import { Component, OnInit, Inject, ViewChild,ElementRef,Renderer2 } from '@angular/core'; |
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; |
import { MatDialog, MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog'; |
import { MatSnackBar, MatSnackBarConfig } from '@angular/material/snack-bar'; |
import {leftFunctionalDomainComponent,editPlaneFigureComponent} from './leftFunctionalDomain' |
import Swiper from 'swiper'; |
import {MatTreeFlatDataSource, MatTreeFlattener} from '@angular/material/tree'; |
import {FlatTreeControl} from '@angular/cdk/tree'; |
import {WorkingAreaComponent} from '../../working-area/working-area.component' |
import {CanvasShareDataService} from '../../canvas-share-data.service' //引入服务 |
import Viewer from 'viewerjs'; |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-collection-tools', |
templateUrl: './collection-tools.component.html', |
styleUrls: ['./collection-tools.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class CollectionToolsComponent implements OnInit { |
@ViewChild('canvas') canvas:WorkingAreaComponent; //父组件中获得子组件的引用 |
constructor(private http:HttpClient,public dialog: MatDialog,public snackBar: MatSnackBar,private element: ElementRef,public canvasData: CanvasShareDataService) { } |
// tree配置 |
private _transformer = (node, level: number) => {//要给渲染节点传那些属性参数 |
return { |
expandable: !!node.children && node.children.length > 0, |
name: node.name || node.Name, |
level: level, |
id: node.id || node.Id, |
children:node.children, |
isTemplate:node.isTemplate, |
isNewElement:node.isNewElement, |
isLook:node.isLook, |
isLookPattern:node.isLookPattern || null |
}; |
} |
treeControl = new FlatTreeControl<any>(node => node.level, node => node.expandable); |
treeFlattener = new MatTreeFlattener(this._transformer, node => node.level, node => node.expandable, node => node.children); |
dataSource = new MatTreeFlatDataSource(this.treeControl, this.treeFlattener); |
hasChild = (_: number, node: any) => node.expandable; |
colors = ['#076eec','#4dd0e1','#00ee76','#ffff00','#eeb422', |
'#FF6A6A','#ff0000','#ff6eb4','#00bfff','#54ff9f', |
'#009688','#836fff','#ff8c00','#ee00ee','#ffa07a', |
'#00C500','#00ffff','#6495ed','#ffdAb9','#AA00FF'] |
selected = "1" //图标大小选择框 |
allBuildings //该单位所有建筑 |
beforeOneCheckedBuilding:any = {name:"总平面图"}; //当前点击选择的建筑 |
checkedBuildingIndex:number = -1 //当前点击选择的建筑index |
isEditPat:boolean = true //当前是否是编辑模式 |
assetName:String//素材名称 |
assetWidth:number//素材宽度 |
assetHeight:number//素材高度 |
sliderValue:number = 0//角度滑竿的值 |
sliderValueThickness:number = 0//厚度滑竿的值 |
isHighLight:boolean = false//是否高亮选择框 |
PropertyInfos = [] //去除图片链接真正用于循环的内容 |
imagesArrNum //素材属性图片数量上限 |
imagesArr = [] //属性中的图片链接集合 |
clickedIndex //点击图片时的索引值 |
//传入素材对象,设置右侧属性栏内容 |
canvasAssetObj //传入的素材属性对象 |
isImgNumCss = false //控制上传文件input显隐 |
mySwiper:any //轮播图实例 |
gallery |
setAssetsProperty(obj){ |
setTimeout(() => { |
obj.PropertyInfos.forEach(item => { |
if(item.PropertyType == 4){ |
this.gallery = new Viewer(document.getElementById('viewerjs'),{ |
url: 'data-original' |
}); |
} |
}) |
}, 0); |
//从颜色中取出透明度 |
let color = obj.Color |
let strh = color.substring(color.length -2,color.length) |
let opacity = Math.round(parseInt(strh,16)/255 * 100) |
this.colorDivSliderValue = opacity |
this.isShowProperty = true |
this.isShowAttribute = false |
let _this = this |
this.imagesArr = [] |
this.imagesArrNum = "" |
this.canvasAssetObj = obj //将选中素材对象存到本地变量 |
// console.log(666,this.canvasAssetObj) |
this.assetName = obj.Name |
this.assetWidth = obj.Width |
this.assetHeight = obj.Height |
this.sliderValue = obj.Angle |
this.selectedcolor = obj.Color |
this.PropertyInfos = obj.PropertyInfos |
this.sliderValueThickness = obj.Thickness |
this.PropertyInfos.forEach(item => { |
if(item.PropertyType == 3){ //如果是图片链接类型 |
this.imagesArr.push(item) |
} |
if(item.PropertyType == 4){//图片数值上线 |
this.imagesArrNum = item.PropertyValue |
} |
}) |
//如果存在图片则加载轮播图 |
if(this.imagesArr.length){ |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container',{ |
loop: false, |
// grabCursor: true, |
// 如果需要前进后退按钮 |
navigation: { |
nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', |
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', |
}, |
on:{ |
click: function(){ |
_this.clickedIndex = this.clickedIndex |
}, |
} |
}); |
}, 0); |
} |
//判断此时图片数量是否达到上限 |
if(this.imagesArr.length < this.imagesArrNum){//如果不超出 |
this.isImgNumCss = true |
}else{ |
this.isImgNumCss = false |
} |
} |
//右侧div边框宽度调节 |
rightDivMouseDown(e){ |
document.onmousemove = (ev) => { |
let bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth //网页宽度 |
let maxWidth = bodyWidth - 240 - this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#leftDiv').clientWidth //最大宽度 |
if(bodyWidth - ev.clientX >= maxWidth){ |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#rightDiv').style.width = maxWidth + 'px' |
}else{ |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#rightDiv').style.width = bodyWidth - ev.clientX + 'px'; |
} |
} |
document.onmouseup = () => { |
document.onmousemove = null; |
document.onmouseup = null; |
} |
} |
//消防要素div边框高度调节 |
firecategoriesDivMouseDown(e){ |
document.onmousemove = (ev) => { |
let bodyHeight = document.body.clientHeight //网页宽度 |
let maxHeight = this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#rightDiv').clientHeight - 35 //最大宽度 |
if(bodyHeight - ev.clientY >= maxHeight){ |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#firecategories').style.height = maxHeight+ 'px' |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#property').style.height = 35+ 'px' |
}else{ |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#firecategories').style.height = (bodyHeight - ev.clientY) + 'px' ; |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#property').style.height = (this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#rightDiv').clientHeight - this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#firecategories').clientHeight) + 'px' |
} |
} |
document.onmouseup = () => { |
document.onmousemove = null; |
document.onmouseup = null; |
} |
} |
//左侧div边框宽度调节 |
leftDivMouseDown(e){ |
document.onmousemove = (ev) => { |
let bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth //网页宽度 |
let maxWidth = bodyWidth - 260 - this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#rightDiv').clientWidth //最大宽度 |
if(ev.clientX - 240 >= maxWidth){ |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#leftDiv').style.width = maxWidth + 'px' |
}else{ |
this.element.nativeElement.querySelector('#leftDiv').style.width = ev.clientX - 260 + 'px'; |
} |
} |
document.onmouseup = () => { |
document.onmousemove = null; |
document.onmouseup = null; |
} |
} |
//放大图标 |
iconScale(){ |
let number = Number(this.selected) |
this.canvas.setIconScale(number) |
} |
//素材宽度输入框改变 |
assetWidthIunput(){ |
this.canvasAssetObj.Width = this.assetWidth |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//素材高度输入框改变 |
assetHeightIunput(){ |
this.canvasAssetObj.Height = this.assetHeight |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//素材角度输入框改变 |
assetAngleIunput(){ |
this.canvasAssetObj.Angle = this.sliderValue |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//素材厚度输入框改变 |
assetThicknessIunput(){ |
this.canvasAssetObj.Thickness = this.sliderValueThickness |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//素材是否高亮改变----->本地操作行为 |
assetHighLightIunput(){ |
} |
//动态属性素材input框值改变 |
assetInputChange(i,e){ |
let index = this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.findIndex((item)=>{ |
return i.PropertyName == item.PropertyName |
}) |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos[index].PropertyValue = e.target.value |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//动态属性素材布尔值框改变radio |
assetRadioChange(i,boolean){ |
let index = this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.findIndex((item)=>{ |
return i.PropertyName == item.PropertyName |
}) |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos[index].PropertyValue = boolean |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
} |
colorIndex//默认素材颜色 |
selectedcolor//点击选择的颜色 |
//选择素材颜色 |
selectcolor(item,key){ |
//在当前透明度基础上改变颜色 |
this.selectedcolor = item + this.selectedcolor.substring(this.selectedcolor.length-2) |
this.canvasAssetObj.Color = this.selectedcolor |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//颜色选择滑竿的值 |
colorDivSliderValue |
colorDivSliderChange(){ |
let colorOpacity = Math.round(255 * this.colorDivSliderValue * 0.01) |
//根据滑竿值改变16进制颜色后两位 |
function replacepos(text,start,stop,replacetext){ |
let mystr = text.substring(0,stop-1)+replacetext+text.substring(stop+1); |
return mystr; |
} |
this.selectedcolor = replacepos(this.selectedcolor,7,8,colorOpacity.toString(16)) |
this.canvasAssetObj.Color = this.selectedcolor |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.canvas.refreshIcon(this.canvasAssetObj.Id) |
} |
//查看图片详情 |
lookImg(){ |
const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(ViewDetails, {//调用open方法打开对话框并且携带参数过去 |
data: {imagesArr:this.imagesArr,index:this.clickedIndex} |
}); |
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(data=>{ }); |
} |
//上传素材图片 |
selectFile(e){ |
let imgFile = e.target.files[0] || null //上传的文件 |
this.startUploading(imgFile) |
} |
objectName:any //上传对象名 |
startUploading (imgFile) { |
let _this = this |
let file = imgFile || null //获取上传的文件 |
let fileSize = file.size || null //上传文件的总大小 |
let shardSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 //5MB一个分片 |
let companyId = sessionStorage.getItem("companyId") |
if (file && fileSize <= shardSize) { //上传文件<=5MB时 |
let formData = new FormData() |
formData.append("file",file) |
this.http.post(`api/Objects/WebPlan2D/${companyId}`,formData).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.objectName = data.objectName |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('上传成功','确定',config) |
//在原始素材对象和需要循环图片的对象中分别push最新上传的图片 |
let imgObj = { |
"Tag": null, |
"Order": 0, |
"Enabled": false, |
"Visible": false, |
"Required": false, |
"RuleName": null, |
"RuleValue": null, |
"PhysicalUnit": null, |
"PropertyName": "图片", |
"PropertyType": 3, |
"PropertyValue": "/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/" + this.objectName |
} |
this.imagesArr.push(imgObj) |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.push(imgObj) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container',{ |
loop: false, |
// grabCursor: true, |
// 如果需要前进后退按钮 |
navigation: { |
nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', |
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', |
}, |
on:{ |
click: function(){ |
_this.clickedIndex = this.clickedIndex |
}, |
} |
}); |
this.mySwiper.slideTo(this.imagesArr.length - 1) |
this.gallery.update() |
}, 0); |
//判断上传素材属性图片是否超出数量 超出数量则隐藏input框 |
if(this.imagesArr.length < this.imagesArrNum){//不超出input才会显示 |
this.isImgNumCss = true |
}else{ |
this.isImgNumCss = false |
} |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
}) |
} else if (file && fileSize>shardSize) { //上传文件>5MB时,分块上传 |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('上传图片文件不允许大于5mb','确定',config); |
} |
} |
//不能上传图片提示 |
imgNumBeyond(){ |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('图片数量已达上限','确定',config); |
} |
//删除素材属性图片 |
deleteImg(){ |
if(this.imagesArr.length == 0){ |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('没有可删除的图片,请先上传','确定',config) |
}else{ |
// 在素材原始对象中将删除的图片去掉 |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos = [...this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.filter((item)=>{ |
return item.PropertyValue != this.imagesArr[this.mySwiper.activeIndex].PropertyValue |
})] |
//在图片循环数组中将图片去掉 |
this.imagesArr.splice(this.mySwiper.activeIndex, 1); |
//更新swiper视图 |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.mySwiper.update(); |
this.gallery.update() |
}, 0); |
this.canvasData.isChange = true; |
//将上传的input框显示出来 |
this.isImgNumCss = true; |
//清除图片缓存 |
if((<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('inputimg'))){ |
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('inputimg')).value = null //清空input框缓存 |
} |
} |
} |
//动态属性方向select选择框 |
direction(i,e){ |
let index = this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.findIndex((item)=>{ |
return i.PropertyName == item.PropertyName |
}) |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos[index].PropertyValue = e.target.value |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
} |
//动态属性供给区域select选择框 |
supplyArea(i,e){ |
let index = this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.findIndex((item)=>{ |
return i.PropertyName == item.PropertyName |
}) |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos[index].PropertyValue = e.target.value |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
} |
//动态属性供给类型select选择框 |
supplyType(i,e){ |
let index = this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos.findIndex((item)=>{ |
return i.PropertyName == item.PropertyName |
}) |
this.canvasAssetObj.PropertyInfos[index].PropertyValue = e.target.value |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.getAllLibrary() |
this.getAllBuildings() |
let that = this |
window.setTimeout(()=>{ |
document.getElementById("functionalDomainContent").oncontextmenu = function (event) { |
// that.canvas.cancelPaint() |
that.selectImageIndex = -1 |
event.preventDefault(); |
}; |
}) |
} |
ngAfterViewInit(): void { |
this.getSitePlan() |
// 监听canvas组件选中素材事件 |
this.canvas.on("select",obj=>{ |
//选中素材属性注入函数 |
this.setAssetsProperty(obj.assetData) |
}) |
// 监听canvas组件取消选中素材事件 |
this.canvas.on("deselect",obj=>{ |
this.isShowProperty = false |
}) |
// 监听canvas组件新增素材事件 |
this.canvas.on("createIcon",obj=>{ |
this.renovateTreeData(false) |
}) |
// 监听canvas组件删除素材事件 |
this.canvas.on("deleteIcon",obj=>{ |
this.renovateTreeData(false) |
}) |
} |
copyAssetData:any //存储用于复制的素材 |
//复制素材 |
copyAsset(){ |
this.canvas.copy() |
} |
//粘贴素材 |
pasteAsset(){ |
let companyId = sessionStorage.getItem("companyId") |
let buildingId = this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding.id |
let floorId = this.selectingSitePlan.id |
this.canvas.paste(companyId,buildingId,floorId) |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
} |
basicInfo:boolean = true //基本信息名称显隐 |
wantToWork:boolean = true //想定作业名称显隐 |
//点击基本信息名称 |
basicInfoClick(){ |
this.basicInfo = !this.basicInfo |
this.canvas.setNameVisible(this.basicInfo,0) |
} |
//点击想定作业名称 |
wantToWorkClick(){ |
this.wantToWork = !this.wantToWork |
this.canvas.setNameVisible(this.basicInfo,1) |
} |
isEditPattern:boolean = true //是否为编辑模式 |
//进入编辑模式 |
editpat(){ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('进入编辑模式','确定',config); |
this.isEditPattern = true |
} |
//进入查看模式 |
lookpat(){ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('进入查看模式','确定',config); |
this.isEditPattern = false |
} |
//保存平面图 |
saveNum :any = [] |
saveSite(){ |
if (this.selectingSitePlan && this.selectingSitePlan.id) { |
this.saveNum = [] |
let SitePlanData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData)); |
SitePlanData.data = JSON.stringify(SitePlanData.data) |
let CompanyData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData)); |
CompanyData.data = JSON.stringify(CompanyData.data) |
let object = this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data |
let adjoinArr = [] //毗邻数组 |
for (const key in object) { |
if (object[key].Name == "毗邻") {//如果是相同楼层,则筛选出毗邻 |
object[key].PropertyInfos.forEach(element => { |
if(element.PropertyName == "方向"){ |
adjoinArr.push(element.PropertyValue) |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
if((new Set(adjoinArr)).size != adjoinArr.length){ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存失败,毗邻存在相同方向','确定',config); |
return false |
}else{ |
//如果是单位 总平面图 |
if(this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1){ |
//保存平面图数据 |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlanData",SitePlanData).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('平面图数据保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//保存建筑数据 |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/CompanyData",CompanyData).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('单位数据保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//批量保存单位毗邻 |
let CompanyAdjoins = this.canvasData.getCompanyAdjoinInfo() |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/CompanyAdjoins/Batch",CompanyAdjoins).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('单位毗邻保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//批量保存单位重点部位 |
let CompanyImportantLocations = this.canvasData.getCompanyImportantLocations() |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/CompanyImportantLocations/Batch",CompanyImportantLocations).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('单位重点部位保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//批量保存单位消防设施素材 |
let CompanyFacilityAssets = this.canvasData.getAllCompanyFacilityAssetInfo() |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/CompanyFacilityAssets/Batch",CompanyFacilityAssets).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('单位消防设施素材保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
}else{ //如果是建筑 |
//建筑平面图数据 |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreaData",SitePlanData).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('平面图数据保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//建筑数据 |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingData",CompanyData).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('单位数据保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//批量保存建筑毗邻 |
let buildingAdjoins = this.canvasData.getBuildingAdjoinInfo() |
this.http.post(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAdjoins/Batch?buildingId=${this.canvasData.selectStorey.buildingId}`,buildingAdjoins).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('建筑毗邻保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//批量保存建筑重点部位 |
let buildingImportantLocations = this.canvasData.getBuildingImportantLocations() |
this.http.post(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingImportantLocations/Batch?buildingId=${this.canvasData.selectStorey.buildingId}`,buildingImportantLocations).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('建筑重点部位保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
//批量保存建筑消防设施素材 |
let buildingFacilityAssets = this.canvasData.getAllBuildingFacilityAssetInfo() |
this.http.post(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingFacilityAssets/Batch?buildingId=${this.canvasData.selectStorey.buildingId}&buildingAreaId=${this.canvasData.selectStorey.id}`,buildingFacilityAssets).subscribe(data => { |
this.saveNum.push("1") |
if(this.saveNum.length == 5){ |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('保存成功','确定',config); |
} |
},err=>{ |
let config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.canvasData.isChange = true |
this.snackBar.open('建筑消防设施素材保存失败','确定',config); |
}) |
} |
} |
} else { //if |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('暂无楼层数据','确定',config); |
} |
} |
//获得所有的建筑物 |
getAllBuildings(){ |
this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings").subscribe(data=>{ |
this.allBuildings = data |
}) |
} |
//创建建筑 |
createBuilding(){ |
let data = this.allBuildings |
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(CreateBuilding,{data}); |
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(data=>{ |
if (data == "创建成功") { |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('创建成功','确定',config); |
this.getAllBuildings() |
}else if (data == "创建失败") { |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('创建失败','确定',config); |
} |
}); |
} |
//选择建筑 |
checkedBuilding(item,index){ |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex!=index) { |
if (this.canvasData.isChange) { //true 数据被改动 |
let isTrue = confirm('是否保存当前编辑数据') |
if (isTrue) { //先保存数据 在切换 |
let isSuccess = this.saveSite()//true的时候 先保存数据 |
if (isSuccess != false) { |
this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding = item |
this.checkedBuildingIndex = index |
if (index==-1) { //总平面图数据 |
this.getSitePlan() |
} else { //建筑楼层/区域数据 |
this.getBuildingSitePlan(item) |
} |
} |
} else { |
this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding = item |
this.checkedBuildingIndex = index |
if (index==-1) { //总平面图数据 |
this.getSitePlan() |
} else { //建筑楼层/区域数据 |
this.getBuildingSitePlan(item) |
} |
} |
} else { //flase 数据未被改动 |
this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding = item |
this.checkedBuildingIndex = index |
if (index==-1) { //总平面图数据 |
this.getSitePlan() |
} else { //建筑楼层/区域数据 |
this.getBuildingSitePlan(item) |
} |
} //if |
} //if |
} |
//编辑建筑 |
editBuilding(e,item){ |
e.stopPropagation(); |
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(EditBuilding,{data: {item:item}}); |
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(data=>{ |
if (data == "修改成功") { |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('修改成功','确定',config); |
this.getAllBuildings() |
}else if (data == "修改失败") { |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('修改失败','确定',config); |
} |
}); |
} |
//删除建筑 |
deleteBuilding(e,item){ |
e.stopPropagation(); |
if(confirm("是否删除该建筑") == true){ |
this.http.delete(`/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings/${item.id}`).subscribe(data=>{ |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('删除成功','确定',config); |
this.http.get("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings").subscribe(data=>{ |
this.allBuildings = data |
this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding = {name:"总平面图"} |
this.checkedBuildingIndex = -1 |
this.getSitePlan() |
}) |
},err=>{ |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('删除失败','确定',config); |
this.getAllBuildings() |
}) |
} |
} |
storeyData //将建筑素材和当前楼层素材合二为一 |
//处理 tree 数据结构 |
handleTreeData (storeyData) { |
this.canvas.setNameVisible(this.basicInfo,0) |
this.storeyData = storeyData |
let data = this.allFireElements //所有消防要素模板 |
let treeData = [] //tree型 处理完成后的数据 |
data.forEach(element => { |
element.isTemplate = true //添加模板标识 |
element.isLook = true //添加是否可见标识 |
element.name!='其他'? element.children = [] : null |
if(storeyData){ |
for(let key in storeyData.data){ |
storeyData.data[key].isLookPattern = true |
if(element.id == storeyData.data[key].FireElementId){ |
storeyData.data[key].isTemplate = false |
storeyData.data[key].isLook = true |
element.isNewElement = true //该节点children是否存在新添加的真实素材 标识 |
//定义查看模式下能看到的元素 |
element.isLookPattern = true |
if(element.parentId){ |
data.forEach(i => { |
if(i.id == element.parentId){ |
i.isLookPattern = true |
} |
}) |
} |
// |
element.children.push(storeyData.data[key]) |
} |
} |
} |
data.forEach(item => { if (item.parentId == element.id) {element.children.push(item)} }); |
}); |
data.forEach(element => { |
if (!element.parentId) { treeData.push(element) } |
}); |
this.dataSource.data = treeData |
this.treeControl.expandAll() |
} |
//点击树节点 |
clickTreeNode(node){ |
if(this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data[node.id]){ |
this.setAssetsProperty(this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data[node.id]) |
}else if(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data[node.id]){ |
this.setAssetsProperty(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data[node.id]) |
} |
//canvas上的素材高亮 |
let iconHighLightArr:any = [] |
if(node.isTemplate){//如果是模板,则开始向下找 |
node.children.forEach(item => { |
if(item.isTemplate){//如果子节点依旧是模板,则继续开始向下找 |
item.children.forEach(i => { |
iconHighLightArr.push(i.Id) |
}) |
}else{ |
iconHighLightArr.push(item.Id) |
} |
}) |
}else{ |
iconHighLightArr.push(node.id) |
} |
this.canvas.setHighlight(iconHighLightArr) |
} |
//点击数节点的显示隐藏icon |
clickLookItem(node){ |
//修改真实素材islook属性 |
for(let key in this.storeyData.data){ |
if(key == node.id){ |
this.storeyData.data[key].isLook = !this.storeyData.data[key].isLook |
} |
} |
//所有消防要素模板变化islook值 |
if(node.isTemplate){ |
this.allFireElements.forEach(item=>{ |
if(item.id == node.id || item.name == "其他"){ |
item.isLook = !item.isLook |
} |
}) |
} |
//子节点跟随父节点的islook变化 |
if(node.children && node.children.length != 0){ |
node.children.forEach(item=>{ |
item.isLook = !node.isLook |
if(item.children && item.children.length != 0){ |
item.children.forEach(i=>{ |
i.isLook = !node.isLook |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
const nodes = this.treeControl.dataNodes; |
const expandNodes = []; |
nodes.forEach((item) => { |
if(item.expandable && this.treeControl.isExpanded(item)){ |
expandNodes.push(item.id); |
} |
}); |
this.dataSource.data = [...this.dataSource.data] |
let newNodes = this.treeControl.dataNodes; |
newNodes = newNodes.filter(n => { |
return expandNodes.indexOf(n.id) >= 0; |
}); |
newNodes.forEach(item => { |
this.treeControl.expand(item); |
}); |
//canvas上的素材显隐 |
let iconVisibleArr:any = [] |
if(node.isTemplate){//如果是模板,则开始向下找 |
node.children.forEach(item => { |
if(item.isTemplate){//如果子节点依旧是模板,则继续开始向下找 |
item.children.forEach(i => { |
iconVisibleArr.push(i.Id) |
}) |
}else{ |
iconVisibleArr.push(item.Id) |
} |
}) |
}else{ |
iconVisibleArr.push(node.id) |
} |
this.canvas.setIconVisible(iconVisibleArr,!node.isLook) |
} |
//计算 可视区域内宽度, 是否缩放背景图 |
backGroundScale () { |
let that = this |
let dad = document.querySelector('.functionalDomainContent').clientWidth |
let dadHeight = document.querySelector('.functionalDomainContent').clientHeight |
let left = document.querySelector('.functionalDomainLeft').clientWidth |
let right = document.querySelector('.functionalDomainRight').clientWidth |
let imgWidth = dad - left - right//可视区域内 宽度 |
let img = new Image() |
img.src = this.selectingSitePlan.imageUrl; |
img.onload = function(){ |
if (img.height > dadHeight && img.width > imgWidth) { |
let width = imgWidth/img.width |
let height = dadHeight/img.height |
that.canvas.setBackgroundScale((width>height? height : width)-0.005) |
return |
} else if (img.height > dadHeight) { |
that.canvas.setBackgroundScale((dadHeight/img.height)-0.005) |
return |
} else if (img.width > imgWidth) { |
that.canvas.setBackgroundScale((imgWidth/img.width)-0.005) |
return |
} |
}; |
} |
//封装 刷新 tree 数据 |
renovateTreeData (isRefresh:boolean = true) { |
this.allFireElements[this.allFireElements.length-1].children = [] |
isRefresh? this.canvas.refresh() : null |
isRefresh? this.canvasData.isChange = false : null //服务中 数据是否改动 改为false |
isRefresh? this.isShowProperty = true : null |
isRefresh? this.isShowAttribute = true : null |
isRefresh && this.selectingSitePlan.imageUrl? this.backGroundScale() : null |
let beforeOneId = this.selectingSitePlan.id || '' //当前 选中 平面图 楼层/区域 id |
let companyBuildingData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData || {} )) // 当前 单位/建筑 数据 |
let storeyData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData || {} )) //当前 楼层 数据 |
for(let key in companyBuildingData.data){ |
if (companyBuildingData.data[key].FloorId === beforeOneId) { //处理 单位/建筑 数据是否归于当前楼层下 |
storeyData.data[key] = companyBuildingData.data[key] |
} |
} |
for(let key in storeyData.data){ //筛选数据 没有匹配全部放入到 其他 数组 |
let noMatch = this.allFireElements.find( every=> every.id===storeyData.data[key].FireElementId ) |
if (!noMatch) { |
this.allFireElements[this.allFireElements.length-1].children.push(storeyData.data[key]) |
} |
} |
this.handleTreeData(storeyData) //处理tree数据结构 |
} |
//陈鹏飞↓↓↓ |
//陈鹏飞↓↓↓ |
//陈鹏飞↓↓↓ |
allFireElements:any = []; //当前 单位/建筑 下的消防要素 |
isShowAttribute:boolean = true; //属性栏 是否显示 默认数据 |
isShowProperty:boolean = false //属性栏 是否有东西 |
toggleExpandPanel:boolean = false; //可展开面板展开或关闭 |
toggleExpandPanelRight:boolean = false; //可展开面板展开或关闭 |
togglePlane:boolean = true; //可展开面板平面图 显隐 |
toggleMaterialBank:boolean = false; //可展开面板素材库 显隐 |
//可展开面板展开或关闭 |
toggle () { |
this.toggleExpandPanel = !this.toggleExpandPanel |
} |
//可展开面板展开或关闭 |
toggle2 () { |
this.toggleExpandPanelRight = !this.toggleExpandPanelRight |
} |
//可展开面板 平面图 展开或关闭 |
togglePlanarGraph () { |
this.togglePlane = !this.togglePlane |
} |
//可展开面板 素材库 展开或关闭 |
toggleMaterial () { |
this.toggleMaterialBank = !this.toggleMaterialBank |
} |
sitePlanData:any = []; //总平面图 楼层/区域 数据 |
selectingSitePlan:any; //选中的 平面图 楼层/区域 |
selectSitePlanIndex:number; //选中的 平面图 楼层/区域 index |
//获取总平面图 |
getSitePlan () { |
let fireData = this.getFireElements(sessionStorage.getItem('buildingTypeId')) //获取单位下 消防要素 |
let planData = this.getSitePlanCompanyData() //获取 单位 数据 |
this.http.get('/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans').subscribe(data=>{ |
this.sitePlanData = data |
this.selectingSitePlan = this.sitePlanData[0] || {} |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = this.sitePlanData[0] || {} //服务中 存一份数据 |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = 0 |
Promise.all([fireData,planData]).then((res)=>{ |
this.getSitePlanStorey(this.selectingSitePlan) //获取 平面图 楼层数据 |
}) |
}) |
} |
//获取建筑 楼层/区域 |
getBuildingSitePlan (item) { |
let params = { |
buildingId: item.id |
} |
let fireData = this.getFireElements(item.buildingTypes[0].id || '') //获取建筑下 消防要素 |
let planData = this.getBuildingData(params) //获取 建筑 数据 |
this.http.get('/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas',{params}).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.sitePlanData = data |
this.selectingSitePlan = this.sitePlanData[0] || {} |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = this.sitePlanData[0] || {} //服务中 存一份数据 |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = 0 |
Promise.all([fireData,planData]).then((res)=>{ |
this.getBuildingStorey(this.selectingSitePlan) //获取 建筑 楼层数据 |
}) |
}) |
} |
//根据单位类型获得所有的消防要素 |
getFireElements (e) { |
let params = {ids:e} |
return new Promise ((resolve,reject)=>{ |
this.http.get('/api/Companies/FireElements',{params}).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.allFireElements = data //所有消防要素 |
let other = { |
children: [], |
computed: true, |
id: '', |
name: '其他', |
order: 999, |
parentId: null, |
tag: "INPUT", |
isLookPattern : true |
} |
this.allFireElements.push(other) |
resolve('success') |
}) |
}) |
} |
//获取 单位 数据 |
getSitePlanCompanyData () { |
return new Promise ((resolve,reject)=>{ |
this.http.get('/api/CompanyAccount/CompanyData').subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData = data || {} // 单位原数据 |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data? this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data = JSON.parse(this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data) : this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data = {} |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.version? null : this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.version = "2.0" |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.companyId? null : this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.companyId = sessionStorage.getItem('companyId') |
resolve('success') |
}) |
}) |
} |
//获取 平面图 楼层数据 |
getSitePlanStorey (e) { |
let params = {sitePlanId: e.id} |
this.http.get(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlanData`,{params}).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData = data || {} // 楼层原数据 |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data? this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data = JSON.parse(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data) : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data = {} |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.version? null : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.version = "2.0" |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.sitePlanId? null : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.sitePlanId = e.id || null |
this.renovateTreeData() |
}) |
} |
//获取 建筑 数据 |
getBuildingData (e) { |
return new Promise ((resolve,reject)=>{ |
this.http.get(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingData`,{params:e}).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData = data || {} // 建筑原数据 |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data? this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data = JSON.parse(this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data) : this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.data = {} |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.version? null : this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.version = "2.0" |
this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.buildingId? null : this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData.buildingId = e.buildingId |
resolve('success') |
}) |
}) |
} |
//获取 建筑 楼层数据 |
getBuildingStorey (e) { |
let params = {buildingAreaId: e.id} |
this.http.get(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreaData`,{params}).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData = data || {} // 楼层原数据 |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data? this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data = JSON.parse(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data) : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data = {} |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.version? null : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.version = "2.0" |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.buildingAreaId? null : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.buildingAreaId = e.id || null |
this.renovateTreeData() |
}) |
} |
//点击选中 平面图 楼层/区域 时 |
selectSitePlan (item,index) { |
if (this.selectSitePlanIndex != index) { |
if (this.canvasData.isChange) { //true 数据被改动 |
let isTrue = confirm('是否保存当前编辑数据') |
if (isTrue) { //先保存数据 在切换 |
let isSuccess = this.saveSite()//true的时候 先保存数据 |
if (isSuccess != false) { |
this.selectingSitePlan = item |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = index |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = item //服务中 存一份数据 |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图时 |
this.getSitePlanStorey(item) //获取 平面图 楼层数据 |
} else { //楼层/区域时 |
this.getBuildingStorey(item) //获取 建筑 楼层数据 |
} |
} |
} else { //不保存数据 直接切换 |
this.selectingSitePlan = item |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = index |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = item //服务中 存一份数据 |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图时 |
this.getSitePlanStorey(item) //获取 平面图 楼层数据 |
this.getSitePlanCompanyData () |
} else { //楼层/区域时 |
this.getBuildingStorey(item) //获取 建筑 楼层数据 |
let params = { buildingId: this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding.id } |
this.getBuildingData(params) |
} |
} |
} else { //false 数据没被改动 |
this.selectingSitePlan = item |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = index |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = item //服务中 存一份数据 |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图时 |
this.getSitePlanStorey(item) //获取 平面图 楼层数据 |
} else { //楼层/区域时 |
this.getBuildingStorey(item) //获取 建筑 楼层数据 |
} |
} //if |
} |
} |
//新增平面图 楼层/区域 |
foundPanel (e) { |
e.stopPropagation() |
let data = { |
isBuilding: this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1? false:true, |
Panel: this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding, |
order: this.sitePlanData.length? this.sitePlanData[this.sitePlanData.length-1].order+1:0, |
} |
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(leftFunctionalDomainComponent,{data}); |
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(data=>{ |
if (data =='总平面图') { |
this.renovateSitePlan() |
} else if (data =='建筑') { |
this.renovateBuilding() |
} |
}) |
} |
//编辑平面图 楼层/区域 |
editPlaneData (e) { |
let data = { |
isBuilding: this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1? false:true, |
Panel: this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding, |
buildingData: e, |
} |
let dialogRef = this.dialog.open(editPlaneFigureComponent,{data}); |
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(data=>{ |
if (data =='总平面图') { |
this.renovateSitePlan() |
} else if (data =='建筑') { |
this.renovateBuilding() |
} |
}) |
} |
//平面图 楼层/区域 上移 |
moveUp (item,index) { |
if (index != 0) { |
let replaceIndex = this.sitePlanData[index].order |
this.sitePlanData[index].order = this.sitePlanData[index-1].order |
this.sitePlanData[index-1].order = replaceIndex |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${this.sitePlanData[index-1].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index-1]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${this.sitePlanData[index].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = this.selectSitePlanIndex-1 |
this.renovateSitePlan() |
}) |
}) |
} else { //楼层/区域 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${this.sitePlanData[index-1].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index-1]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${this.sitePlanData[index].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = this.selectSitePlanIndex-1 |
this.renovateBuilding() |
}) |
}) |
} |
} //if index |
} |
//平面图 楼层/区域 下移 |
moveDown (item,index) { |
if (index != this.sitePlanData.length-1) { |
let replaceIndex = this.sitePlanData[index].order |
this.sitePlanData[index].order = this.sitePlanData[index+1].order |
this.sitePlanData[index+1].order = replaceIndex |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${this.sitePlanData[index+1].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index+1]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${this.sitePlanData[index].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = this.selectSitePlanIndex+1 |
this.renovateSitePlan() |
}) |
}) |
} else { //楼层/区域 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${this.sitePlanData[index+1].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index+1]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${this.sitePlanData[index].id}`,this.sitePlanData[index]).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = this.selectSitePlanIndex+1 |
this.renovateBuilding() |
}) |
}) |
} |
} //if index |
} |
//旋转底图 |
revolveImg (item) { |
item.imageAngle==270? item.imageAngle = 0 : item.imageAngle = item.imageAngle+90 |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${item.id}`,item).subscribe(data=>{ |
let isSuccess = this.renovateSitePlan() |
isSuccess.then(res=>{ |
this.canvas.refreshBackgroundImage() |
}) |
}) |
} else { //楼层/区域 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${item.id}`,item).subscribe(data=>{ |
let isSuccess = this.renovateBuilding() |
isSuccess.then(res=>{ |
this.canvas.refreshBackgroundImage() |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
//删除 平面图 楼层/区域 |
deletePlaneData (item) { |
let isDelete = confirm('您确定要删除吗') |
if (isDelete) { |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图 |
this.http.delete(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${item.id}`).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.deleteShareData(item,-1) |
}) |
} else { //楼层/区域 |
this.http.delete(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${item.id}`).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.deleteShareData(item,1) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
//删除当前 单位/建筑的 共享数据中 已删除data |
deleteShareData (e,isCompany) { |
this.sitePlanData.forEach((element,index) => { |
if (element.id===e.id) { |
this.sitePlanData.splice(index,1) |
return |
} |
}); |
let data = this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData; |
for(let key in data.data){ |
if (data.data[key].FloorId === e.id) { //处理 单位/建筑 数据是否归于当前楼层下 |
delete data.data[key] |
} |
} |
let newData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.canvasData.originalcompanyBuildingData)); |
newData.data = JSON.stringify(newData.data) // 转换JSON 数据格式 |
this.selectingSitePlan = this.sitePlanData[0] || {} |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = this.sitePlanData[0] || {} //服务中 存一份数据 |
this.selectSitePlanIndex = 0 |
this.canvasData.isChange = false |
if (isCompany===-1) { |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/CompanyData",newData).subscribe(data => {}) |
this.getSitePlanStorey(this.selectingSitePlan) //获取 平面图 楼层数据 |
} else { |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingData",newData).subscribe(data => {}) |
this.getBuildingStorey(this.selectingSitePlan) //获取 建筑 楼层数据 |
} |
} |
//复制图层 平面图 楼层/区域 |
duplicateLayer (item) { |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex==-1) { //总平面图 |
item.id = "" |
item.modifiedTime = new Date() |
item.name = item.name + '(副本)' |
item.order = this.sitePlanData[this.sitePlanData.length-1].order+1 |
this.http.post('/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans',item).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
let newData = { |
version: this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.version || "2.0", |
id: "", |
data: JSON.stringify( JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data)) ) || null, |
sitePlanId: data.id |
} |
this.http.post('/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlanData',newData).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.renovateSitePlan() |
}) |
}) |
} else { //楼层/区域 |
item.id = "" |
item.modifiedTime = new Date() |
item.name = item.name + '(副本)' |
item.order = this.sitePlanData[this.sitePlanData.length-1].order+1 |
this.http.post('/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas',item).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
let newData = { |
version: this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.version || "2.0", |
id: "", |
data: JSON.stringify( JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.data)) ) || null, |
buildingAreaId: data.id |
} |
this.http.post('/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreaData',newData).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.renovateBuilding() |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
//平面图 楼层/区域 替换底图 |
replaceBaseMap (e,item) { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
let file = e.target.files[0] || null //获取上传的文件 |
let fileSize = file.size || null //上传文件的总大小 |
let maxSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 //5MB一个分片 |
if (file && fileSize<=maxSize) { //上传文件<=5MB时 |
let formData = new FormData() |
formData.append("file",file) |
this.http.post(`/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/${sessionStorage.getItem('companyId')}`,formData).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
this.renovateBaseMap(data.objectName,item) |
}) |
} else { |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('上传底图需小于5MB','确定',config); |
} |
} |
//封装 替换底图 function |
renovateBaseMap (e,item) { |
item.imageUrl = '/api/Objects/WebPlan2D/' + e |
if (this.checkedBuildingIndex ==-1) { //总平面图 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans/${item.id}`,item).subscribe(data=>{ |
let isSuccess = this.renovateSitePlan() |
isSuccess.then(res=>{ |
this.canvas.refreshBackgroundImage() |
this.backGroundScale() |
}) |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('上传底图成功','确定',config); |
}) |
} else { //楼层/区域 |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas/${item.id}`,item).subscribe(data=>{ |
let isSuccess = this.renovateBuilding() |
isSuccess.then(res=>{ |
this.canvas.refreshBackgroundImage() |
this.backGroundScale() |
}) |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('上传底图成功','确定',config); |
}) |
} |
} |
//封装 刷新总平面图 数据 |
renovateSitePlan () { |
return new Promise ((resolve,reject)=>{ |
this.http.get('/api/CompanyAccount/SitePlans').subscribe(data=>{ |
this.sitePlanData = data |
this.selectingSitePlan = this.sitePlanData[this.selectSitePlanIndex] |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = this.sitePlanData[this.selectSitePlanIndex] //服务中 存一份数据 |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.sitePlanId? null : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.sitePlanId = this.selectingSitePlan.id || null |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('数据更新成功','确定',config); |
resolve('success') |
}) |
}) |
} |
//封装 刷新 楼层/区域 数据 |
renovateBuilding () { |
let params = { |
buildingId: this.beforeOneCheckedBuilding.id |
} |
return new Promise ((resolve,reject)=>{ |
this.http.get('/api/CompanyAccount/BuildingAreas',{params}).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.sitePlanData = data |
this.selectingSitePlan = this.sitePlanData[this.selectSitePlanIndex] |
this.canvasData.selectStorey = this.sitePlanData[this.selectSitePlanIndex] //服务中 存一份数据 |
this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.buildingAreaId? null : this.canvasData.originaleveryStoreyData.buildingAreaId = this.selectingSitePlan.id || null |
const config = new MatSnackBarConfig(); |
config.verticalPosition = 'top'; |
config.duration = 3000 |
this.snackBar.open('数据更新成功','确定',config); |
resolve('success') |
}) |
}) |
} |
allLibrary:any = []; //所有素材库 + 素材 |
selectLibrary:any; //选中的素材库 |
selectImage:any; //选中的素材库图片 |
selectImageIndex:number; //选中的素材库图片index |
//获取素材库 |
getAllLibrary () { |
this.http.get('/api/AssetLibraries?tag=input').subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
data.forEach(element => { |
element.images = [] |
}); |
this.allLibrary = data |
}) |
} |
//素材库展开面板展开时 |
opened (e) { |
if (!e.images.length) { //当前素材库没加载素材时 |
this.http.get(`/api/Assets?libraryId=${e.id}`).subscribe((data:any)=>{ |
e.images = data |
}) |
} |
} |
//点击选中素材库图片时 |
selectImg (item,items,index) { |
this.selectLibrary = item.name |
this.selectImage = items |
this.selectImageIndex = index |
this.canvasData.selectTemplateData = items |
this.canvas.beginPaint() |
} |
} |
//创建建筑 |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-createBuilding', |
templateUrl: './createBuilding.html', |
styleUrls: ['./collection-tools.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class CreateBuilding { |
constructor(private http:HttpClient,public dialog: MatDialog,public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<CreateBuilding>,@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data) { } |
allBuildingType:any//所有的建筑类型 |
selected:any; //选中的建筑 |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.getAllBuildingType() |
} |
getAllBuildingType(){ |
this.http.get("/api/BuildingTypes/Simple").subscribe(data=>{ |
this.allBuildingType = data |
}) |
} |
//创建建筑功能分区 |
onSubmit (e) { |
let companyId = sessionStorage.getItem("companyId") |
let lastBuildingOrder = this.data.length != 0 ? this.data[this.data.length - 1].order + 1 : 0 |
let data = |
{ |
id: "", |
name: e.propertyName, |
order: lastBuildingOrder , |
enabled: true, |
companyId: companyId, |
buildingTypes: [ |
{ |
id: e.buildingId, |
name: "" |
} |
] |
} |
this.http.post("/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings",data).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.dialogRef.close("创建成功"); |
},err=>{ |
this.dialogRef.close("创建失败"); |
}) |
} |
} |
//编辑建筑 |
@Component({ |
selector: 'app-editBuilding', |
templateUrl: './editBuilding.html', |
styleUrls: ['./collection-tools.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class EditBuilding { |
constructor(private http:HttpClient,public dialog: MatDialog,public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<EditBuilding>,@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data) { } |
defaultName:String = this.data.item.name//默认建筑名称 |
defaultBuildingType:String = this.data.item.buildingTypes[0].id//默认建筑类型 |
allBuildingType:any//所有的建筑类型 |
ngOnInit(): void { |
this.getAllBuildingType() |
} |
getAllBuildingType(){ |
this.http.get("/api/BuildingTypes/Simple").subscribe(data=>{ |
this.allBuildingType = data |
}) |
} |
//编辑建筑信息 |
onSubmit (e) { |
let companyId = sessionStorage.getItem("companyId") |
let data = |
{ |
id: this.data.item.id, |
name: e.propertyName, |
order: this.data.item.order, |
enabled: true, |
companyId: companyId, |
buildingTypes: [ |
{ |
id: e.buildingId, |
name: "" |
} |
] |
} |
this.http.put(`/api/CompanyAccount/Buildings/${this.data.item.id}`,data).subscribe(data=>{ |
this.dialogRef.close("修改成功"); |
},err=>{ |
this.dialogRef.close("修改失败"); |
}) |
} |
} |
//查看图片大图 |
@Component({ |
selector: 'viewdetails', |
templateUrl: './viewdetails.html', |
styleUrls: ['./collection-tools.component.scss'] |
}) |
export class ViewDetails { |
// myControl = new FormControl(); |
//注入MatDialogRef,可以用来关闭对话框 |
//要访问对话框组件中的数据,必须使用MAT_DIALOG_DATA注入令牌 |
constructor(private http: HttpClient,public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<ViewDetails>,@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data,private element: ElementRef) {} |
imagesArr = this.data.imagesArr |
onNoClick(): void { |
this.dialogRef.close(); |
} |
ngOnInit(): void { |
setTimeout(() => { |
var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container',{ |
loop: false, |
initialSlide :this.data.index,//默认索引 |
// 如果需要前进后退按钮 |
navigation: { |
nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', |
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', |
} |
//其他设置 |
}); |
}, 0); |
} |
closeDialog(){ |
this.dialogRef.close(); |
} |
count = 10 |
zoomimg(e) { |
if(this.count != 1 || e.wheelDelta >= 120){ |
if(e.wheelDelta >= 120){ |
this.count++ |
}else{ |
this.count-- |
} |
} |
e.srcElement.style.zoom = this.count + '0%' |
e.srcElement.style.maxWidth = null |
e.srcElement.style.maxHeight = null |
} |
} |