1.0, if needed to get good quality.
public float ptAccuracy = 1;
/// When this is enabled the path tracer will also cache lighting from light sources. This increases
/// performance since fewer direct light calculations are needed. It gives an approximate result, and
/// hence can affect the quality of the lighting. For instance indirect light bounces from specular
/// highlights might be lost.
public bool ptCacheDirectLight = false;
/// Turn this on to reduce light leakage through walls. When points are collected to interpolate between,
/// some of them can be located on the other side of geometry. As a result light will bleed through the
/// geometry. So to prevent this Beast can reject points that are not visible.
public bool ptCheckVisibility = true;
public float ptConservativeEnergyLimit = 0.95f;
public LMColor ptDefaultColor = new LMColor (0, 0, 0, 1);
public int ptDepth = 5;
public bool ptDiffuseIllum = true;
public string ptFile = "";
/// Sets the size of the filter as a multiplier of the Cache Point Spacing value. For example;
/// a value of 3.0 will use a filter that is three times larges then the cache point spacing.
/// If this value is below 1.0 there is no guarantee that any cache point is found. If no cache
/// point is found the Default Color will be returned instead for that query.
public float ptFilterSize = 3;
/// Selects the filter to use when querying the cache during rendering. None will return the closest
/// cache point (unfiltered). The filter type can be set to None, Box, Gauss or Triangle.
public PTFilterType ptFilterType = PTFilterType.Gauss;
/// Sets the amount of normal deviation that is allowed during cache point filtering. ptFilterType
/// Selects the filter to use when querying the cache during rendering. None will return the closest
/// cache point (unfiltered). The filter type can be set to None, Box, Gauss or Triangle.
public float ptNormalThreshold = 0.7f;
/// Sets the maximum distance between the points in the path tracer cache. If set to 0 a value will be
/// calculated automatically based on the size of the scene. The automatic value will be printed out
/// during rendering, which is a good starting value if the point spacing needs to be adjusted.
public float ptPointSize = 0;
/// If enabled the cache points will be pre-filtered before the final pass starts. This increases the
/// performance using the final render pass.
public bool ptPrecalcIrradiance = true;
/// If enabled the pre-render pass will be visible in the render view.
public bool ptPreview = false;
public bool ptSpecularIllum = true;
public bool ptTransmissiveIllum = true;
// Monte Carlo
/// Sets the number of indirect light bounces calculated by monte carlo.
public int mcDepth = 2;
/// The max distance a ray can be traced before it’s considered to be a “miss”. This can improve
/// performance in very large scenes. If the value is set to 0.0 the entire scene will be used.
public float mcMaxRayLength = 0;
/// Sets the number of rays to use for each calculation. A higher number gives higher quality,
/// but longer rendering time.
public int mcRays = 16;
public class ADSSettings
public enum Instancing {
/// Never use instancing while rendering.
/// Use instancing whenever a shape is used more than once (default).
public int gridDensity = 1;
/// Decides how deep the Acceleration Data Structure can subdivide.
public int gridMaxDepth = 4;
/// Decides how many triangles that can reside in a leaf before it is split up. The Recursion Depth
/// has precedence over the threshold. A leaf at max depth will never be split. The Recursion Depth
/// and Recursion Threshold are advanced settings that shouldn't be altered unless Acceleration Data
/// Structures are second nature to you.
public int gridThreshold = 25;
/// Specifies the minimum number of triangles that an instance is allowed to have in order
/// for geometry instancing to be used.
public int instancingThreshold = 500;
/// This tag lets the user control if instances should be used or not during rendering.
/// Instancing allows the user to place a single shape in several different places, each with an
/// individual transform. This preserves disk space and will lower memory consumption when rendering,
/// but might increase render times quite a bit if there are many large instances.
public Instancing useInstancing = Instancing.AutoDetect;
/// Beast uses specialized vector instructions to speed up the rendering. The cost is higher memory usage.
/// Turn off SSE if Beast starts swapping.
public bool useSSE = true;
public class SurfaceTransferSettings
public enum SelectionMode {
public float frontRange = 0;
public float frontBias = 0;
public float backRange = 2;
public float backBias = -1;
public SelectionMode selectionMode = SelectionMode.Normal;
public class TextureBakeSettings
public LMColor bgColor = new LMColor (1, 1, 1, 1);
/// Counteract unwanted light seams for tightly packed UV patches.
public bool bilinearFilter = true;
/// Find pixels which are only partially covered by the UV map.
public bool conservativeRasterization = true;
/// Expands the lightmap with the number of pixels specified to avoid black borders.
public int edgeDilation = 3;