You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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minMaxState: 1 |
UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
scalar: 0.9999 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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animationType: 0 |
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cycles: 1 |
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randomRow: 1 |
VelocityModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
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ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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dampen: 1 |
SizeBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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scalar: 1 |
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separateAxes: 0 |
RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 0 |
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scalar: 0.7853982 |
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separateAxes: 0 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
maxGradient: |
key0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key4: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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atime4: 0 |
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atime6: 0 |
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m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
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rgba: 4294967295 |
key1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key4: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key7: |
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m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
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maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
minMaxState: 1 |
range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
CollisionModule: |
enabled: 1 |
serializedVersion: 3 |
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plane5: {fileID: 0} |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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- time: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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m_Bounce: |
scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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- time: 1 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_EnergyLossOnCollision: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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- time: 1 |
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minKillSpeed: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
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collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
interiorCollisions: 1 |
TriggerModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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SubModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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subEmitterCollision1: {fileID: 0} |
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subEmitterDeath1: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!198 &198000011564428984 |
ParticleSystem: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PreInfinity: 2 |
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speed: 1 |
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looping: 1 |
prewarm: 0 |
playOnAwake: 1 |
moveWithTransform: 1 |
scalingMode: 1 |
InitialModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
enabled: 1 |
startLifetime: |
scalar: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- time: 0 |
value: 0.75 |
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EmissionModule: |
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SizeModule: |
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ColorModule: |
enabled: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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rgba: 4294967295 |
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UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
scalar: 0.9999 |
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VelocityModule: |
enabled: 1 |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
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ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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scalar: 1 |
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randomizePerFrame: 0 |
ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 37.34 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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SizeBySpeedModule: |
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RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
maxGradient: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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CollisionModule: |
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maxKillSpeed: 10000 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
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collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
interiorCollisions: 1 |
TriggerModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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enabled: 0 |
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subEmitterCollision1: {fileID: 0} |
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subEmitterDeath1: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!198 &198000011653200440 |
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speed: 1 |
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playOnAwake: 1 |
moveWithTransform: 1 |
scalingMode: 1 |
InitialModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
enabled: 1 |
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scalar: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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startSize: |
scalar: 1.2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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randomizeRotationDirection: 0 |
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ShapeModule: |
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EmissionModule: |
enabled: 1 |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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rate: |
scalar: 3333 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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time2: 0 |
time3: 0 |
m_BurstCount: 0 |
SizeModule: |
enabled: 1 |
curve: |
scalar: 2 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- time: 0 |
value: 0.5000001 |
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value: 0.55102056 |
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- time: 1 |
value: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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y: |
scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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z: |
scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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separateAxes: 0 |
RotationModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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scalar: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_RotationOrder: 0 |
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curve: |
scalar: 1.5707963 |
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m_Curve: |
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ColorModule: |
enabled: 1 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
maxGradient: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 3321888767 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key4: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
minMaxState: 1 |
UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
scalar: 0.9999 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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tilesX: 1 |
tilesY: 1 |
animationType: 0 |
rowIndex: 0 |
cycles: 1 |
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randomRow: 1 |
VelocityModule: |
enabled: 1 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
m_Mode: 0 |
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scalar: 0 |
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ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 0 |
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ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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dampen: 1 |
SizeBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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scalar: 1 |
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separateAxes: 0 |
RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 0 |
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y: |
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m_PostInfinity: 2 |
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curve: |
scalar: 0.7853982 |
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range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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maxGradient: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key4: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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CollisionModule: |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
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collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
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TriggerModule: |
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subEmitterDeath1: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!198 &198000012409442090 |
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speed: 1 |
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prewarm: 0 |
playOnAwake: 1 |
moveWithTransform: 1 |
scalingMode: 1 |
InitialModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 5 |
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rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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EmissionModule: |
enabled: 1 |
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SizeModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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scalar: 0.7853982 |
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ColorModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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key3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key6: |
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m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
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minMaxState: 1 |
UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
scalar: 0.9999 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
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outSlope: 1 |
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VelocityModule: |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
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ForceModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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scalar: 1 |
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SizeBySpeedModule: |
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scalar: 1 |
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separateAxes: 0 |
RotationBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 0 |
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range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
ColorBySpeedModule: |
enabled: 0 |
gradient: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
maxGradient: |
key0: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key1: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key3: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key4: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 4294967295 |
key2: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
rgba: 0 |
key4: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key5: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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key6: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
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m_NumAlphaKeys: 2 |
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maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} |
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range: {x: 0, y: 1} |
CollisionModule: |
enabled: 0 |
serializedVersion: 3 |
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plane5: {fileID: 0} |
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scalar: 0 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
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scalar: 1 |
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m_EnergyLossOnCollision: |
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maxKillSpeed: 10000 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Bits: 4294967295 |
maxCollisionShapes: 256 |
quality: 0 |
voxelSize: 0.5 |
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collidesWithDynamic: 1 |
interiorCollisions: 1 |
TriggerModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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SubModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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subEmitterCollision1: {fileID: 0} |
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subEmitterDeath1: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!198 &198000013709942514 |
ParticleSystem: |
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looping: 1 |
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playOnAwake: 1 |
moveWithTransform: 1 |
scalingMode: 1 |
InitialModule: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
enabled: 1 |
startLifetime: |
scalar: 1.5 |
maxCurve: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- time: 0 |
value: 0.8 |
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serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Curve: |
- time: 0 |
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SizeModule: |
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m_Curve: |
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RotationModule: |
enabled: 1 |
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ColorModule: |
enabled: 1 |
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rgba: 4294967295 |
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UVModule: |
enabled: 0 |
frameOverTime: |
scalar: 0.9999 |
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VelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
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InheritVelocityModule: |
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ForceModule: |
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ExternalForcesModule: |
enabled: 0 |
multiplier: 1 |
ClampVelocityModule: |
enabled: 0 |
x: |
scalar: 1 |
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y: |
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