diff --git a/src/app/ui/basicinfo/addhouseinfo.component.ts b/src/app/ui/basicinfo/addhouseinfo.component.ts
index 25063b9..47166fa 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/basicinfo/addhouseinfo.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/ui/basicinfo/addhouseinfo.component.ts
@@ -29,27 +29,41 @@ import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';
-      let buildingTypename = ""
-      this.allunittype.forEach(item => {
-        if(item.id == value.unittype){
-          buildingTypename = item.name
+      this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings").subscribe((data:any)=>{
+        let allBuildings = data
+        let order
+        if(allBuildings.length == 0){
+          order = 0
+        }else{
+          order = allBuildings[allBuildings.length-1].order + 1
-      });
-      this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings",{
-        id: "",
-        name: value.name,
-        order: 0,
-        enabled: true,
-        companyId: this.data.unitinfo.id,
-        buildingTypes: [
-          {
-            id: value.unittype,
-            name: buildingTypename
+        let buildingTypename = ""
+        this.allunittype.forEach(item => {
+          if(item.id == value.unittype){
+            buildingTypename = item.name
-        ]
-      }).subscribe(data=>{
-        this.dialogRef.close(data);
+        });
+        this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings",{
+          id: "",
+          name: value.name,
+          order: order,
+          enabled: true,
+          companyId: this.data.unitinfo.id,
+          buildingTypes: [
+            {
+              id: value.unittype,
+              name: buildingTypename
+            }
+          ]
+        }).subscribe(data=>{
+          this.dialogRef.close(data);
+        })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.html b/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.html
index 3be283e..f368979 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.html
+++ b/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.html
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
                                         <mat-select  name="unittype" [(ngModel)]="item.buildtype">
-                                            <mat-option  [value]="n.name" *ngFor="let n of allunittype" (click)="templatebuildtype(n,item)">{{n.name}}</mat-option>
+                                            <mat-option  [value]="n.name" *ngFor="let n of allunittype" (click)="templatebuildtype(n,item,key)">{{n.name}}</mat-option>
                                     <span style="color: red;">*</span>
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
                                             <mat-select required name="unittype" [(ngModel)]="item.buildtype">
-                                                <mat-option  [value]="n.name" *ngFor="let n of allunittype"  (click)="templatebuildtype(n,item)">{{n.name}}</mat-option>
+                                                <mat-option  [value]="n.name" *ngFor="let n of allunittype"  (click)="templatebuildtype(n,item,key)">{{n.name}}</mat-option>
                                         <span style="color: red;">*</span>
diff --git a/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.ts b/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.ts
index 4d27043..d6ee466 100644
--- a/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/ui/basicinfo/basicinfo.component.ts
@@ -355,9 +355,12 @@ export class BasicinfoComponent implements OnInit {
+  allBuildings : any
     this.houses = []
     this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings").subscribe(async (data:any)=>{ // 获得当前单位所有的建筑
+      this.allBuildings = data
+      // console.log(666,data)
       if(data.length != 0){
         this.basicCategoryId = data[0].buildingTypes[0].id
         this.presentbuildinfoId = data[0].id // 用于存储当前单位第一个建筑的id
@@ -510,6 +513,7 @@ export class BasicinfoComponent implements OnInit {
       // console.log(1314,this.houses)
@@ -1114,903 +1118,852 @@ export class BasicinfoComponent implements OnInit {
-  templatebuildtype(n ,item){
-    // console.log(n,item)
-    this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings/${item.buildingId}`,{         //修改当前建筑类型
-      id: item.buildingId,
-      name: item.housename,
-      order: 0,
-      enabled: true,
-      companyId: this.unitinfo.id,
-      buildingTypes: [
-        {
-          id: n.id,
-          name: n.name
-        } 
-      ]
-    }).subscribe(data=>{
-      this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",{//请求当前建筑类型的模板信息保存到数组中
-        params:{
-          buildingId:item.buildingId,
-          buildingType:n.id
-        }
-      }).subscribe(data=>{
-        this.getunithouse(data,n,item)
-        this.houses[item.index] = data[0]
+  templatebuildtype(n ,item,key){
-        let _data = data
-        this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingCustomData",{params:{
-          buildingId:item.buildingId
-        }}).subscribe((data:any)=>{
-          _data[0].buildingCustomData = data
-          if(data && data.customProperties.length != 0){
-            _data[0].isCustomData = true
-          }else{
-            _data[0].isCustomData = false
-            _data[0].buildingCustomData ={
-                id: "",
-                customProperties: [
-                    {
-                        name: "",
-                        value: ""
-                    }
-                ],
-                buildingId: _data[0].buildingId
-            }
+    this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings").subscribe((data:any)=>{
+      let allBuildings = data
+      this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings/${item.buildingId}`,{         //修改当前建筑类型
+        id: item.buildingId,
+        name: item.housename,
+        order: allBuildings[key].order,
+        enabled: true,
+        companyId: this.unitinfo.id,
+        buildingTypes: [
+          {
+            id: n.id,
+            name: n.name
+          } 
+        ]
+      }).subscribe(data=>{
+        this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",{//请求当前建筑类型的模板信息保存到数组中
+          params:{
+            buildingId:item.buildingId,
+            buildingType:n.id
+        }).subscribe(data=>{
+          this.getunithouse(data,n,item)
+          this.houses[item.index] = data[0]
+          let _data = data
+          this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingCustomData",{params:{
+            buildingId:item.buildingId
+          }}).subscribe((data:any)=>{
+            _data[0].buildingCustomData = data
+            if(data && data.customProperties.length != 0){
+              _data[0].isCustomData = true
+            }else{
+              _data[0].isCustomData = false
+              _data[0].buildingCustomData ={
+                  id: "",
+                  customProperties: [
+                      {
+                          name: "",
+                          value: ""
+                      }
+                  ],
+                  buildingId: _data[0].buildingId
+              }
+            }
+          })
   deviceinfo=[] //用于存储石头化工的第一个表格
-    if(invalid){
-      const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
-      config.verticalPosition = 'top';
-      config.duration = 3000
-      this.snackBar.open('请填写必填项','确定',config);
-    }else{
-      this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings/${item.buildingId}`,{         //(通用)只修改建筑名称和建筑类型
-        id: item.buildingId,
-        name: value.housename,
-        order: 0,
-        enabled: true,
-        companyId: this.unitinfo.id,
-        buildingTypes: [
-          {
-            id: item.buildingtypeId,
-            name: item.buildtype
-          }
-        ]
-      }).subscribe((data:any)=>{    
-        this.houses[item.index].username = item.name
-      },
-      err=>{
-        alert("名称和类型保存失败")
-      })
-      if(value.checkbuilding){//如果勾选了自定义信息的checkbox
-        var CustomDataval = []
-        for (const key in value) {
-          if (key.indexOf("CustomData") != -1) {
-            CustomDataval.push(value[key])
-          }
-        }
-        let newCustomData =  this.FunData(CustomDataval)
-        let newCustomDataval = []
-        newCustomData.forEach(n=>{
-          newCustomDataval.push({
-            name:n[0],
-            value:n[1]
-          })
-        })
-        let CustomDatabody = {
-          id: "",
-          customProperties: newCustomDataval,
-          buildingId: item.buildingId
-        }
-        this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingCustomData",CustomDatabody,{params:{
-          buildingId:item.buildingId
-        }}).subscribe(data=>{
-        },
-        err=>{
-          alert("自定义信息保存失败")
-        })
+    this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings").subscribe((data:any)=>{
+      let allBuildings = data
+      if(invalid){
+        const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
+        config.verticalPosition = 'top';
+        config.duration = 3000
+        this.snackBar.open('请填写必填项','确定',config);
-        let CustomDatabody = {
-          id: "",
-          customProperties: [],
-          buildingId: item.buildingId
-        }
-        this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingCustomData",CustomDatabody,{params:{
-          buildingId:item.buildingId
-        }}).subscribe(data=>{
+        this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings/${item.buildingId}`,{         //(通用)只修改建筑名称和建筑类型
+          id: item.buildingId,
+          name: value.housename,
+          order: allBuildings[key].order,
+          enabled: true,
+          companyId: this.unitinfo.id,
+          buildingTypes: [
+            {
+              id: item.buildingtypeId,
+              name: item.buildtype
+            }
+          ]
+        }).subscribe((data:any)=>{    
+          this.houses[item.index].username = item.name
-          alert("自定义信息保存失败")
+          alert("名称和类型保存失败")
-      }
-      if(item.buildtype != "石油化工类" && item.buildtype != "地铁类"){
-        // console.log(this.houses[key])
-        // console.log(value)
-        this.houses[key].buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
-          if(item.propertyValue || item.propertyValue == 0){
-            // item.propertyValue = "" + value[key]
-            item.propertyValue = String(item.propertyValue) 
+        if(value.checkbuilding){//如果勾选了自定义信息的checkbox
+          var CustomDataval = []
+          for (const key in value) {
+            if (key.indexOf("CustomData") != -1) {
+              CustomDataval.push(value[key])
+            }
-        });
-        let newObj = _.cloneDeep(this.houses[key])  //把数据深拷贝取出来进行操作
-        newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].buildingId = item.buildingId
-        newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-        newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].submitted = true   //把是否提交过变为true
-        delete newObj.name
-        delete newObj.username
-        delete newObj.buildtype
-        delete newObj.tongyong
-        delete newObj.index
-        delete newObj.isCustomData
-        delete newObj.buildingCustomData
-        newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
-          delete item.isshowrule
-          delete item.rulevalue
-        });
-        let body = newObj
-        let newbody = []  
-        newbody.push(body)
-        // console.log(123,newbody)
-        if(newbody[0].buildingBasicGroups.length){
-          this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",newbody,{
-          params:{
-            buildingId :newbody[0].buildingId
+          let newCustomData =  this.FunData(CustomDataval)
+          let newCustomDataval = []
+          newCustomData.forEach(n=>{
+            newCustomDataval.push({
+              name:n[0],
+              value:n[1]
+            })
+          })
+          let CustomDatabody = {
+            id: "",
+            customProperties: newCustomDataval,
+            buildingId: item.buildingId
-          }).subscribe((data:any)=>{
-            this.houses[key].id = data[0].id
-            const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
-            config.verticalPosition = 'top';
-            config.duration = 3000
-            this.snackBar.open('建筑信息保存成功','确定',config);
+          this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingCustomData",CustomDatabody,{params:{
+            buildingId:item.buildingId
+          }}).subscribe(data=>{
-            const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
-            config.verticalPosition = 'top';
-            config.duration = 3000
-            this.snackBar.open('请检查输入数据是否有误','确定',config);
+            alert("自定义信息保存失败")
+          })
+        }else{
+          let CustomDatabody = {
+            id: "",
+            customProperties: [],
+            buildingId: item.buildingId
+          }
+          this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingCustomData",CustomDatabody,{params:{
+            buildingId:item.buildingId
+          }}).subscribe(data=>{
+          },
+          err=>{
+            alert("自定义信息保存失败")
-      }
-      if(item.buildtype == "石油化工类"){
-        // console.log(888,item)
-        let bodyObj = _.cloneDeep(item) 
-        delete bodyObj.name
-        delete bodyObj.username
-        delete bodyObj.isshiyou
-        delete bodyObj.newzhuangzhiinfodatasource
-        delete bodyObj.tongyong
-        delete bodyObj.buildtype
-        delete bodyObj.buildingtypeId
-        delete bodyObj.bigfor
-        delete bodyObj.index
-        delete bodyObj.isCustomData
-        delete bodyObj.buildingCustomData
-        // console.log(456,bodyObj)
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
-          delete item.isshowrule
-          delete item.rulevalue
-        });
-        //修改基本信息
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
-          for (const key in value) {
-            if (item.propertyName == key) {
+        if(item.buildtype != "石油化工类" && item.buildtype != "地铁类"){
+          this.houses[key].buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
             if(item.propertyValue || item.propertyValue == 0){
               // item.propertyValue = "" + value[key]
-              item.propertyValue = String(value[key]) 
+              item.propertyValue = String(item.propertyValue) 
+          });
+          let newObj = _.cloneDeep(this.houses[key])  //把数据深拷贝取出来进行操作
+          newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].buildingId = item.buildingId
+          newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+          newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].submitted = true   //把是否提交过变为true
+          delete newObj.name
+          delete newObj.username
+          delete newObj.buildtype
+          delete newObj.tongyong
+          delete newObj.index
+          delete newObj.isCustomData
+          delete newObj.buildingCustomData
+          newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
+            delete item.isshowrule
+            delete item.rulevalue
+          });
+          let body = newObj
+          let newbody = []  
+          newbody.push(body)
+          // console.log(123,newbody)
+          if(newbody[0].buildingBasicGroups.length){
+            this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",newbody,{
+            params:{
+              buildingId :newbody[0].buildingId
+            }).subscribe((data:any)=>{
+              this.houses[key].id = data[0].id
+              const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
+              config.verticalPosition = 'top';
+              config.duration = 3000
+              this.snackBar.open('建筑信息保存成功','确定',config);
+            },
+            err=>{
+              const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
+              config.verticalPosition = 'top';
+              config.duration = 3000
+              this.snackBar.open('请检查输入数据是否有误','确定',config);
+            })
-        });
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].submitted = true
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].buildingId = item.buildingId
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-        //石油化工类的        装置信息          就提交这个表单——————————————————————————————this.deviceinfo   记得清空
-        // console.log(this.deviceinfodata)
-        if(bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].submitted){    //如果用户点击了并填写了装置信息就提交这个表格数据
-          this.deviceinfo = []
-          item.newzhuangzhiinfodatasource.forEach((element,index) => {
-              this.deviceinfo.push({
+        }
+        if(item.buildtype == "石油化工类"){
+          // console.log(888,item)
+          let bodyObj = _.cloneDeep(item) 
+          delete bodyObj.name
+          delete bodyObj.username
+          delete bodyObj.isshiyou
+          delete bodyObj.newzhuangzhiinfodatasource
+          delete bodyObj.tongyong
+          delete bodyObj.buildtype
+          delete bodyObj.buildingtypeId
+          delete bodyObj.bigfor
+          delete bodyObj.index
+          delete bodyObj.isCustomData
+          delete bodyObj.buildingCustomData
+          // console.log(456,bodyObj)
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
+            delete item.isshowrule
+            delete item.rulevalue
+          });
+          //修改基本信息
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
+            for (const key in value) {
+              if (item.propertyName == key) {
+              if(item.propertyValue || item.propertyValue == 0){
+                // item.propertyValue = "" + value[key]
+                item.propertyValue = String(value[key]) 
+              }
+              }
+            }
+          });
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].submitted = true
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].buildingId = item.buildingId
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+          //石油化工类的        装置信息          就提交这个表单——————————————————————————————this.deviceinfo   记得清空
+          // console.log(this.deviceinfodata)
+          if(bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].submitted){    //如果用户点击了并填写了装置信息就提交这个表格数据
+            this.deviceinfo = []
+            item.newzhuangzhiinfodatasource.forEach((element,index) => {
+                this.deviceinfo.push({
+                  propertyName: "装置区名称",
+                  propertyValue: element.name,
+                  propertyType: 0,
+                  required: true,
+                  ruleName: "",
+                  ruleValue: "",
+                  physicalUnit: "",
+                  order:0,
+                  enabled: true,
+                  visible: true,
+                  tag: String(index + 1) 
+              },
+              {
+                  propertyName: "工艺流程",
+                  propertyValue: element.flow,
+                  propertyType: 0,
+                  required: true,
+                  ruleName: "",
+                  ruleValue: "",
+                  physicalUnit: "",
+                  order:1,
+                  enabled: true,
+                  visible: true,
+                  tag: String(index + 1) 
+              },
+              {
+                  propertyName: "火灾危险性",
+                  propertyValue: element.danger,
+                  propertyType: 0,
+                  required: true,
+                  ruleName: "",
+                  ruleValue: "",
+                  physicalUnit: "",
+                  order:2,
+                  enabled: true,
+                  visible: true,
+                  tag: String(index + 1) 
+              },
+              {
+                  propertyName: "灭火注意事项",
+                  propertyValue: element.payattentionto,
+                  propertyType: 1,
+                  required: false,
+                  ruleName: "",
+                  ruleValue: "",
+                  physicalUnit: "",
+                  order:3,
+                  enabled: true,
+                  visible: true,
+                  tag: String(index + 1)  
+              })
+            });
+          }else{//否则就传一个空的
+            this.deviceinfo = [
+              {
                 propertyName: "装置区名称",
-                propertyValue: element.name,
+                propertyValue: "",
                 propertyType: 0,
                 required: true,
                 ruleName: "",
                 ruleValue: "",
                 physicalUnit: "",
-                order:0,
+                order: 0,
                 enabled: true,
                 visible: true,
-                tag: String(index + 1) 
+                tag: "1"
                 propertyName: "工艺流程",
-                propertyValue: element.flow,
+                propertyValue: "",
                 propertyType: 0,
                 required: true,
                 ruleName: "",
                 ruleValue: "",
                 physicalUnit: "",
-                order:1,
+                order: 0,
                 enabled: true,
                 visible: true,
-                tag: String(index + 1) 
+                tag: "1"
                 propertyName: "火灾危险性",
-                propertyValue: element.danger,
+                propertyValue: "",
                 propertyType: 0,
                 required: true,
                 ruleName: "",
                 ruleValue: "",
                 physicalUnit: "",
-                order:2,
+                order: 0,
                 enabled: true,
                 visible: true,
-                tag: String(index + 1) 
+                tag: "1"
                 propertyName: "灭火注意事项",
-                propertyValue: element.payattentionto,
+                propertyValue: "",
                 propertyType: 1,
                 required: false,
                 ruleName: "",
                 ruleValue: "",
                 physicalUnit: "",
-                order:3,
+                order: 0,
                 enabled: true,
                 visible: true,
-                tag: String(index + 1)  
-            })
-          });
-        }else{//否则就传一个空的
-          this.deviceinfo = [
-            {
-              propertyName: "装置区名称",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag: "1"
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "工艺流程",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag: "1"
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "火灾危险性",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag: "1"
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "灭火注意事项",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 1,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag: "1"
+                tag: "1"
+            }
+            ]
-          ]
-        }
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].propertyInfos = this.deviceinfo
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].buildingId = item.buildingId
-        bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].propertyInfos = this.deviceinfo
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].buildingId = item.buildingId
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-        if(bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted){                   //如果勾选了储罐信息  则直接提交当前bodyObj
-          var map = {};  //用于存储石油化工要提交的储罐信息表单
-          for (let key in value) {
-            if (key.indexOf('tanker') != -1) {
-              const list = key.split('-'); // 2,tanker,1
-              const orderKey = list[0]; // 2 or 3
-              if (!(orderKey in map)) {
-                  map[orderKey] = []; // map[2] or map[3] = [];
+          if(bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].submitted){                   //如果勾选了储罐信息  则直接提交当前bodyObj
+            var map = {};  //用于存储石油化工要提交的储罐信息表单
+            for (let key in value) {
+              if (key.indexOf('tanker') != -1) {
+                const list = key.split('-'); // 2,tanker,1
+                const orderKey = list[0]; // 2 or 3
+                if (!(orderKey in map)) {
+                    map[orderKey] = []; // map[2] or map[3] = [];
+                }
+                map[orderKey][list[2]] = value[key]; // map[2][1] = xxxxx
-              map[orderKey][list[2]] = value[key]; // map[2][1] = xxxxx
-          }
-         bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.splice( 2 , bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.length)
-          // console.log(123, item)
+          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.splice( 2 , bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.length)
+            // console.log(123, item)
-         let basictankinfobody:any = {}
+          let basictankinfobody:any = {}
-         for(let key in map){//------------------------------------------------------------石油化工   储罐信息 
+          for(let key in map){//------------------------------------------------------------石油化工   储罐信息 
-          basictankinfobody = {
-            id: null,
-            name: "罐区" + (Number(key)-1),
-            type: 0,
-            addMode: 2,
-            basicGroupId:'',
-            submitted:true,
-            isOptional:true,
-            order: Number(key),
-            enabled: true,
-            propertyInfos: item.bigfor[Number(key)-2][0].propertyInfos,
-            basicCategoryId: item.basicCategoryId,
-            buildingBasicId: null,
-            buildingId: item.buildingId,//当前建筑id
-            companyId: this.unitinfo.id//当前企业id
-          } 
+            basictankinfobody = {
+              id: null,
+              name: "罐区" + (Number(key)-1),
+              type: 0,
+              addMode: 2,
+              basicGroupId:'',
+              submitted:true,
+              isOptional:true,
+              order: Number(key),
+              enabled: true,
+              propertyInfos: item.bigfor[Number(key)-2][0].propertyInfos,
+              basicCategoryId: item.basicCategoryId,
+              buildingBasicId: null,
+              buildingId: item.buildingId,//当前建筑id
+              companyId: this.unitinfo.id//当前企业id
+            } 
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.push(basictankinfobody)
-         }
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.push(basictankinfobody)
+          }
-         let basictankchildinfobody:any = []//-------------后续储罐信息以及储罐信息/罐区情况都push到这个数组中
-         item.bigfor.forEach(item => {
-          basictankchildinfobody.push(item[1].propertyInfos)
-         });
-         var _item = item
-         basictankchildinfobody.forEach((item,index) => {
-          let tankfieldArr = [] 
-          item.forEach((element,key) => {
-            tankfieldArr.push(
-              {
-                  propertyName: "罐区",
-                  propertyValue: element.tank,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1) 
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "储罐编号",
-                  propertyValue: element.tankid,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "储存介质",
-                  propertyValue: element.tankmedium,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "储罐类型",
-                  propertyValue: element.tanktype,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "容量",
-                  propertyValue: element.tankcapacity,
-                  propertyType: 2,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "㎡",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "直径",
-                  propertyValue:element.tankdiameter,
-                  propertyType: 2,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "m",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "高度",
-                  propertyValue: element.tankheight,
-                  propertyType: 2,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "m",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
+          let basictankchildinfobody:any = []//-------------后续储罐信息以及储罐信息/罐区情况都push到这个数组中
+          item.bigfor.forEach(item => {
+            basictankchildinfobody.push(item[1].propertyInfos)
+          });
+          var _item = item
+          basictankchildinfobody.forEach((item,index) => {
+            let tankfieldArr = [] 
+            item.forEach((element,key) => {
+              tankfieldArr.push(
+                {
+                    propertyName: "罐区",
+                    propertyValue: element.tank,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1) 
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "储罐编号",
+                    propertyValue: element.tankid,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "储存介质",
+                    propertyValue: element.tankmedium,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "储罐类型",
+                    propertyValue: element.tanktype,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "容量",
+                    propertyValue: element.tankcapacity,
+                    propertyType: 2,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "㎡",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "直径",
+                    propertyValue:element.tankdiameter,
+                    propertyType: 2,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "m",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "高度",
+                    propertyValue: element.tankheight,
+                    propertyType: 2,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "m",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "顶盖形式",
+                    propertyValue: element.tanktectum,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "浮盘材质",
+                    propertyValue: element.tanktexture,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "浮盘类型",
+                    propertyValue: element.platetype,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "泡沫产生器型号",
+                    propertyValue: element.foamgeneratorid,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "泡沫产生器形式",
+                    propertyValue: element.foamgeneratortype,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "是否设置氮封惰化保护装置",
+                    propertyValue: element.isprotect,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "防护堤高度",
+                    propertyValue: element.fendinggroyneheight,
+                    propertyType: 2,
+                    required: true,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "m",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "半固定泡沫灭火接口数量",
+                    propertyValue: element.portnum,
+                    propertyType: 2,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "个",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                },
+                {
+                    propertyName: "其它设施",
+                    propertyValue: element.else,
+                    propertyType: 0,
+                    required: false,
+                    ruleName: "",
+                    ruleValue: "",
+                    physicalUnit: "",
+                    order: 0,
+                    enabled: true,
+                    visible: true,
+                    tag:String(key + 1)  
+                }
+              )
+            });
+            basictankchildinfobody={//
+              id: null,
+              name: "罐区" + Number(index+1) + "/储罐信息",
+              type: 1,
+              addMode: 2,
+              basicGroupId:'',
+              order: Number(index + 2),
+              enabled: true,
+              submitted:true,
+              isOptional:true,
+              propertyInfos: tankfieldArr,
+              basicCategoryId: _item.basicCategoryId,
+              buildingBasicId: null,
+              buildingId: _item.buildingId,
+              companyId: this.unitinfo.id
+            }
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.push(basictankchildinfobody)
+          });
+          }else{
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].buildingId = item.buildingId
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].propertyInfos.forEach(item=>{
+              item.propertyValue = ""
+            })
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[3].buildingId = item.buildingId
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[3].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[3].propertyInfos = [
-                  propertyName: "顶盖形式",
-                  propertyValue: element.tanktectum,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "浮盘材质",
-                  propertyValue: element.tanktexture,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "浮盘类型",
-                  propertyValue: element.platetype,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "泡沫产生器型号",
-                  propertyValue: element.foamgeneratorid,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "泡沫产生器形式",
-                  propertyValue: element.foamgeneratortype,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "是否设置氮封惰化保护装置",
-                  propertyValue: element.isprotect,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "防护堤高度",
-                  propertyValue: element.fendinggroyneheight,
-                  propertyType: 2,
-                  required: true,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "m",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "半固定泡沫灭火接口数量",
-                  propertyValue: element.portnum,
-                  propertyType: 2,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "个",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              },
-              {
-                  propertyName: "其它设施",
-                  propertyValue: element.else,
-                  propertyType: 0,
-                  required: false,
-                  ruleName: "",
-                  ruleValue: "",
-                  physicalUnit: "",
-                  order: 0,
-                  enabled: true,
-                  visible: true,
-                  tag:String(key + 1)  
-              }
-            )
-          });
-          basictankchildinfobody={//
-            id: null,
-            name: "罐区" + Number(index+1) + "/储罐信息",
-            type: 1,
-            addMode: 2,
-            basicGroupId:'',
-            order: Number(index + 2),
-            enabled: true,
-            submitted:true,
-            isOptional:true,
-            propertyInfos: tankfieldArr,
-            basicCategoryId: _item.basicCategoryId,
-            buildingBasicId: null,
-            buildingId: _item.buildingId,
-            companyId: this.unitinfo.id
-          }
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.push(basictankchildinfobody)
-         });
-        }else{
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].buildingId = item.buildingId
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[2].propertyInfos.forEach(item=>{
-            item.propertyValue = ""
-          })
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[3].buildingId = item.buildingId
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[3].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups[3].propertyInfos = [
+                propertyName: "罐区",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1" 
+            },
-              propertyName: "罐区",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1" 
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "储罐编号",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "储存介质",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "储罐类型",
-              propertyValue:"",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "容量",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 2,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "㎡",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "直径",
-              propertyValue:"",
-              propertyType: 2,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "m",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "高度",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 2,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "m",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "顶盖形式",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "浮盘材质",
-              propertyValue:"",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "浮盘类型",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "泡沫产生器型号",
-              propertyValue:"",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "泡沫产生器形式",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "是否设置氮封惰化保护装置",
-              propertyValue:"",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "防护堤高度",
-              propertyValue:"",
-              propertyType: 2,
-              required: true,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "m",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "半固定泡沫灭火接口数量",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 2,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "个",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          },
-          {
-              propertyName: "其它设施",
-              propertyValue: "",
-              propertyType: 0,
-              required: false,
-              ruleName: "",
-              ruleValue: "",
-              physicalUnit: "",
-              order: 0,
-              enabled: true,
-              visible: true,
-              tag:"1"  
-          }
-          ]
-        // console.log(888,bodyObj)
-          bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.splice(4,bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.length)
-      }
-       let newbodyObj = []
-       newbodyObj.push(bodyObj)
-      //  console.log(1111,newbodyObj)
-       this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",newbodyObj,{
-        params:{
-          buildingId :item.buildingId
-        }
-        }).subscribe((data:any)=>{
-          this.houses[key].id = data[0].id
-          const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
-          config.verticalPosition = 'top';
-          config.duration = 3000
-          this.snackBar.open('建筑信息保存成功','确定',config);
-          // alert("建筑信息保存成功")  
-        },
-        err=>{
-          const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
-          config.verticalPosition = 'top';
-          config.duration = 3000
-          this.snackBar.open('请检查输入数据是否有误','确定',config);
-        })
-      }
-      if(item.buildtype == "地铁类"){
-        let newObj = _.cloneDeep(item)
-        delete newObj.username
-        delete newObj.name
-        delete newObj.tongyong
-        delete newObj.ditie
-        delete newObj.buildtype
-        delete newObj.isCustomData
-        delete newObj.buildingCustomData
-        newObj.buildingBasicGroups.forEach(item => {
-          item.propertyInfos.forEach(element => {
-            delete element.isshowrule
-            delete element.rulevalue
-            if( element.propertyValue ||  element.propertyValue == 0){
-               element.propertyValue = String(element.propertyValue)
+                propertyName: "储罐编号",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "储存介质",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "储罐类型",
+                propertyValue:"",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "容量",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 2,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "㎡",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "直径",
+                propertyValue:"",
+                propertyType: 2,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "m",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "高度",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 2,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "m",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "顶盖形式",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "浮盘材质",
+                propertyValue:"",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "浮盘类型",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "泡沫产生器型号",
+                propertyValue:"",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "泡沫产生器形式",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "是否设置氮封惰化保护装置",
+                propertyValue:"",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "防护堤高度",
+                propertyValue:"",
+                propertyType: 2,
+                required: true,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "m",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "半固定泡沫灭火接口数量",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 2,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "个",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
+            },
+            {
+                propertyName: "其它设施",
+                propertyValue: "",
+                propertyType: 0,
+                required: false,
+                ruleName: "",
+                ruleValue: "",
+                physicalUnit: "",
+                order: 0,
+                enabled: true,
+                visible: true,
+                tag:"1"  
-          });
-          item.buildingId = newObj.buildingId
-          item.companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-          item.submitted = true
-        });
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
-        //   delete item.isshowrule
-        //   delete item.rulevalue
-        //   item.propertyValue =  String(item.propertyValue) 
-        // });
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
-        //   delete item.isshowrule
-        //   delete item.rulevalue
-        //   item.propertyValue =  String(item.propertyValue) 
-        // });
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].buildingId = newObj.buildingId
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].buildingId = newObj.buildingId
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].submitted = true
-        // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].submitted = true
-        let newbodyObj2 = []
-        newbodyObj2.push(newObj)
-        this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",newbodyObj2,{
+            ]
+          // console.log(888,bodyObj)
+            bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.splice(4,bodyObj.buildingBasicGroups.length)
+        }
+        let newbodyObj = []
+        newbodyObj.push(bodyObj)
+        //  console.log(1111,newbodyObj)
+        this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",newbodyObj,{
-            buildingId :newObj.buildingId
+            buildingId :item.buildingId
             this.houses[key].id = data[0].id
@@ -2018,6 +1971,7 @@ export class BasicinfoComponent implements OnInit {
             config.verticalPosition = 'top';
             config.duration = 3000
+            // alert("建筑信息保存成功")  
             const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
@@ -2025,7 +1979,67 @@ export class BasicinfoComponent implements OnInit {
             config.duration = 3000
+        }
+        if(item.buildtype == "地铁类"){
+          let newObj = _.cloneDeep(item)
+          delete newObj.username
+          delete newObj.name
+          delete newObj.tongyong
+          delete newObj.ditie
+          delete newObj.buildtype
+          delete newObj.isCustomData
+          delete newObj.buildingCustomData
+          newObj.buildingBasicGroups.forEach(item => {
+            item.propertyInfos.forEach(element => {
+              delete element.isshowrule
+              delete element.rulevalue
+              if( element.propertyValue ||  element.propertyValue == 0){
+                element.propertyValue = String(element.propertyValue)
+              }
+            });
+            item.buildingId = newObj.buildingId
+            item.companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+            item.submitted = true
+          });
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
+          //   delete item.isshowrule
+          //   delete item.rulevalue
+          //   item.propertyValue =  String(item.propertyValue) 
+          // });
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].propertyInfos.forEach(item => {
+          //   delete item.isshowrule
+          //   delete item.rulevalue
+          //   item.propertyValue =  String(item.propertyValue) 
+          // });
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].buildingId = newObj.buildingId
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].buildingId = newObj.buildingId
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].companyId = this.unitinfo.id
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[0].submitted = true
+          // newObj.buildingBasicGroups[1].submitted = true
+          let newbodyObj2 = []
+          newbodyObj2.push(newObj)
+          this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BasicInfos",newbodyObj2,{
+            params:{
+              buildingId :newObj.buildingId
+            }
+            }).subscribe((data:any)=>{
+              this.houses[key].id = data[0].id
+              const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
+              config.verticalPosition = 'top';
+              config.duration = 3000
+              this.snackBar.open('建筑信息保存成功','确定',config);
+            },
+            err=>{
+              const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
+              config.verticalPosition = 'top';
+              config.duration = 3000
+              this.snackBar.open('请检查输入数据是否有误','确定',config);
+            })
+        }
-    }
+    })
\ No newline at end of file