using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace UIWidgets
/// Notify.
/// Manage notifications.
/// How to use:
/// 1. Create container or containers with layout component. Notifications will be shown in those containers. You can check how it works with NotifyContainer in sample scene.
/// 2. Create template for notification with Notify component.
/// 3. If you want change text in runtime set Text property in Notify component.
/// 4. If you want close notification by button set Hide button property in Notify component.
/// 5. Write code to show notification
/// notifyPrefab.Template().Show("Sticky Notification. Click on the × above to close.");
/// notifyPrefab.Template() - return the notification instance by template name.
/// Show("Sticky Notification. Click on the × above to close.") - show notification with following text;
/// or
/// Show(message: "Simple Notification.", customHideDelay = 4.5f, hideAnimation = UIWidgets.Notify.AnimationCollapse, slideUpOnHide = false);
/// Show notification with following text, hide it after 4.5 seconds, run specified animation on hide without SlideUpOnHide.
public class Notify : MonoBehaviour, ITemplatable
Button hideButton;
/// Gets or sets the button that close current notification.
/// The hide button.
public Button HideButton {
get {
return hideButton;
set {
if (hideButton!=null)
hideButton = value;
if (hideButton!=null)
Text text;
/// Gets or sets the text component.
/// The text.
public Text Text {
get {
return text;
set {
text = value;
float HideDelay = 10f;
bool unscaledTime;
bool isTemplate = true;
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is template.
/// true if this instance is template; otherwise, false.
public bool IsTemplate {
get {
return isTemplate;
set {
isTemplate = value;
/// Gets the name of the template.
/// The name of the template.
public string TemplateName {
static Templates templates;
/// Notify templates.
public static Templates Templates {
get {
if (templates==null)
templates = new Templates(AddCloseCallback);
return templates;
set {
templates = value;
/// Function used to run show animation.
public Func ShowAnimation;
/// Function used to run hide animation.
public Func HideAnimation;
Func oldShowAnimation;
Func oldHideAnimation;
IEnumerator showCorutine;
IEnumerator hideCorutine;
/// Start slide up animations after hide current notification. Turn it off if its managed with HideAnimation.
public bool SlideUpOnHide = true;
void Awake()
if (IsTemplate)
/// Finds the templates.
static void FindTemplates()
void OnDestroy()
HideButton = null;
if (!IsTemplate)
templates = null;
return ;
//if FindTemplates never called than TemplateName==null
if (TemplateName!=null)
/// Clears the cached instance of templates.
static public void ClearCache()
/// Clears the cached instance of specified template.
/// Template name.
static public void ClearCache(string templateName)
/// Gets the template by name.
/// The template.
/// Template name.
static public Notify GetTemplate(string template)
return Templates.Get(template);
/// Deletes the template by name.
/// Template.
static public void DeleteTemplate(string template)
/// Adds the template.
/// Template name.
/// Notify template object.
/// If set to true replace.
static public void AddTemplate(string template, Notify notifyTemplate, bool replace = true)
Templates.Add(template, notifyTemplate, replace);
/// Return notification by the specified template name.
/// Template name.
static public Notify Template(string template)
return Templates.Instance(template);
/// Return Notify instance using current instance as template.
public Notify Template()
if ((TemplateName!=null) && Templates.Exists(TemplateName))
//do nothing
else if (!Templates.Exists(
Templates.Add(, this);
else if (Templates.Get(!=this)
Templates.Add(, this);
return Templates.Instance(;
/// Adds the close callback.
/// Notify.
static void AddCloseCallback(Notify notify)
if (notify.hideButton==null)
return ;
/// Time between previous notification was hidden and next will be showed.
public float SequenceDelay;
/// The notify manager.
static NotifySequenceManager notifyManager;
/// Gets the notify manager.
/// The notify manager.
static public NotifySequenceManager NotifyManager {
get {
if (notifyManager==null)
var go = new GameObject("NotifySequenceManager");
notifyManager = go.AddComponent();
return notifyManager;
/// Show the notification.
/// Message.
/// Custom hide delay.
/// Container. Parent object for current notification.
/// Function used to run show animation.
/// Function used to run hide animation.
/// Start slide up animations after hide current notification.
/// Add notification to sequence and display in order according specified sequenceType.
/// Time between previous notification was hidden and next will be showed.
/// Clear notifications sequence and hide current notification.
/// Use unscaled time.
public void Show(string message = null,
float? customHideDelay = null,
Transform container = null,
Func showAnimation = null,
Func hideAnimation = null,
bool? slideUpOnHide = null,
NotifySequence sequenceType = NotifySequence.None,
float sequenceDelay = 0.3f,
bool clearSequence = false,
bool? newUnscaledTime = null)
if (clearSequence)
SequenceDelay = sequenceDelay;
oldShowAnimation = ShowAnimation;
oldHideAnimation = HideAnimation;
if (container!=null)
transform.SetParent(container, false);
if (newUnscaledTime!=null)
unscaledTime = (bool)newUnscaledTime;
if (customHideDelay!=null)
HideDelay = (float)customHideDelay;
if (slideUpOnHide!=null)
SlideUpOnHide = (bool)slideUpOnHide;
if (showAnimation!=null)
ShowAnimation = showAnimation;
if (hideAnimation!=null)
HideAnimation = hideAnimation;
if (sequenceType!=NotifySequence.None)
NotifyManager.Add(this, sequenceType);
public virtual void SetMessage(string message)
if ((message!=null) && (Text!=null))
Text.text = message;
Action OnHideCallback;
/// Display notification.
/// On hide callback.
public void Display(Action onHideCallback=null)
OnHideCallback = onHideCallback;
if (ShowAnimation!=null)
showCorutine = ShowAnimation(this);
showCorutine = null;
if (HideDelay > 0.0f)
hideCorutine = HideCorutine();
hideCorutine = null;
IEnumerator HideCorutine()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(HideDelay);
if (HideAnimation!=null)
yield return StartCoroutine(HideAnimation(this));
/// Hide notification.
public void Hide()
if (SlideUpOnHide)
if (OnHideCallback!=null)
/// Return this instance to cache.
public void Return()
ShowAnimation = oldShowAnimation;
HideAnimation = oldHideAnimation;
static Stack slides = new Stack();
RectTransform GetSlide()
RectTransform rect;
if (slides.Count==0)
var obj = new GameObject("SlideUp");
rect = obj.AddComponent();
//change height don't work without graphic component
var image = obj.AddComponent();
image.color = Color.clear;
rect = (slides.Count > 0) ? slides.Pop() : GetSlide();
while (rect==null);
return rect;
/// Slides up.
void SlideUp()
var rect = GetSlide();
SlideUp slide = rect.GetComponent();
slide.UnscaledTime = unscaledTime;
var sourceRect = transform as RectTransform;
rect.localRotation = sourceRect.localRotation;
rect.localPosition = sourceRect.localPosition;
rect.localScale = sourceRect.localScale;
rect.anchorMin = sourceRect.anchorMin;
rect.anchorMax = sourceRect.anchorMax;
rect.anchoredPosition = sourceRect.anchoredPosition;
rect.anchoredPosition3D = sourceRect.anchoredPosition3D;
rect.sizeDelta = sourceRect.sizeDelta;
rect.pivot = sourceRect.pivot;
rect.transform.SetParent(transform.parent, false);
/// Returns slide to cache.
/// Slide.
public static void FreeSlide(RectTransform slide)
/// Rotate animation.
/// Notify.
static public IEnumerator AnimationRotate(Notify notify)
var rect = notify.transform as RectTransform;
var start_rotarion = rect.localRotation.eulerAngles;
var length = 0.5f;
var end_time = Time.time + length;
while (Time.time <= end_time)
var rotation_x = Mathf.Lerp(0, 90, 1 - (end_time - Time.time) / length);
rect.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation_x, start_rotarion.y, start_rotarion.z);
yield return null;
//return rotation back for future use
rect.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(start_rotarion);
/// Rotate animation.
/// Notify.
static public IEnumerator AnimationRotateUnscaledTime(Notify notify)
var rect = notify.transform as RectTransform;
var start_rotarion = rect.localRotation.eulerAngles;
var length = 0.5f;
var end_time = Time.unscaledTime + length;
while (Time.unscaledTime <= end_time)
var rotation_x = Mathf.Lerp(0, 90, 1 - (end_time - Time.unscaledTime) / length);
rect.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation_x, start_rotarion.y, start_rotarion.z);
yield return null;
//return rotation back for future use
rect.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(start_rotarion);
/// Collapse animation.
/// Notify.
static public IEnumerator AnimationCollapse(Notify notify)
var rect = notify.transform as RectTransform;
var layout = notify.GetComponentInParent();
var max_height = rect.rect.height;
var speed = 200f;
var time = max_height / speed;
var end_time = Time.time + time;
while (Time.time <= end_time)
var height = Mathf.Lerp(max_height, 0, 1 - (end_time - Time.time) / time);
rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, height);
if (layout!=null)
yield return null;
//return height back for future use
rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, max_height);
/// Collapse animation.
/// Notify.
static public IEnumerator AnimationCollapseUnscaledTime(Notify notify)
var rect = notify.transform as RectTransform;
var layout = notify.GetComponentInParent();
var max_height = rect.rect.height;
var speed = 200f;
var time = max_height / speed;
var end_time = Time.unscaledTime + time;
while (Time.unscaledTime <= end_time)
var height = Mathf.Lerp(max_height, 0, 1 - (end_time - Time.unscaledTime) / time);
rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, height);
if (layout!=null)
yield return null;
//return height back for future use
rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, max_height);