2 years ago
41 changed files with 3806 additions and 335 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="tab-bar"> |
<view v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" class="tab-bar-item" @click="switchTab(item, index)"> |
<image class="tab_img" :src="selected === index ? item.selectedIconPath : item.iconPath"></image> |
<view class="tab_text" :style="{color: selected === index ? selectedColor : color}">{{item.text}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
name: "tabbar", |
props: { |
//从父级继承过来的属性 需要在父级中使用:pagePath='pagePath', |
pagePath: String, |
selected: { // 当前选中的tab index |
type: Number, |
default: 0 |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
isSupervisor: false, |
shenfen: '', |
color: "#333333", |
selectedColor: "#333333", |
list: [] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
let roles = uni.getStorageSync("user").roles |
let isSupervisor = roles.find(item => { |
return item.name.indexOf('检查') != -1 |
}) |
isSupervisor ? this.isSupervisor = true : this.isSupervisor = false |
this.shenfen = uni.getStorageSync("user").organizationLevel |
}, |
mounted() { |
//救援站或者检查员 |
if (this.shenfen == 'squadron' || (this.shenfen == 'battalion' && this.isSupervisor)) { |
this.list = [{ |
"pagePath": "/pages/index/index", |
"iconPath": "/static/tab/43251.png", |
"selectedIconPath": "/static/tab/4325.png", |
"text": "工作任务" |
}, |
{ |
"pagePath": "/pages/task/taskapply", |
"iconPath": "/static/tab/43281.png", |
"selectedIconPath": "/static/tab/4328.png", |
"text": "申请" |
}, |
{ |
"pagePath": "/pages/task/taskreceive", |
"iconPath": "/static/tab/43281.png", |
"selectedIconPath": "/static/tab/4328.png", |
"text": "领取" |
}, |
{ |
"pagePath": "/pages/user/user", |
"iconPath": "/static/tab/user.png", |
"selectedIconPath": "/static/tab/user1.png", |
"text": "我的" |
} |
] |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
switchTab(item, index) { |
console.log("item", item) |
console.log("index", index) |
let url = item.pagePath; |
uni.switchTab({ |
url |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.tab-bar { |
position: fixed; |
bottom: 0; |
left: 0; |
right: 0; |
height: 100rpx; |
background: white; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom); // 适配iphoneX的底部 |
.tab-bar-item { |
flex: 1; |
text-align: center; |
display: flex; |
justify-content: center; |
align-items: center; |
flex-direction: column; |
.tab_img { |
width: 37rpx; |
height: 41rpx; |
} |
.tab_text { |
font-size: 20rpx; |
margin-top: 9rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,726 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="page"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="pure_top"> |
</view> |
<view class="calendar"> |
<view class="date_year"> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<picker :value="dates.year" mode="date" fields="year" @change="dateYear($event)"> |
<view>{{dates.year}}</view> |
</picker> |
<img src="../../static/down.png" style="width: 30rpx;height: 30rpx; margin:10rpx 0 0 10rpx;" |
alt=""> |
</view> |
<view style="margin: 0 10rpx;">|</view> |
<view class=""> |
{{today.month}}.{{dates.day}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="monthbox"> |
<view :class="{month_color : item==dates.month,month_color2 : item>month}" class="month_class" |
v-for="(item,key) in months" :key="key" @tap="dateMonth(item)"> |
<text>{{item}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="taskbox"> |
<view class="itembox" v-for="(item,key) in user" :key="key"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>{{item.name}}任务总数</text><text>{{nub}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
<view v-if="nub" style="margin-right: 10rpx;">完成</view> |
<view class=""> |
<text v-if="nub">{{item.tasknub+'/'+nub}}件</text> |
<text v-else>暂无任务</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="charts-box" style="display: flex;"> |
<img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> |
<view v-if="identity" style="width: 50%;"> |
<qiun-data-charts type="ring" :opts="opts" :chartData="chartData" /> |
</view> |
<view |
style="width: 50%; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;"> |
<view class="tagbox" v-for="(item,key) in chartData.series[0].data" :key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text>{{item.name}}-------{{item.value}}个</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="listbox"> |
<view class="item" v-for="(item,key) in list" :key="key"> |
<view class="typebox"> |
<view |
style="width: 12rpx; height: 34rpx; margin-top: 6rpx; background-color: #9D80FF; color: #9D80FF ;"> |
1 |
</view> |
<view class="type"> |
{{item.taskType}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="namebox"> |
<view class="name"> |
{{item.company.companyName}} |
</view> |
<view style=" width: 30%; padding-left:20rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.company.useNature=='重点单位'" class="tag" style=""> |
{{item.company.useNature}} |
</view> |
<view v-else class="tag2"> |
{{item.company.useNature}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff" style="flex: 1;"> |
<view>主负责人:</view> |
<view class="zhu">{{item.organization.name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="jiancha"> |
{{item.approvalStatus}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<view style="flex:1"> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff"> |
<view>协助人员:</view> |
<view v-for="(i,k) in item.supervisors" :key="k" |
style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;"> |
<img v-if="i.posts && i.posts[0] == '主查人员'" src="../../static/447.png" alt=""> |
<img v-if="i.posts && i.posts[0] == '协查人员'" src="../../static/446.png" alt=""> |
{{i.name}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <view class="implement"> |
<button>执行</button> |
</view> --> |
</view> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff"> |
<view>检查时间:</view> |
<view>{{item.checkTime}}</view> |
</view> |
<!-- --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="implement"> |
<view class="button" v-if="item.approvalStatus=='待检查'"> |
<button @tap="start(item)">执行</button> |
</view> |
<img v-else-if="item.inspectionResult=='未发现违法违规情况'" src="@/static/zeren/4508.png" alt=""> |
<img v-else-if="item.inspectionResult=='责令限期改正'" src="@/static/zeren/4511.png" alt=""> |
<view v-else class=""> |
{{item.inspectionResult}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<tabbar :selected="0"></tabbar> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import tabbar from '@/components/tabbar.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
tabbar |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello', |
identity: 0, |
progressNub: 60, |
chartData: { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "上级指派", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "自主任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "申领任务", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
}, |
dates: { |
year: 2022, |
month: 8, |
day: 0, |
}, |
today: { |
month: 8, |
}, |
opts: { |
rotate: false, |
rotateLock: false, |
color: ["#FACE15", "#04F1C9", "#3990F1"], |
padding: [5, 5, 5, 5], |
dataLabel: false, |
legend: { |
show: false, |
fontColor: "#fff", |
position: "right", |
lineHeight: 20 |
}, |
title: { |
name: "任务总数", |
fontSize: 15, |
color: "#fff" |
}, |
subtitle: { |
name: "0", |
fontSize: 25, |
color: "#fff" |
}, |
extra: { |
ring: { |
width: 50, |
height: 50, |
ringWidth: 10, |
activeOpacity: 0.5, |
activeRadius: 10, |
offsetAngle: 0, |
labelWidth: 15, |
border: false, |
customRadius: 60, |
borderWidth: 3, |
borderColor: "#FFFFFF", |
centerColor: "#57B5FF", |
linearType: "none" |
} |
} |
}, |
user: [{ |
tasknub: 0 |
}], |
isSupervisor: false, |
list: [], |
month: 0, |
nub: 0, |
months: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
let a = uni.getStorageSync("user"); |
let date = new Date() |
this.dates.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.today.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.dates.year = date.getFullYear() |
this.dates.day = date.getDate() |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
onReady() { |
// this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
methods: { |
getOrganizations() { |
const that = this |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
let userId = uni.getStorageSync("user").id |
let roles = uni.getStorageSync("user").roles |
console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user")); |
let isSupervisor = roles.find(item => { |
return item.name.indexOf('检查') != -1 |
}) |
isSupervisor ? this.isSupervisor = true : this.isSupervisor = false |
let params = { |
ContainsChildren: true, |
pageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.$request.get("/api/Organizations", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
if (!this.isSupervisor) { |
this.user = res.items |
for (let i = 0; i < this.user.length; i++) { |
this.user[i]["tasknub"] = 0 |
this.user[i]["rate"] = 0 |
} |
} else { |
this.getSupervisor() |
} |
this.getTaskListOfStation(userId) |
}) |
}, |
getSupervisor() { |
this.$request.get("/api/Users/Inspectors", {}, (data, res) => { |
console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user").roles, 8800); |
let userName = uni.getStorageSync("user").name; |
// console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user").roles); |
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { |
if (res[i].name = userName) { |
this.user = [res[i]] |
console.log(this.user, 8070); |
for (let i = 0; i < this.user.length; i++) { |
this.user[i]["tasknub"] = 0 |
this.user[i]["rate"] = 0 |
} |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
getTaskListOfStation(item) { |
console.log(item); |
const that = this |
let OrganizationId = uni.getStorageSync("user").organizationId |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
let params = { |
Month: selectedTime, |
SupervisorId: this.isSupervisor ? item : null, |
AssitantOrganizationId: this.isSupervisor ? null : OrganizationId, |
PageNumber: 1, |
approvalStatuses: ['待检查', '已检查'], |
PageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.$request.get("/api/PlanTasks", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
this.list = res.items |
this.list["tasknub"] = 0 |
for (let e = 0; e < this.user.length; e++) { |
for (let i = 0; i < that.list.length; i++) { |
if (that.list[i].checkTime) { |
let text = that.list[i].checkTime.substring(0, 10) |
that.list[i].checkTime = text |
} |
if (that.list[i].inspectionResult != '待检查') { |
this.user[e].tasknub += 1 |
} |
} |
} |
console.log(this.list); |
this.getServerData(); |
}) |
}, |
getServerData() { |
//模拟从服务器获取数据时的延时 |
this.nub = 0 |
this.chartData = { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "上级指派", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "自主任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "申领任务", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { |
for (let e = 0; e < this.chartData.series[0].data.length; e++) { |
if (this.chartData.series[0].data[e].name == this.list[i].creationType) { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[e].value += 1 |
this.nub = this.nub + 1 |
this.opts.subtitle.name = JSON.stringify(this.nub) |
} |
} |
} |
this.identity = 1 |
}, |
dateYear(e) { |
console.log(e); |
this.dates.year = e.detail.value |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
dateMonth(e) { |
if (e > this.month) { |
return |
} |
this.dates.month = e |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
start(item) { |
console.log(item); |
// return |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/task/details?id=' + item.company.id + '&uid=' + item.id, |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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border-radius: 40rpx 40rpx 40rpx 40rpx; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.typebox { |
display: flex; |
margin: 14rpx 0; |
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// border-left: #327AFE 6rpx solid; |
font-size: 32rpx; |
font-weight: 600; |
padding-left: 10rpx; |
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text-align: right; |
color: #FF6F51; |
} |
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@ -0,0 +1,853 @@ |
<template> |
<view class="page"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="pure_top"> |
</view> |
<view class="calendar"> |
<view class="date_year"> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<picker :value="dates.year" mode="date" fields="year" @change="dateYear($event)"> |
<view>{{dates.year}}</view> |
</picker> |
<img src="../../static/down.png" style="width: 30rpx;height: 30rpx; margin:10rpx 0 0 10rpx;" |
alt=""> |
</view> |
<view style="margin: 0 10rpx;">|</view> |
<view class=""> |
{{today.month}}.{{dates.day}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="monthbox"> |
<view :class="{month_color : item==dates.month}" class="month_class" v-for="(item,key) in months" |
:key="key" @tap="dateMonth(item)"> |
<text>{{item}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="taskbox"> |
<view class="itembox" v-for="(item,key) in user" :key="key"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>{{item.name}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="charts-box" style="display: flex;"> |
<img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> |
<view v-if="identity" style="width: 50%;"> |
<qiun-data-charts type="ring" :opts="opts" :chartData="chartData" /> |
</view> |
<view |
style="width: 50%; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;"> |
<view class="tagbox" v-for="(item,key) in chartData.series[0].data" :key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text>{{item.name}}-------{{item.value}}个</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="width: 100rpx; margin-top: 10rpx;"> |
<button @tap="index=true">新增</button> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="listbox"> |
<view class="item" v-for="(item,key) in list" :key="key"> |
<view class="typebox"> |
<view |
style="width: 12rpx; height: 34rpx; margin-top: 6rpx; background-color: #9D80FF; color: #9D80FF ;"> |
1 |
</view> |
<view class="type"> |
{{item.taskType}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="namebox"> |
<view class="name"> |
{{item.company.companyName}} |
</view> |
<view style=" width: 30%; padding-left:20rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.company.useNature=='重点单位'" class="tag" style=""> |
{{item.company.useNature}} |
</view> |
<view v-else class="tag2"> |
{{item.company.useNature}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff" style="flex: 1;"> |
<view>主负责人:</view> |
<view class="zhu">{{item.organization.name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="item.approvalStatus=='通过'||item.approvalStatus=='驳回'" class="jiancha" |
:class="{jiancha_color:item.approvalStatus=='通过'}"> |
已{{item.approvalStatus}} |
</view> |
<view v-else class="jiancha" style="color: #FFBA19;"> |
{{item.approvalStatus}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<view style="flex:1"> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff"> |
<view>协助人员:</view> |
<view v-for="(i,k) in item.supervisors" :key="k" |
style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;"> |
<img v-if="i.posts && i.posts[0] == '主查人员'" src="../../static/447.png" alt=""> |
<img v-if="i.posts && i.posts[0] == '协查人员'" src="../../static/446.png" alt=""> |
{{i.name}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <view class="implement"> |
<button>执行</button> |
</view> --> |
</view> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff"> |
<view>申请时间:</view> |
<view>{{item.creationTime}}</view> |
<view class="" @tap="chakan(item)"> |
查看 |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="implement"> |
<!-- <view class="button"> |
<button @tap="start(item)">执行</button> |
</view> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="taskadd" v-if="index"> |
<view class="itembox"> |
<view class="item_top"> |
<view class=""> |
任务申领 |
</view> |
<view class="" @tap="indexs()"> |
x |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item_content" v-if="index"> |
<TaskAdd @apply="apply"></TaskAdd> |
</view> |
<view class="item_content" v-if="index2"> |
<TaskDet @apply="apply"></TaskDet> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="taskadd" v-if="index2"> |
<view class="itembox2"> |
<view class="item_top"> |
<view class=""> |
详情 |
</view> |
<view class="" @tap="indexs()"> |
x |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item_content" v-if="index2"> |
<TaskDet :cid="Cid"></TaskDet> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<tabbar :selected="1"></tabbar> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import TaskAdd from "@/components/task/add.vue" |
import TaskDet from "@/components/task/details.vue" |
import tabbar from '@/components/tabbar.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
TaskAdd, |
TaskDet, |
tabbar |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello', |
identity: 0, |
progressNub: 60, |
chartData: { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "已接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "未接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "拒绝任务", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
}, |
dates: { |
year: 2022, |
month: 8, |
day: 0, |
}, |
today: { |
month: 8, |
}, |
opts: { |
rotate: false, |
rotateLock: false, |
color: ["#FACE15", "#04F1C9", "#3990F1"], |
padding: [5, 5, 5, 5], |
dataLabel: false, |
legend: { |
show: false, |
fontColor: "#fff", |
position: "right", |
lineHeight: 20 |
}, |
title: { |
name: "任务总数", |
fontSize: 15, |
color: "#fff" |
}, |
subtitle: { |
name: "0", |
fontSize: 25, |
color: "#fff" |
}, |
extra: { |
ring: { |
width: 50, |
height: 50, |
ringWidth: 10, |
activeOpacity: 0.5, |
activeRadius: 10, |
offsetAngle: 0, |
labelWidth: 15, |
border: false, |
customRadius: 60, |
borderWidth: 3, |
borderColor: "#FFFFFF", |
centerColor: "#57B5FF", |
linearType: "none" |
} |
} |
}, |
user: [{ |
tasknub: 0 |
}], |
isSupervisor: false, |
list: [], |
nub: 0, |
index: false, |
index2: false, |
Cid: "", |
xuanchuan: false, |
months: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
let a = uni.getStorageSync("user"); |
let date = new Date() |
this.dates.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.today.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.dates.year = date.getFullYear() |
this.dates.day = date.getDate() |
// this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
onReady() { |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
methods: { |
getOrganizations() { |
const that = this |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
let userId = uni.getStorageSync("user").id |
let roles = uni.getStorageSync("user").roles |
console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user")); |
let isSupervisor = roles.find(item => { |
return item.name.indexOf('检查') != -1 |
}) |
isSupervisor ? this.isSupervisor = true : this.isSupervisor = false |
let params = { |
ContainsChildren: true, |
pageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.$request.get("/api/Organizations", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
if (!this.isSupervisor) { |
this.user = res.items |
for (let i = 0; i < this.user.length; i++) { |
this.user[i]["tasknub"] = 0 |
this.user[i]["rate"] = 0 |
} |
} else { |
this.getSupervisor() |
} |
this.getTaskListOfStation(userId) |
}) |
}, |
getSupervisor() { |
this.$request.get("/api/Users/Inspectors", {}, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
let userName = uni.getStorageSync("user").roles[0].name; |
// console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user").roles); |
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { |
if (res[i].userName = userName) { |
this.user = [res[i]] |
// console.log(this.user,8070); |
for (let i = 0; i < this.user.length; i++) { |
this.user[i]["tasknub"] = 0 |
this.user[i]["rate"] = 0 |
} |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
getTaskListOfStation(item) { |
console.log(item); |
let organizationId = uni.getStorageSync("user").organizationId |
const that = this |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
let params = { |
Month: selectedTime, |
// SupervisorId: item, |
OrganizationId: organizationId, |
CreatorId: item, |
PageNumber: 1, |
approvalStatus: '通过', |
PageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.$request.get("/api/PlanTasks", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
this.list = res.items |
this.list["tasknub"] = 0 |
for (let e = 0; e < this.user.length; e++) { |
for (let i = 0; i < that.list.length; i++) { |
for (let k = 0; k < that.list[i].supervisors.length; k++) { |
// that.list[i].supervisors[k].name=that.list[i].supervisors[k].name.slice(0,3)+"..." |
} |
if (that.list[i].creationTime) { |
let text = that.list[i].creationTime.substring(0, 10) |
that.list[i].creationTime = text |
} |
if (that.list[i].inspectionResult != '待检查') { |
this.user[e].tasknub += 1 |
} |
} |
} |
console.log(this.list); |
this.getServerData(); |
}) |
}, |
getServerData() { |
//模拟从服务器获取数据时的延时 |
this.nub = 0 |
this.chartData = { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "已接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "未接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "拒绝任务", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { |
if (this.list[i].approvalStatus == "待处理") { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[1].value += 1 |
this.nub += 1 |
} else if (this.list[i].approvalStatus == "驳回") { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[2].value += 1 |
this.nub += 1 |
} else { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[0].value += 1 |
this.nub += 1 |
} |
} |
this.opts.subtitle.name = this.nub |
this.identity = 1 |
}, |
dateYear(e) { |
console.log(e); |
this.dates.year = e.detail.value |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
dateMonth(e) { |
this.dates.month = e |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
apply() { |
let that = this; |
this.index = false |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
indexs() { |
this.index = false |
this.index2 = false |
}, |
chakan(e) { |
this.Cid = e |
this.index2 = true |
}, |
start(item) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/task/details?id=' + item.company.id, |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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@ -0,0 +1,887 @@ |
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<view class="calendar"> |
<view class="date_year"> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<picker :value="dates.year" mode="date" fields="year" @change="dateYear($event)"> |
<view>{{dates.year}}</view> |
</picker> |
<img src="../../static/down.png" style="width: 30rpx;height: 30rpx; margin:10rpx 0 0 10rpx;" |
alt=""> |
</view> |
<view style="margin: 0 10rpx;">|</view> |
<view class=""> |
{{today.month}}.{{dates.day}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="monthbox"> |
<view :class="{month_color : item==dates.month}" class="month_class" v-for="(item,key) in months" |
:key="key" @tap="dateMonth(item)"> |
<text>{{item}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="taskbox"> |
<view class="itembox" v-for="(item,key) in user" :key="key"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>{{item.name}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
</view> |
</view> |
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<img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> |
<view v-if="identity" style="width: 50%;"> |
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</view> |
<view |
style="width: 50%; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;"> |
<view class="tagbox" v-for="(item,key) in chartData.series[0].data" :key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text>{{item.name}}-------{{item.value}}个</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <view style="width: 100rpx; margin-top: 10rpx;"> |
<button @tap="index=true">新增</button> |
</view> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="listbox"> |
<view class="item" v-for="(item,key) in list" :key="key"> |
<view class="typebox"> |
<view |
style="width: 80rpx; height: 40rpx; line-height: 40rpx; border-radius: 4rpx; font-size: 26rpx; text-align: center; margin-top: 6rpx; background: #E63434; color: #fff;"> |
派发 |
</view> |
<view class="type"> |
{{item.company.companyName}} |
</view> |
<view style=" width: 30%; padding-left:20rpx;"> |
<view v-if="item.company.useNature=='重点单位'" class="tag" style=""> |
{{item.company.useNature}} |
</view> |
<view v-else class="tag2"> |
{{item.company.useNature}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="namebox"> |
<view class="name"> |
<view |
style="width: 12rpx; height: 34rpx; margin-top: 14rpx; background-color: #9D80FF; color: #9D80FF ;"> |
</view> |
<view class="type"> |
{{item.taskType}} |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff" style="flex: 1;"> |
<view>申请人:</view> |
<view class="zhu">{{item.organization.name}}</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="item.approvalStatus!='已检查'" class="jiancha" |
style="color: #FFBA19; display: flex; margin-top: -10rpx;"> |
<button @tap="tongguo(item)">同意</button> |
<button type="default" @tap="bohui(item)">驳回</button> |
</view> |
<view v-else class="jiancha" style="color: #FFBA19;"> |
{{item.approvalStatus}} |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<view style="flex:1"> |
<view class="staffbox"> |
<view class="staff"> |
<view>申请时间:</view> |
<view>{{item.creationTime}}</view> |
<view class="" @tap="chakan(item)"> |
查看 |
</view> |
</view> |
<view v-if="item.approvalStatus=='通过'||item.approvalStatus=='驳回'" class="jiancha" |
:class="{jiancha_color:item.approvalStatus=='通过'}"> |
已{{item.approvalStatus}} |
</view> |
<!-- <view v-else class="jiancha" |
style="color: #FFBA19;"> |
{{item.approvalStatus}} |
</view> --> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="implement"> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
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<view class="itembox"> |
<view class="item_top"> |
<view class=""> |
任务申领 |
</view> |
<view class="" @tap="indexs()"> |
x |
</view> |
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<TaskAdd @apply="apply"></TaskAdd> |
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<TaskDet @apply="apply"></TaskDet> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
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<view class="itembox2"> |
<view class="item_top"> |
<view class=""> |
详情 |
</view> |
<view class="" @tap="indexs()"> |
x |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item_content" v-if="index2"> |
<TaskDet :cid="Cid"></TaskDet> |
</view> |
</view> |
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</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import TaskAdd from "@/components/task/add.vue" |
import TaskDet from "@/components/task/details.vue" |
import tabbar from '@/components/tabbar.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
TaskAdd, |
TaskDet, |
tabbar |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello', |
identity: 0, |
progressNub: 60, |
chartData: { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "已接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "未接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "拒绝任务", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
}, |
dates: { |
year: 2022, |
month: 8, |
day: 0, |
}, |
today: { |
month: 8, |
}, |
opts: { |
rotate: false, |
rotateLock: false, |
color: ["#FACE15", "#04F1C9", "#3990F1"], |
padding: [5, 5, 5, 5], |
dataLabel: false, |
legend: { |
show: false, |
fontColor: "#fff", |
position: "right", |
lineHeight: 20 |
}, |
title: { |
name: "任务总数", |
fontSize: 15, |
color: "#fff" |
}, |
subtitle: { |
name: "0", |
fontSize: 25, |
color: "#fff" |
}, |
extra: { |
ring: { |
width: 50, |
height: 50, |
ringWidth: 10, |
activeOpacity: 0.5, |
activeRadius: 10, |
offsetAngle: 0, |
labelWidth: 15, |
border: false, |
customRadius: 60, |
borderWidth: 3, |
borderColor: "#FFFFFF", |
centerColor: "#57B5FF", |
linearType: "none" |
} |
} |
}, |
user: [{ |
tasknub: 0 |
}], |
isSupervisor: false, |
list: [], |
nub: 0, |
index: false, |
index2: false, |
OrganizationId: "", |
userId: "", |
Cid: "", |
xuanchuan: false, |
months: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] |
} |
}, |
onLoad() { |
let a = uni.getStorageSync("user"); |
let date = new Date() |
this.dates.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.today.month = date.getMonth() + 1 |
this.dates.year = date.getFullYear() |
this.dates.day = date.getDate() |
// this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
onReady() { |
this.getOrganizations() |
this.OrganizationId = uni.getStorageSync("user").organizationId |
this.userId = uni.getStorageSync("user").id |
}, |
methods: { |
getOrganizations() { |
const that = this |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
let userId = uni.getStorageSync("user").id |
let roles = uni.getStorageSync("user").roles |
console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user")); |
let isSupervisor = roles.find(item => { |
return item.name.indexOf('检查') != -1 |
}) |
isSupervisor ? this.isSupervisor = true : this.isSupervisor = false |
let params = { |
ContainsChildren: true, |
pageSize: 9999 |
} |
this.$request.get("/api/Organizations", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
if (!this.isSupervisor) { |
this.user = res.items |
for (let i = 0; i < this.user.length; i++) { |
this.user[i]["tasknub"] = 0 |
this.user[i]["rate"] = 0 |
} |
} else { |
this.getSupervisor() |
} |
this.getTaskListOfStation(userId) |
}) |
}, |
getSupervisor() { |
this.$request.get("/api/Users/Inspectors", {}, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
let userName = uni.getStorageSync("user").roles[0].name; |
// console.log(uni.getStorageSync("user").roles); |
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { |
if (res[i].userName = userName) { |
this.user = [res[i]] |
// console.log(this.user,8070); |
for (let i = 0; i < this.user.length; i++) { |
this.user[i]["tasknub"] = 0 |
this.user[i]["rate"] = 0 |
} |
} |
} |
}) |
}, |
getTaskListOfStation(item) { |
console.log(item); |
let organizationId = uni.getStorageSync("user").organizationId |
const that = this |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
let params = { |
Month: selectedTime, |
SupervisorId: this.isSupervisor ? this.userId : null, |
assistantOrganizationId: this.isSupervisor ? null : this.OrganizationId, |
PageNumber: 1, |
PageSize: 9999, |
approvalStatuses: ['待处理', '通过', '驳回', '待检查', '已检查'] |
} |
this.$request.get("/api/PlanTasks", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
this.list = res.items |
this.list["tasknub"] = 0 |
for (let e = 0; e < this.user.length; e++) { |
for (let i = 0; i < that.list.length; i++) { |
for (let k = 0; k < that.list[i].supervisors.length; k++) { |
// that.list[i].supervisors[k].name=that.list[i].supervisors[k].name.slice(0,3)+"..." |
} |
if (that.list[i].creationTime) { |
let text = that.list[i].creationTime.substring(0, 10) |
that.list[i].creationTime = text |
} |
if (that.list[i].inspectionResult != '待检查') { |
this.user[e].tasknub += 1 |
} |
} |
} |
console.log(this.list); |
this.getServerData(); |
}) |
}, |
getServerData() { |
//模拟从服务器获取数据时的延时 |
this.nub = 0 |
this.chartData = { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "已接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "未接任务", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "拒绝任务", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < this.list.length; i++) { |
if (this.list[i].approvalStatus == "待处理") { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[1].value += 1 |
this.nub += 1 |
} else if (this.list[i].approvalStatus == "驳回") { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[2].value += 1 |
this.nub += 1 |
} else { |
this.chartData.series[0].data[0].value += 1 |
this.nub += 1 |
} |
} |
this.opts.subtitle.name = this.nub |
this.identity = 1 |
}, |
dateYear(e) { |
console.log(e); |
this.dates.year = e.detail.value |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
dateMonth(e) { |
this.dates.month = e |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
apply() { |
let that = this; |
this.index = false |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
indexs() { |
this.index = false |
this.index2 = false |
}, |
chakan(e) { |
this.Cid = e |
this.index2 = true |
}, |
tongguo(item) { |
// console.log(item); |
let params = { |
approvalStatus: '通过' |
} |
this.$request.post('/api/PlanTasks/Approval/' + item.id + '?approvalStatus=' + '通过', null, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
this.getOrganizations() |
}) |
}, |
bohui(item) { |
this.$request.post('/api/PlanTasks/Approval/' + item.id + '?approvalStatus=' + '驳回', null, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
this.getOrganizations() |
}) |
}, |
start(item) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/task/details?id=' + item.company.id, |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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@ -0,0 +1,885 @@ |
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<view class="calendar"> |
<view class="date_year"> |
<view style="display: flex;"> |
<picker :value="dates.year" mode="date" fields="year" @change="dateYear($event)"> |
<view>{{dates.year}}</view> |
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<img src="@/static/down.png" style="width: 30rpx;height: 30rpx; margin:10rpx 0 0 10rpx;" alt=""> |
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<view style="margin: 0 10rpx;">|</view> |
<view class=""> |
{{today.month}}.{{dates.day}} |
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<view class="monthbox"> |
<view :class="{month_color : item==dates.month,month_color2 : item>month}" class="month_class" |
v-for="(item,key) in months" :key="key" @tap="dateMonth(item)"> |
<text>{{item}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="taskbox"> |
<view class="itembox"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>任务总数</text><text>{{nub}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
<view v-if="nub" style="margin-right: 10rpx;">完成</view> |
<view class=""> |
<text v-if="nub">{{num}}/{{nub}}件</text> |
<text v-else>暂无任务</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="charts-box" style="display: flex;"> |
<!-- <img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> --> |
<view style="width: 40%;"> |
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<view style=" width: 60%; display: flex;flex-wrap:wrap"> |
<view class="tagbox" style="width: 50%;" v-for="(item,key) in chartData.series[0].data" |
:key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text style="font-size: 24rpx;">{{item.name}}</text> |
<view style="font-size: 28rpx; flex:1;text-align: right;padding-right: 10rpx;"> |
{{item.value}}个 |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="itembox"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>指派任务任务总数</text><text>{{nub2}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
<view v-if="nub2" style="margin-right: 10rpx;">完成</view> |
<view class=""> |
<text v-if="nub">{{num2}}/{{nub2}}件</text> |
<text v-else>暂无任务</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="charts-box" style="display: flex;"> |
<!-- <img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> --> |
<view v-if="identity" style="width: 40%;"> |
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<view |
style="width: 60%; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;"> |
<view class="tagbox" v-for="(item,key) in chartData2.series[0].data" :key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts2.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text>{{item.name}}-----{{item.value}}个</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="itembox"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>申领任务总数</text><text>{{countStat.statistics3.num}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
<view v-if="countStat.statistics3.percentageComplete" style="margin-right: 10rpx;">完成率: |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
<text |
v-if="countStat.statistics3.percentageComplete">{{countStat.statistics3.percentageComplete}}%</text> |
<text v-else>暂无任务</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="charts-box"> |
<view class="title" style="display: flex;"> |
<view class=""> |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
救援站主负责发起 |
</view> |
</view> |
<!-- <img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> --> |
<view class="" style="display: flex; "> |
<view v-if="identity" style="width: 40%;"> |
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<view |
style="width: 60%; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;"> |
<view class="tagbox" v-for="(item,key) in chartData3.series[0].data" :key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text>{{item.name}}-----{{item.value}}个</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="itembox"> |
<view class="top"> |
<view class="left"> |
<img src="@/static/4412.png" alt=""> |
<view class=""> |
<text>检察员任务总数</text><text>{{countStat.statistics3.num}}</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="right"> |
<view v-if="countStat.statistics3.percentageComplete" style="margin-right: 10rpx;"> |
完成率: |
</view> |
<view class=""> |
<text |
v-if="countStat.statistics3.percentageComplete">{{countStat.statistics3.percentageComplete}}%</text> |
<text v-else>暂无任务</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="charts-box" style="display: flex;"> |
<!-- <img src="@/static/dadui/10.png" alt=""> --> |
<view v-if="identity" style="width: 40%;"> |
<qiun-data-charts type="ring" :opts="opts3" :chartData="chartData3" /> |
</view> |
<view |
style="width: 60%; display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;"> |
<view class="tagbox" v-for="(item,key) in chartData3.series[0].data" :key="key"> |
<view class="tag" :style="'background:'+opts.color[key]+';'"> |
</view> |
<text>{{item.name}}-----{{item.value}}个</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import tabbar from '@/components/tabbar.vue' |
export default { |
components: { |
tabbar |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello', |
identity: 0, |
progressNub: 60, |
chartData: { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "熟悉演练", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "联络指导", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "消防宣传", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "投诉举报", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "双随机", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "行政许可", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "火灾调查", |
value: 0 |
}, ] |
}] |
}, |
chartData2: { |
series: [{ |
data: [{ |
name: "投诉举报", |
value: 0 |
}, { |
name: "行政许可", |
value: 0 |
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}] |
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this.getTaskListOfStation('投诉举报') |
this.getTaskListOfStation('双随机') |
this.getTaskListOfStation('熟悉演练') |
this.getTaskListOfStation('行政许可') |
this.getCountStat() |
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onReady() { |
this.identity = 1 |
// this.getOrganizations() |
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methods: { |
getTaskListOfStation(item) { |
const that = this |
let OrganizationId = uni.getStorageSync("user").organizationId |
let selectedTime = this.dates.year + '-' + this.dates.month + '-' + '01' |
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this.$request.get("/api/PlanTasks", params, (data, res) => { |
console.log(res); |
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this.chartData.series[0].data[3].value = res.items.length |
this.chartData2.series[0].data[0].value = res.items.length |
this.nub += res.items.length |
this.nub2 += res.items.length |
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if (res.items[a].approvalStatus == "已检查") { |
this.num++ |
this.num2++ |
} |
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this.chartData.series[0].data[2].value = res.items.length |
this.nub += res.items.length |
for (let a = 0; a < res.items.length; a++) { |
if (res.items[a].approvalStatus == "已检查") { |
this.num++ |
} |
} |
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this.list3 = res.items |
this.chartData.series[0].data[0].value = res.items.length |
this.nub += res.items.length |
for (let a = 0; a < res.items.length; a++) { |
if (res.items[a].approvalStatus == "已检查") { |
this.num++ |
} |
} |
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this.list4 = res.items |
this.chartData.series[0].data[5].value = res.items.length |
this.chartData2.series[0].data[1].value = res.items.length |
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this.nub2 += res.items.length |
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if (res.items[a].approvalStatus == "已检查") { |
this.num++ |
this.num2++ |
} |
} |
} |
this.opts.subtitle.name = this.nub |
this.opts2.subtitle.name = this.nub2 |
// this.getCountStat() |
}) |
}, |
getCountStat() { |
}, |
dateYear(e) { |
console.log(e); |
this.dates.year = e.detail.value |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
dateMonth(e) { |
if (e > this.month) { |
return |
} |
this.dates.month = e |
this.getOrganizations() |
}, |
start(item) { |
uni.navigateTo({ |
url: '/pages/task/details?id=' + item.company.id, |
}) |
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<view class="page"><view class="top"><view class="pure_top"></view><view class="calendar"><view class="date_year"><view style="display:flex;"><picker value="{{dates.year}}" mode="date" fields="year" data-event-opts="{{[['change',[['dateYear',['$event']]]]]}}" bindchange="__e"><view>{{dates.year}}</view></picker><image style="width:30rpx;height:30rpx;margin:10rpx 0 0 10rpx;" src="{{$root.m0}}" alt class="_img"></image></view><view style="margin:0 10rpx;">|</view><view>{{''+today.month+"."+dates.day+''}}</view></view><view class="monthbox"><block wx:for="{{months}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:for-index="key" wx:key="key"><view data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['dateMonth',['$0'],[[['months','',key]]]]]]]}}" class="{{['month_class',(item==dates.month)?'month_color':'']}}" bindtap="__e"><text>{{item}}</text></view></block></view></view></view><view class="taskbox"><block wx:for="{{user}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:for-index="key" wx:key="key"><view class="itembox"><view class="top"><view class="left"><image src="{{$root.m1}}" alt class="_img"></image><view><text>{{item.name}}</text></view></view><view class="right"></view></view><view class="charts-box" style="display:flex;"><image src="{{$root.m2}}" alt class="_img"></image><block wx:if="{{identity}}"><view style="width:50%;"><qiun-data-charts vue-id="{{'e720980e-1-'+key}}" type="ring" opts="{{opts}}" chartData="{{chartData}}" bind:__l="__l"></qiun-data-charts></view></block><view style="width:50%;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;flex-direction:column;"><block wx:for="{{chartData.series[0].data}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:for-index="key" wx:key="key"><view class="tagbox"><view class="tag" style="{{('background:'+opts.color[key]+';')}}"></view><text>{{item.name+"-------"+item.value+"个"}}</text></view></block></view></view></view></block></view><view class="listbox"><block wx:for="{{list}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:for-index="key" wx:key="key"><view class="item"><view class="typebox"><view style="width:80rpx;height:40rpx;line-height:40rpx;border-radius:4rpx;font-size:26rpx;text-align:center;margin-top:6rpx;background:#E63434;color:#fff;">派发</view><view class="type">{{''+item.company.companyName+''}}</view><view style="width:30%;padding-left:20rpx;"><block wx:if="{{item.company.useNature=='重点单位'}}"><view class="tag">{{''+item.company.useNature+''}}</view></block><block wx:else><view class="tag2">{{''+item.company.useNature+''}}</view></block></view></view><view class="namebox"><view class="name"><view style="width:12rpx;height:34rpx;margin-top:14rpx;background-color:#9D80FF;color:#9D80FF;"></view><view class="type">{{''+item.taskType+''}}</view></view></view><view class="staffbox"><view class="staff" style="flex:1;"><view>申请人:</view><view class="zhu">{{item.organization.name}}</view></view><block wx:if="{{item.approvalStatus!='已检查'}}"><view class="jiancha" style="color:#FFBA19;display:flex;margin-top:-10rpx;"><button data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['tongguo',['$0'],[[['list','',key]]]]]]]}}" bindtap="__e">同意</button><button type="default" data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['bohui',['$0'],[[['list','',key]]]]]]]}}" bindtap="__e">驳回</button></view></block><block wx:else><view class="jiancha" style="color:#FFBA19;">{{''+item.approvalStatus+''}}</view></block></view><view style="display:flex;"><view style="flex:1;"><view class="staffbox"><view class="staff"><view>申请时间:</view><view>{{item.creationTime}}</view><view data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['chakan',['$0'],[[['list','',key]]]]]]]}}" bindtap="__e">查看</view></view><block wx:if="{{item.approvalStatus=='通过'||item.approvalStatus=='驳回'}}"><view class="{{['jiancha',(item.approvalStatus=='通过')?'jiancha_color':'']}}">{{'已'+item.approvalStatus+''}}</view></block></view></view><view class="implement"></view></view></view></block></view><block wx:if="{{index}}"><view class="taskadd"><view class="itembox"><view class="item_top"><view>任务申领</view><view data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['indexs']]]]}}" bindtap="__e">x</view></view><block wx:if="{{index}}"><view class="item_content"><task-add bind:apply="__e" vue-id="e720980e-2" data-event-opts="{{[['^apply',[['apply']]]]}}" bind:__l="__l"></task-add></view></block><block wx:if="{{index2}}"><view class="item_content"><task-det bind:apply="__e" vue-id="e720980e-3" data-event-opts="{{[['^apply',[['apply']]]]}}" bind:__l="__l"></task-det></view></block></view></view></block><block wx:if="{{index2}}"><view class="taskadd"><view class="itembox2"><view class="item_top"><view>详情</view><view data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['indexs']]]]}}" bindtap="__e">x</view></view><block wx:if="{{index2}}"><view class="item_content"><task-det vue-id="e720980e-4" cid="{{Cid}}" bind:__l="__l"></task-det></view></block></view></view></block></view> |
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