@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
<!-- <mat-accordion> |
<mat-expansion-panel> |
<mat-expansion-panel-header> |
<mat-panel-title> |
Personal data |
</mat-panel-title> |
<mat-panel-description> |
Type your name and age |
</mat-panel-description> |
</mat-expansion-panel-header> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput placeholder="First name"> |
</mat-form-field> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput placeholder="Age"> |
</mat-form-field> |
</mat-expansion-panel> |
</mat-accordion> --> |
<div class="topbox"> |
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(form.value)" #form="ngForm" class="example-container" > |
<div class="mainbox" > |
@ -50,11 +71,13 @@
<div id="organizationbox" class="organizationbox" *ngIf="isorganizationbox"> |
<mat-tree [dataSource]="dataSource" [treeControl]="treeControl"> |
<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node" matTreeNodePadding (click)='add(node)' class="organizationlist"> |
<button mat-icon-button disabled ></button> |
<button type="button" mat-icon-button disabled ></button> |
<li>{{node.name}}</li> |
</mat-tree-node> |
<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node;when: hasChild" matTreeNodePadding (click)='add(node)' class="organizationlist"> |
<button mat-icon-button |
<button |
type="button" |
mat-icon-button |
matTreeNodeToggle |
[attr.aria-label]="'toggle ' + node.name"> |
<mat-icon class="mat-icon-rtl-mirror"> |
@ -103,13 +126,14 @@
</form> |
</div> |
<div class="bottombox"> |
<div class="houseinfobox"> |
<button type="button" mat-icon-button (click)="addhouseinfo()" class="addhouseinfo"><mat-icon style="font-size: 38px;">add_circle_outline</mat-icon></button> |
<mat-tab-group (focusChange)="selecttab($event)"> |
<mat-tab [label]="item.name" *ngFor="let item of houses;let key = index"> |
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit2(form.value,item,key)" #form="ngForm" class="example-container"> |
<mat-tab [label]="item.username" *ngFor="let item of houses;let key = index"> |
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit2(form.value,item,key,form.invalid)" #form="ngForm" class="example-container"> |
<div class="highinfo" *ngIf="item.tongyong"> |
<div class="houseinfoinput" > |
<span>建筑名称:</span> |
@ -131,7 +155,7 @@
</div> |
<h1 style="font-size: 22px;">{{item.buildingBasicGroups[0].name}}</h1> |
<div class="houseinfoinput" *ngFor="let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos;let key = index"> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}}:</span> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:</span> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput id="floorspace" name="{{i.propertyName}}" type='text' |
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" |
@ -165,7 +189,7 @@
</div> |
<h1 style="font-size: 22px;">{{item.buildingBasicGroups[0].name}}</h1> |
<div class="houseinfoinput" *ngFor="let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos;let smkey = index"> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}}:</span> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:</span> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput id="floorspace" name="{{i.propertyName}}" type='text' |
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" |
@ -233,7 +257,7 @@
<p>{{x[0].name}}</p> |
<div class="basicinfobox"> |
<div class="houseinfoinput" *ngFor="let i of x[0].propertyInfos;let key = index"> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}}:</span> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:</span> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput id="floorspace" name="{{www+2}}-tanker-{{key}}" type='text' |
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" |
@ -444,7 +468,7 @@
</div> |
<p style="font-size: 22px;">{{item.buildingBasicGroups[0].name}}</p> |
<div class="houseinfoinput" *ngFor="let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos;let key = index"> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}}:</span> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:</span> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput id="tunneltype" name="{{i.propertyName}}" type='text' |
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" |
@ -457,7 +481,7 @@
<!-- <button type="button" mat-raised-button (click)="addloadgroup()">增加线路分组</button> --> |
<div class="roadinfo" *ngFor="let g of ggg"> |
<div class="houseinfoinput" *ngFor="let i of item.buildingBasicGroups[1].propertyInfos;let key = index"> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}}:</span> |
<span>{{i.propertyName}} {{i.physicalUnit}}:</span> |
<mat-form-field> |
<input matInput id="tunneltype" name="{{i.propertyName}}" type='text' |
required="{{ i.required==true ? 'true' : 'false' }}" |
@ -470,7 +494,7 @@
</div> |
<div class="infobtnbox"> |
<!-- <button type="button" color="primary" mat-raised-button>编辑</button> --> |
<button type="submit()" mat-button mat-raised-button color="primary" [disabled]='form.invalid'>保存</button> |
<button type="submit()" mat-button mat-raised-button color="primary" >保存</button> |
<button type="button" mat-raised-button (click)="deletedbuilding(item)" color="warn">删除</button> |
</div> |