@ -19,9 +19,13 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
// 加载器
loader = PIXI.Loader.shared; |
// 根目录
backgroundImage = PIXI.Sprite.from('https://qntemp3.bejson.com/upload/84723844912904450.jpg?imageView2/0/w/0/h/0/format/webp'); |
backgroundImage: PIXI.Sprite; |
// 影子
shadow = new PIXI.Sprite(); |
// 影子圆形
shadowCircle = new PIXI.Graphics(); |
// 鼠标位置
mousePosition; |
// 初始化
ngOnInit(): void { |
@ -29,16 +33,51 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
// 页面初始化之后
ngAfterViewInit(): void { |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.createCanvas(); |
this.createBackgroundImage(); |
this.init(); |
}, 0); |
} |
// 鼠标滑动事件
mouseWheelHandel(event) { |
const delX = this.mousePosition.x - this.backgroundImage.position.x; |
const delY = this.mousePosition.y - this.backgroundImage.position.y; |
const scaleX = delX / this.backgroundImage.width; |
const scaleY = delY / this.backgroundImage.height; |
const delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (event.wheelDelta || -event.detail))); |
if (delta > 0) { |
if (this.backgroundImage.scale.x >= 32) { |
this.backgroundImage.scale.x = 32; |
return; |
} |
this.backgroundImage.scale.x += this.backgroundImage.scale.x * 0.1; |
this.backgroundImage.scale.y += this.backgroundImage.scale.y * 0.1; |
this.backgroundImage.anchor.x += scaleX; |
this.backgroundImage.anchor.y += scaleY; |
this.backgroundImage.position.x += delX; |
this.backgroundImage.position.y += delY; |
this.backgroundImage.children.forEach(item => { |
}); |
} else if (delta < 0) { |
if (this.backgroundImage.scale.x <= 0.1) { |
this.backgroundImage.scale.y = 0.1; |
return; |
} |
this.backgroundImage.scale.x -= this.backgroundImage.scale.x * 0.1; |
this.backgroundImage.scale.y -= this.backgroundImage.scale.y * 0.1; |
this.backgroundImage.anchor.x += scaleX; |
this.backgroundImage.anchor.y += scaleY; |
this.backgroundImage.position.x += delX; |
this.backgroundImage.position.y += delY; |
this.backgroundImage.children.forEach(item => { |
}); |
} |
} |
// 测试按钮
createBackgroundButton() { |
this.createBackgroundImage('https://qntemp3.bejson.com/upload/31268909923294476.jpg?imageView2/0/w/16/h/16/format/webp'); |
init() { |
this.createCanvas(); |
this.createBackgroundImage('https://qntemp3.bejson.com/upload/24797865631586900.jpg?imageView2/0/w/0/h/0/format/webp'); |
this.createShadowIcon('https://qntemp3.bejson.com/upload/24797865631586900.jpg?imageView2/0/w/100/h/100/format/webp'); |
this.setShadowVisible(false); |
} |
// 创建画布
createCanvas(): void { |
this.app = new PIXI.Application({ |
@ -51,45 +90,48 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
}); |
this.content.nativeElement.appendChild(this.app.view); |
this.app.ticker.add((delta) => { |
const mouseposition = this.app.renderer.plugins.interaction.mouse.global; |
console.log(mouseposition); |
this.mousePosition = this.app.renderer.plugins.interaction.mouse.global; |
this.shadow.position = this.mousePosition; |
this.shadowCircle.position = this.mousePosition; |
}); |
} |
setIcon() { |
const defaultIcon = 'url(\'assets/images/avatar.jpg\'),auto'; |
this.app.renderer.plugins.interaction.cursorStyles.default = defaultIcon; |
} |
// 加载资源
LoadAsset(name: string, path: string) { |
this.loader.onProgress.add(() => { |
console.log(this.loader.progress); |
}); // called once per loaded/errored file
this.loader.onError.add(() => { }); // called once per errored file
this.loader.onLoad.add(() => { }); // called once per loaded file
this.loader.onComplete.add(() => { |
alert('aaaaaaaa'); |
}); // called once when the queued resources all load.
this.loader.add(name, path); |
} |
// setIcon() {
// const defaultIcon = 'url(\'assets/images/avatar.jpg\'),auto';
// this.app.renderer.plugins.interaction.cursorStyles.default = defaultIcon;
// }
// // 加载资源
// LoadAsset(name: string, path: string) {
// this.loader.onProgress.add(() => {
// console.log(this.loader.progress);
// }); // called once per loaded/errored file
// this.loader.onError.add(() => { }); // called once per errored file
// this.loader.onLoad.add(() => { }); // called once per loaded file
// this.loader.onComplete.add(() => {
// alert('aaaaaaaa');
// }); // called once when the queued resources all load.
// this.loader.add(name, path);
// }
createSprite(source: string, width: number = 64, height: number = 64, alpha: number = 1): PIXI.Sprite { |
// 创建单点图标
createSprite(source: string, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, alpha: number): PIXI.Sprite { |
const sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from(source); |
// sprite.width = width;
// sprite.height = height;
sprite.x = 500, |
sprite.y = 500, |
sprite.x = x; |
sprite.y = y; |
sprite.width = width; |
sprite.height = height; |
sprite.alpha = alpha; |
sprite.anchor.set(0.5); |
sprite.interactive = true; |
sprite.buttonMode = true; |
sprite |
.on('pointerdown', this.onDragStart) |
.on('pointerup', this.onDragEnd) |
.on('pointerupoutside', this.onDragEnd) |
.on('pointermove', this.onDragMove); |
this.app.stage.addChild(sprite); |
sprite.setParent(this.backgroundImage); |
return sprite; |
} |
// 拖动开始
@ -111,6 +153,7 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
event.currentTarget.x = newPosition.x; |
event.currentTarget.y = newPosition.y; |
} |
} |
// 加载精灵图
SetupSprite(name: string) { |
@ -119,51 +162,100 @@ export class WorkingAreaComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
); |
} |
// 画圆
DrawCircle(x: number, y: number): void { |
const circle = new PIXI.Graphics(); |
circle.beginFill(0x5cafe2); |
circle.drawCircle(0, 0, 80); |
circle.x = x; |
circle.y = y; |
this.app.stage.addChild(circle); |
} |
// 替换背景图
BackgroundChanged(backgroundColor: number): void { |
this.app.renderer.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; |
DrawCircle(x: number): void { |
this.shadowCircle.beginFill(0xFFCC5A); |
this.shadowCircle.drawCircle(0, 0, x); |
this.app.stage.addChild(this.shadowCircle); |
} |
// 创建背景图片
// 创建背景图
createBackgroundImage(source: string): void { |
this.backgroundImage = PIXI.Sprite.from(source); |
this.backgroundImage.anchor.set(0.5); |
this.backgroundImage.x = this.app.view.width / 2; |
this.backgroundImage.y = this.app.view.height / 2; |
this.backgroundImage.width = 100; |
this.backgroundImage.height = 100; |
this.backgroundImage.interactive = true; |
this.backgroundImage |
.on('pointerdown', this.onDragStart) |
.on('pointerup', this.onDragEnd) |
.on('pointerupoutside', this.onDragEnd) |
.on('pointermove', this.onDragMove); |
.on('pointerdown', event => { |
if (!event.currentTarget.dragging) { |
event.currentTarget.data = event.data; |
// this.oldGroup = this.parentGroup;
// this.parentGroup = dragGroup;
event.currentTarget.dragging = true; |
// event.currentTarget.scale.x *= 1.1;
// event.currentTarget.scale.y *= 1.1;
event.currentTarget.dragPoint = event.data.getLocalPosition(event.currentTarget.parent); |
event.currentTarget.dragPoint.x -= event.currentTarget.x; |
event.currentTarget.dragPoint.y -= event.currentTarget.y; |
} |
}) |
.on('pointerup', event => { |
if (event.currentTarget.dragging) { |
event.currentTarget.dragging = false; |
// this.parentGroup = this.oldGroup;
// event.currentTarget.scale.x /= 1.1;
// event.currentTarget.scale.y /= 1.1;
event.currentTarget.data = null; |
console.log('创建图片'); |
// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-length
this.createSprite('https://qntemp3.bejson.com/upload/72681686638249940.jpg?imageView2/0/w/100/h/100/format/webp', this.mousePosition.x, this.mousePosition.y, 64, 64, 1); |
} |
}) |
.on('pointerupoutside', event => { |
if (event.currentTarget.dragging) { |
event.currentTarget.dragging = false; |
// this.parentGroup = this.oldGroup;
// event.currentTarget.scale.x /= 1.1;
// event.currentTarget.scale.y /= 1.1;
event.currentTarget.data = null; |
} |
}) |
.on('pointermove', event => { |
if (event.currentTarget.dragging) { |
const newPosition = event.currentTarget.data.getLocalPosition(event.currentTarget.parent); |
event.currentTarget.x = newPosition.x - event.currentTarget.dragPoint.x; |
event.currentTarget.y = newPosition.y - event.currentTarget.dragPoint.y; |
} |
}); |
this.app.stage.addChild(this.backgroundImage); |
} |
addShadow(obj) { |
const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics(); |
// Circle
graphics.lineStyle(0); |
graphics.beginFill(0xDE3249, 1); |
graphics.drawCircle(100, 250, 50); |
graphics.endFill(); |
obj.addChild(graphics); |
} |
// 设置背景显示状态
setBackgroundImageVisible(value: boolean): void { |
this.backgroundImage.visible = value; |
} |
// 替换背景图
replaceBackgroundImage(source: string): void { |
this.backgroundImage.texture = PIXI.Texture.from(source); |
} |
// 创建影子图标
createShadowIcon(source: string): void { |
this.shadow = PIXI.Sprite.from(source); |
this.shadow.alpha = 0.5; |
this.shadow.anchor.set(0.5); |
this.app.stage.addChild(this.shadow); |
} |
// 设置影子图标显示状态
setShadowVisible(value: boolean): void { |
this.shadow.visible = value; |
} |
// 替换影子图片
replaceShadow(source: string): void { |
this.shadow.texture = PIXI.Texture.from(source); |
} |
// 创建单点图标
createSinglePointIcon(source: string): void { |
this.DrawCircle(5); |
// this.setShadowVisible(true);
// this.addShadow(this.shadow);
// this.replaceShadow(source);
} |
} |
// var drag = false;
// createDragAndDropFor(container)
// function createDragAndDropFor(target) {
// target.interactive = true;
// target.on("mousedown", function (e) {
// drag = target;
// })
// target.on("mouseup", function (e) {
// drag = false;
// })
// target.on("mousemove", function (e) {
// if (drag) {
// drag.position.x += e.data.originalEvent.movementX;
// drag.position.y += e.data.originalEvent.movementY;
// }
// })
// }